Welcome to yet another new AU. This one was born from one thought I had one day. What if Ed had been born too late? Then I started thinking about that and flipped over to my favorite genre, science fiction, for the answer. It gave me the Doctor Who episode Blink. So, having those two, I sat down to muse it over. The word century kept appearing in my head so I added that to the list of things to work together. One day after walking home from the bus stop with a chocolate shake, it hit me. The Elrics and the Rockbells should be born a century too late. The real tragedy is why they had a country to be born in. It was the valiant efforts of a group of brave men and women who sacrificed themselves to stop the homunculi for 100 years.

This is where Blink comes in. If you know the episode, Sally Sparrow breaks into an old house, gets a message from The Doctor that saves her life, leaves and comes back with her best friend, Kathy Nightingale. Kathy is transported back in time and Sally goes off and saves the universe. Other than one letter, you never find out what happened to Kathy in the past.

So, I said to myself, this should be like it would have been if all the action had happened to Kathy instead of Sally. Therefore, Winry is this story's Sally and Ed is this story's Kathy. That would be the Fem!Ed. Oh, and there are no Weeping Angels. Only the homunculi. I don't know which one I'd prefer to meet in a dark alleyway.

The Life You Save Just Might be Your Own – 1922

Wrath slashed at his opponent. Direct hit. The human male stumbled back and clapped. Wrath died. He came back a second later. That second was all his opponent had needed to come up with the final ingredient for the transmutation he would if Wrath didn't kill him first. "Whose life are you going to sacrifice, Mustang?"

Roy Mustang looked up at him. "Mine." He clapped his hands and put them down on the floor. The circle began to glow.

"You fool," said Fuhrer Bradley once the glow had ceased. "The Powers That Be are suckers for fools though. You just got yourself awarded a Second Chance but I'll be here to make sure you don't get it." He sheathed his sword and went to wait out a century.

Oh, I forgot to give my reasons for the names. Our Solemn Hour is a song by Within Temptation. This chapter's title is the title of a short story by Flannery O'Conner.