Draco Malfoy attended Fred Weasley's funeral. He stood in the far back, careful not to be seen, and after he thought everyone had left, he lingered a bit. He'd never let on that he secretly thought the twins were quite funny, and he was truly sorry he'd been part of the reason that Fred died. He felt that way in regards to everyone that had been hurt and lost in the war, but he could barely get up the courage to go to Fred's funeral, let alone anyone else's. Draco would never tell anyone he was there, and George would never tell anyone he saw him cry, apologizing to a headstone.

Draco left the cemetery and took one last look behind him. He then saw George standing in the doorway looking at him, crying slightly. Draco stared at him and nodded politely toward the no longer twin. George looked towards the ground, when he looked back up again, Draco was no longer there.

Back at the Malfoy Manor, Draco looked around with a hurt expression. He went into the room where the evil Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured Granger. Draco's mother came into the room and put a hand on his shoulder and led him out of the room. They locked the door and it was never to be opened again.