Cause I wrote the second Author's Note first, this will just be a standard opening Author's Note. The info you might want will be in the second Author Note at the bottom.

Hello there! Welcome to my new story, Some Kind of Monster(cookie if you guess what I'm using as the title) This will be an Arrancar Ichigo story. Yes, I'm adding an arrancar Ichigo story to the small collection. Hopefully, my psychotic and, occasionaly, 'under the influence of methamphetamines' ideas will be up to par :D

Disclaimer:*Drawn-out sigh* Do I even have too? if I owned Bleach, you'd know. Considering a few select female Arrancar would be a lot more active in canon and hareming Ichigo :P

(Some Kind of Monster)

(Hueco Mundo)

A tall individual shuffled his way through the white sands of Hueco Mundo with a solemn look about him. Well, one couldn't tell, given the appearance of this 'person'.

'No one.' He would have frowned if he could. 'Not since I evolved into what I am now have I seen any other living being.'

Now standing just over six feet in height was, the once human, Ichigo Kurosaki. Though, you couldn't recognize him now from his appearance. What had once been an, almost, average teenage boy was now a Hollow, and though he had nothing to compare it to, an extremely powerful one at that.

What had once been slightly tanned skin was now completely albino, whiter than the moon that was always there in the sky. The only other color on his body made themselves known as thin, black, streaks that made their way up his arms, legs, and encircled the hole that was situated where his heart had once been.

Two curved horns protruded from either side of his skull, both pointing forward. At their base was a mask that resembled a human skull, though only slightly larger than an average one. Just like on his arms and legs, a couple of black streaks came down from the top of his skull, down to his jaw, almost looking like tribal markings. Just behind the two eyeholes was a pair of eyes. Though, with yellow sclera and pitch black pupils, one couldn't say they were normal.

His hands were now weapons. Five sickening black claws replaced his fingers, which stood out on his mostly white arm. Ichigo had noted that these claws made it rather difficult to grip the cleaver-like blade that had been resting in the dirt next to him upon his transformation, but had become accustomed to the awkward feel. Though, he hadn't had the chance to test it out on a living target.

His waist down to his shins were covered in what appeared to be some sort of black cloth, though this had confused Ichigo at first, considering he hadn't been wearing any form of clothing while he had been an adjuchas.

His hair color had remained the same, something Ichigo took great satisfaction in. While it did reach down to his lower back, almost like a mane, it remained the same color. Even if it did make him a walking target, bright orange sticking out like a sore thumb in all the white, Ichigo was grateful.

'Even here, my hair makes me stand out.' He thought, almost humorously, but more in an attempt to cheer himself up.

While his time, clawing his way up, as a gillian and an adjuchas had certainly made him as strong as he was now, he had nothing to protect. No one at all. And if he had no one to protect, someone other than himself, what could he do?

What could he have done differently that night? Would having done anything different ended in a different outcome? Ichigo didn't like to think so. If there was something he could have done differently, then he got himself into this mess by his own stupidity, and that didn't sit too well with him.


"I'm home, sorry I'm la-."

Whatever excuse Ichigo was about to give was stopped abruptly by the foot that connected with the side of his head, sending him into the air and causing him to land in an awkward position. A tick mark was visible on his forehead.

"You let your guard down! Always remain alert when entering a room and you're late for dinner again!" Isshin Kurosaki changed the subject quickly with a scolding tone. Ichigo growled, stood up, and was immediately in his father's face.

"Come on! Is that anyway to welcome home your son after he helped a spirit find peace?" Ichigo yelled out at his dad.

"Silence! Oh, so it's the ghost's fault now, is it? I suppose it was ghosts that left your room a mess?" A fast-paced fist fight started between the two. "When're you going to learn some responsibility?" Isshin asked amidst it all.

Yuzu and Karin Kurosaki both watched the fight for a couple of seconds, before Yuzu spoke up, sounding distraught. "Hey! Stop fighting, you two! Get over here and eat your dinner!"

"Ha-ha!" Isshin declared victoriously from atop Ichigo, just finishing his arm-bar on Ichigo's left arm… before he was easily thrown off back into the wall.

