Oh, what? You guys thought it was over?

Well no it's not, not yet. This is the last chapter for this story because I just felt it wasn't done yet. I don't know why but it happened :P

There's a little nooky in this but it's brief, like the chapter. Sorry!

Hope you guys like it anyways!

Disclaimer and Warning: It's rated M and I don't own them

Chapter Five:

Spencer woke with two strong arms wrapped tightly around him and he sighed happily. It was one of the most satisfying feelings in the world, especially since it was Derek's arms wrapped around him.

He just lay there, nose in Derek's neck, breathing in the scent of him. It was comforting and fulfilling and he couldn't help it when he sighed contentedly.

"You awake, baby?" Derek murmured.

Spencer nodded and smiled into the smooth skin.

"We should get going."

"Where?" Spencer mumbled.

"The rings, babe. I have a big fight tonight."

It took Spencer a moment to process what he'd said. "Oh god," He said, sitting up. "I totally forgot."

Derek got up from the bed and walked to Spencer's side.

"Wanna shower?" He asked.

Spencer bit his lip and looked over Derek's naked body. "I don't trust myself to be able to get in and out of that shower in any short period of time."

Derek gave Spencer the up and down as well and laughed. "Touché. You go first?"

Spencer smiled and walked into the bathroom. He quickly glanced into the mirror and did a bit of a double take. His hair was sticking out at odd angles and his lips were still somewhat swollen. Not only that, but there was a familiar dried white substance on his stomach which made him want to laugh and wince at the same time.

He was in and out of the shower in less than eight minutes, only running his hands through his hair and massaging his muscles while washing the smell of sex off.

He got out and dressed quickly while Derek was in the shower and the two of them were at the rings around twelve.

When they got inside, Hotch was waiting for them.

"Where have you two been?"

"Spencer wasn't feeling well this morning, because of his head and all."

Spencer automatically put a hand to the back of his head. He had completely forgot about the bump. It didn't hurt anymore really, but the story would keep Hotch off their backs.

"Oh, okay, but still, Derek. You fight in less than seven hours."

"I know, but it will be fine. I promise." Derek flashed his winning smile before heading off in the direction of the locker rooms.

Hotch looked back and Spencer. "If you're not feeling well, you shouldn't be here."

"I'm fine really-"

"No, it's okay. We have enough staff. You can just hang around today, do as you please, I'm sure you'll want to watch the match tonight?"

Spencer nodded in response and Hotch nodded in confirmation.

"See you around."

As soon and Hotch had walked around the corner, Spencer headed to the locker rooms. Derek was just climbing into his shorts when he entered.


"Hey there," Derek smiled.

"I've got the day off."

"Really?" Derek asked, putting on his boots.

"Yeah, cause of my head."

"Oh, are you gonna watch me train?"

"Duh, what else would I do all day around here?"

Derek smiled and finished lacing up his boots before walking Spencer to the training ring.

The rest of the day went by surprisingly fast, and by the time people were crowding into the stadium Derek had pumped himself up. He was all smiles and energy in his private room off the stadium, grinning madly at Spencer and bouncing up and down.

"I just want to go out there right now!" He said excitedly.

"Slow down, tiger." Spencer laughed. "You'll get your shot at the ego in the ring in a few minutes." He gave Derek a once over. "Okay, well I should get going."

"See you out there?"

"You bet." Spencer started to walk out but felt Derek grab his hand. He gave a sly look over to Hotch who had his back turned and then swiftly but deeply kissed him.

Spencer's mouth hung open and he slowly turned towards the door again before getting a swift smack on his ass. He suppressed a yelp, but only just.

Spencer took the visitors entrance into the stadium so as not to attract too much attention to himself. He stood by Derek corner for about ten minutes before the announcer started calling names.

When Derek emerged, Spencer's heart gave a little flutter. That gorgeous hunk of a man was his. All his. The thought made him smile goofily.

Derek was strutting proudly, hands up, taking in all the audience was giving him. When he got close enough, he briefly looked at Spencer and gave him a quick wink and Spencer felt his face heat with a blush.

He jumped into the ring and took his sweater off to reveal his defined stomach muscles, and Spencer was reminded of them working under his hands the night before which probably reheated his blush.

The match started fairly quickly and Spencer couldn't help but smile and shake his head when Derek took the guy out faster than Spencer had remembered him ever doing.

