
They sat in a tub filled with warm rose-scented water, flower petals floating on the surface. Padmé rested against Anakin's warm body as they drank sparkling wine and watched the flickering flames of lit beeswax candles.

Anakin set his empty glass down on the floor and gently ran his forefinger on his wife's arm. Padmé ran her hand up and down Anakin's thigh, eliciting purrs. "This is perfect," he said.

"You know what would be even better?" Padmé asked, setting down her own glass. She then turned around, straddled his long legs, and put her arms around his neck.

"Oh yes, of course," he said mischievously, holding her waist.

"Not just that, silly." She flashed him a brilliant smile. "If we had a family. I've said it many times and I'll say it again. One day, I want to have your baby, Anakin Skywalker."

"Just one?"

"Mmm, no, lots of them. But one at a time, of course," she said, placing a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

His eyes flashed in the dark. "There's no one else I'd rather have bear my children. You'll be a great mother. I just know it."

"Oh, Ani." Padmé blinked back tears. "Thank you." She caressed his cheek.

"Someday soon, I promise," he said, kissing her.

She returned his kiss, her tongue caressing his. Her hands moved over his shoulders, then his well-defined chest. She bent down to flick her tongue over his taut nipples, making him growl. She slid her body upward against his to plant kisses all over his face, pausing to lick the scar on his right eye. He moaned and began nuzzling her neck. "Please, Padmé. Please, I need you now," he groaned against her soft skin. She felt his arousal pressing on her. Pushing him back and gently nipping on his lips, she slid her body back down onto his lap, taking him inside of her.

Padmé locked gazes with Anakin and she began thrusting. He moved with her, splashing water out of the tub. Then they held each other tightly, interested in nothing more than the joining of their bodies. Padmé licked and nibbled his earlobe while Anakin pressed his mouth on her shoulder.

Padmé quickened her thrusts, her breathing becoming more ragged as she realized she was reaching her climax. "Ani, I'm going to...ooooohhhhh." Her release exploded inside of her, traveling from her toes up to her head. Anakin thrust wildly, grunting and growling with delight until he reached his own climax. He closed his eyes tightly, threw his head back, and called out Padmé's name. She kissed him as he filled her with his warm seed.

When their passion subsided, both realized there was water all over the floor around the tub. "Whoops," Padmé giggled, girlishly putting her hand on her lips.

"Looks like we left quite a mess," Anakin laughed.