The Weekly Hans von Hozel Challenge, Week # 17: Hot Shot
The Hot Shot Town
Summary: Explainage of the Hot Shot, Louisiana.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hot Shot, Sookie, Calvin, Jason, or Eric.
People who become turning into panthers instead of were-wolving decision-maked on a settlement hometown named Hot Shot.
Suddenly, inbreeding!
Panther village grows the creepy with family mixing.
Barmaiden Sookie Stackhouse discovers Hot Shot and Calvin Norris, kind of suitor but panthery in Hot Shot town.
Jason Stackhouse, sibling for Sookie Stackhouse, captured and bited of the panthers and turns into wookie when the moon makes full and round.
Eric Northman maked Calvin Norris seem like watery suitor, and Sookie Stackhouse choosed Eric Northman.
Later, due to messy wife cheatery and odd panther rules, Sookie Stackhouse breaked Calvin Norris's hand by brick-smacking.
"Ow," probably came the sound from Calvin Norris.
Hot Shot remains creepily and Calvin Norris probably not so suitory any more thinking of hand crunch from Sookie Stackhouse.