A/N: ...Does anyone know what happened to Fini's cape? I can't find it D:
(By the way, R.I.P. Whitney Houston)
Back in our favorite warehouse, Dr. Finitevus is leaning against that old television set again, but he's lacking his cape this time. What could've happened to it?
"Eager for more, aren't we?" he chuckles "Very well. I'm not the one to disappoint..."
The camera cuts to a human boy around the age of fourteen. He has short sandy blond hair with blue eyes, wearing a red Gatorade t-shirt and faded blue jeans with black Nike tennis shoes. He's standing in what looks like the outside of a storage unit.
"This young man is Tyler," Finitevus explains "His buddy Lucas decides to put him on the show to give him a good scare or two."
The camera then cuts to another human boy around Tyler's age, except his hair is darker and he has brown eyes, wearing a Newgrounds t-shirt.
"I'm putting Tyler on Scare Tactics because he has a lot of fears," Lucas smirks "Plus, I wanna see him scream like a little girl on national television."
The camera then cuts back to the warehouse where Finitevus is using a cloth to wipe a smudge off his teeny-tiny glasses.
"I forgot to mention that Lucas set up Tyler to help a few volunteers capture a pup that escaped from a vet's office," Finitevus says, then he grins sadistically. "But this little doggie had been tampered with before it was rescued..."
. . .
Stanley's Storage Units
The camera pans into the storage area where Tyler is accompanied with Simian and Fiona. Simian is holding a capture pole used by Animal Control to lasso animals around their neck and take them where they need to go, and Fiona's carrying a dog carrier. Tyler's carrying a bag filled with dog food and treats that's supposed to help lure the pup out, if it ever comes to that. Simian looks around the area with the capture pole resting on his shoulder and Fiona places the dog carrier on the ground. Tyler however, looks around with a bored look on his face.
"Alright," Simian says "we were told that he went into this area and hasn't been seen since. So, I'll go look around to see if there are any traces of him being here, and you two can set the food out."
"Let us know if you find anything," Fiona calls as Simian walks towards one of the storage units.
Tyler takes out a can of dog food and follows Fiona to another storage unit that's next to the one Simian went to. Fiona takes one of the cans and finds an area to put to food down while Tyler uses a spoon to dig out the gross-looking mush out of the can and puts it on the ground.
"So, you like dogs?" Fiona asks, trying to make conversation.
"Yeah," Tyler shrugs "I never had a dog, though."
"I had one," Fiona laughs a bit "Her name was Priscilla. She was a naughty little thing, though. Always got into trouble when I wasn't around."
"Yeah, dogs love to get into trouble when their owners aren't around..." Tyler says.
The duo don't exchange anymore words for the time being and continue to set down the food in various areas they believe the pup might show up. Tyler eventually gets tired of the area he was currently in and takes a bag of Beggin' Strips over to the storage units on the opposite side. He goes over to one that has its door ajar and places some of the strips near it. But he pauses when he sees what looked like a trail of red stuff coming from inside the unit. Tyler frowns before he goes over to the door and lifts it open to get a better look inside. However... the moment he opened it, he is greeted with the sight of a multitude of mauled small animals ranging from squirrels to cats scattered all across the floor of the unit. The smell of decaying flesh wafts through the area, and flies are seen buzzing around the mutilated carcasses.
Tyler lets out a small gasp as he stumbles backwards and covers his mouth and nose. The dog they're looking for couldn't have done all of this...could it?
"Fiona!" Tyler calls.
"What is it?" the red fox says as she comes over, then stops when she sees the carnage in the storage unit. "What the..."
"I just found it," Tyler says quickly "I was putting those treats down and I saw blood coming from the inside...so I opened it and then..."
Fiona makes a face before she pulls out her walkie-talkie and tells Simian to come back to their location. As they waited, Tyler made sure to stay as far away from the dead animals as possible; if the dog they're looking for did all that, he could just imagine what it could do to them if they ran into it! Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long since Simian emerged from the other units just a minute or so later.
"Something wrong?" he asks as he comes over. Fiona doesn't say anything and points to the animal carcasses in the unit. "Oh...I found some just like these scattered all over the place where I was."
