Thank-you for your patience and your continued support! As a disclaimer, I don't own Naruto or the characters! Enjoy!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Karui-sama? Are you awake?"

Bolting upright, I scrambled out of bed. Devilish and panicked, I struggled to get dress only to fall flat on my ass, landing awkwardly on my injured hand. Wincing, I struggled to stand in my drowsy state and threw on a skirt and a shirt.

I rushed to the door, wrenching it open. "What is it? Am I late? Have the guests already left?"

Matsuri laughed, "no but I came by to make sure you were properly fed and bathed since I'm your advisor." She grinned widely, "shall we?"

Sighing in relief, I closed the door behind me and nodded, "let's."

As we walked towards the baths that lay at the end of the hall, I found myself studding her. Her brown hair was slightly tousled, and she seemed perfectly relaxed.

He must've a done quite a number on her, I surmised. Walking into the baths, I went into a small corner and began to undress. Since it was still quite early, we were the only two here which made very me happy; I wasn't very comfortable in large gathering when it came to baths. As I scrubbed my body, I took great care in unwrapping my bandages form my arm. I was glad to see that my cuts had held and gingerly washed them. Apart from a few minor cuts and a large bruise, my hand also seemed fine. Entering the bath, I made my way towards the end, letting myself sink as every fiber of my being hummed in delight.

Matsuri took the end opposite me and sighed. "This is just wonderful, wouldn't you agree? I'm glad I was able to catch you this early. I'm sure you are very worry about lays ahead for the next two weeks."

"I am. Its like I have been thrown into a dragon's cave without any weapons." Chuckling, I tucked a strand of wet hair behind my ear. " So, what exactly should I expect? Is there an itinerary at least?"

Leaning back, Matsuri nodded. "Yes, but I'm in charge of it's upkeep. As your assistance, it's my duty to update you and guide you. The first order of business is your wedding guests. They will be leaving in a series of days. Those with urgent business back home will leave today while others while have requested a longer stay. "

"A longer stay?"

"Don't worry too much, Lady Karui. Those that have decided to extend their day are only here to relax and sight-see while under the protection of the Godaime; it's a prestige, thing." Matsuri smiled, " they won't bother you, I promise."

Sinking under the water, I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. "I think I can do this."

Matsuri laughed. "Yup, and I'll be there to help every step of the way."

On the outskirts, a coach rumbled towards the entrance of Suna before it was halted; the four jounin surround the carriage, scrutinizing the elderly man who simply smiled.

"What business brings you here?"

"I'm a traveling merchant from the Land of Water. I have wares to sell." The old man bowed. "You are welcome to search my wagon."

Frowning, one of the guards marched over and opened his carriage for inspection. There a small silence before the guard nodded to his fellow shinobi.

"He's clean, let him pass."

Returning to his seat, the old man bowed again before spurring his horse through the gates.

The sunlight streamed through the little office that I had been given as I sat down, shifting through the paperwork; the Kazekage's office was currently of limits since the stubborn man had decided to keep it locked for whatever reason. No matter, I thought, as I sipped my tea, this was just fine. Besides, it was quiet and secluded on the top floor. Leaning back, I stared out my small window. After I had bathed, I had been taken to a large dressing room where I had been wrapped up in an elaborate kimono of blue and gold, complete with a pristine, white cloak that had wide, butterfly sleeves. I studied the fabric; it was smooth and cool but it felt constricting. With my katana, Iruka, tied securely around my waist, I gazed at my watch. In an hour, I would see to the first wave of departures, which mainly consisted of the Hokage, the Hyuga clan and that foolish Uzumaki. He had caused quite a stir during breakfast; bereft of that fact his favorite food wasn't being served, he had grumble out loud, picking at his food which only served to aggravate a few of the other guest, most notably the Yotsuki Clan of Kumo whom I held a great respect for. I shook my head. By the end of it, I had ordered a bowl of ramen for each guest.

Sitting outside a café, Kankuro had decided that he would indulge himself a little; a huge scroll leaned against his legs. Watching the throngs of people pass him by, he found myself thinking about the impending war and its implications. He couldn't quite grasp it yet, but there would be chaos soon and bloodshed. Nursing his coffee, he stared at his hands. Was he ready? Were any of them? He had desperately wanted to join his younger brother in his mission, if only to protect him, but Gaara had shut him down. Suddenly frustrated, Kankuro had the sudden urge to throw his cup of coffee. Taking a deep breath, he scanned the area again. In the far corner and elderly man struggled to lift a few crates from his wagon. Getting up, Kankuro left some change on the table and decided to help the old man.

