Mi domando Se Li Vedrò Mai Ancora
Chapter 21 - Epilogue
The song is called "Here I Am" sung by Bryan Adams. I don't own the song nor Sailor Moon.
~Here I am - this is me
I come into this world so wild and free
Here I am - so young and strong
Right here in the place where I belong~
A few weeks after prom, the senshi found themselves finally relaxing. Raiga had left just shortly after Chibiusa's return home, which left Ami quite miserable. But Makoto had smiled and told her to cheer up, she'd be with him soon enough in the future.
It was the start of summer, and after summer would be college. For four of the five senshi anyway.
Makoto laid stretched out on her couch, the fifth installment of the Harry Potter series clutched in her hands, her reading glasses slid down her nose slightly.
Minako enetred the living room and smiled down at her lover before brushing her fingers back thru the amazon's very short hair.
"Know who you remind me of," Minako asked.
Makoto gave a grunt, her attention never leaving the book.
Minako giggled. "You look like Tenoh Haruka, the F-1 racer. I think its the hair cut.."
Minako bent down and kissed Makoto's head softly. "I'll leave you alone."
Mianko smiled and made her way to the kitchen, giggling when she heard Makoto yell out a swear word over her book then laughed when she heard Makoto giggle with child like excitment over same said book.
Minako moved around the kitchen, preparing herself to make a late lunch when her wrist communicator went off.
Minako sighed and opened her watch, wishing the bad guys would give them some sort of break.
"Venus here.."
Rei's face was pale as it flashed on the small screen. "Makoto there too?"
Minako nodded. "Yeah." Minako then looked away from the small screen. "Mako-chan! Rei's on the communicator!" Minako heard a grunt then a sigh, then she saw Makoto enter the kitchen.
"Oh what is it now?" She asked annoyed.
Minako looked back to the screen. "Well...?"
"You two need to come to the temple. We're not under attack, but...Its senshi business all the same."
Makoto and Minako made their way thru the shrine towards Rei's bedroom. Upon entering, they saw Usagi and Ami had already arrived.
"Ok, so what is goin on," Makoto asked.
Rei stood and left the room, beckoning the others to follow her. They all followed her towards the back of the shrine, down the stairs and into the small wooded area out back.
Makoto recognised the place as where Yung Hu's body was buried. They neared the area of his grave, but stopped and looked around when they heard growling noises.
"What is that," Usagi asked.
Rei kept walking, the others continuing to follow. As they neared Yung Hu's grave, the growling noises grew more intense, as if the thing making them was very angry.
Then they saw what was making the noises. The senshi stopped a few feet away from the foot of the grave, watching in horror as a decaying animal tried to claw its way out of the ground.
Makoto's eyes narrowed. "What happened?"
Rei shook her head. "I don't know. I heard the noises and when I came out here to check it out, I saw him clawing his way out. Then I called you four..."
"How is he alive," Ami asked.
Again, Rei shook her head. "I don't know." Rei looked to Makoto. "I didn't want to do anything until I told you..."
Makoto blinked and turned away from the grave. She couldn't stand watching Yung Hu's corpse fight light that. The others turned toward her, their backs facing the grave.
"Makoto," Minako asked, placing a gentle hand on her lover's back. "Are you alright?"
Makoto shook her head, tears begining to leak from under her closed eye lids, but not yet falling.
"Kill him, put him out of his misery," Makoto said, her voice cracking.
Rei nodded. As they turned around, there was a loud roar, almost like a painful scream. Yung Hu was out of his grave.
Makoto's tears finally fell as she took in his apperance. His once beautiful soft, blue fur was now black from dirt and mud, clinging to his body in a scragly sort of way. His once wise emeral eyes were now empty, only sockets remained, in which you could see into his head. His once proud white wings were a shame to be seen.
He looked every much as a zombie, his body decaying, bones poking out of his skin in odd palces.
"KILL HIM!" Makoto screamed.
But before the others could react, Yung Hu roared his painful cry again before his body erupted into green flames.
