Disclaimer: I own nothing!

This was suppose to be a one-shot, but I thought I would be nice and make it longer. Not sure how long it's going to be at the moment. Sorry. ^^'


Chapter 1

Gunther POV

It was just a car crash. She wasn't even in the car. She was just walking home from the store.

The funeral came and went. I felt utterly empty. Half of me was gone. How was I suppose to be me with only one half?

I stared at the wall of my bedroom blankly. In a fit of rage I had taken a hammer to it so that the sparkles that once dotted silver against the blue paint would twinkle no more. Now the walls were dotted with hundreds of holes.

I heard the door creak open and two sets of shoes scuff the floor. "Hey, Gunther," a feminine voice said warily. I looked over at the intruder; it was none other than the goody-two-shoes Rocky Blue.

"Get out," I ordered. My voice sounded funny, but I didn't care enough to dwell on it.

"Gunther, are you okay?" CeCe said from behind her friend.

"Why would I be okay?" I turned my head in time to see Rocky elbow CeCe hard enough to knock out all her breath. The red head doubled over in exaggerated pain.

"So what have you been doing?" Rocky asked awkwardly. She shifted from one foot to the other.

"Staring at the wall. What's it look like?" I snapped. I hadn't left my room in a week for anything but bathroom breaks. I even kept that at a minimum. Tinka's things still hadn't been touched.

The funeral was suppose to go on, yet it still felt like the world was continuing in slow motion.

"Like you played raquetball in your room," CeCe answered, ignoring the sarcasm that laced my voice. Rocky stepped on her foot. "Okay. I get it. CeCe no talkie."

"Actually it was a hammer." CeCe and Rocky cocked their eyebrows, almost like twins. I did my best not to cry from the sword that pierced my heart because of the thought.

"Really?" Rocky said concerned. The pity that was so obvious in her voice was becoming increasingly annoying.

"Ha -" CeCe started, but Rocky cut her off with a glare.

"Anyway," I said, trying to diffuse the situation. "I'm not good company right now. So if you would please go home." I waved them out the door. Rocky protested until she saw that CeCe was leaving quietly. Normally she would fight just as much as Rocky, however, tonight she just turned back a waved to Rocky as if to say, You coming?

Rocky hussled after her and left the room. CeCe waved goodbye, her brown eyes saying what Rocky wouldn't let her mouth say.

I nodded and tried my best to smile at the red head. She beamed at my attempt and hurried after her friend.


The next day Rocky and CeCe came again, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that. Eventually my parents forced me to go back to school. CeCe and Rocky did there best to hang around me and make me smile. Never worked though. Except for that one time, I haven't smiled since Tinka died.

I also haven't worn anything sparkly or betwinkled. It's not the same without an equally twinkly Tinka beside me.

CeCe walked up to me, her bright red hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. "Hey, Gunther," she greeted.

"Hi, CeCe. Where're you headed?" I asked, noticing her get up. The clothes around her torso were extremely loose and she was wearing black tights. Definitely not the jeans and t-shirt she wore to school today.

CeCe plucked at the green fabric of her shirt. "Yeah. They needed dancers in the school play and Rocky volunteered us. Puppy dog eyes. What was I gonna do? Say no? Not likely." CeCe continued to babble on. The way she talked without seeming to take in air almost made me want to smile. CeCe stopped talking. "Gunther, I fail to see how this is funny."

"No. No, of course not."

"Then why were you smiling?"

"Huh? I wasn't smiling," I insisted.

"Yes. You were." The red head poked me in the chest. "I suppose you want to suffer this humiliation with me?"

I cocked an eyebrow. "Are you crazy? I'm not dancing. Never again." My face went from angry to depressed as I thought about my sister. "It's not the same."

"I know. Despite what you may think, Rocky and I are closer than sisters. More like twins than sisters, really."

I rolled my eyes. "Your point is?"

"I would probably be exactly like you are now if anything happened to Rocky. I wouldn't want to do more than sit and watch TV for the rest of my life. I also know that Rocky wouldn't want me to give up my dream and that my other friends would know that as well and they would get me off my rear and onto the dancefloor. You wanna know what else I know?" She plowed on without an answer. "I know that Tinka wouldn't want you to stop doing something that you love because she wasn't there with you."

CeCe grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind her. CeCe set a relentless pace and didn't stop till we were in the auditorium.

The little red head directed me to one of the seats and ordered me to sit. I obliged and watched her flounce up to the nearest teacher, Mrs. Kobb. They talked for a little bit and CeCe dashed back. "Congratulations. You are a dancer in our schools production of Beauty and the Beast."

I stood up. "No." I started to walk away.

CeCe grabbed my hand and forced me to turn and look at her. "Yes," she stated.




"Does it help that Mrs. Kobb is making me your dance partner?"

"No." I stormed out of the auditorium. No way Jose was I going to dance in some stupid school play because a silly little red head told me to.

CeCe ran in front of me and forced me into stopping by planting her feet and using all her body weight to make it hard for me to move forward. "You're doing the play," she ordered.

"You're not giving up, are you"

CeCe's brown eyes blazed. "No way. Not until you start dancing again."

"Fine. You win," I conceded. CeCe beamed.

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