20-Ending It All

The two teenage boys were left down in the basement, shuffling through the piles of empty boxes. It was obvious that no one was down there, but the two never left.

The silence was deafening, neither one of them so much as breathing to loud. It was very secretly hurting the two on the inside, but neither was showing it through their tough outer shells.

"Tom..." Scott mumbled, turning to look at his friend, knowing he had heard him.

"Don't, Scott..." They sounded like an arguing couple; one trying to patch it back together and the other being as stubborn as ever, which was what was really going between them.

"We need to sort this out once and for all." Scott told his friend, but Thomas was having none of it.

In Thomas mind, Scott had betrayed him, which he had, but he found it unforgivable. Scott was really trying to regain his trust, but he had crossed the line too far to go back. Or had he? Thomas was known to let his stubbornness get in the way of things, and this time was no exception for anyone.

The vampire shook his head, hanging it down low as he walked further into the back. He wanted to avoid Scott as much as he could. Sure, he had moved on from Olivia long ago now, but what Scott had done was still wrong.

"I'm sorry, alright?" Scott sighed. One of them had needed to be the bigger man and he had just volunteered, "I know that letting your girlfriend make on me was a bad thing...I know that falling for it was even worse."

Thomas never moved from where he was frozen in place. He knew that Scott was making a very valid point. He was trying; the least he could do was listen to him. Thomas wasn't as tough as he made out to be, he did have a heart, one that did have feelings in it.

There was a lot to get off Scott's chest, and it was a case of now or never, "I understand that you're pissed off with me beyond belief and I cannot, and will not, blame you for that." He took in a deep breath, looking up to see that Thomas hadn't budged from his spot. "I just want you to know how sorry I really am."

It took a lot of courage, but Thomas turned to face Scott. There was a lot to say in return, but Thomas never got the chance. As soon as his mouth opened, painful screams echoed down from above.

Both boys' eyes went wide, "JENNY!" The two ran back up the staircase, Thomas taking the lead as he was determined to get to his sister first.

Jenifer and Tiger had gained an extra four people to their room. Abigail and Rachel were trying to stare Fiona down; at least that was what it seemed like. Being full vampires, hearing Jenifer's screams didn't exactly strike a lot of emotion.

Heather and Celia, on the other hand, both having compassion, were trying to calm the screaming girl down. They were both crouched down on the floor whilst Tiger sat on the arm of one of the chairs, his arms around his girlfriend, still trying to protect her.

"Jen..." Heather talked slowly, her words trying to get across the teen girl. "Jenny...Look at me, Jenifer..."

There were moments when Jen wouldn't scream or shout, but her hands never let her stomach, the pain never left her face. It was horrible for her to be in so much agony and it was horrible for everyone to watch her be in so much agony.

"Leave her alone!" Celia shouted across the room to her mother. This was all Fiona's bidding; she knew exactly what she was doing to the innocent girl, who hadn't actually done anything to her.

Fiona's smirk played on her lips, her eyes not leaving the twins, "Why should I?" She asked, trying to give her attention to everyone at once.

"If you had a heart, you would..." That was a low card for Celia to throw, but she had gone for it anyway. "It's not just her you're hurting and you know it..."

"That's the thing, Cel, she doesn't have a heart!" That voice, that scratchy and irritating voice, could only belong to one person; Olivia.

The dark haired beauty was sat on the arm of the other armchair, filing away at her nails as all of the drama unfolded around her. She cared about Jenifer about as much as her mother did; not giving a damn about the pain the poor girl was going through.

"YOU!" Thomas and Scott burst through the door just in time, seeing the queen bee sitting all too happily on her throne.

"Oh my Scarlatinan Gods!" Olivia cried. "Who the hell let those two in?"

The teen girl has not been bagging on Thomas and Scott entering the house, let alone the room. She had really been hoping that they would have had something, anything, better to do!

"I thought you said you had taken care of those two!" Fiona hissed at her youngest daughter.

"I thought I had!" Olivia replied, her teeth gritted and her eyes focusing on those two and those two only. She really had thought that her plan had worked between them, but it clearly hadn't.

Celia narrowed her eyes down on the eighteen-year-old, giving her a good look up and down as she got to feet, "You're a very cunning girl, Olivia."

Olivia smirked, "I'll take it as a compliment, sis."

"I'm not your sister!" Celia screamed angrily. Olivia was not family, Fiona was not family, and family was not the enemy. Olivia and Fiona were the enemy.