The senshi stood there in shock, not knowing what was happening. After a minute, Yung Hu collapsed into a pile of ash, as silent as the approaching night.
The senshi stood there a moment, waiting to see if anything moved, but nothing did. They turned and left, Makoto being the last to leave. She couldn't bring herself to move.
But finally she did, turning her back on the dust. She didn't think that having to relive the death of her best friend would be as painful as it was the first time.
As she made her way back towards the temple, a strangled cry made her stop. She turned and looked around the wooded area, but saw nothing. As she turned back around, she heard the cry again. It wasn't stragled this time, but it was soft.
Makoto turned and looked at the pile of ash on the ground and saw it moving. As she was about to call out to her friends for help incase of it being an attack, a small, light coloured head popped out of the ash. It's eyes were closed and it was crying.
Makoto knealed next to it, gently brushing the ash away to reveal a small tiger cub. Its coat was smudged from the ash, but Makoto could tell its coat was a very light blue, nearly white in colour. Gently she picked it up and cradled it in her arms.
Agian, her tears fell as she cuddled the small animal close.
"Yung..Hu?" She asked quietly.
The small cub mewed then looked up, blinking its eyes open, revealing them to be a rich emerald green.
Makoto laughed thru her tears then took off back towards the temple, yelling for her friends to see what she had found...
(Several months later)
Minako sat at her desk, hunched over several open books and a lap top computer. In the background she heard soft music playing. In her head, she was thankful for peace...
Minako sighed. Makoto was out getting dinner so she was stuck babysitting. But she had to study for a test the next day ( she and the other sneshi were in college now, all opting to stay in Tokyo in case there were attacks again) so she had Artemis baby sit Yung Hu, who was now three times the size of the small house cat, and who had a playful (tho Artemis would say mean)streak to match.
Artemis came running into the room Minako was studing in, dashing between her legs to hide under the desk.
Minako sighed. "Artemis, you can change into a panter sized cat. Why not just play with him? He's a child..you play with him, you'll wear him out."
"Because he's a warrior, I'm not," Artemis said. "I don't fight and I dont like the pain!"
Minako groaned and looked over at the door. She saw a small blue fluff ball of a head poke in, its green eyes darting around.
Minako stood up and walked over to him, leaning against the door frame, smiling down at the cub.
"And just what are you doin' to my cat, boy?" Tho she had meant it to sound forceful, it came out gentle and playful.
"I wanna play, and he won't play with me, " Yung Hu said, sitting on his hunches. "Will you play with me, Mina-chan?" He smiled up at her, all of his teeth bared in an innocent grin. "Please??"
Minako giggled and knealt down next to him, ruffling his hair. "Sure. Change into your human form and we'll..play a game or something."
He smiled at her and closed his eyes, concentrating very hard on his transformation. It took him several tries, but he finally changed. No longer a tiger cub, he was a small boy, the age of five or so, with blue tousled hair, green eyes and a very innocent face.
Minako giggled and stood up. "Come on, you need to get dressed." With that said she walked to the room that a few months ago was a studio. Now, it was a makeshift child's bedroom, complete with an adult sized single bed, a toybox filled with toys for a little boy, and a dresser filled with clothes for one as well.
Minako opened the drawers, pulling out a pair of jeans, a tee shirt, socks and underwear. Yung Hu climbed up on the bed and smiled at Minako as she walked over to him and began dressing him.
"So what are we gonna do," he asked her after she put his underwear and socks on him.
"How about we go to the park," she suggested. sliding the jeans on over his legs, picking him up to make him stand on his feet so she could fasten them.
"Can we see Rei-chan instead," he asked hopefully. "She said she was gonna put a swing out back for me, so I could have a place to play incase, ya know, I had another accident."
Minako sighed, remembering that day at the park as she slid Yung Hu's shirt over his head.
