Author's Note: Because so many people said that the torture scene was too short, I took the time today to lengthen it a bit. I didn't know how else to inform everyone, so I just reposted the chapter. I hope that this was, indeed, an improvement.

Groaning, Mike slowly came to. His head was pounding something fierce, and it took him a moment before he remembered everything that happened. He blinked a few times and finally was able to focus. Looking around, Mike could only see complete darkness. He thought that maybe he was blindfolded, and he tried to reach up to check only to find that his hands were tied behind his back. Horrified, he realized that he had been tied down. Struggling, Mike tried to find any sort of slack in his bindings. Of course, there were none.

"I think he's coming around," a voice said. The echo in the room was so loud that Mike couldn't tell where the person might be. As he heard the next sentence, Mike felt his heart get stuck in his throat. "Get the boss."

The sound of resonating footsteps assaulted Mike's ears. All he could really feel, though, was the adrenaline rushing through his system. Even after all this time, he didn't know who these people were or even what they wanted. And if they had something to do with his parents' death then there was no way in hell he could even guess what they had against him and his family. Suddenly, he thought of Harvey. Harvey wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. He would figure it out and come save Mike… right? Just as panic began to set in, Mike heard a door squeak open and footsteps echo all around him. Mike began breathing heavily as he tried to control himself. No matter how hard he tried, though, he couldn't figure out how close the person was.

Suddenly, he felt a breath behind his ear just before someone whispered, "Have you finally come to play?"

Mike bit back a scream as he tried to control his rapidly beating heart. "What do you want with me?" he yelled, trying to suffocate his fear with anger.

"I just wanted to play, but you always kept breaking the rules," the voice whispered in his ear again.

Without warning, Mike felt someone touch the back of his head. He let out a bellow, which echoed back loudly, and tried futilely to get away. Laughter rang out all around him just before a cloth fell away from his eyes. Squinting, Mike hissed in pain as the sudden change in light made his eyes burn and water. He blinked several times to find he was in a rundown warehouse. Turning, he looked back and felt his heart sink with horror and surprise. His kidnapper wasn't wearing a mask, meaning his chance for survival was slim. But he recognized this face.

"Rebecca?" he inquired, staring at the blonde in front of him.

She smiled sweetly and said, "So you do remember me from that one night. I'm flattered. Tell me, did you win the bet?"

"Yeah, I did," Mike answered, not really thinking everything through. "But I don't understand. I had never met you until that day. Why have you been harassing me this whole time?"

Her sweet smile turned into a sadistic one. "That's the sad part of this whole thing, Mike. You see, you didn't do anything to warrant this. It just so happens, though, that you're the only one I can use to get revenge," she stated, her voice turning dark.

"What are you talking about?" Mike responded, feeling somewhat sick as he heard this.

"I'm talking about Harvey Specter," she told him.

Confused, Mike pressed, "What does Harvey has to do with any of this?"

"He has everything to do with this," she responded, beginning to pace. "Let me tell you a little story about a man. This man was dealing with some company problems. You see, the company was committing some back-hand deals, and this man found out about it. And what did they do? They fired him, of course. So he decided to sue them, and he hoped that he'll be able to oust the skeletons in their closets in the process and take down the whole company. But then a lawyer named Harvey Specter stepped in on behalf of the company. Not only did he manage to silence this noble and honorable man, but he also had the nerve to send this man to prison!"

Taking in a deep breath, Mike said, "I'm sure that Harvey was just doing what was best for the company. If you let me talk to him, though-"

"No!" she screamed angrily, slamming her hands down onto his arms and sinking her nails into his skin. Wincing in pain, Mike pulled back as far as he could into his chair. "It's too late for something like that. My father died in that prison six months ago, never even having the hope to escape and live his actual life."

Mike swallowed hard and managed to say, "I'm sorry to hear about that." Her grip slightly tightened on his arm as she heard this, but she didn't say anything. Finally, Mike said, "But I still don't understand what this has to do with me."

"You don't? I see. Well, Harvey Specter took away the most important person in my life; isn't it only natural that I would want to take away the most important person in his?" she stated as if it were mere common sense. When Mike thought about it, though, it sort of was, as twisted as it might be.

"I think you're horribly mistaken," he said. "Harvey doesn't care about anyone but himself."

Smiling, Rebecca nodded her head briefly. "That's what I thought as well. But as I started doing research, I began to realize that Harvey Specter actually has three weaknesses. All I had to do was figure out which one he cared about the most. Unfortunately for you, you actually turned out to be his greatest weakness."

Confused, Mike shook his head in disbelief. "Harvey Specter doesn't have any weaknesses. There's no way!"