"Gah! Get off my case old man!" Ichigo yelled, pointing at Isshin with a glare.

"Ngh, good one." Isshin groaned out, in pain.

"So, who was it this time?" Karin asked in her usual monotone. Ichigo turned to look at her. Crossing his arms, he answered.

"Eh, just some girl. No big deal." Ichigo said with a slight shrug, somewhat cooled off now that he was talking to someone who wasn't absolutely insane.

"Meh, figures. No luck with live ones so you go after dead ones." Karin replied, turning back to her meal, inwardly proud at herself at the jab.

"What the hell is that supposed-?"

"You let your guard down!" Isshin shouted, coming in with a right hook. The surprise attack was halted as Ichigo planted his fist into his father's face. The man slumped down in pain.

"Forget dinner, I'm going to bed." Ichigo told them through grit teeth. He spun and stormed upstairs. Yuzu tried to get his attention.

"Ichi-nii! Wait!" Her cry fell on deaf ears, however. Karin turned and looked down at her father.

"You really did it this time." She said, nudging him slightly with her foot. Isshin jumped up defensively.

"Me? What'd I do?" He asked in a whining tone, one you'd expect to hear from a small child.

(Kurosaki Clinic/Upstairs)

'Another average day.' Ichigo thought to himself, tossing his bag across his room upon entering. He immediately made for the bed, intending to get some sleep, but tripped as he took his fourth step into his room. Regaining his footing, Ichigo looked down at the object he tripped on and scowled. Picking up his bat, he said, "Dammit Karin, if you're going to use my stuff, put it back where you found it."

Ichigo shook his head though, not really caring. He walked over to his bed and set it down against the wall as he literally crashed down on the sheets. Like he had called it, it had been an average day. Get up, go to school, fight off some punk, go home, meet a ghost or two, get assaulted by his dad, then go to bed. As boring as it sounded, he couldn't complain. He did feel a certain sense of pride at helping that ghost earlier, and that made it worth it.

As long as a day it had been, though, Ichigo got ready to go to sleep. Just before he closed his eyes, however, something caught his eye. A butterfly flew in front of him and rested on his nightstand.

"A black swallowtail butterfly? That's rare this time of year." Ichigo noted to himself. He sat up and reached out to try and touch it, but froze when something else caught his eye. Or rather someone.

Ichigo jumped up and put his back to his wall quickly, trying to get some distance from the person.

"What the-?" He asked aloud, incredulous. He glanced around the room but didn't see any signs of entry, but that's not what really caught his eye. What really caught his eye was the katana strapped to the person's waist. The intruder grasped the katana's hilt and spoke.

"It's close."

Now, Ichigo couldn't see the person's face, but quickly decided he didn't want too. That was all he needed to see. Someone mysteriously appears in his house armed with a sword, and that was it. Ichigo made a grab for the bat he had set aside a minute before and jumped towards the person.

"How's this for close, asshole?" Ichigo yelled at the person, swinging the bat to connect with the back of the burglar's head.


And with that, the intruder slumped down onto the ground.

"..." Ichigo blinked. Crap. He hadn't meant to kill the person. He leant over and rolled the person on their back. It was a woman. Rather small in size with black hair that reached down to her lower neck. Putting his index and middle finger on the women's neck, Ichigo waited a couple of seconds.

A pulse.

Ok, good. She wasn't dead. Just unconcsious. But now what would he do with her?

"Dad! Get up here!" Ichigo called out. It only took a couple of seconds for the door to be kicked in, queuing his father's entry into his room.

"What's all the ruckus?" Isshin asked, in a mock-combat stance.

"What'dya mean, 'what's all the ruckus'? Take a look!" Ichigo growled out, pointing down at the girl. Isshin blinked.

"Uhh, take a look at what?" He asked, glancing around the room.

"What? Are you kidding me? The girl, stupid!" Ichigo replied, become increasingly more annoyed.

"What girl?" Isshin asked again, dropping out of his stance. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and smirked in realization. "Oh, I get it. Son, have you been taking the stuff that all the cool kids are into?"