He had been playing with a few of the other children there and somehow had shifted into his hybrid form. Needless to say, it was a disaster. Makoto and Minako had transformed to "destroy" the youma which meant they chased him into the bushes, and then made lots of battle noises until he was able to change again. Then they ran out of the park and never went back to it.
Minako smiled at him and nodded. "Sure we can. But lets leave a note for Mako-chan so she doesn't worry, ok?"
He nodded, hugged Minako around the waist and ran out into the living room.
Minako walked back to her bedroom where she had been studying, shut off her computer and wrote a note for Makoto on a spare sheet of paper.
Taking the note to the living room and sitting it down on the coffee table, she walked over to the door and slipped her shoes on. She then knealt down to Yung Hu who was having problems tying his shoes.
"Need some help, kiddo," Minako asked sweetly.
Yung Hu shook his head, then smiled. "Nah. I got it!" He stood up, went to take a step and fell flat on his face. He looked up and blinked, looked behind him, and saw he had tied his shoe laces together.
Minako giggled, helped him up, then untied and retied his shoes correctly.
"There ya go, buddy."
He smiled at her sheepishly. "Thanks. Must be weird seeing me as a child that can't do nothing, huh?"
Minako blinked at him. "What do you mean?"
"Well you know," he said, blushing slightly. "You knew me before this, right? Only I was grown up and I was a fighter.."
Minako smiled and ran her figners thru his hair, making it even more untidy. "Its a little weird. But you'll be that warrior again soon enough. Until then, I have a son, huh?"
"No, you have terror on two legs!" Then he stopped and blinked. "Or four...Depending on what form I'm in," he said chuckling evilly.
Minako smiled and stood up, grabbed her keys off the hook near the door and offered her hand. "Ready?"
"Ready!" Yung Hu grabbed her hand and together they left the apartment.
Minako, still holding Yung Hu's hand walked around to behind the shrine.
As they looked around, Minako didn't see Rei.
"I dont' get it. Yuuchirou said she was back here," Minako said.
"Maybe she went further in," Yung Hu said, letting his hand fall from his surrogate mother's hand. "I'mma go play." And with that he went off, picking up a stick, swinging it around.
Minako smiled as she watched him play, but turned to face the other direction.
"Something isn't right," She said outloud to herself. Minako strained her ears, trying to listen for the slightest sound of distress. After a few minutes, Minako shrugged and turned to follow Yung Hu who was now no longer viable among the trees.
But then she heard it. Minako whiped around when she heard the blood curdling scream and took off in the direction where it came from.
As she ran, she was soon joined but Makoto and Ami, who were running just as fast.
"Where'd you two come from," Minako asked as she ran.
"I got your note," Makoto said, running along side Minako. "So I came over...and met Ami on the way."
There was another scream and the trio ran faster. The scream this time tho was more of a desperate yell. As the reached the fight, they were all three hit with wooden prongs that made them fly backwards, slamming them into trees. The prongs wrapped around them, keeping them stranded there, useless.
As the trio looked at the fight before them, they saw Rei hainging from the temple wall, held up by her wrists. Her head was slumped forward, her body limp. She looked dead.
Usagi was near her, pinnded to a nearby tree in the same fashion as Rei. She, however, was struggling and was not transformed.
The monster, beautiful but deadly, was female, a black star on her chest. In her hands, she held a small glowing jewel.
"GIVE THAT BACK!" Usagi screamed. It sounded as if she were crying, but Minako couldn't tell from where she was.
"GIVE IT BACK! REI'S DYING! PLEASE! GIVE IT BACK!" Then Minako heard it. A choking sob escaped Usagi. "Please..."
The youma smirked. But soon the smirk was wiped off her face as a thick wooden stick slapped her in the face. The jewel she was holding fell from her hand, floating to the ground, well out of harms way.
The youma whipped around in the direction from where the stick came. And was greeted with yet another slap as Yung Hu jumped from a tree branch and glided towards the youma's face, closelining her with the stick he held in his small taloned hands.
