Finn's really starting to have feeling for Rachel. Secretly she likes him to but is hesitant because of Jesse.
All Rachel's bruises are gone.
They became really close.
A lot of people sing karaoke now.
Rachel hasn't told anyone about Jesse yet.
So It's a late night at the bar and everyone's working.
"Who's that guy," asked Rachel pointing towards a tall brown hair man sitting with his large African American friend.
"That's one of the regulars," Finn replied.
"Well I'm goanna go see if they need anything else,"
Rachel walked up to the table.
"Hello is there anything you need," She asked.
The men turned to her.
Their eyes were blood-shot and their breathe stank of alcohol.
"C-c-can we h-have a (burp)nother round of beers," He yelled.
"Sir I'm sorry but my boss has told us we can't give more drinks to keep yourself and others safe," She replied.
He grabbed her arm with an iron grip," Get me another drink lady."
"I'm sorry sir I can't do that," She said pain growing on her arm.
He raised his hand and hit her with his force.
Before Rachel even hit the floor the man was tackled.
"What happened," Mr. Shue asked as he walked up to the area the chaos was happening.
Puck and Mike had to pry Finn off of the man, while Emma was helping Rachel up who was now crying .
"Karofsky just slapped Rachel for no reason," Finn yelled his face red with anger.
"She said something rude and offencive," He said trying to act innocently.
"Rachel what did you say," Mr. Shue asked his face full of concern.
"H-he aske-d-d for another drink but he's d-d-drunk and I could s-smell the alcohol. I t-told him you don't want us to serve more drinks and he...," She trailed of not wanting to finish
"Karofsky get out and don't come back," growled Mr. Shue.
Karofsky had to be escorted out by Puck and Sam.
After the bar closed.
Rachel walked out
"Guys I need to talk to you,"
Everyone gathered around her.
" I never told you how or why I came to New York so I think it's time you know,"