Disclaimer: I do not, nor have I ever owned Star Trek: 2009. I own one copy of the movie and that has been played probably seventy times. Have a great Read!

It was quiet; no one wanted to say a word once the couple was spotted. The striking pair had agony written across their faces as they gazed at the tiny coffin. The child was theirs, no one denied it. So, why had he been killed? What made the people of a supposed peaceful planet so violent against the child?

Uhura finally approached the grieving parents and laid a slim hand on Jim's shoulder, "I'm sorry captain. I didn't know that they thought children from two male parents were a sign of a pact with the devil. I can't express my sorrow deeply enough."

Jim patted her hand before leaning against Spock's tense shoulder, "I don't blame you Uhura. We should have asked before we let him beam down with us. They just seemed so peaceful and happy to see a child on a Starship."

Quiet tears were tracing the ever deepening lines on his still young face and Uhura's heart broke even deeper seeing them. No one should lose a child, this thought was written on every face within the room. Spock finally moved his eyes from the coffin and regarded Uhura with sadness etched into his Vulcan façade.

"Indeed you are not to blame, it is I who is at fault. I am, was," Spock's voice choked softly as he corrected his tense, "his main minder and I should have been watching him better. I cannot blame anyone else for my own incompetence, but I am grateful that we have the condolences of the crew." Spock turned his head to view all the crew that was assembled at the funeral, "Please, I ask that you allow Jim and I to grieve for our child in peace. Thank you all for celebrating Nathaniel's short life."

Uhura enlisted the help of Bones, Sulu, Scotty, and Chekov to clear the room. Some of the crew needed to be shoved out of the room but eventually the room was empty. The Command Crew spared one last glance to the solemn couple and left the room. The final image they saw as the doors closed was of Jim and Spock's hands resting on the tiny coffin. Nothing, not even their tears, could be heard over the Silence.

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