Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Twilight Saga Books, which means all of her characters, they belong to Stephanie Meyer.
AN: We do own all other characters that are unrecognizable.
~Paul's POV~
"Paul calm down, you know as well as I do that we have no control over this," Sam stated.
I clenched my fists as I bit out, "It's just hard to stop myself from being so protective."
"I understand, but—" Sam started to reply, but was cut off by my Angel.
"What the hell are you two talking about?" Ashley asked, clearly angry and confused.
I couldn't really blame her, if I was in her position I would be reacting the same way. I wanted to tell her so badly about the imprint, but I didn't want to scare her off. I was also afraid that she wouldn't want anything to do with me since it was obvious that she despised Sam and I was part of his 'cult.' Even though it wasn't really a 'cult', I couldn't blame her for thinking it was. I wondered how she would feel if she knew what Sam really was to her, I know Embry took a while to wrap his head around the information after he was told. My thoughts were cut off though when Sam spoke up.
"It's not my place to tell you, but if you both follow us everything will be explained," Sam said and started to turn around, but was stopped in his tracks.
Ashley crossed her arms over her chest and stated angrily as she glared at him, "I'm not going anywhere with you Sam Uley. I don't want to be inducted into your crazy cult."
"Ashley can you just not be difficult for once in your life," Embry stated with a huff, it was apparent that she was this stubborn often and if I had to be a little honest it was kind of a turn on.
I watched as she marched up to her brother and started to poke him in his chest, "I'm not being difficult damn it. How would you feel if all of the sudden you woke up and realized that almost all the people you love suddenly can't stand to be around you? I think I deserve to be difficult!"
Quil decided then that it was wise to open his mouth and commented, "Dude, does your sister always have a stick up her ass? I mean I thought Leah was bad, but your little sister takes the cake."
I immediately wanted to punch him and I knew that Sam and Embry felt the exact same way. As I advanced on him to teach him a lesson my eyes were drawn to my Angel as she started to shake. I looked up and saw Sam and Embry's worried looks, knowing that they were thinking the exact same thing; she was going to phase.
~Ashley's POV~
I couldn't believe that these jerks just have to ruin another one of my days. It's bad enough I only have one friend at the moment, but they just had to go and piss me off.
I whirled around to face the idiot who made that stupid comment, "Who the hell do you think you are talking about me that way. You have no idea what I am like and Leah has every right to act like a bitch if she wants to. It's not every day that the man you love leaves you for your cousin," I saw Sam wince out the corner of my eye but kept going, "hell if I was her I would have gotten revenge instead of just ignoring him."
I felt myself getting angrier by the second; I mean who did this guy think he was to judge Leah like that. I felt myself shaking and wondered what the hell was going on, but just chalked it up to the cold I had. I mean I had a fever and body ached in places, so I guess shaking could be cold sweats or something. Maybe I should have visited the doctor when mom wanted me too.
I ignored the shaking and took a step forward, intent on finishing up my rant with him, only to notice that Sam, Paul and Embry started to move closer to me with looks of concern on their faces. However, before I could even begin to think on why they would be concerned I heard Lexi's voice, and my anger started to dissipate.
"Ashley, just ignore him. He's a typical male who doesn't have the slightest idea to what goes on in our heads," Lexi stated, as she stopped next to me and grabbed my arm to start dragging me away from all of them.
I nodded my head and let her drag me back to the house; I heard her letting everyone know she would see them later. I almost missed the confused faces on everyone behind us, but their confusion just made me confused as well. 'God why must men be so hard to understand,' I thought as I turned around away from them.
~Sam's POV~
I watched the two girls walk away and I was so confused. How on earth did Lexi stop Ashley from phasing, I mean I could see how pissed she was and I was ready to try and calm her down when all it took was a few words from Lexi. I just decided to put those thoughts to the back of my mind and turned to look at the pack.
"What the hell where you thinking Quil?" I asked, pissed off at him.
