"I can't be Kayta!" Raven screamed.

"Save her!" Simon heard the voice in his head scream out. "Save Kayta!" He kept hearing it over and over before the images of his past began to flood over his mind.

Chapter Three: Raised as a Dog/Trained as an Assassin/The Angel Katya

"Kayta…" Mathias Targo spoke as he smoked a cigarette. He was sitting outside of a café with a man who was reading a newspaper. The gentleman set the paper down before he looked up to Mathias. "Vhat?" Simon asked. He hadn't been listening to anything his friend had been going on about.

"My new pet, my dog. Her name is Kayta.." Targo repeated.

Simon chuckled at the thought then shook his head. "Math, you've never been good vith animals, vat brought on zis dog obsesstion?" This had been something Mathias had been talking about for weeks.

It had started with an odd conversation. Mathias had came up with what it would take to create the perfect assassin. Targo believed it didn't need to go from a military start then on. No, he believed it would start by taking control of a young being then teaching it as it learned to obey it's master. Like a dog is trained, from pup and on.

Simon didn't think much of the talk. Mathias had always been a very reserved man with high intellect. Being his work was explosives it was something you would seem to need in the right situation.

"Simon, you should come see her. She's a pretty thing she is, very timid though.." Mathias explained his knew pet to Simon. The Polish man seemed to just marvel in what he was telling. Though the German began to think there was more to his words.

Hours Past…..

It was about about one in the morning before the two men ever started for Mathias place of residence. Simon had gotten long past what Targo had brought up at there meeting. Then hours and bottles of hard liqour later. The two men were heading on too Mathias home.

Of course in no way for pleasure of each other. No, Mathias had brought up going home to 'feed' his pet. The two had rushed into Targo's apartment singing an old Germen drinking song. Mathais was laughing and carrying on with Simon. Who went in and sat down on a couch in the living room.

The place was dark and most of the room wasn't easily visible. At least for a time, as the sound of a chain was being drug on tile in the room. "Math, is zhat your dog?" Simon asked looking off into the dark threw hazing drunken eyes.

"Oh yes…" Mathias flipped on a light switch and the room lit up so clear. The gray color of the walls, the pale green of the tiles. Off sent the furniture of the small apartment. Yet not as much as the nude women held up in the corner of the room.

"Mien Gott…" Simon shouted jumping up off the couch. His eyes were large and in shock at what he saw. Targo was just chuckling as he went over to the woman and grasped her by her blond hair. Her eyes looked to Mathias before he made for stare at Simon. By forcefully shifting he face in his direction.

"I told you she was pretty didn't I?" Mathias asked. If Simon had been another, if he had just an ounce of remorse to his name. Of course he would have acted a lot different. Simon smirked and shook his head at what he was staring at. "You really did iz.." The blond german male started over to Mathias and the woman. He crouched down and smiled to her.

Katya was still as she was being held by Mathias. Staring into the eyes of Simon Gruber, the eyes of a darken man. "She's pressy but vhat's vith…" Gruber made a gesture pointing to his neck then Mathias looked to Kayta's. He shrugged at the scar that was across her neck. "Kayta came to me like this, man told me. She was mute, gave me good deal."

"I see, guess zats better deal." Simon says to his friend. "No one likes a barking dog…" He adds before chuckling and standing up staright. This wasn't the first time Simon had seen women in chains. No it wasn't and it only told what terrible men he knew.

Mathias let Kayta's head go the stood up straight. "So, I need your help with this Simon." He says as he comes closer to the man. "I can take care of the dogs basic control, but I need you for the more vigerous training."

Simon raised a brow. "You vant me zoo…" He went to reach and touch Kayta before Mathias grasped his hand and dug his nails in hard. Causing him to seeth in a breath threw his teeth.

"I want combat training, I want it under my watch." Mathias ordered harshly to the man.

When Simon was let got he snarled at the man. "I don't vat zoo fuck your idiotic pet. I am not your dog. Don't ever grab me in zat vay again!" As Simon growled his words at Mathias. Kayta never took her eyes off the two men.

She saw that even though Simon was the smaller of the two. He could easily dominate out of them. Just the uneasy look on Mathias after the out burst showed so much. She smiled faintly and Simon saw it on her face. One glare from him though gave her back her calm expersion.