He ran the second his feet hit the ground, quickly jumping over the youma's head. He ran and gently gathered the shining jewel into his hands, clutching it carfully to his chest.
The youma growled and stood quickly, but was hit with another attack. This one much more powerful, killing it instantly. The binds holding the senshi vanished, releasing them. They ran forward to check on Rei as Usagi went to Yung Hu for the jewel.
As he was about to hand it to her, a black blur snatched Yung Hu from the ground. The senshi looked up and saw two shadowed figures in the trees. One was holding the crystal, examing it. The other was holding Yung Hu by his belt. He was not to pleased about it. He was swinging his arms around furiously, causing him to spin in circle the person's hand.
"Its not a talisman," the one with the jewel said softly. The person threw it toward the senshi, and Usagi caught it. The one holding Yung Hu simply let go, causing him to fall into the bushes below. He emerged, growling, with small twigs sticking out of his fur. He turned around to look at the two who had attacked him, only to see their back retreating off into the sunset.
Yung Hu walked over to the senshi in time to watch them replace the jewel back inside Rei's heart. Within minutes, her color returned to normal and she opened her eyes. She smiled up at their relieved faces and groaned when Usagi began to wail, wrapping her arms around Rei's neck.
"Usagi...You're choking me..." But Rei smiled when Usagi only seemed to hug her tighter.
"So that thing was looking for pure heart crystals," Ami asked.
Rei nodded. "Thats what the lady controling it said before she left."
Usagi groaned and looked up at the quickly fading sun. The others just seemed to mimic her, all of them lost within their own thoughts.
After a few moments of silence, Usagi said out loud -
"Goodbye normal life. Hello new enemy..."
~It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day - in a new land
And it's waiting for me
Here I am~
THATS IT!!! ITS OVER!! ITS FINALLY OVER!!! lol Yes my friends, the story is over. And I seriously doubt I'll continue to write anything on this arc. Oh, I told you I'd tell you what the title meant, didnt I? Its Italian. It means, roughly, "I wonder if I will ever see them again".
Thanks so much for reading. In the words of Tino-
Chapter 21 - Epilogue
The song is called "Here I Am" sung by Bryan Adams. I don't own the song nor Sailor Moon.
~Here I am - this is me
I come into this world so wild and free
Here I am - so young and strong
Right here in the place where I belong~
A few weeks after prom, the senshi found themselves finally relaxing. Raiga had left just shortly after Chibiusa's return home, which left Ami quite miserable. But Makoto had smiled and told her to cheer up, she'd be with him soon enough in the future.
It was the start of summer, and after summer would be college. For four of the five senshi anyway.
Makoto laid stretched out on her couch, the fifth installment of the Harry Potter series clutched in her hands, her reading glasses slid down her nose slightly.
Minako enetred the living room and smiled down at her lover before brushing her fingers back thru the amazon's very short hair.
"Know who you remind me of," Minako asked.
Makoto gave a grunt, her attention never leaving the book.
Minako giggled. "You look like Tenoh Haruka, the F-1 racer. I think its the hair cut.."
Minako bent down and kissed Makoto's head softly. "I'll leave you alone."
Mianko smiled and made her way to the kitchen, giggling when she heard Makoto yell out a swear word over her book then laughed when she heard Makoto giggle with child like excitment over same said book.
Minako moved around the kitchen, preparing herself to make a late lunch when her wrist communicator went off.
Minako sighed and opened her watch, wishing the bad guys would give them some sort of break.
"Venus here.."
Rei's face was pale as it flashed on the small screen. "Makoto there too?"
Minako nodded. "Yeah." Minako then looked away from the small screen. "Mako-chan! Rei's on the communicator!" Minako heard a grunt then a sigh, then she saw Makoto enter the kitchen.
"Oh what is it now?" She asked annoyed.
Minako looked back to the screen. "Well...?"
"You two need to come to the temple. We're not under attack, but...Its senshi business all the same."
Makoto and Minako made their way thru the shrine towards Rei's bedroom. Upon entering, they saw Usagi and Ami had already arrived.