Jenifer screamed out in pain, louder than before. It was getting worse rather than better and with more people in the room, the more people who were also getting emotionally hurt from it.

Tiger kept on stroking her hair, whispering whatever comforting words he could, but it was tearing him apart on the inside. Having to sit there, powerless against the pain that was inflicting the only person he truly cared about.

"STOP IT!" Heather screamed, but came out as a cry too. She sounded very upset, something Heather never was.

"Oh," Fiona smiled wider, "I stopped a few minutes ago."

Heather's glowing red eyes went wide. That was never a good sign. When the girl who knew what she was doing got scared, they all knew that it was time to panic.

"Get her to the hospital, NOW!" Heather ordered Tiger, who quickly complied. He helped Jenifer get to her unsteady feet in between the worst parts of the pain.

Olivia made a move, getting up from the chair quickly, but Fiona held her hand up to her daughter.

"Let them go." Fiona said, "We have other guests to entertain, darling." She obviously had no grudge against the two. She had already given them a life time's worth of damage. It was best if they just went.

Olivia sat back down on her chair as Heather stood up straight. She had already had too much of her family and their antics.

As Tiger and Jen left the room, three of the four remaining girls entered, with Dallas being the exception. They hadn't missed out on anything too important, they were all grateful for that.

"YOU!" Rosie screamed, spotting Olivia in the room. That they weren't so grateful for.

"Oh look." Olivia smirked, making her look a lot like her mother, "Now we really do have guests to entertain." She seemed all too happy with the presence of the rest of the group.

"I KNEW I should have finished you off when I had the chance." Rosalinda went to pounce. She wanted to kill Olivia for all of the damage she had caused. Unfortunately, Carmen and Annalise had quite quick reflexes, using both of their sets of hands to restrain Rosie from doing any damage on Olivia.

It was hard to keep her still and it was hard to keep a tight grip; vampires are stronger than anyone could imagine.

Dallas was the last person to join in the group and the last person to enter the room. She had wanted to make sure that Jen and Tiger were okay with getting to the hospital, which they had said they were, so she had entered after everyone else.

As soon as she entered the room, a bad aura sprung on her. But it was only when she stepped to the side of Annalise and stood beside Heather did she realize why she had such a bad aura now.

"Y-You..." The word was stuttered and quiet, making it hard for a lot of people to even make out. "No, no, no..." Dallas seemed scared, the only time that anyone had ever seen her be like this, "T-This can't be happening. No..."

"Dallas, sweetheart." Fiona smiled, but not fakely. "You've finally arrived and come to join us as well, how kind of you." Her smile was not a smile, it was a smirk. It was a devilish smirk that only someone so sinister could pull off.

"No...You can't be here...Not here, not now...No..." Dallas was on the verge of tears, no one understanding why. "You really can't be here right now...No, not here, not now..."

She kept on saying the words over and over again, until Heather grabbed her hand, squeezing it to show that she wasn't alone in this.

"Oh," Fiona replied, "But I am, Buttercu-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Dallas snapped, no one having seen her so angry before either. "DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!"

Fiona continued to smirk; she knew she was getting to Dallas. Everyone knew that Fiona was getting to Dallas, but only three people in the whole room knew why.

"You two met before or something?" Olivia asked, still sat on the arm of her chair. She hadn't budged an inch as she watched it all unfold around her.

Heather had, had enough. She raised her hand so fast, acting as if throwing a baseball for the win. A iced over ball of water flew through the air, hitting Olivia straight to the side of the face and melting before it could shatter.

The dark haired teenager fell to the floor, finally moving from her spot on the chair.

"You're too dumb to be my sister." Heather remarked, her eyes fixed and her lips smirking at her hand work.

"It is on..." Olivia muttered, shaking her head from side-to-side as she got to her feet and eye-balled her new found enemy.

"Bring it!" Heather replied, not afraid to start a fight with the spoilt brat.

The two females disappeared on the spot. No one knew where they went, but they were probably fighting it to the death. No one knew who would win; they were both powerful and strong-willed girls. But no one seemed to care about them now; Heather could take care of herself.

Carmen and Annalise released Rosie, now that Olivia had left; there was no need to keep a hold of her. The tanned girl rubbed her arms slightly; they hurt from the tightness of the grips.

The Princess stepped forward, her eyes not having left Fiona since she had entered the room. Her sneaky ways were not to be trusted, Carmen understood that.