"Au contraire. As I just said, he has three of them: his boss, his secretary, and his associate," she explained. "But he took a particular liking to you, Michael Ross, for reasons that I don't understand. You're not particularly good looking, after all, and are a bit too boyish looking for most women's tastes." Mike didn't even feel like arguing with her at that point, but he knew at least two gorgeous women who thought his "boyish" looks were attractive. "But Harvey Specter took an interest in you; that much became clear after I had my cousins break into his office to see if they could find anything of importance. He went with you to the police station, watched over you the whole time, and even took you into his condo. That is why you're the focus of my efforts. I want Harvey Specter to understand the pain I felt the day my father died. Since killing his father wouldn't have the same effect, I guessed that a lover wouldn't be too far off from the experience."

Mike tried to control the panic seeping into every crevice of his mind. "Why prolong it, though? Why psychologically torture me for months before this?" he replied desperately. "Why not just kill me from day one?"

"Do you think my father didn't suffer every single day he was in prison?" she snarled, her grip tightening fiercely on his arms. He winced in pain as her nails broke his skin. "He went through Hell and back in there. You merely got a taste of the horror and pain my father experienced. If you only knew… if you only knew, you wouldn't ask. You would be grateful that I didn't do more."

Suddenly, a thought struck Mike's mind. "And the car?" he inquired, turning desperate. At her age, she couldn't have had anything to do with his parents' accident, but he had to double check.

"What car?" she inquired, clearly taken by surprise.

Mike clarified, "The car you used to try to hit me. It was the same make and model as the car that ran my family off the road. How did you know?"

"According to one of the police reports, which are way too easy to get access to, an eyewitness saw that exact car driving down the road just before finding your crashed car," Rebecca stated. "I figured that that would pull up the worst memories for you. Was I right?" Stubborn, Mike refused to answer. He merely scowled and allowed his anger to grow. Better to be angry than to be scared in his opinion. "I'll take that as a confirmation," she sneered.

Glaring at the wall, Mike bitterly asked, "So now what?"

"Well, now I'll kill you," she stated simply.

Shaking, Mike refused to whimper and cry despite the fact that that's all he wanted to do. Since his near death experience, he had never really been scared of death. He understood it was a part of living. The ending part, of course, but a part nonetheless. But he had never really had anything to lose before, so there had been no real reason to fear it. Now, though, he was going to be leaving Harvey behind. Harvey… and Donna… and Rachel… and Jessica Pearson… and Jenny… and his grandmother. He didn't want to die anymore, and he sure as hell didn't want to be killed by anyone.

Mike swallowed the bile in his throat before croaking out, "Do I get a say in how you kill me?"

"I guess such an occurrence would be involuntary by the time your death comes around," Rebecca stated with a twisted smile on her face. "But if you think I'm just going to kill you without enjoying myself first then you're completely wrong." Terrified, Mike watched as she left his eyesight by going behind him. A couple seconds later, he felt something cold press against the front of his neck. Suddenly, he heard a click and felt two prongs pressing into his throat. "Your screams are going to be the most wonderful sounds I'll ever hear. Besides, of course, Harvey's sobs and angry yells when he finds your dead body in his chair tomorrow at Pearson Hardman. I'll make sure to somehow be there to see it."

Feeling sick, Mike watched as she came back around to face him. "You're wearing a bark collar right now. It was created for large dogs, like Saint Bernards, and is on its highest setting. In essence, every time you scream, it'll electrocute you." He instantly became determined to not scream. Abruptly, she disappeared behind him. He heard something, and she reappeared with brass knuckles. Mentally, Mike groaned. "I've been training every day for this, you know," she informed him nonchalantly. "I even went as far as to learn where your vital spots are in order to avoid them." She smiled as she nailed him in the gut. Mike grunted under his breath and mentally cursed the fact that he was tied to the chair. Since he was unable to move with the punch, he got the full impact of it. He was left breathless and gasping. Before he knew it, he saw a flash of white and felt a sear of pain on the side of his face. Suddenly, he tasted something metallic in his mouth, and it took him a moment to realize that it was blood. Just as he head this realization, he felt another blow to his chest. He coughed and spat his blood in her face. Glowering, Rebecca wiped the blood off her face.

"Still a bit of a spitfire, are we?" she inquired rhetorically. "I think I have a solution for that." Once more, she disappeared from his view. Mike tried to catch his breath when she appeared again. This time, though, there was a knife in her hand. Mike filled with dread as his mind processed everything. Slowly, she cut away his two sleeves to reveal his thin arms. She smiled and placed the tip of the knife to his skin. Abruptly, Mike felt a sharp pain sear through his arm. Biting his bottom lip, he barely kept himself from screaming in pain at first. Tears rolled down his cheeks, and he thought he was going to pass out. It became too much for him, though, and he let out a pained scream. A sharp spike of pain assaulted his throat, but Mike couldn't stop himself from screaming. Just before he blacked out, though, the pain stopped. Mike looked down at his arm to find it had been carved into.