"Ok, so what is goin on," Makoto asked.
Rei stood and left the room, beckoning the others to follow her. They all followed her towards the back of the shrine, down the stairs and into the small wooded area out back.
Makoto recognised the place as where Yung Hu's body was buried. They neared the area of his grave, but stopped and looked around when they heard growling noises.
"What is that," Usagi asked.
Rei kept walking, the others continuing to follow. As they neared Yung Hu's grave, the growling noises grew more intense, as if the thing making them was very angry.
Then they saw what was making the noises. The senshi stopped a few feet away from the foot of the grave, watching in horror as a decaying animal tried to claw its way out of the ground.
Makoto's eyes narrowed. "What happened?"
Rei shook her head. "I don't know. I heard the noises and when I came out here to check it out, I saw him clawing his way out. Then I called you four..."
"How is he alive," Ami asked.
Again, Rei shook her head. "I don't know." Rei looked to Makoto. "I didn't want to do anything until I told you..."
Makoto blinked and turned away from the grave. She couldn't stand watching Yung Hu's corpse fight light that. The others turned toward her, their backs facing the grave.
"Makoto," Minako asked, placing a gentle hand on her lover's back. "Are you alright?"
Makoto shook her head, tears begining to leak from under her closed eye lids, but not yet falling.
"Kill him, put him out of his misery," Makoto said, her voice cracking.
Rei nodded. As they turned around, there was a loud roar, almost like a painful scream. Yung Hu was out of his grave.
Makoto's tears finally fell as she took in his apperance. His once beautiful soft, blue fur was now black from dirt and mud, clinging to his body in a scragly sort of way. His once wise emeral eyes were now empty, only sockets remained, in which you could see into his head. His once proud white wings were a shame to be seen.
He looked every much as a zombie, his body decaying, bones poking out of his skin in odd palces.
"KILL HIM!" Makoto screamed.
But before the others could react, Yung Hu roared his painful cry again before his body erupted into green flames.
The senshi stood there in shock, not knowing what was happening. After a minute, Yung Hu collapsed into a pile of ash, as silent as the approaching night.
The senshi stood there a moment, waiting to see if anything moved, but nothing did. They turned and left, Makoto being the last to leave. She couldn't bring herself to move.
But finally she did, turning her back on the dust. She didn't think that having to relive the death of her best friend would be as painful as it was the first time.
As she made her way back towards the temple, a strangled cry made her stop. She turned and looked around the wooded area, but saw nothing. As she turned back around, she heard the cry again. It wasn't stragled this time, but it was soft.
Makoto turned and looked at the pile of ash on the ground and saw it moving. As she was about to call out to her friends for help incase of it being an attack, a small, light coloured head popped out of the ash. It's eyes were closed and it was crying.
Makoto knealed next to it, gently brushing the ash away to reveal a small tiger cub. Its coat was smudged from the ash, but Makoto could tell its coat was a very light blue, nearly white in colour. Gently she picked it up and cradled it in her arms.
Agian, her tears fell as she cuddled the small animal close.
"Yung..Hu?" She asked quietly.
The small cub mewed then looked up, blinking its eyes open, revealing them to be a rich emerald green.
Makoto laughed thru her tears then took off back towards the temple, yelling for her friends to see what she had found...
(Several months later)
Minako sat at her desk, hunched over several open books and a lap top computer. In the background she heard soft music playing. In her head, she was thankful for peace...
Minako sighed. Makoto was out getting dinner so she was stuck babysitting. But she had to study for a test the next day ( she and the other sneshi were in college now, all opting to stay in Tokyo in case there were attacks again) so she had Artemis baby sit Yung Hu, who was now three times the size of the small house cat, and who had a playful (tho Artemis would say mean)streak to match.
Artemis came running into the room Minako was studing in, dashing between her legs to hide under the desk.
Minako sighed. "Artemis, you can change into a panter sized cat. Why not just play with him? He's a child..you play with him, you'll wear him out."
