DISCLAIMER- I don't own Shake It Up, or any of the characters. But I would like to! Haha.

A/N- After the text starts "Dear Diary" from that point on, it's in her diary of course! Right up until it says "Goodbye" or however she signs off her diary that day, just to be clear. Kay, thanks! Yah!

Chapter 1: Just a Freak

Cece's POV-

Dear Diary,

I am writing today because it's one of those days where I have the urge to tell my secret. Yes, I feel like telling someone that... I see people's auras. In case you don't know what that means, I'll explain it to you.

It means I see a glow of faint color around literally everyone. Each color I see represents something... usually an emotions and strong feelings/urges. Being stuck with the curse that makes me a freak, I know what each and every last one of those colors means.

Here are the main colors that I typically see, and their meanings:

Red- Energy, strength, anger, passion, fear, ego.

Orange- Self-control, ambition, courage, thoughtfulness, lack of will.

Yellow- Optimistic, happy, intellectual, friendly, indecisive, easily led.

Green- Peaceful, healing, compassion, deceitful, jealous.

Blue: Spirtual, loyal, creative, sensitive, kind, moody.

Violet: Highly spirtual, wisdom, intuition.

Indigo- Benevolence, highly intuitive, seeker.

Pink: Love, sincerity, friendship

Gray- Depression, sadness, exhaustion, low energy, skepticism.

Brown- Greed, self-involvement, opinionated.

Black- Lacking energy, illness, imminent death.

White- Perfect balance.

So you see, even though people think of me as the funny, daring, crazy girl... who isn't very bright, that's not exactly me.

I have to act like a ditzy girl so nobody will suspect my secret. And so far, it's worked.

Although I work very hard to make sure no one will find out, I do often long to tell Rocky, my mom, even Flynn or that nerdy kid, Henry. Maybe even Ty.

But, even more than those people, I long to tell Deuce. The very adorable, con artist. I like him more than I should. I'm a weirdo 13 year old girl, and he's a normal 14 year old guy.

I know he doesn't share the sam feelings about me, but I cannot help who I crush on. The heart wants, what the heart wants.

I really wish I could tell him... anyhow, thanks for listening Diary! :)

Goodbye Dearest Diary,

-Cece "Just a Freak" Jones

I sighed as I put down my pencil. As always when I feel so pathetic, I put my head in my hands. Why did I get stuck with dyslexia and some wierd aura vision?

Just then my phone starts playing my ringtone which is a funky song we dance to on the show... Shake It Up, Chicago!

I'm glad I'm on that show. It helps to boost my confidence, which is good considering I don't have much.

I answer the phone quickly.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Cece. It's Deuce."

Haha. Just the person I love to talk to. "Hey Deuce! What's up?" I asked, eargerly.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to meet at the park... I need to tell you something." He said, nervously.

"Sure Deuce, no problem. Is something wrong? You sound edgy."

"No, nothing's wrong. In fact, once I tell you things will hopefully be a lot better. Something I've wanted to tell you for a long time."

"Okay. See you in five." I say, then hang up.

All at once I feel anxious, nervous, edgy, and excited at finding out what Deuce needed to say.

I got dressed, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, then through on some lip-gloss as quickly as I could.

I raced out the door and to the park, remembering how I'd said I'd be there in five.

He was already there when I got there, like five mintues late. His aura was orange, with a tint of blue.

"Hey Deuce. Sorry, I took longer than I thought I would."

"No problem, Cece. I'm just glad you're here, late or not." He replied.

"Cool. So, what's up? What's been bothering you?" I ask, curiously.

He fidgets with his leather jacket before finally blurting out, "I'm a really weird freak who sees auras. And if you don't what that means then-"

I gasp, cutting him off. "I-I know what it means." I stutter.

I suddenly feel very happy that I'm not alone. But then my eyes narrow as I realize what's going on.

"How did you figure it out Deuce? You think it's funny huh? DO YOU! 'Cause it's not funny to me! How'd you know about what I see Deuce, huh? What gave it-"

"Wait... you see them, too?" Deuce asked, interupting me.

"Oh, stop! Stop playing games! I get what's going on here! You know! And you... you... you're making fun of me. It's not funny okay? So, please give it up. I-I..." I said, then burst out crying.

He starts to come over to comfort me. "Cece, I wasn't... I wasn't playing games! I'm dead serious. I see people's auras! And... I take it you do too?"

I sniffled. "Yes, as I matter of fact, I do. But I KNOW you don't, so I think I'll go home now."

"You're current aura is gray and I think I see a tint of red too." He blurted out.

I pull out a little handheld mirror out of my bag, and look at myself.

My aura is indeed gray, with a tint of red.

Still skeptical, I point at a little girl on the swings across from us, who aura's yellow.

"What's that little girl's aura?" I ask.

"Hmmm... just plain yellow." Deuce said, studying the young girl.

I look into his eyes. "You really and honestly see people's auras too?"

He looks right back. "Yes, I really and honestly do."

I hug him tightly. "I'm sorry Deuce, for being a jerk. And I've never felt more relieved in my life. I finally found someone I can connect to."