Ichigo blinked this time. "What? Taking the-I'm not on drugs, you old fool!"

"It's ok, son, I won't turn you in. So long as you give me some of it!" Isshin declared, giving Ichigo two thumbs up.


And with that, Isshin was kicked out of Ichigo's room. Literally. Ichigo slammed the door upon his father's exit and turned back to look at the woman.

"Dammit." He said, exasperated. "Has the old man really gone blind?" He asked himself. Ichigo scratched the back of his head, thinking. A couple of seconds later, he reached the conclusion.

"Wait a minute. If dad couldn't see her, but I can... does that mean she's a spirit?" Ichigo asked aloud. "That must be it. Either that or he's on the stuff that 'all the cool kids are into'." He stated mockingly.

Ichigo took a couple steps forward and nudged the girl with his foot. "Hey, uh, wake up." Like he expected, it had no reaction. He sighed. It was too much to hope for, to get a good night's sleep. Why can't luck ever be on his side? Just one time?


Ichigo's head shot up at the blood curling howl that sent a sickening chill up his spine. 'What the hell was that?' He thought to himself. Taking a few steps forward, cautiously, Ichigo looked out his window and scanned the street below.

Then, he saw it. A creature, no, a monster there outside in the street, walking slowly. Even though the beast was hunched, Ichigo could easily tell that it was as tall, if not taller, than his house if it stood up all the way. It was mostly green, with spots of black on it's body. Very long arms and legs led down to almost human looking hands and feet. It's face was covered by what looked like a white mask. Either that, or that was it's face.

Suddenly, the monster turned sharply towards Ichigo's house. It walked forward, into Ichigo's blind spot from his window. While he couldn't see the thing anymore, the loud crash and rumble that shook the house gave way to what had just happened. It had attacked his home, and that was the only thing that needed to go through Ichigo's head for him to turn and make for his door.

Ichigo stopped as he grasped the doorknob. He turned around and looked at the still unconscious spirit. He stepped towards her, bent down, and grabbed her katana, almost ripping it from her side. With a weapon in-hand, Ichigo quickly opened his door and ran downstairs.


When Ichigo arrived downstairs, the first thing he saw was his dad slumped up against the wall. Blood was splashed on the floor under him and on the wall behind him. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and looked towards the giant hole in the wall.

There it was. The creature. The first thing Ichigo saw was the last he needed to. It had Yuzu in it's massive hand. Ichigo grasped the hilt to the katana and hastily unsheathed the blade, tossing the scabbard to the side.

"Hey! You fish-faced freak!" Ichigo yelled out, running towards the creature. It looked away from Yuzu and at Ichigo. "Pick on someone your own size!"


Ichigo was thrown like a rag doll out into the street, having been hit in his side by the monster's free hand. He groaned and stood up, before smirking slightly. He watched, with some satisfaction, as the creature dropped Yuzu and examined it's right hand, or rather, the cut in between it's thumb and index finger. It then looked over at him.

"Yeah, that's right. Come and get me, you bastard." Ichigo challenged, holding the katana in a basic stance rather awkwardly. The monster growled and suddenly began running at Ichigo at a speed that surprised him, considering it's size. "Ah, shi-."


For a second time, Ichigo was thrown aside. Though, the difference be a wall broke his airtime, rather than the ground. Groaning once more, Ichigo stood himself up again, wiping away some blood that trailed out of his mouth. He managed to smirk again. "This time, I'll get you. I got you figured out."

Holding the katana the same way as before, though a little more loosely, Ichigo waited for the creature to make a move. When it began advancing towards him, Ichigo remained in spot. As before, when the monster got close enough to Ichigo, it stopped it's run and swung it's arm to strike Ichigo again. This time, Ichigo was ready.

Barreling forward, into the creature's reach, Ichigo dodged the palm-strike. Running in between the creature's legs, Ichigo swung and left a good size gash on the inside of the monster's thigh. It roared in pain.

"Ha!" Ichigo said victoriously, putting some distance between him and the beast. 'Maybe I can't beat this thing, but I can at least try and discourage it. Whatever it wants, it can't be worth getting cut up.'

