Chapter 1

A New Discovery

It was night time in Station Square. Shadow and Rouge had just come back from their last mission. They walked into G.U.N's computer room. Shadow walked up to the computer and started logging in. Rouge saw what Shadow was doing and asked.

"Shadow, what are you doing? Rouge asked.

"What does it look like?" Shadow snapped.

Rouge looked at what Shadow was looking up.

"Your looking at G.U.N's secret files" Rouge exclaimed.

"And…" Shadow said.

"And the Commander wouldn't want you looking in the secret files" Rouge told Shadow.

"So what!" Shadow said.

"Shadow, you're not betraying G.U.N are you?" Rouge asked.

Shadow looked at Rouge.

"What? Are you saying you don't trust me?" Shadow shouted.

"No! I'm just wondering why you want to look at the secret files?" Rouge said.

"I'm looking at the secret files, because I want to see if the Commander is telling me everything" Shadow answered.

"I see you still want to remember everything from your past" Rouge said, "Including Maria."

Shadow froze as he heard this. Ever since he defeated Black Doom and saved the world yet again from being crushed by the Black Comet, he hadn't thought about that.

"Shadow?" Rouge asked.

Shadow snapped out of his trance and continued typing.

"Shadow, what if you come across something you weren't meant to find out" Rouge told Shadow.

Shadow just ignored her and kept on typing.

"Are you even listening to me?" Rouge yelled.

Shadow kept typing, until…

"Got it" Shadow exclaimed.

"Got what?" Rouge asked.

"I found all the files containing information from fifty years ago" Shadow told Rouge.

Rouge looked at the computer screen.

"But, there's only one project Shadow file, the other files are about something else" Rouge explained.

Shadow looked at the screen and agreed.

"That must be the project Shadow file the Doctor took" Shadow said.

"Well, what are the other files?" Rouge asked.

"There's one called Project Dark" Shadow said.

Shadow and Rouge looked at each other, then back at the screen. Shadow opened the file and started reading it.

"After completing Project Shadow with the help of Black Doom, I went to thank him for giving me some of his DNA to complete it. But as I was leaving a black hedgehog came along and asked if he could come, I said yes. Black Doom told me he was looking for a black hedgehog that he wanted. I thought as if he wasn't telling me everything, so I kept the hedgehog. I ran tests on him and later put him inside a suspended animation chamber. Some other scientists were researching on how much power and speed he had. Before we could finish our research on him, we were attacked by G.U.N and the ARK was shut down. I don't where the hedgehog is. Either he's in G.U.N's top secret facility or still on the ARK" Shadow read the entire diary entry.

"Sounds like that hedgehog's pretty important to Black Doom" Rouge said.

"Yes, and this would be the kind of info the Doctor would want" Shadow said.

Rouge turned her gaze to look at Shadow.

"And it's also the kind of info that would put the Earth in danger, that's why the Doctor shall not get his hands on this" Shadow said, as he turned off the computer.

Rouge nodded at this and they both left the room. They didn't notice that there was a hacked picture on the screen, flashing red.