Ok, I'm going to try my hand at a full legth YGO fanfic...This is AU as Yuugi and Atem have their own bodies. I own nothing.

Chapter 1


A girl with long black hair ran through the pouring rain, panting. Her lungs and body burned, but she kept running. She looked over her shoulder and whimpered when she saw that her stalker still pursed her. And he was gaining. She spotted an alley opening a few feet ahead of her and turned down it, praying that there was an open back door she could go through.

Despair gripped her heart when she saw only three brick walls. She was trapped. She turned around and backed up against the wall.

"Oh, dear gods…help me…" She whispered as the man drew nearer.

He smiled cruelly, revealing sharp teeth. "No god can help you where I'll be sending you, my dear."

The girl screamed out in pain as blindingly bright yellow light filled the alley. The light slowly faded away. The man turned, chuckling to himself as he exited the alley. Leaving behind the soulless body of seventeen year old Watase Chou behind.


Seventeen year old Mazaki Anzu peacefully walked down the sidewalk. It was a beautiful morning and she was enjoying every bit of it. Just ahead, she could see the Kame Game Shop. She smiled when she saw her life long friend, Mutou Yuugi standing outside, wanting for her. She hurried up her easy pace, calling out to him.

He turned and smiled at her briefly and waved. Then his smile fell. Anzu slowed, concern filling her.

"Yuugi…what's wrong?"

Yuugi looked down, gripping the straps of his backpack tightly. "Well…I just found out last night that my cousin will be coming to live with us."

Anzu tilted her head to the side. "The jerk that's really good at games?" She clarified. Yuugi had mentioned how, when they had been younger, he had a particular cousin that would always pick on him at family get togethers.

Yuugi nodded sadly. "Yeah…"

Anzu pulled him to her and hugged him. "Oh, Yuugi. Don't worry about him. If he tries anything, Jonouchi, Honda, and I will beat him up."

Yuugi blushed deeply before looking up at her. "Thank you, Anzu. But…he's so tall."

Anzu laughed. "Yuugi, to you, everyone is tall." She joked.

Yuugi frowned playfully and moved away from her. He looked down, embarrassed. "But seriously, Anzu…I don't want you to fight him. I can take care of myself."

Anzu ruffled Yuugi's spiky hair playfully. "I can take care of myself, too, Yuugi."

Yuugi looked back up at Anzu. He smiled crookedly and she smiled back. The two then began to walk to rest of the way to school.

Yuugi enjoyed their time alone in the mornings. Now that they were in high school, they rarely had much alone time. However, Anzu had insisted they continued walking to school together in the mornings. Something they had done since middle school. Yuugi glanced over at Anzu. She was telling him about her shift at Burger World the night before. He wasn't really paying attention, though. It wasn't because he didn't want to; it was because he just liked to watch her.

He had been in love with her since middle school. He just didn't know how to tell her or if she even returned his feelings. Plus, he was very shy.

Anzu looked down at him and frowned. "Yuugi? Did you hear me?"

Yuugi shook his head to clear his thoughts. "No, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes before becoming serious. "I asked if you had heard about what happened last night."

He shook his head. "No. Why?"

Anzu frowned and looked away. Yuugi could tell she was scared. "The police found another body last night." She whispered.

Yuugi grew cold. For the past few weeks, bodies of young girls had been turning up in allies. They had no idea who or what was killing them. There was not any evidence left behind. No fingerprints, no hair, no weapons. Nothing. Yuugi swallowed.

"Who was it?"

Anzu shrugged. "The report on the news said the name would be released later today."

Yuugi looked at her with wide eyes. "This is really scary. I hope they catch the guy soon."

Anzu nodded. "Me too. I hate walking home from work at nights now."

Yuugi frowned. He didn't like that either. "Maybe one of us could start walking you home?"

Anzu laughed. "Yuugi, I'm a big girl. I think I can handle some weirdo if he attacks me."

Yuugi pursed his lips. He wanted to believe that, but…this would make the fifth girl in four weeks. "Anzu…"

Anzu sighed. "Really, Yuugi. I'll be fine. I have a bottle of mace."

That calmed Yuugi slightly. However, he still didn't want her walking home alone…


Anzu and Yuugi soon found themselves outside their school, Domino High. Beside the gates waited the rest of their friends; Jonouchi Katsuya, Honda Hiroto, and Nosaka Miho.

Miho smiled brightly and waved. "Good morning!"

Anzu returned her greeting. Jonouchi and Honda nodded. Together, they entered the building, joking and talking like they would any other day. Once inside their classroom, Yuugi told his friends about his cousin coming to live with him.

Jonouchi frowned. "That jerk better not try anything on ya, Yuug."

Honda nodded fiercely. "As a beautification member, I will not stand for bullying!"

Anzu smirked. "Big words coming from former bullies."

Jonouchi frowned. "Yeah well, nobody can bully our buddy but us."