"Because he's a warrior, I'm not," Artemis said. "I don't fight and I dont like the pain!"
Minako groaned and looked over at the door. She saw a small blue fluff ball of a head poke in, its green eyes darting around.
Minako stood up and walked over to him, leaning against the door frame, smiling down at the cub.
"And just what are you doin' to my cat, boy?" Tho she had meant it to sound forceful, it came out gentle and playful.
"I wanna play, and he won't play with me, " Yung Hu said, sitting on his hunches. "Will you play with me, Mina-chan?" He smiled up at her, all of his teeth bared in an innocent grin. "Please??"
Minako giggled and knealt down next to him, ruffling his hair. "Sure. Change into your human form and we'll..play a game or something."
He smiled at her and closed his eyes, concentrating very hard on his transformation. It took him several tries, but he finally changed. No longer a tiger cub, he was a small boy, the age of five or so, with blue tousled hair, green eyes and a very innocent face.
Minako giggled and stood up. "Come on, you need to get dressed." With that said she walked to the room that a few months ago was a studio. Now, it was a makeshift child's bedroom, complete with an adult sized single bed, a toybox filled with toys for a little boy, and a dresser filled with clothes for one as well.
Minako opened the drawers, pulling out a pair of jeans, a tee shirt, socks and underwear. Yung Hu climbed up on the bed and smiled at Minako as she walked over to him and began dressing him.
"So what are we gonna do," he asked her after she put his underwear and socks on him.
"How about we go to the park," she suggested. sliding the jeans on over his legs, picking him up to make him stand on his feet so she could fasten them.
"Can we see Rei-chan instead," he asked hopefully. "She said she was gonna put a swing out back for me, so I could have a place to play incase, ya know, I had another accident."
Minako sighed, remembering that day at the park as she slid Yung Hu's shirt over his head.
He had been playing with a few of the other children there and somehow had shifted into his hybrid form. Needless to say, it was a disaster. Makoto and Minako had transformed to "destroy" the youma which meant they chased him into the bushes, and then made lots of battle noises until he was able to change again. Then they ran out of the park and never went back to it.
Minako smiled at him and nodded. "Sure we can. But lets leave a note for Mako-chan so she doesn't worry, ok?"
He nodded, hugged Minako around the waist and ran out into the living room.
Minako walked back to her bedroom where she had been studying, shut off her computer and wrote a note for Makoto on a spare sheet of paper.
Taking the note to the living room and sitting it down on the coffee table, she walked over to the door and slipped her shoes on. She then knealt down to Yung Hu who was having problems tying his shoes.
"Need some help, kiddo," Minako asked sweetly.
Yung Hu shook his head, then smiled. "Nah. I got it!" He stood up, went to take a step and fell flat on his face. He looked up and blinked, looked behind him, and saw he had tied his shoe laces together.
Minako giggled, helped him up, then untied and retied his shoes correctly.
"There ya go, buddy."
He smiled at her sheepishly. "Thanks. Must be weird seeing me as a child that can't do nothing, huh?"
Minako blinked at him. "What do you mean?"
"Well you know," he said, blushing slightly. "You knew me before this, right? Only I was grown up and I was a fighter.."
Minako smiled and ran her figners thru his hair, making it even more untidy. "Its a little weird. But you'll be that warrior again soon enough. Until then, I have a son, huh?"
"No, you have terror on two legs!" Then he stopped and blinked. "Or four...Depending on what form I'm in," he said chuckling evilly.
Minako smiled and stood up, grabbed her keys off the hook near the door and offered her hand. "Ready?"
"Ready!" Yung Hu grabbed her hand and together they left the apartment.
Minako, still holding Yung Hu's hand walked around to behind the shrine.
As they looked around, Minako didn't see Rei.
"I dont' get it. Yuuchirou said she was back here," Minako said.
"Maybe she went further in," Yung Hu said, letting his hand fall from his surrogate mother's hand. "I'mma go play." And with that he went off, picking up a stick, swinging it around.