Revenge is sweet.

Out of nowhere, Mike felt his stomach churn. He involuntarily lurched forward only for the ropes to stop him. Luckily, he managed to turn his head and got sick to the side of him. The stench filled his nose in an instant, and the only word he could use to describe it was fear. It was nauseating, and the smell made his stomach churn again. Gagging, Mike wasn't sure whether he should be relieved nothing come out or not. He spat out the last of the bile.

"So soon?" Rebecca asked, clearly amused. "I thought you would last at least until the second carving. I have to make sure this stuff stays, after all."

She then descended upon his arm again. This time, Mike didn't have the chance to brace himself against the pain. He instantly screamed out, his screams echoing back at him and the sharp bite of electrocution being his only companion. This appeared only to encourage Rebecca, because he felt the knife bite deeper into his skin. Struggling now, Mike tried to jerk himself away and felt helpless as the ropes didn't let up. She pulled back after what felt like an eternity. Gasping, Mike shuddered as he watched the blood drip down his arm, and he realized that she had carved the words deeper into his skin. It was probably to ensure that it wouldn't be patched up before anyone saw his corpse. She walked behind him and appeared with a wet towel. By no means did she gently wipe away the blood, but she helped with the clotting. Mike's arm was aching by the end, but at least it wasn't as bad the original pain.

"Aren't you worry of being caught?" Mike asked before spitting out some more bile. A sharp shock let him know just how sensitive the bark collar was.

Shrugging, Rebecca replied, "I'll worry about that once it happens. As for now, though, I'm going to enjoy this."

"Can't you mutilate me after you kill me?" Mike inquired, only half-joking. He didn't grimace this time when the electric collar activated once more. He refused to be quieted because of this pain.

Rebecca solemnly shook her head. "Forensics is a tricky thing nowadays. Did you know that they can tell what wounds were inflicted premortem and postmortem? No, I need for Harvey to know that you suffered every final second of your life. That you suffered, and he was completely helpless to save you." Slowly circling the chair, Rebecca stopped and looked down at Mike's arm. She wiped the knife clean and looked down at the arm in contemplation. "It's like a blank canvas. I just don't know what I should write. Or maybe I should try to draw something. But what? I've fantasized about this moment so many times. So many options. But which one would get Harvey's blood hotter? Which one would provoke him the best?"

Shrugging, Mike laughed, "You should sign it. Knowing who did this would probably provoke him the most." A sharp shock kept him from saying anything more.

Honestly, he wasn't sure why he was making light of the situation or even why he was helping her. He guessed that his hopelessness was just too strong, and he was beginning to emotionally shutdown. Slowly, he was accepting his imminent death. After all, how could Harvey figure out in a couple hours what the police couldn't figure out in a couple of months? Mike wasn't immortal. He just hoped that death wouldn't be so painful.

"Interesting," Rebecca murmured, gazing fondly at the arm. "Very interesting. Or maybe a hint. Something only Harvey Specter would figure out. He would be too proud to tell the police. No, he would come after me himself. Now that I would enjoy immensely."

The knife glinted as she lowered it to his arm. Mike held his breath as the tip just barely touched his skin. Just as she was about to carve again, though, a loud boom roared through the space, almost deafening Mike. Right after, incomprehensible commands and yells resounded through the air. Startled, Rebecca dropped the knife and turned around. Mike felt his heart leap as he realized it was the police. Detective Erbe and D'Onofrio were leading the squad. As soon as Rebecca was being handcuffed, Detective Erbe began untying Mike. His wrists were red from rope burn, and Mike wasn't sure exactly what was still wrong with him from the car crash. But he didn't care. He had to get to Harvey.

"Mr. Ross, you need to stay here. An ambulance is on the way, and we're going to have to take your statement after you've been released," Detective Erbe gently said. "Please sit back down."

Mike wasn't listening to her, though. He was planning on how to get away. How to get back to Harvey. Where would Harvey even be? "I need to get out here. I need some fresh air," he stated. "By the way, could you call Harvey and tell him I'm alright?"

"Of course," she murmured, nodding. "Do you know his work extension? I don't want anymore information than necessary leaking out."

Now knowing where Harvey was, Mike gave her the extension numbers. He didn't say another word, merely headed towards the entrance. An officer followed Mike outside, and Mike knew he was going to have to think fast. Once the ambulance got there, there would be way for him to see Harvey until the police were done with him. Previous experience told Mike that that could be any time within the next 48 hours.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Mike murmured, looking at the policeman with a pained expression. "I'm going to just step around the corner, alright? I don't want anyone to see me like this."