"The way they have been mauled looks like the doing of a wild dog or a wolf," Fiona observes "but this looks more brutal than any other wild animal..."
"Where did the dog come from, exactly?" Tyler asked curiously.
"We were told that it was a rescue dog," Simian explains "Said that it came from some sort of lab or something..."
Tyler makes a slight face after hearing that; if the dog came from some sort of lab, then does that mean that it was experimented on and the experiments caused the dog to become genetically advanced, or the experiments went wrong and now it mutated into a werewolf on the prowl for dinner? What if this dog wasn't as normal as they thought it was, and they're in danger?
Tyler's fears were sort of answered when angry barking began to come form the unit that Simian just came from. Tyler begins to feel uneasy, but the other two Mobians are calm, thinking that the canine isn't that much of a threat Tyler believes it is.
"Well, we found 'im..." Simian hums as he walks over to where the barking is coming form.
"Dude, be careful!" Tyler warns "That thing might be dangerous!"
"I just believe it became feral after spending so much time out here by itself..." Fiona says.
Both of them watch from a distance as Simian cautiously approaches the unit. The barking continues, but not as bad as before when they first heard it. Simian whistled to the canine, making it bark if annoyance.
"Hey buddy," Simian cooes as he extends the capture pole towards the unseen animal.
There's more barking, and suddenly a medium sized black canine-like creature jumps at Simian and grabs the capture pole, and whips it right out of the Mobian's hands. Tyler's getting increasingly uneasy as he watches the scene, and Fiona reminds quiet, but mirrors Tyler's expression. Simian, however, seems pretty peeved that the dog took his only means to capturing the animal, so he decides to take things into his own hands.
Big mistake.
The midnight black dog pounces on Simian and bites into his arm. Simian screams as his bone is crushed between the dog's strong jaws. Fiona gasps and Tyler lets out a small shriek as the dog begins to drag Simian into the storage unit. Tyler starts to run, but Fiona holds him back.
"We have to help him!" she exclaims.
"And get eaten?" Tyler screeches at her "No way! You can try to save him, but I'm staying right here! I'm not going near that monster!"
The sound of flesh being ripped and Simian screaming at the top of his lungs almost makes Tyler jump out of his skin. He starts to run again, but Fiona holds him in place so he won't take off.
"You scared?" Fiona suddenly asks.
"You shouldn't be..." Fiona suddenly grins. "You're on Scare Tactics."
The camera focuses on Tyler, who pauses for a split second before he breaks out into a grin.
"...Are you serious?"
"Yeah, you're fine," Fiona giggles "Your friend Lucas set you up."
The second he's mentioned, Lucas walks out of his hiding place with a smirk on his face and into the area while holding a bottle of water. The minute Tyler sees him, he charges at Lucas and puts him in a headlock.
"You are awful!" he laughs while Lucas gets out of the headlock. "I thought I was gonna die, you douche!"
"But you love dogs," Lucas teased, making Tyler swing at him.
The camera cuts to where everything has settled down after the skit; Simian is back with the group, along with the dog (which had been trained for this; he's actually really friendly) while Tyler shares his thoughts on what happened.
"The minute you said that thing was form a lab, I immediately knew this was gonna be some sci-fi shit," Tyler says "And as soon as the dog started barking, I knew someone was gonna get eaten, but it was NOT gonna be me!"
"Are you gonna get back at Lucas for this?" Simian asks.
"I will," Tyler vows "I just don't know what to do to get him back...yet."
. . .
The camera cuts back to the warehouse where Dr. Finitevus is still leaning on that television set, and he's shaking his head slightly.
"See, this is why I'm a cat person," he says "At least they're not big enough to actually rip you open, unlike they're cousins. Don't leave yet, we still have more victims to scare..."
E/N: Should I have guest stars come to the show? I've been thinking about having Mario or Link scared or something...I dunno yet.
Sorry if this one seemed short, but the skit is actually based off of something that happened to me once. My cousin and I were chased by a dog at a park. I'm not scared of dogs, mind you, but I thought I could make a skit based off something scary I've been through.
And I STILL can't find Fini's cape...