Minako smiled as she watched him play, but turned to face the other direction.
"Something isn't right," She said outloud to herself. Minako strained her ears, trying to listen for the slightest sound of distress. After a few minutes, Minako shrugged and turned to follow Yung Hu who was now no longer viable among the trees.
But then she heard it. Minako whiped around when she heard the blood curdling scream and took off in the direction where it came from.
As she ran, she was soon joined but Makoto and Ami, who were running just as fast.
"Where'd you two come from," Minako asked as she ran.
"I got your note," Makoto said, running along side Minako. "So I came over...and met Ami on the way."
There was another scream and the trio ran faster. The scream this time tho was more of a desperate yell. As the reached the fight, they were all three hit with wooden prongs that made them fly backwards, slamming them into trees. The prongs wrapped around them, keeping them stranded there, useless.
As the trio looked at the fight before them, they saw Rei hainging from the temple wall, held up by her wrists. Her head was slumped forward, her body limp. She looked dead.
Usagi was near her, pinnded to a nearby tree in the same fashion as Rei. She, however, was struggling and was not transformed.
The monster, beautiful but deadly, was female, a black star on her chest. In her hands, she held a small glowing jewel.
"GIVE THAT BACK!" Usagi screamed. It sounded as if she were crying, but Minako couldn't tell from where she was.
"GIVE IT BACK! REI'S DYING! PLEASE! GIVE IT BACK!" Then Minako heard it. A choking sob escaped Usagi. "Please..."
The youma smirked. But soon the smirk was wiped off her face as a thick wooden stick slapped her in the face. The jewel she was holding fell from her hand, floating to the ground, well out of harms way.
The youma whipped around in the direction from where the stick came. And was greeted with yet another slap as Yung Hu jumped from a tree branch and glided towards the youma's face, closelining her with the stick he held in his small taloned hands.
He ran the second his feet hit the ground, quickly jumping over the youma's head. He ran and gently gathered the shining jewel into his hands, clutching it carfully to his chest.
The youma growled and stood quickly, but was hit with another attack. This one much more powerful, killing it instantly. The binds holding the senshi vanished, releasing them. They ran forward to check on Rei as Usagi went to Yung Hu for the jewel.
As he was about to hand it to her, a black blur snatched Yung Hu from the ground. The senshi looked up and saw two shadowed figures in the trees. One was holding the crystal, examing it. The other was holding Yung Hu by his belt. He was not to pleased about it. He was swinging his arms around furiously, causing him to spin in circle the person's hand.
"Its not a talisman," the one with the jewel said softly. The person threw it toward the senshi, and Usagi caught it. The one holding Yung Hu simply let go, causing him to fall into the bushes below. He emerged, growling, with small twigs sticking out of his fur. He turned around to look at the two who had attacked him, only to see their back retreating off into the sunset.
Yung Hu walked over to the senshi in time to watch them replace the jewel back inside Rei's heart. Within minutes, her color returned to normal and she opened her eyes. She smiled up at their relieved faces and groaned when Usagi began to wail, wrapping her arms around Rei's neck.
"Usagi...You're choking me..." But Rei smiled when Usagi only seemed to hug her tighter.
"So that thing was looking for pure heart crystals," Ami asked.
Rei nodded. "Thats what the lady controling it said before she left."
Usagi groaned and looked up at the quickly fading sun. The others just seemed to mimic her, all of them lost within their own thoughts.
After a few moments of silence, Usagi said out loud -
"Goodbye normal life. Hello new enemy..."
~It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day - in a new land
And it's waiting for me
Here I am~
THATS IT!!! ITS OVER!! ITS FINALLY OVER!!! lol Yes my friends, the story is over. And I seriously doubt I'll continue to write anything on this arc. Oh, I told you I'd tell you what the title meant, didnt I? Its Italian. It means, roughly, "I wonder if I will ever see them again".
Thanks so much for reading. In the words of Tino-