Ichigo stopped his train of thought as the creature moved. He watched as it slowly stood up all the way. Just as he had guessed before, it was well over his house in height. "Crap... I just pissed it off."

Moving it's head, the beast stared down at Ichigo intently. A bead of sweat dripped down Ichigo's head as he stared back at it, keeping a shaky grip on the katana. It took only a few seconds of this for Ichigo to snap. He let out a war cry and ran towards the beast, ready to swing. The barbaric charge was halted abruptly and embarrassingly as the monster simply whacked Ichigo aside with a palm-strike into the wall next to them.

Before Ichigo could try and get himself up again, the creature slammed both of it's fists into the concrete on either side of Ichigo. It's face was only a couple of feet away from Ichigo now.


Bits of saliva hit landed on Ichigo that had escaped from the beast's open maw. Having had averted his face during that small display of dominance, Ichigo turned back to look at the creature in the eyes.

"Fuck you."


Ichigo managed to weakly stab forward and impale the creature's left shoulder, sinking the blade in halfway. His grip on the katana was lost as the monster reared back and howled in pain. It brought it's fist up, high in the air. When it was brought down, Ichigo closed his eyes and braced himself for the hammer-fist

Like that did much.



Ichigo opened his eyes, blinking twice in slight confusion. Had it been a dream? The question was quickly answered when his mind registered the open night sky above him. Sitting up, Ichigo looked around, trying to piece together what had happened. The first thing that caught his eye was himself. Or rather, what used to be him. His corpse under him was in a small hole in the concrete, flattened sickeningly and broken.

He had died.

Ichigo jumped up, startled at the sight and revelation. So he was a spirit now? Just great. Ichigo's expression turned somber as he looked down at his body once more. Then he looked up as another thought crossed his mind.

"Dad, Yuzu, Karin." Ichigo listed the names off in remembrance. He made to run back to his house, to at least see their conditions but stopped when a surprising noise was heard. Almost like metal rattling. he looked down at his chest. Just as it had sounded, there was a three foot chain hanging from a piece of metal where his heart would be. He grasped the chain at it's base and tugged lightly.

"Ow! Son of a-gah!" Ichigo cursed. That had hurt like hell.

"Ah, you're awake. Good."

Ichigo started and turned at the voice behind him. Standing a few meters away was a man. He was slightly taller than Ichigo, had light brown hair that looked a little unkept, and was wearing some glasses. He was also wearing a robe that resembled the spirit from before had been wearing, except this person had a white haori over it. "Who are you?" Ichigo asked, not expecting someone showing up.

Instead of a straight answer, the man only shook his head and took a few steps past Ichigo and regarded his corpse with a light smile. "I must say, Kurosaki-san, that this is a rather large disappointment." He said, his smile turning eerily friendly.

Ichigo stared at him for a couple seconds. "The hell's that supposed to mean? ... Are you Kami or something?" He asked, his eyes widening slightly at the possibility.

"Kami?" The man sounded amused. "Yes, I suppose you could say that's my title. Though, you can call me Aizen."

"Well, in that case, sorry to disappoint you, Aizen. Though, I really didn't expect to be forced to fight some demon." Ichigo said sarcastically. He glanced around. "Where'd it go anyway?"

"That 'demon' was a Hollow, and I took care of it. The same can't be said for that Shinigami you knocked out earlier." Aizen said condescendingly, still smiling. Ichigo started to panic. If that... wait, what'd he call her? Never mind. If she hadn't survived... then what about his family?

"What about my dad and sisters?" Ichigo asked, worried. "Are they alive?"

This time, Aizen looked sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Kurosaki-san. Your family is dead."

Ichigo narrowed his eyes at the answer. The wind started picking up. "Dead? That can't be." The wind blew harder.

"I'm sorry, but they are. You'll have to accept the fact, Kurosaki-san." Aizen said, getting a dark glint in his eyes.

Ichigo clenched his fist, now angry. No, scratch that. He was furious. The wind quickly formed a strong rotation around him and Aizen, kicking up rocks and dust and causing Aizen's robes to flutter violently. "No. They were alive! I'm sure of it!" The concrete underneath them split, a large tear appearing in the street for a block both ways. Ichigo roared in anger.