"This was your plan all along." She spoke, "Turn us all against each other so you would win." It all made sense to everyone now.

"Why didn't we see this before?" Abigail questioned herself, "You're the one who sent Olivia in the very first place to us, starting your plan from the very first words. You broke up Thomas and Scott first, knowing they were our strongest link and then it was Thomas and Carmen, being the two in charge."

All of it made perfect sense now.

"Then Rosie grew distant because all she wanted was to kill Olivia...Soon enough, Thomas was not a part of any of us anymore and..." Abigail kept on talking; reminiscing on the pain that everyone had gone through because of Fiona. "And you're the reason that Jen is pregnant. Tiger and Jen aren't that stupid! You worked your way into their heads and forced them into...THAT!"

Fiona kept on smirking as everyone else came to terms with it all. It all did make sense, Fiona had, had the perfect opportunity to sabotage everything that had been going wrong for the whole of the summer.

"You clever, clever girl, Abigail." The young woman's eyes seemed to glow brighter than before. They were the same eyes as Heather's, but Fiona's looked a lot worse, a lot eviler.

"But there is just one flaw in that plan." Dallas spoke up again, her confidence feeling right back into place once more, "It hasn't worked!"

"And WHY didn't it work, Dallas?" Fiona asked as if she knew that Dallas knew what the answer was, "Please, do enlighten your friends with the TRUTH!"

Dallas tensed up, everyone knowing that Fiona had struck a nerve with her once more. Sometimes Dallas lashed out, sometimes Dallas stayed quiet. She was an unpredictable girl, but she did have a past in which everyone would have liked to know more.

Fiona was right about something, Dallas did know the truth. The truth involved the young teenager and her history in life. But she was not ready for everyone to know that or was she? She had thought that she wasn't ready for them to find out she was a soothsayer, but they had all taken it well, even if it meant they were all in danger.

"Dallas..." Celia whispered, not wanting to scare the girl, just encourage her to be open in a situation where it could save someone's life. Chances were, it was going to save someone's life.

"Dal?" Thomas called out, being on the opposite side of the room to her. "What's the truth?"

Dallas was shaking from head to toe, tears emerging in her eyes, but she was better than this. She needed to realize how much better things would be if she stopped letting certain people walk all over her. And she was finally starting to realize it.


Fiona kept on smirking the whole time; it was as if she knew that Dallas was going to do this. Dallas was finishing it all up now, stopping anymore hatred going around.

"I AM NEVER GOING TO TAKE THE WRAO FOR YOU AGAIN!" Dallas screamed, "THE REASON YOU TOOK OVER MY BODY AND NO ONE ELSES IS BECAUSE YOU KNOW HOW I WORK! BUT..." Dallas stopped, thinking what she was about to say. "You don't..." She whispered the last part. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE TRUTH YOURSELF!"

Fiona didn't show emotion, she didn't show that Dallas' words were true of fault in her bodily expression. Fiona kept on smirking at Dallas, taking in all of the words she was speaking.

"If you knew the truth, then you would know WHY I'm here right now..." Dallas had to resist the urge to smirk herself now because she knew she was getting to Fiona at last, but she didn't want to get too cocky about it. "The thought wouldn't be swimming around in your mind. Your tiny, pathetic, little mind..."

"Yes," Fiona replied, "You are right, Dallas Cecario, I know how you work." There was something in Fiona's eyes, an act of puzzlement and confusion, though it was hard to see through the mask of knowing what she was actually doing, "Or at least I thought I still knew...But you've grown so much since we last met."

Dallas froze on the spot once more, but not from fright of Fiona or fear of her friends knowing the truth, she actually froze up. But she didn't remain that way for long.

The teen girl clutched her head in pain, screaming out as she collapsed onto the armchair, much like Jenifer had done not that long ago.

Dallas' mind was buzzing with pain, but no one could do anything. The spell was almost complete, Dallas would soon be a goner, and no one could stop the process in the meantime.

"DALLAS!" Thomas shouted out, racing across the room to his girl.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Celia quickly yelled at him. Thomas was inches away from hugging Dallas; Celia couldn't have left it a second later.

All eyes were on the assassin now. She seemed to know what she was talking about again, as if she knew exactly what was going through Fiona's mind, and she did.

"If you touch her," Celia explained. "She'll die." It hadn't meant to sound as harsh as it was, but it was the truth. Dallas would die at the very slightest touch now.

All eyes diverted back to Fiona in synchronization, only to see her smirking face now on her daughter instead.