Standing outside, with a hand on the hilt of my sword, I watched as few guests began to secure their luggage on their stagecoaches; my robe billowed in the wind and my bangs whipped across my face, gently, as I surveyed the first of many to leave. Matsuri stood by my side, handing out small gifts to each person as a token of gratitude. Despite my initial misgivings, I had even prepared personal escorts to those who had requested them. These were Suna' allies and friends after all, and as his-stand-in, I would do what I could to keep them safe and happy.

"Where's Gaara, anyway?"

The question caught me off guard, and I turned to see a quizzical Naruto making his way towards me.

I shrugged. "He's at a meeting."

Naruto frowned, "really? And he left you here alone? It must have been important."

"Apparently, something to do with a another Sum-" but before I could even finish my sentence, I was abruptly cut off by an irate Lady Tsunade who marched over, seething, holding an empty bottle of wine.


Naruto winced, "gotta go. See you on the battlefield!"

Next, it was the Hyuga clan. Lord Hiashi bowed. "Thank-you for your hospitality. I look forward to working with you and your husband in the future."

I bowed, "we hope you'll join us soon again."

Once he had left, Lady Hinata bowed and held my hands. "Until then."

I smiled,"until then."

Letting me go, she hurried to join her father.

"Karui-sama," Neji bowed and my breath hitched; he stood up and I cursed myself inwardly. I felt like such a schoolgirl.

He continued. "If there is ever a need of our services, Konoha will respond. We are the Kazekage's allies, after all."

Bowing, I felt his hand graze my cheek and I immediately stood up; thankfully, no had noticed. Embarrassed at the sudden contact I tried to remain cool, convinced it had been an accident.

"Thank-you. Your friendship is very much appreciated."

Without a word, he turned to join the others.

Alone in the market square, the old man unfurled a scroll. Producing a quill, he quickly wrote down a message: What are my orders?

After a few moments, another message appeared: Wait.

As the sun began to descend, I watched as people below milled in and out shops, markets, boutiques, running various errands, and I gripped Iruka tighter; they were all under my care. Matsuri stood beside me and bowed.

"Today's duties are through." Straightening up, she grinned. "You did well. Tomorrow will a little bit harder. You'll have to visit the academy and sit in on your first council meeting. There will be a few delegates from various village within the Land of Wind, including the Daimyos, but other then that, I think you'll be fine."

Turning to her, I stared at her, and asked. " Do you want to get some ice cream with me?"

Matsuri smiled, "I would be honored."

As we began to make our descent towards the markets a sudden chill went through my spine. Something was off.

Matsuri noted my expression. "Is everything ok?"

Linking my arm through hers, I smiled. " Just a little cold, is all."

For a while we walked in a silence, until Matsuri spoke.

"I noticed you didn't wear your rings."

Glancing at my hand, I frowned; I had completely forgotten about my rings. I knew I had taken off my wedding ring off after our first night together in spite but the official seal had completely slipped my mind. Clenching my hand into a fist, I stared off into the distant.

"You're right. I'll fix that for tomorrow."

Matsuri nodded, "good. They are quite important, especially your wedding ring."

I paused, my brows arched. "Oh? Why?"

Matsuri expression became stoic. " That ring has the ability to call the Godaime to your side in your hour of need."

"Wait, what?"

We stopped walking and I stared at her; her eyes were steely and her mouth was set in a severe line. "And it goes both ways. If the Godaime were ever in trouble, he would activate his ring and there you'd be, come hell or high water."

My mind blanked; the magnitude of what she was saying hit me like a ton of bricks. This wasn't just some agreement on paper anymore; my life was in the balance because of him.

I gave up my freedom for you. I expect you to do the same.

Balking, I squeezed the hilt of my sword, nearly fainting.

Gaara scanned the area. They had been traveling towards Yugakure, in their hopes to intercept the Uchiha. Based on recent inlet, it seemed his end goal was the Land of Water. As he speed past, he felt the sun descend and wondered if everything had gone smoothly back home. He was sure she had caused a mess or a devastating political scandal. He was interrupted from his thoughts, however, when he heard a shout. His head snapped back towards the sound was immediately greeted to a succession of explosions. The Toorima dodged the attack with ease and formed a protective circle around him. His eyes peered through the smoke; he suddenly felt a chill. It couldn't be….