Quil gave me a nervous look, "I didn't think she would react like that honestly."
"Well do that again I won't hesitate to take you out back and beat you to a bloody pulp," Paul stated with a low growl, and I saw Embry agree with him.
I shook my head and sighed thinking, 'I guess when Ashley does finally phase, things around here are going to get a whole more stressful.' I told them to start their patrols and headed back to Emily's house, intent on trying to relax.
As I walked through the door I immediately made my way to the kitchen and leaned against the doorway watching her. She looked so beautiful cooking that I couldn't resist walking over and wrapping my arms around her waist, nuzzling my face into her neck.
"Well hello to you too. How did the meeting with the Elders go?" Emily asked as she turned the stove off and turned to wrap her arms around my neck.
I gave her a small smile, "It was fine, and they still don't know why Leah and Sydney phased though. It's never happened to a woman before."
"I'm sure it doesn't mean anything," Emily stated and then paused frowning when she noticed the tired look on my face, "what's wrong sweetheart?
I let her go and turned to look out the kitchen window, softly stating, "She hates me Em."
I knew she knew who I was talking about and gave me a small smile, "She doesn't hate you Sam because she doesn't know you. She just hates the fact that everyone she cares about is ignoring her. Which by the way I think is a stupid rule."
"I think so to Em, but it's the law and I can't change it," I stated, then continued, "You know Paul imprinted on her."
She gasped and turned around to look at me, "you didn't hurt him did you?"
I laughed replying, "No, I wanted to though, but I knew she would be confused since she doesn't even know I'm her brother. Although you should know Embry attacked him."
"I hope you broke them apart," she commented as she made me a plate.
I shook my head and laughed, "Actually she managed to get them to stop fighting."
"How on earth did she does that?" she asked as she sat next to me.
I spent the next half hour explaining everything that went on, and was actually kind of grateful to my baby sister. Thanks to her I got tender loving care from my imprint, who knew getting kicked in the balls would turn into a night of love making.
~Lexi's POV~
After Ashley and I had walked back to the house, I asked her, "what is with you and getting so pissed all of a sudden?" Ashley told me "I don't know what is going on, but all of a sudden when Quil said Leah and I have bad tempers I just wanted to kick his ass," I paused and then stated with a grin, "You know I could have totally done that Lexi!"
After hearing Ashley say that I broke out laughing because I knew what she said was very true. Then when I kept laughing Ashley asked me; "what the hell you are you laughing about Lexi?"
I told Ashley "nothing I'm just picturing Quil getting beat up by you and him not being able to fight back!"
When she heard that we both broke out into a fit of giggles. When we had finally calmed down enough Ashley told me to go to Jacob and Seth and try to talk to them. I started to shake my head no, but when I saw the look on Ashley's face I knew that if I didn't go she would do something bad.
My mind wandered at that thought as I started to walk towards Jacob's house and I remembered the time she decided to play a mean prank on me when we were twelve and Paul was fifteen, and I refused to watch a scary movie with her.
'What on earth is taking her so long, she said she was just grabbing some more wood for the fire,' I thought, as I looked at the clock for the fifth time in the last 20 minutes. I started to worry so I walked over to the back door, grabbed my coat and flash light before opening the door and walking outside.
I walked over to the wood pile and immediately started to worry even more when I saw that Ashley was nowhere to be found. I started to call out for her, but got no response. Just as I was going to go in the house and grab Paul to look for her I heard some rustling from the woods behind my house. I walked closer and called out her name one more time and was rewarded with a moan.
As I got to the edge of the woods, I saw a figure jump out at me and I screamed falling backwards. As I looked up my eyes widened and I screamed even louder as I realized that Ashley looked like a zombie. I scrambled backwards as she approached me making noises and reaching out for me. I managed to get up and run to the house screaming out for Paul, as I saw the back door open I didn't get a chance to tell him because I was cut off by laughter coming from behind me. It suddenly dawned on me that Ashley had played a mean prank on me and I turned around to yell at her, ignoring my brother laughing with her when he figured it out.