"I thought you would recognize my newest spell, Celia." The villainess spoke, her words like nails on a chalkboard to everyone's ears. "I know that you've used it a few times yourself...It's easier to kill them off with."

The last words were like a knife in Thomas' chest. Kill her off? Why was Fiona going to kill Dallas first? She hadn't done anything, has she?

"STOP THIS!" Celia shouted at her mother, "STOP ALL OF THIS!"

But Fiona wasn't going to stop; Fiona had no intentions of stopping her full powers from being unleashed into the world. She may have killed a few hundred people recently, but she planned to make it a few thousand by the time the week was up. Soon after that, it would be millions, moving onto other planets, other places, until every last person was dead.

Heather reappeared just in time. She had a semi-conscious Olivia in one hand, tossing her body onto the floor. She really did know how to handle herself in a fight. Olivia, not so much.

"She's all yours, Rosie." Heather smirked. Rose smiled the brightest smile she ever could have. This was the chance she had been waiting for all along.

"This is what I've been waiting for..." Rosie mumbled. She grabbed Olivia by the scruff of her neck and ran off at light speed. No one knew where she had gone or where she was planning on going, but they did know Olivia was going to regret ever crossing that line.

"Now, where were we?" Heather asked, directing her attention to her mother again.

Fiona hasn't budged from her spot, not even at the sight of her own daughter battered and bruised. She truly didn't have a heart; she truly had no care for anyone but herself in life. If Olivia came back dead, so be it! It was just one less problem for Fiona to deal with.

However, at the sight of everyone now being there, everyone staring at her, Fiona took a step back. Everyone instantly thought that was a good sign, they were wrong.

"Don't even THINK about running away, Fiona!" Scott barked.

"Oh, I wouldn't even dream of it." Fiona smirked in reply. "But don't any of you even THINK about coming near me, either."

"W-What?" Rachel stuttered.

There had to be a good reason behind what Fiona had said, she wasn't easily scared and she wasn't the sort of villain who would ever have a master plan of destruction or evil pack of monkey's to send at the group if they came towards her, she was a quite sensible villain. Fiona had a plan, they all knew it.

"She's right..." Celia mumbled, but everyone heard due to the deafening silence once again. "We lay one finger on her now and we don't lose her...We lose Dallas..."

"The only one who can kill her now is-"

"Me..." Dallas finished Heather's sentence for her.

Dallas was still shaking, her voice included. She was curled up on the armchair, scared for her own life now. No one could touch her, no one could touch Fiona, but people needed to do both. Anything that happened next, Dallas knew she was going to die anyway.

"NO!" Thomas still tried to defend his girl, even when no one had any choice anymore.

"Its okay, Tom..." Dallas whispered to him. "I can do this..."

Dallas got to her feet again. Fiona had not been planning on this. To her, Dallas was still a scared little girl. She was full of fear, full of guilt and regret, but Fiona was wrong. Dallas had grown up a lot since the last time the two had seen each other, but Fiona had only grown down.

"I'm NOT a little kid anymore, Fiona!" Dallas told the villainess, stepping closer and closer to her. "I'm not scared of you anymore..." Dallas kept on walking forward, but didn't get too close. "You used to terrify me to death as a child...But now I realize I had nothing to be afraid of."

"N-No...No, Dallas, no!" Fiona cried, worry in her voice. "Don't do this, Dallas. Don't you DARE do this!"

"Why shouldn't I?" Dallas asked, not giving a care in a world, but she was secretly praying that Fiona wouldn't answer the question. Though, Dallas should have known better, Fiona knew that answering was going to hurt Dallas further, so she did.

"Because I'm your mother!"

"NO!" Dallas quickly screamed the exact same time that a few people let out gasps of shock. "You're not my mother! My mother is DEAD because of you!"

A lot of truth and realities were coming out and everyone was quite shocked, everyone but one person. But they were all learning why Dallas had never spoke about her past before, why Dallas never mentioned her parents to any of them, why they were never around.

"I raised you as my own!" Fiona defended herself.

"AND THEN YOU LEFT ME STRANDED AND ON MY OWN!" Dallas screeched, wanting to get the point of how much hurt she had got from that. "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER, YOU KILLED MY FATHER, YOU KILLED THEM ALL!"

"W-What is she talking about?" Abigail asked, not even her knowing what was going on. Dallas was talking too fast about too much, but Fiona was going along with it. That wasn't giving anyone a good feeling about what the truth was.