When the first round had finished Derek turned and smiled at Spencer for a number of seconds. Spencer smiled back and watched him collect his water and towel from Adam who immediately turned to him afterwards.

"How's your head man?"

"Fine, Hotch won't let me work though."

"Sucks," Adam frowned. "I hate going back and forth grabbing this stuff."

Spencer nodded, forcing himself not to point out that he always did that.

"But Derek doing so well tonight. It's insane!"

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy." Spencer couldn't help but laugh. Here he was talking to Adam like everything was normal when really all he wanted to do was stand in the center of the ring and tell the whole place that Derek was his.

Almost every round went by too quickly. Derek was throwing knock-outs left and right and Spencer's hands and head were hurting from all the clapping.

"Hey, you!"

Spencer turned to see Emily in her signature bikini smiling at him.

"How's your head baby?"

"Fine," Spencer smiled. It seemed as though everyone knew.

"You enjoying yourself?"

Spencer nodded and Emily smiled.

"You and Derek both apparently."

Spencer's smile faltered as Emily walked off. The comment seemed harmless enough, but there was a familiar wicked glint in her eyes that set him on edge. He waved it off though, she couldn't know anyways, he hadn't seen her since the last match.

The final round was made to look simple and when Derek jumped down out of the ring after his five minute applaud session, he immediately hugged Spencer tightly.

"My dressing room in ten." He muttered in his ear before walking off, still grinning madly.

Spencer realized he had a serious issue with patience when he found himself wanting to go meet him thirty seconds after he'd left, but he stuck it out and tried not to run when the time came.

Derek was already showered and was just pulling his T-shirt on when Spencer walked in. No one else was in the room so he came up behind him and put his hands over his eyes. The act seemed stupid but he found that he had an urge to do it.

Derek turned and kissed him soundly.

"How'd I do?"

"Are you kidding me?" Spencer pulled away and began dealing with his clothes out of habit. "You were amazing! I've never seen you box like that."

"I was thinking of you."

"Oh, were you?" Spencer laughed. "You're nuts."

"And you're coming home with me." Derek smiled grabbing his bag.

"Sounds good, just give me a minute to-"

"Oh no," Derek took his stuff out of Spencer's hand and put it back down. "Now,"

"Fine, let's go."

They walked out together and Derek seemed to have an easier time ignoring the stares than Spencer did.

Spencer sighed as he impaled himself on Derek's thick length and began rocking his hips. He hadn't been at all opposed to victory sex when Derek had suggested it.

"Damn, baby. So tight."

Spencer smiled and picked up his pace. He felt Derek's hands land on his hips and start working him faster.

He gasped when he felt Derek start hitting that sweet spot of his and screwed his eyes shut.

"Oh god. Fuck."

"Mmm, pretty boy. So good."

Spencer could feel the heat pooling in his stomach and groaned.

"Nnngghh. Derek, please."

Derek began thrusting upward with relentless force, grunting at the exertion.

"Beautiful," He panted.

"Derek, touch me."

The older man complied and began tugging at Spencer, who leaned in and captured the others lips in a hungry kiss.

He moved his lips to Derek shoulder because he felt his release around the corner.

"Oh god! Spencer clamped down on Derek's shoulder as he cried out, spurting all over the other's hand.

"Mmm, Spence! Oh god! Fuck!" Derek buried himself upwards and spilt into Spencer until he was completely milked.

Spencer rolled to his side exhausted and wriggled closer to Derek. It was silent for a few moments before Spencer spoke again.

"Is your stage name related to your tattoo?"

Derek laughed. "Yeah,"

"Is it cause you're so ferocious in bed?"

"You know it," Derek turned to kiss Spencer's head. "You're so perfect."

"Lucky you," Spencer smiled.

"Lucky me," Derek hugged Spencer tight and they stayed like that until Spencer pulled back slightly.

"Before we fall asleep, can we clean up?" He asked.

"Sure thing," Derek kissed his on the mouth before rolling off and heading into the bathroom.

Spencer heard the tap turn on and glanced sideways at his cell phone on the side table before grabbing it.

1 new message

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows and flipped his phone open. The message was from Emily. What could she want?

Hey babe, just wanted to see how your head was doing. I hope it's okay. Also? I hope Derek makes you happy.

All done! Hope you guys liked it!

You have all been amazingly supportive! Thanks so much! You're the best ;)

Love always! Xoxoxo