The officer nodded. Heart racing, Mike turned the corner and made a break for it. It was at this point that he finally realized his left eye was swollen from the hit. It was difficult to see everything in front of him; however, that didn't slow him down at all. Although his arm had started bleeding again and every step was harder to make than the last, Mike finally found a main road. He hailed a taxi the moment he could and gave the address for Pearson Hardman. Although the driver gave him a strange look, he didn't question Mike at all. Mike checked the time to see that they wouldn't hit any rush hour traffic. At least that much was going for him.

It felt like eternity once more, and Mike marveled at how long this day seemed to have been. Of course, was it even the same day? He asked the driver for the date and was surprised to discover that it had just over a day had passed since the car accident. As soon as they stopped in front of Pearson Hardman, Mike grabbed his wallet, secretly relieved it was still there, and paid more than enough money for the ride and leapt out of the vehicle. He brushed through security and took the stairs barely managed to jump inside an elevator that was just about to close.

"Oh, my God," someone whispered.

Mike knew he probably looked like Hell on Earth, but he didn't care. He wanted to see Harvey. No, he needed to see Harvey. The doors opened to the Pearson Hardman offices floor, and Mike leapt out as soon as he could. Staggering forward, he rushed through the associate cubicles despite the fact that several people called out to him. Once Harvey's office was in sight, Mike doubled his efforts to get there faster. Donna leapt up from her desk as she screamed out, "Harvey, Mike's here! He's alive!"

Harvey rushed out of the office. Jessica Pearson and Louis were on his heels, but Harvey left them behind as he covered the distance between the two of them. Trembling, Mike fought letting his emotions get the better of him. He wasn't about to break down in front of everyone. And he sure as hell couldn't do anything to ruin Harvey's reputation. Breathing heavily, he looked up pathetically at Harvey. Suddenly, Harvey swooped down and planted a firm kiss on Mike's lips. It was hungry, and exactly what Mike needed at that moment. Gasps sounded out all around them, and Mike himself felt taken aback by the sudden affection.

"I thought you were dead," Harvey whispered as soon as he pulled back.

Mike couldn't stop himself any longer. Silently, tears streamed down his cheeks, and he felt his knees suddenly buckle. He fell against Harvey and felt himself wrapped into a protective hug. Now, he was safe. Now, no one would or even could hurt him.

"I thought I was, too," he sobbed out, barely keeping his voice quiet. "I thought she was going to kill me. I thought that no one would come in time."

Arms tightening around him, Mike felt Harvey tense up as he heard this. "There was no way I was going to allow you to die, Mike. Don't you remember? I promised to protect you," Harvey reminded him. "So calm down. You're safe now."

Mike nodded and tried to breathe deeply. For a moment, he just lost himself in the moment. He had survived. He was going to see tomorrow. Hell, he was going to see the next month. Suddenly, Mike was ripped back to the present by Donna's voice. "Mike, you're bleeding!" she exclaimed.

Just as abruptly, Harvey grabbed Mike by the shoulders and pushed him back. It was only then that Mike felt the ache in his arm once again. Harvey instantly locked onto it, and his eyes narrowed dangerously. For the first time since Mike had gotten back, Jessica spoke up, "Call for an ambulance, Donna."

"No," Harvey stated. "I'll take him myself. It'll be faster."

Jessica gave Harvey a sharp look. Mike grimaced, knowing Jessica hated to be retorted to. However, it was Louis who made the next comment. "How? Your driver isn't-" he started to sneer.

"He's waiting outside, just as I ordered him to do," Harvey stated. "I wanted to be able to leave the moment I heard anything about Mike."

Nodding, Jessica motioned for them to leave. Mike leaned heavily on Harvey as they started heading back out. Just as the elevator doors opened, Detective D'Onofrio and Erbe stepped out. Both look slightly miffed but relieved to see the two of them.

"I figured you would be here," Detective Erbe said, smiling a bit as she glanced at Harvey. "You were very clever. You got me to tell you where he was as well as ditched a police officer."

Smiling weakly, Mike said, "It takes a lot more than that to keep me from what I want."

"Very well. The ambulance is waiting for you downstairs. Of course, you may come with, Mr. Specter," Detective D'Onofrio stated.

Harvey looked at him condescendingly. "I wasn't even planning on asking if I was allowed to," he responded matter-of-factly. "And don't even think you'll be keeping him for the whole night. As soon as his statement is finished and signed, he's coming home with me."

Mike smiled at that. He was going to go home at the end of the day no matter what. To a real home with someone who loved him and whom he loved. How he had never realized it before was questionable, but Mike finally realized something – something important. His home was now with Harvey. And nothing and no one would ever be able to change that. He finally had a home.