As time past it was something Katya always knew to do when around Simon Gruber.

After months of being kept by Mathias Kayta was brought to a military base. Mathias lead her with ease threw the base. She staid close walking with him in a german army uniform. Blending in like a needle in a hay stack as she went along with her master.

Just before being pushed into a gym, the trainging room of the base. It was where Simon was waiting to begin her combat training. Something that would be more rough on the girl then either of the men.

Kayta was made to stand infront of Simon. Targo stood off near a wall in the gymnasium. Simon stared the younger woman up and down before he began to walk around her. Again viewing the woman up and down without a word. The thoughts in his head came quickly about how he should begin the lessons though the only clear way was to just go at it.

It started simple…

"I vant you zoo.." Simon was behind Kayta when he spoke then pushed her at her back. Just enough to cause her to move forward. "Zoo learn, zoo fight me. Vat only me.." Kayta turned and hardly understood what was going on. She was forced to obey one man in ways to seemed to harm her.

Now she was being forced to harm a man she wanted too…*slap*

Simon had moved quickly when the woman didn't react after his command. He moved infront of her and back handed her across her face. Bringing tears to Kayta's eyes but nothing more. She stood straight as if nothing had occurred after the attack.

"Vat muss I zoo, zoo make zis clear?" Gruber hissed stepping forward, speaking down to her. Kayta looked up into his eyes and made him see her. He stared to her almost frozen in shock before she smiled to him.

Targo was about to go on the attack when something happened. Kayta had balled her left hand into a fist at her side. Before bringing it straight forward and hitting Simon in the gut.

Taking the hit with ease Simon had coughed at the impact then laughed right in her face. Her look became one of a distrought being. "Now, vee ahe gettin some vhere"

As the months of her combat training blended with her master's obedience training. Things began to come out about the younger woman. For Mathis she was his pet and nothing more. Though for Simon she was his new tool. A weapon that both men would come to use very well.

Kayta and Simon practiced their combat skills each day with one another. It was coming so far along that Kayta began to learn weapon skills.

Nothing to aggressive for starters but weapons. Her favorite being a type of curved daggers known as Kukri. More smaller then the well known ones that looked almost like large curved machetes. Simon knew nothing about blade play but with the combat skills he taught her.

Kayta had created her own form. Being a very fluid like movement, quick and striking exactly where the person needed.

As the men had formed their assassin they had began to trust in ways they shouldn't have. For Mathias it was his trust in Simon. Targo had left Kayta and Simon to their training. He left them alone in a way he shouldn't have.

"Mein Gott!" Kayta had a blade down deep on the side of Simon. Of course it was a purpose miss that was sticking into the soft training matt under them. "So close, so very close my girl." Gruber says before going to get up from under her.

It's only in an instant but it happens none the less. Kayta pushes Simon back onto the mat and climbs onto him. Holding him down by his chest with one hand before she leans to kiss him quickly.

The action she has made is an impacting move on Simon's perspective. Being he only counters as any animal would in the throws of aderinaline and a hazing mind. Kayta is moving with Simon going and he is persuading her not forcing.

Telling her with his hands instead of words with what he wanted of her. Making her bend and shape as he wishes in ways even Mathias couldn't. Even more was when it was just to it's end. The two in heaps of sweat as they were tossing around with one another.

Simon in ferce thrust going at Kayta from behind. Everything was perfect and even more so when it was at it's end. As Kayta screamed out at her finish. "Ahhhhh!" Something Simon nor Mathias had ever heard come from her.

During beatings, during the sparing matches, injuries after injuries she had taken. Not one time had she screamed, yelled. The most was a grunt from a hit, but this was different and it only caused something in Simon.

He got what he needed and turned Kayta to face him. Gruber stared down in the angel's eyes and she stared up to the demon who released her. She knew nothing of what would be beyond that heated moment.

Only Simon knew of the next stage…"Kayta, I vill be zeaching you some zing new. Iz's a game, called 'Simon Says'" The man had spoke down to the woman in almost a compasionate way. In return the woman had smiled in almost and understanding.

Something that would indeed take the two people very far, or as far as the future would take them.