Miho stood a little straighter when another student entered the room. The group turned.

"Good morning, Bakura!" She beamed.

The new transfer student smiled and waved, he then yawned widely. He blushed. "I'm sorry. I did not sleep well last night."

Jonouchi smirked. "Have a hot date?"

Miho turned to him angrily and slapped his shoulder. "Bakura does not stay up dating!"

Honda laughed. Bakura blushed again and quickly took his seat. Yuugi and Anzu looked at each other and began to laugh. However, their laughter quickly died away when someone spoke Yuugi's name. They turned and winced. Kaiba Seto stood behind.

"Kaiba-kun…" Yuugi smiled nervously.

Kaiba peered down his nose at him. "Is your grandfather ready to sell his Blue Eyes card?"

Yuugi frowned and shook his head. "No, Kaiba. Sorry."

Kaiba narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure?"

Anzu moved closer to him and narrowed her eyes back at him. "Look, Kaiba. They've told you no and their answer is still no. Back off."

Kaiba sneered. "Very well." He looked down at Yuugi. "You better keep your girlfriend on a leash."

They both blushed deeply as Kaiba walked away to his seat. "I'm not the one who needs a leash!" Anzu yelled as Yuugi mumbled, "She's not my girlfriend…"

Anzu huffed and turned to Yuugi. "Can you believe that guy?"

Yuugi shrugged without looking at her. "He just likes Duel Monsters…"

Anzu crossed her arms. "He just likes being a jerk."

When the bell rang, they and the other students still standing took their seats. The sensei entered slowly. When they stood to bow, he waved for them to sit back down. They were puzzled, but sat anyway. He stood behind his desk and sighed heavily. The students grew nervous.

His eyes traveled to the empty desk beside Anzu. Anzu grew pale as she began to understand what was happening.

"Students, I have some terrible news."

The students began to squirm in their seats.

"As many of you have heard, another body was found last night. It has been identified as Watase Chou."

Gasps and sobs filled the room. Anzu sat very still and Yuugi glanced at her nervously. The sensei held up his hands and the room slowly quieted.

"All of the senseis have been asked to share some precautions with you all. This has been the fifth student from this grade and school to have been…found. The local authorities have asked that no girls be alone. Stay in groups before and after school. If you have an after school job, you are asked to either ask for time off until the culprit has been caught or find an escort.

"Furthermore, first period has been canceled for today. Use this time to make arrangements for groups and/or work."

Students slowly began to talk to each other. Many girls were crying on each other's shoulders. Several boys were in groups, eyeing the girls, whispering about who would watch who. Miho cried on Honda's shoulder as Jonouchi mumbled about the world going to hell and back.

Yuugi went to Anzu. She did not look up at him.

"Anzu?" Yuugi asked quietly.

She looked up at him with tears in her sapphire eyes. "Chou worked with me. We were supposed to walk home together, but a last minute customer came in and Chou said I should take it. She wanted me to get the tip…to help me to go to New York." The tears she had been holding back slid down her face and Yuugi held her to him, stroking her hair.

He really didn't want her walking home alone now…

The door banged open and everything stopped. Everyone looked up to see a tall teenaged boy, with large, rigid, tri-colored spikes. He wore black leather pants and a matching muscle shirt. Two studded, dark blue belts hung stylishly from his slender waist. His dark blue shoes had matching, studded straps around them. A large, gold, upside down pyramid dangled from a chain around his neck. He wore the school uniform jacket, opened. His eyes were deep crimson.

The sensei pushed up his glassed. "Are you the transfer student?"

The newcomer smirked and nodded.

The sensei looked down at some papers on his desk and frowned. "You're a day early."

He shrugged.

The sensei turned to address the grieving students. "Students, we have a new transfer student. All the way from Egypt, correct?"

He nodded, his eyes roaming until they landed on Yuugi. Yuugi paled and gulped when the new student smirked.

"Students, welcome Mutou Atemu."

Everyone glanced at Yuugi before looking back at the transfer student.

"Call me Atem. And, before you ask, yes, Yuugi and I are related. Are we not, cousin?" Atem had a sexy, deep voice that immediately made every girl in the room swoon.

Anzu looked up at Yuugi nervously. Jonouchi and Honda's eyes narrowed at Atem. Miho quickly bushed away from Honda and clapped her hands together.

"Miho welcomes you, Atem!"

Honda growled. "That's it. He's dead." He grumbled.

Atem strode casually into the room, all eyes following him. He stood next to Yuugi.

"Sorry, I am early. I took an early flight."

Jonouchi appeared beside Yuugi. "Hey, Yuug. He looks just like you."

Atem chuckled. "The hair is all we have in common."

Yuugi nodded slowly, still stunned to see his cousin. Anzu glared up at Atem.

"I've heard about you. If you try any of your old tricks on Yuugi, you'll regret it."

Atem smirked. "I would love to see you try, my dear."

Well, should I continue? Review!