A/N - This is my first ever fanfic so let see how this turns out. Any comments will be greatly appreciated because I'm looking to get a feel for what you think. Like it, hate it, I want to know. Even though it is summer, I'm a little behind in my summer work for school so I'll update whenever possible. Depends on how you guys react with this story. Thanks, hope you enjoy!

Even though it was just 5 am, Danville was looking beautiful. This summer day was already starting off great, but the weather forecast said otherwise. Temperatures would be in the high 110's for the following week and the citizens of Danville were preparing for this sudden heat wave. Air conditioners all over the Tri-State Area were working at their highest output in order to fight off the heat indoors.

A sleeping Perry the Platypus was well into his extra vacation time dreams on the end of Phineas Flynn's bed when his wristwatch began blinking and beeping.

"Agent P."

No response.

"Agent P!"Perry slowly opened his eyes, visibly displeased of being woken up for his work this early in the morning. He remained still as Phineas shuffled in his bed, mumbled a little nonsense, and then drifted back into sleep. Hoping off the bed and heading down to the living room, he put on his trademark fedora and looked at his watch.

"Sorry to wake you up Agent P but we have a situation here." Monogram himself looked unhappy with being up at this hour. He wasn't even in uniform, but rather in a pajama of the same color.

"Sorry Agent P, I know I don't look myself without my morning cup of joe." Monogram stopped as the camera angle began sinking downward. "Carl! Wake up!" It was no use, the intern was dozing off. Monogram picked the camera up from its tripod and got it to what he believed was an ideal distance for his close up. It actually was a close up of his nose which Perry couldn't help but chuckle at. "Anyway, uh, our surveillance cameras show that Doofenshmirtz is getting an early start on his new evil scheme. From the looks of it, it has something to do with freezing, and knowing Doofenshmirtz, this can't end well. Get out there and put a stop to it."

With a quick salute, Perry was off.

~Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.~

"Any second now!" Doofenshmirtz eagerly awaited his nemesis to make his entrance. After many encounters he was sure he would capture Perry the Platypus with his cunningly thought out traps. He had every entrance accounted for.

The walls were lined with a net deploying system that, once broken through, would instantly capture the platypus. The windows were rigged so that once crashed open, mechanical arms would launch out and grab the mammal. Doofenshmirtz really went all out this time around that he was sure Perry would be captured with ease.

"You know, he's going to be really impressed once he's captured, I mean, everything has been taken into account that he has to..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence because at that moment, he heard the front door open, where Perry the Platypus made his entrance rather casually. The front door, the one entrance that hadn't been trap ready.

"Perry the Platypus!" Doofenshmirtz was astonished.

Perry simply looked around the room, eyeing every trap that had been set up solely for his capture before looking back at Doofenshmirtz.

"The one time I have all your usual entrances ready with traps, you decide to use the front door. The place I usually have lined up with traps." he sighed. "I don't understand you sometimes Perry the Platypus." Perry simply shrugged at this remark and made his way to an ordinary looking wooden chair to hear Doofenshmirtz's lecture over his new Inator again.

Upon sitting in the chair however, he found himself being tied to the chair with rope by a mechanical arm coming out the back. Seeing this, Doofenshmirtz was confused at first. "How in the world did the Tie-Em-Up-Inator get over... I mean ha ha! I knew you would make your way over to that ordinary looking chair. See Perry the Platypus? That's my genius at work." Perry was not amused with this.

"Well now that you're all tied up, I can unveil my latest creation!" Pressing a button on a remote control, a machine covered in a huge tarp rose from underneath the floor. Pulling the tarp off of his contraption he exclaimed, "Behold! The Ice Cold Freeze Rayyyyyy.. Inator." Surely enough, there was a tall machine that was shrouded by mist. After a few seconds Perry could feel the temperature drop, probably due to the mist coming off of this machine.

"Impressive don't you think?" Doofenshmirtz was now dressed in winter apparel, ready to give his explanation of this new Inator.

"You see Perry the Platypus, this summer has been a rough one. I mean, the heat has been crazy at times, there's been numerous power outages, I'm just sick of it all. So I've decided to just change all of that. With my Ice Cold Freeze Ray Inator, I will freeze the many water droplets in the clouds, resulting in the formation of snow! Snow in the summer! It's like summer and winter combined! I call it, Wummer! Or well, I guess it could be called something else, Swinter maybe. Anyway, once the Tri-State Area has been covered in a blanket of snow, I can finally enjoy the week. Have you heard its supposed to be like 110 and beyond, I mean that's crazy! But that won't be happening anymore!"

Perry was not enjoying this idea. He was trying so hard to loosen up the rope he was tied up in, but it was no use.

"You know, now that I think about it, I could've just made an Inator that cools my own place. That was I could relax and enjoy seeing others suffer in the heat. But the Ice Cold Freeze Inator is here. And technically I'll be doing everyone a favor. Unless you're the type that hates winter, i guess. Oh well! Here we go!" He stopped just before pressing the button to activate the machine. "Hm, maybe I should've made this outside on the balcony." displeased with his situation, Doofenshmirtz began pushing the Inator with all of his might, only to have it move a few centimeters. "Heh, this could take a few minutes"

-One Hour Later-

"And there! Phew." Doofenshmirtz was sweating immensely from all of his manual labor, but the Inator was finally outside. After collapsing on the floor, taking several deep breaths, and cursing himself internally for not thinking this through, he got up.

"Now! Goodbye hot summer, hello Wummer!.. Actually I'm starting to like Swinter more now, but regardless!" Pressing the button led to an icy blue ray being shot up into the clouds. They began turning bigger and darker and eventually snow began falling. After a few minutes the rate of snow fall was staggering.

So much snow fell in the first 5 minutes that Doofenshmirtz himself was getting a little worried.

"Oh I see, it was on the high setting, let just lower that to low now and there we go! That's better."

It was 6:10 am in the Tri State Area. And everyone was going to be in for quite a surprise when they woke up.

A/N - I know there wasn't much advance into the story, but I was looking to give details on how this all came to be. The next chapter will focus on Phineas and Ferb's reaction towards this second Swinter in their summer. There should hopefully be some Phineas and Isabella in the next couple of chapters. Let me know what you think! I'll update as soon as I can, please review!