~Flashback Ends~
As I was thinking about this memory I didn't notice that I had already made it to Jacob's house.
~At Jacob's house~
When I was outside of Jacob's house I could hear laughter coming from inside and knew that Jacob must have a full house. Gathering up my courage, I walked up the porch steps, took a deep breath and knocked on the door. All of a sudden it got quiet in the house and Billy opened the door.
"Hey, Lexi, how are you doing today? Come in out of the cold" Billy said to me smiling.
"I'm doing great, although I wish the sun would peek out more." I told Billy as I walked into the house. Hearing that he laughed because he knew; when the sun was out Sydney, Ashley, and I would cause more trouble. Well that's if Sydney was actually speaking to us, I was still trying to figure out why she decided to join Sam and the others when she swore not too.
Still laughing Billy said, "Jacob, Seth and your brother are in the living room."
"Thanks, Billy," I said as I walked there.
When I walked into the living room the boys were all gathered around the TV and watching Jersey Shore. I had no idea why they were so interested in the show but kept that comment to myself.
I looked at all three of them before I took a deep breath and met Jacob's eyes, I saw warmth and something else in them, but put that thought to the back of mind as I asked, "Hey Jacob, Seth. I was wondering if we could talk?"
Jacob nodded his head eagerly and started to move towards her, while Seth just gave me a small smile and replied, "of course."
I saw my brother shoot them a glare, but he wisely kept his mouth shut. Which to be honest was a little shocking considering he is known for voicing his opinions. In fact that is one of the reasons Ashley and him tended to argue when they were all younger; they both liked to have the last word.
Jacob led us to the garage, which I was grateful for since no one would be able to hear us unless they were inside with us or right outside. I sat down on the couch and waited for them to sit before I opened my mouth. After they got comfortable I saw them look at me expectantly and knew I would have to start this conversation.
I took a deep breath and stated, "First of all I want to say that the way you two have been ignoring me lately has really hurt me. I thought we were really good friends."
"Lexi we can explain—" Seth started but I interrupted him.
"Let me finish before you guys start in please," I paused and saw them nod before continuing, "I would never ignore you, or join a group that would make me ignore you. Yet, that is exactly what you two did. I have been going over the last few weeks to see if I did anything to make you two and the others ignore me, but I have come up with nothing and finally listened to Ashley and came over here to talk."
I finished my mini rant and looked at the expectantly. They both had looks of guilt and their head was bowed a little in shame, which of course made me want to apologize. However, I knew I couldn't or otherwise things would just stay the same and I did not want that to happen. I crossed my arms over my chest and practiced the glare Ashley had been teaching me, I think it worked when I saw Jacob and Seth both straighten up.
"You are absolutely right Lexi," Seth stated and Jacob nodded his head in agreement.
Jacob then said, "I know you're angry and upset, but we couldn't tell you anything until a few hours ago."
"You mean that confrontation we all had earlier? What does that have to do with me and what the heck do you mean you couldn't tell me anything? Tell me what exactly?" I said all in one breath, by the time I was done I was panting a little.
Seth just grinned replying, "You still ask a million questions one after the other."
I huffed and opened my mouth to retort when Jacob cut in, "Seth do you think you could give Lexi and I a little time to talk alone?"
My eyes widened at that and I watched as Seth gave Jacob a nod and grin and walk past me back into the house. I looked back at Jacob and saw that he seemed to be extremely nervous, and my heart started to beat a little faster. 'He has never wanted to be alone with me, and he has never been nervous around me,' I thought, but was distracted by my thoughts as Jacob took a deep breath.
"Do you remember those tales we were told about since we were little?" Jacob asked me, looking at me in earnest.
I frowned asking, "You mean about our ancestors being able to transform into wolves to protect the village from our enemies; the cold ones?"
