It was night in the small city of Amitypark. A tourist or visitor might say that it looked like a simple, average town, with normal everyday people who had normal, everyday problems. But this town was so much more, the people that lived there had more than typical everyday problems to deal with… this place was one of the most haunted places on the entire Earth! For years ghosts had attacked this particular town, for reasons unknown, and terrorized the citizens. At first, no one had actually realized that Ghosts had been the reason for this chaos; people had assumed that it was vandalism and the ghosts rarely showed themselves. But about a year ago, the ghost attacks had become more frequent, and the reason, (though the people did not know it), was that the Fenton Family had created a ghost portal.

Jack and Maddie Fenton had been known as ghost hunting freaks, obsessed with their seemingly pointless work, (since many of the town's residents had still refused to believe that ghosts were the problem).

The Fenton's two children were pitied by some of the adults because they had to endure living in such a crazy household, everyone could tell that both teenagers were sometimes embarrassed by their parents and that they shared no interest in ghosts. Jasmine Fenton was a very smart and beautiful sixteen year old girl that everyone in the town adored. But Danny Fenton, the youngest, was shy, slighty pubescent, and horrible at sports. Daniel was often picked on by many of the kids his age because he was so weak and because of his parent's profession of ghost hunting.

But even though Danny was considered a loser, no one could deny that he was a very handsome young boy. He hardly ever had any acne problems, his teeth were always brilliantly white, his long and slightly spiky raven black hair was gorgeous, his voice was soothing, and best of all was Danny's dazzling azure eyes.

After the Fentons had created the ghost portal and the amount of ghost sightings had tripled, people began to report sightings of a ghost boy. People would claim that the ghost boy had looked almost like a fourteen year old handsome human, and that he would often fight away the other ghosts. Some believed him to be a hero; others thought that the ghost boy was still an evil ghost who was simply defending his territory.

The ghost boy was nicknamed "Inviso Bill", by some of the town's people and had also been seen attacking police officers and robbing banks and jewelry stores.

But many of the citizen's negative views about the ghost boy changed when he saved their entire town from a skeleton army. Before flying off into battle in a battle suit, the white haired teenage ghost had yelled out that his real name was "Danny Phantom".

A few months later, the same ghost had saved the entire earth from a gigantic ectoranium asteroid by convincing almost the entire ghost race to work together to turn the Earth intangible.

After this amazing feat, Danny Phantom had revealed himself to be Danny Fenton.

To pay tribute to the ghost boy, all the country's capital cities, (and amity park), had a statue of Danny dedicated to him.

Two weeks had passed since then, and now Amity Park was full to the brim with tourists. The tourists wanted to see the statue of Danny, the first places where Danny had fought ghosts, and most importantly, Danny himself in action.

Scientists also came from around the globe to study Danny's behavior, of course, the ghost hybrid did not agree with the Scientist's "research" because they acted like he was some kind of rare animal.

But the half ghost boy had no clue that the scientist's gawking at him was the least of his worries…

The guys in white underground headquarters was filled with monitors, the screens all showed videos of a ghost with white hair in a black and white suit. There were also diagrams on the wall accompanied by blueprints for ecto weapons.

The guys in white had built this secret base underneath Amity park for one simple purpose: to capture the "ghost boy".

The "GiW" weren't fooled by the whole "hero" act, they were positive that Phantom would turn on the entire human race and seek to control the world just like Vlad Plasmius had. They were going to capture the boy before that happened and then… well, they hadn't got that far yet actually…

Operative K, the African American agent, was testing a new ghost net, while his partner Operative O was examining some green liquid in a phial.

This green liquid was actually Danny's "ghost blood", it had been quite difficult to get their hands on it without him knowing, but the two government agents had done it in the end by collecting it from the roof of a building after Danny had fought a ghost by the name of Spectra. The blood had fallen from his arm onto the roof after Spectra had scratched him with her claws.

With this blood, they had been able to study it's properties and learn all about Danny's powers, energy levels, and his ecto signature. They had been shocked to learn from the blood that Daniel's ecto energy level was off the charts, though it was clear he hadn't reached his full potential yet, which gave them another reason to capture him as soon as possible before he would be to powerful.

Since ghost blood was technically ecto energy in liquid form, it could be used in ecto weapons, and the more powerful the ghost the blood had come from, the more powerful the weapon. The Guys in White were working on a weapon right now that was going to use the blood as an energy source, of course, the blood would only last for a few shots, but they would be able to get plenty of Danny's blood once they caught him.

Right now, the agents had to plan how to get Danny without anyone knowing, since he had saved the world, he had practically became a celebrity. If people knew that they had harmed the famed Danny Phantom, the Guys in White would gain many new enemies.

There had to be a way to get to that pesky little freak… but how?

Hi, this is basically the prologue of my story, more to come soon!