Before Ichigo attracted the attention of any Shinigami nearby, Aizen spoke up, though mostly speaking to himself. "Interesting. There might still be some use of you yet, Kurosaki-san."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Ichigo growled out, tearing his eyes from the ground to Aizen. He was surprised when Aizen was suddenly in front of him, holding the chain connected to his chest in his right hand casually.

"I'll let you figure it out for yourself." Aizen yanked on the chain strongly, breaking it and opening the hole in his chest. Ichigo roared in pain, stumbling back, clutching his chest. A rapid transformation began as the hole in his chest suddenly spilled out colors that seemingly wrapped itself around Ichigo's body. His arms and legs became longer, stained with red and black stripes that ran up them. His torso and stomach became larger as well, reaching close to what the Hollow from before had been. Again, red and black in color. His hair grew longer, much longer. It now rested at the lower part of his back, which was now larger from the transformation. To finish it all off, a mask formed on Ichigo's face. It covered his face, narrowing at the chin slightly, red streaks encircling the left eye. The rest of Ichigo's head was hidden from sight due to his hair.

The newly Hollowfyed Ichigo let out a loud roar, his horrible pain coming to an end. Aizen opened a garganta behind him, keeping his eyes on Ichigo. It was surprising, the amount of reiatsu coming from Ichigo, considering he was at the lowest stage of evolution. His reiatsu matched that of a mature Gillian, bordering immature adjuchas. He was right, there may be some use of the boy.

"Grow strong, Kurosaki-san." Aizen said, getting the quick attention of the Hollowfied Ichigo. "You probably won't remember the events of tonight, though it may be for the better."

Ichigo suddenly lashed out at Aizen, attempting to claw him. Aizen was now behind Ichigo, pointing at him with an outstretched arm. "Hado One, Sho." Ichigo was pushed into the garganta, it being closed behind him. "Do not disappoint me again, Kurosaki-san."

(Hueco Mundo)

Ichigo landed on all fours, causing a large wave of sand to be kicked up. When everything settled, Ichigo quickly looked around at his new surroundings. Nothing but sand, with some dead trees littered about, could be seen. His vision was blocked in the distance by dunes of the white sand. In the sky, a crescent moon shone brightly. The want to inspect the surrounding area was quickly forgotten as the events that had occurred over the past hour was remembered. It made Ichigo increasingly angry.

His family was dead. He was dead, and now this... thing! He had become what had killed him and his family. The thought infuriated him. Movement caught his eye and the presence of others filled his nostrils. It was other Hollows. A lot of them too. Ichigo didn't know what they wanted exactly, but recognized the want to kill him. It made him growl. Ichigo let out a loud roar before his massacre started.

(Hueco Mundo/Present Time)

Ichigo sighed. That was how it had happened. His anger had certainly fueled him to improve. At first, he hadn't been aware that killing and devouring the Hollows were making him stronger. Only when he was suddenly close to skyscraper height a couple days later did he realize it. No matter how awkward it had been to fight, he still continued. Finding others that had been like him in height was easy enough. It probably helped that he had wandered into that forest before evolving, otherwise it would have taken weeks to get there in that form. Devouring the other Gillian, and at the pace he had been doing it, it didn't take long for him to evolve once more.

This time, he had been smaller. Which was perfect. He found it easier to fight and kill in that form than it had been the very first and in his Gillian body. Over the next two and a half weeks, it was like he hadn't stopped fighting. Left and right, Gillian, Adjuchas, even regular Hollows fell by his claws. No matter the power increase he got from them, it all added up in the end. Out of all his fights, only one got away. A panther-like adjuchas. It wasn't like Ichigo had vowed to get the one that had escaped, he just liked to keep score.

Ichigo wasn't surprised he could remember the events of that night and everything up to the current moment perfectly. Sometimes, he wished he couldn't, but... oh well. He still hadn't figured out what Aizen had meant. He was powerful now, at least somewhat, Ichigo was sure. Maybe that's what Aizen had meant.