At his nod I asked, confused, "What do those old tales have to do with anything?"
"They weren't just tales Lexi, they are very real?" Jacob said as he took a step closer.
I replied softly, "What do you mean they are real?"
"I mean that everyone who follows Sam around is a wolf, Lexi, including me," Jacob stated as he looked me in the eyes.
I looked back and could see him begging me to believe him. I knew that it sounded crazy, but I also knew that Jacob would never lie to me.
"So everyone I love, except for Ashley, can change into a wolf?" I asked and at his nod I continued, "but if the wolves in those stories are real, that would make the cold ones real too right?"
Jacob nodded his head replying, "Having the cold ones around will activate the wolf gene within us."
"You mean that there are cold ones near us? Is that why all of those people are going missing?" I asked, my eyes wide.
Jacob gave me a small smile, "Are you not concerned with that fact that your brother and everyone else in Sam's group can turn into horse size wolves?"
"Why would I be? You guys would never hurt me and it would explain how everyone had freakish growth spurts," I told him, and smiled when I saw his grin get even bigger.
"I'm glad you feel that way, and to tell you the truth I don't know why people are disappearing. Although we do suspect it might have to do with the few bloodsuckers that don't smell like the Cullen's," Jacob told me.
I asked, "What do the Cullen's have to do with anything? They left a while ago didn't they, I mean it's not as if they are—"
I stopped mid rant and gave Jacob a sharp look and he explained, "They are vampires Lexi, except unlike normal leeches they drink animal blood instead of human blood. That's one of the reasons our ancestors made a treaty with them."
" A treaty?" I asked, and Jacob went on to explain the basic of the treaty and anything else I wanted to know about the wolves.
~Couple of hours later~
"Ok so I'm a little confused here," I stated as I got more comfortable on the couch.
Jacob frowned asking, "About what?"
"Well you said there was a law preventing you from talking to anyone outside the pack about all of this, and that you and the others had to ignore us because it would protect us right?" I asked, to clarify things, and at his nod I continued on, "so then why are you telling me all this now?"
I saw him gulp and take another big breath before he asked, "Remember the part I told you about imprinting?"
I nodded my head replying, "Yeah, Imprinting happens when a wolf finds his soul mate. The moment the wolf sees the one they are destined to be with, they imprint. It's like you're being pulled toward that person and that when they see that person a glowing heat fills them. After that, nobody else matters because you are only there for your other half, your soul mate."
"That's the reason I can tell you everything Alexandria," He stated with a soft smile before he grabbed my hands.
I looked from our joined hands, my heart beating faster, and saw that huge smile had broken across his face as he said the words that would change my life for the better.
"You are my imprint Lexi, just like Ashley is Paul's imprint," Jacob told me.
I looked at him and asked in an awed voice, "We are soul mates?"
At his nod, I decided to be bold and leaned forward, kissing him on the lips. I was even happier when he pulled me closer and kissed me back. 'I knew when this happened it would be wonderful,' I thought. Yet, when the last part of his sentence echoed in my head and I pulled back, ignoring the blush I felt spreading as he looked at me with hooded eyes, and squeaked out, "Paul imprinted on Ashley?"
"You mean you didn't know?" Jacob asked surprised, and when I shook my head no he started to let out a few curses.
Authors Note:
Luna: YAY! I'm glad we were able to post this chapter!
MoonPrincess: I loved how it turned out, especially the end of the chapter!
Sydney: ***(looks to Luna and MoonPrincess)*** I will be in the next chapter right?
Ashley: Of course you will! ***looks at MoonPrincess and LunarPrincess*** You will right?
Luna: ***nods head*** Of course!
Lexi: ***walks in the room and looks at the audience***readers I hoped that you liked the chapter!...please don't forget to read and review….it makes Luna and MoonPrincess come up with ideas for the next chapters!...and please no flames!