When Stiles woke the next morning, and reached his arm out across his bed, he was searching for the familiar form that had been there when he had fallen asleep. Unfortunately, he found nothing. Dismayed, Stiles sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes and looking around. When his eyes locked onto his window he noticed that Derek's plain white shirt was hanging there in the sill. The wolf had left the window open on his way out so there was a Winter's breeze blowing into his room. As he got up to shut the window, stiles noticed that there was a note being held down by a rock on top of the shirt. The teen picked up the paper, tossing the rock back out of the window, and read the scratchy scroll of Derek Hale. "You looked hot in this. I'll be back at 10." Sighing, Stiles threw the shirt on to his bed, slammed the window shut, and went to get ready for school.

That night Stiles lay on his back, his hands tucked underneath his head, waiting. He had already opened the window, and could feel the crisp, Winter air filling his room. The teen didn't even flinch when he heard light footsteps treading on his floor, coming towards him. He didn't look up either. Derek leaned over Stiles and landed a kiss on his lips, tugging at the teen's lower lip with his teeth as he pulled away. "Hey."

Stiles set his hands on to Derek's chest, not even bothering to push, it wouldn't do any good and Derek would know his intentions. Immediately picking up on the younger teen's wishes, Derek slid off of Stiles to sit beside him on the bed. The smaller teen sat up next to the wolf, steeling himself for the conversation that he wasn't sure he was ready to have. Stiles took in a deep breath, letting it out when he began to speak, "You could have stayed here, you know." Although his eyes were clamped shut Stiles could feel the bed shake as Derek let out a silent laugh.

"Why would I stay?" Derek kept his voice flat and uncaring, his body rigid. He could feel the heat emanating from Stiles' skin, smell the light scent of the soap that the younger teen used, but the worst part was Derek could hear how fast Stiles' nervous heart was pounding. The wolf could feel his resolve wavering, he prayed the younger didn't put up to much of a fight, because he wasn't sure that he could stay strong for long, but Derek sat there completely still, keeping all his emotions tucked neatly inside.

Stiles was staring at Derek, mouth hanging open in disbelief. His eyes narrowed into slits, "You're kidding me right? Do you really expect me to believe that none of this has meant anything to you? Because really, I don't. It's such bullshit that you don't care, you and I both know that you do." The wolf was taken aback by the lashing that Stiles had begun to give out.

"I told you last night that I'm just here to get some, but seeing as it doesn't look like that's going to happen for awhile, I'll be leaving. I just wanted to tell you that I wouldn't be back." Derek felt his gut squeeze at the lies he was spouting, he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay in this spot forever. He wanted to kiss Stiles' until they both passed out, he wanted to feel every part of the smaller teen's body, he wanted to hold him all night, and wake up with him in his arms. Although he wanted all of these things, Derek would never show it. He would remain cold. The older teen got up to leave the room but stopped when he felt a hand wrap around his wrist.

Stiles stood, standing barely an inch away from the wolf's face, staring into his eyes. He was trying to remain as calm as he could, even though he knew that his heart beat would give him away. No matter how badly he wanted to be with Derek, he knew he was still frightened of him. The smaller teen gave none of this away in his face, which impressed Derek, he kept his eyes strong and his mouth in a hard line as he muttered the word "bullshit." Stiles could see that the wolf's eyes had heat behind them, and for a split second he could have sworn he saw flashes of red in them. The smaller teen's resolve wavered at the sight and he took a step back. "You know this means something and you think that acting like this makes you strong, but it doesn't. It makes you weak."

At that there was a definite flash of red in Derek's eyes. "I am not weak Stilinski. You of all people should know that." They were standing so close to each other now, Derek was standing over the smaller teen, staring down in to his light brown eyes, eyes that were filled with so many different emotions, but there was one winning over all of the others, one that Derek knew all too well, pain. "I...I should go."

"No. You shouldn't." Even though Stiles meant the words, he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop the wolf if he really wanted to leave, so he released his hold on his wrist. The smaller teen picked up the cotton shirt that was still laying on his bed and pressed it up against Derek's chest. "I just. I don't get it Derek. If this was just about sex, if you really didn't give a shit about me you wouldn't have come back at all, you would have just left in the middle of the night and left everything at that. You were really upset about last night, I know you were, and I think you and I both know why... You know what? Fine. Just leave." Stiles eyes began to swim and he had to look down so that Derek wouldn't see.

In those words Derek lost everything. His composure was gone and it took everything it had in him to not break down. He was grateful that Stiles had taken a moment to look away because he knew that his face would give him away, that he could no longer hide the way he was feeling on the inside. "Stiles..." The wolf was surprised at how soft his voice was, he reached his hand out to try and get a hold on the smaller teen's hip and pull him closer, but Stiles dodged out of the way of the hand and just shook his head.

Then Stiles remembered that he had promised himself that he would keep a level head for this, and he took in a large breath of air, preparing himself. He would let Derek leave, but he would not let him leave without an explanation, he owed him that. Stiles looked up into the taller teen's eyes and was slightly taken aback by how soft they appeared. Although startled by this, Stiles was not going to let it stop him from getting his answer. "Just tell me why." His voice was flat, and he didn't let anything signal this as a question, it was a demand.

The wolf's teeth clenched shut and his jaw squared off, how was he supposed to answer that, he couldn't lie, the teen seemed to see right through him. "You want an answer? Okay, here it is. It's you. This is all your fault! For some damn reason I care about you. Is that what you wanted to hear? But I can't control myself around you, I can't control anything around you. I can't be near you and be scared that I'm going to shift and rip you to pieces. I can't be close to you. I can't. I mean, you saw that last night, do you really want to have to worry about all of that?" The wolf meant for his voice to come out harsh and warning, but despite himself it came out shaky and weak. He stood near the window, his heart pounding so hard that Stiles could see his chest moving from where he stood, shocked.

When everything Derek had said sunk in, Stiles didn't need anymore answers. In fact, he didn't need any more words at all. Before he even thought about it, the younger teen was in Derek's arms and he was kissing him so forcefully that even he was surprised by it. Stiles wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck and pressed his body so close that Derek knew exactly what he was trying to achieve. In a move faster than Stiles was ready for, Derek had him lifted up, and his legs wrapped around his waist. The kiss was growing in heat, and for once the smaller teen had beaten Derek to trying to gain access to the inside of the other's mouth. Stiles wanted to take in this kiss with everything he had in him, and although Derek's strong tongue had already gained back in control Stiles had no problem keeping up the strong rhythm. They were both clinging to the other as tightly as they could, although the older teen made no moves for the bed, he would let Stiles lead this one, even though this was the best answer to his question that he could have hoped for.

When they were both light headed and dizzy from their kiss, Stiles pulled their lips apart, sucking a little bit on Derek's upper lip as they parted. he rested his forehead on the other's, and looked straight into his eyes. The smaller teen slid his hands up so that they rested lightly on each of Derek's cheeks, he spoke, breathlessly, "Yes. I do." Then Derek did something that Stiles had never seen before, he smiled. A real smile, his lips pulled up, his eyes lightened up, and a small laugh of pure joy and relief escaped his lips.