Wait, someone was nearby. At the edge of his senses, yes, but they were there. This had happened before, and Ichigo did the first thing that came to mind. Looking up, he powered a weakened cero and shot it off in the sky. It flew a good two, or so, hundred feet in the air before exploding in a vibrant display of red. While it would have scared off anyone weaker and incapable of rational thought, it was noticeably weak. Ichigo hoped that some other being would see it, see that it was just a signal, and approach him. It was too much to hope for, usually, but it was something.

Ichigo let out another sigh as whoever he had been sensing vanished. At this point, Ichigo wasn't too let down. He was used to it.

"Well, it appears you have lived up to, and exceeded, my expectations."

Ichigo didn't even have to look. "Aizen." He blinked in surprise. It was the first time he had used his voice since becoming a Vasto Lorde, and it surprised him. It almost sounded... twisted? Like trying to talk through water? He didn't know how to describe it. "This may sound strange, but it's good to see you again... well, someone I guess."

"I understand perfectly. The thought of traveling alone here for an extended period of time isn't too appealing." Aizen said, an all too friendly smile on his face. "How are you?"

Ichigo grunted. "Surviving." He said simply. "I can't help but think this isn't a coincidence." He added.

"You are correct. I've purposefully sought you out. You were rather easy to find, given your reiatsu." Aizen said, amused.

"Please get to the point." Ichigo requested, not interested in Aizen's attempts of sarcasm.

"I will be blunt with you, Kurosaki-san. I'm assembling an army." Aizen informed him.

"An army? Of Hollows?" Ichigo asked, interested. Aizen shook his head.

"No, no. Not Hollows. Arrancar." He said, interesting Ichigo further.

"Arrancar? I've... heard of them. Why are you telling me this? I'm obviously not an Arrancar." Ichigo pointed out.

"Not now. If you return with me, that problem can be taken care of." Aizen said, his smile increasing in size slightly.

Ichigo was pondering Aizen's obvious request. Follow him, turn into an Arrancar, and serve him. While Ichigo didn't seem to care for the thought much, it would be a vast improvement than what had been happening for him lately. Hell, it would be great to be around others that at least looked human.

"Aizen...sama." Ichigo said carefully. "I'll follow you."

Aizen's smile almost became a smirk, an unknown glint in his eyes. "Excellent. Come. There is much to be discussed on the way." He said, turning and walking away. Ichigo stared at him incredulously for a couple seconds. They were going to walk? Hopefully, their destination wasn't too far. Or they would only be walking while Aizen explains, what Ichigo assumed would be, conditions. Ichigo shook his head and began following Aizen.

'Things should start getting interesting now.'

(End of Chapter/Author's Note)

Well, there you have it. I'll tell you honestly, this idea has been plaguing me ever since I jokingly came up with it close to a month and a half ago. Soon, ideas began to pour out and I fully believe I can do something with this.

To the readers of Breaking Routine(My IchigoxHarem story, involving Loly, Menoly, Apacci, Sun-Sun, and Lilynette): Sorry for the delay. As you can see, I am, in fact, back from Vegas and typing. Only thing is, my beta sent me a PM halfway through my vacation saying he'd be unable to have internet access for three weeks. Like I said, I couldn't help it and made this story. The pairing will be strictly IchigoxLoly. Though, Menoly will be in the story as well as Harribel and her fraccion. I just wanted to make a IchigoxLoly story... after all, there isn't one :D

If you have any concerns on the story or the chapter, please PM me or leave it in a review. If you follow B.R. then you know that I respond to every review... every review :P

Cause I'm uncreative in such things, my chapter names will be the name of the song that helped write it.

Band:Avenged Sevenfold

Song:Not Ready to Die

You! Can't! Break! me! Crush the fears of yesterday. You! Can't! Save! Me! Barriers, our trust will fade. I stood in the dark, been waiting all this time. While we damn the dead, I'm trying to survive. I'm Not Ready to Die!

There you have it. Please read and review. Constructive Criticism is welcome, but flamers will be hunted down and beaten up by me personally, I assure you.