"Tell them, Carmen..." Dallas whispered, not turning back to look at everyone. "Tell them the truth about me."

All eyes moved onto Carmen. No one had suspected that Carmen knew everything, they had all forgotten that as a Princess she had the right to read all residents files. She had even told them that she had read Dallas', but no one knew it was her who knew the truth.

"D-Dallas Mercifilla Cecario is in foster care...Or at least was...When she moved to Scarlatina her foster father left." Carmen was confident in her words, but no confident about telling everyone about it. "Fiona killed Dallas' mother when she was a child, not long after Dallas discovered she was a soothsayer. Fiona then continued to marry her father for the money. Shortly after, Fiona killed her new husband also. Dallas witnessed it all."

There were gasps of shock again, but most had been expecting it. They were all piecing it together themselves, but knowing the truth helped.

"Dallas isn't for any place around here." Carmen continued, "She's from a place called Ye-I-Slum. It's the same place where the box Fiona was trapped in takes you." That did explain how the two had met each other whilst Fiona should have been captured. "Dallas had been trying to run from the social for years, but they found her and shoved her into an orphanage where she was bounced from family to family."

They all knew that Dallas must have finally found a foster father who she liked well enough to stay with, but he obviously didn't like her that much as he had walked out. That made sense to Thomas, that was why Dallas was always alone in the house to begin with.

"And the reason why Dallas' house looks so familiar on the inside when none of us had been in there before is because it is a mirror image of this house." That was why Thomas had felt as if he had a bad feeling about the house, it was a sub-conscious memory. It was all starting to make sense to him now.

"When Dallas was fourteen years old, nearly four years ago, she was raped in a back-alley, resulting in her son Jack-Jack Kingsley Cecario." No one had known that much, that was all knew information for them. Everyone had always assumed that Jack-Jack's father was just someone who didn't care. They had never suspected that, that was the truth.

Before Carmen could continue with any more details, in which they all knew the rest as it involved all of them and the past summer, Dallas butted in.

"THERE!" She screamed at Fiona. "Now everyone knows the truth!" Fiona's face was smirking once more, as if thinking about her 'achievements', but her eyes were saying something different. They were still scared. "This ALL could have been avoided if you had just stayed away from me and my family in the first place!"

"No..." Fiona whispered, knowing what was coming next. "Dallas, don't do this...YOU'LL KILL US BOTH!"

Dallas shook her head, not giving a damn about Fiona's words anymore, "I don't care." She simply replied, reaching out and touching her finger to Fiona's bare flesh.

Out of nowhere, there was a blinding white light. No one could open their eyes without fear of going blind. But then it was over and there was nothing there anyway, expect the darkness.

All things happen for a reason, it's finding that reason that is the hardest part.

"Sorry, Princess, but I have plans." Duncan told his girlfriend, smirking. Courtney stopped walking to turn to her boyfriend. She wasn't impressed.

"Again? You never have time for me." The brunette tried to use her 'I love you' voice to persuade Duncan to change his plans, but when he didn't say anything, she gave up on that way and raised her voice.

"Are you seeing someone else?" Courtney snatched her hand away from Duncn's grip. "Are you cheting on me?" She accused.

"No." Duncan placed a kind hand on his Princess' cheek. "No, it's nothing like that. I promise." He leaned in for a kiss, but Courtney avoided is lips, pulling his hand away from her face.

"Then what is it?" She asked. "What is so important that it can't wait, huh?" Duncan looked down to his shoes, he knew he couldn't tell her the truth, she wouldn't understand. "What I thought." Courtney looked away from Duncan too, only she did it to hide the tears starting in her eyes. "Maybe this relationship isn't going to work out after all, bye, Duncan." Courtney said, walking away from the spot where Duncan still stood.

But Courtney didn't walk away too far, she stopped and turned her attention to the floor.

"Court?" Duncan called out, wondering what was bothering her now. He did still care about her, he had always cared. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing..." She mumbled. "Just a weird sense of De Ja Vu...NOT THAT IT'S ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Courtney's mood could change in an instance and she carried on walking away.

A/N: Ending It All? No...Staring the grateness that is The Going's On all over again...

If I could...I would go back in time and I would relive every single moment of it all over again...


This is the end...Yeah...The end...

The poll came to a total of three each -_- So I made the difficult decision and decided that this is going to be the ned...The very last Going On...And I have also discontinued Missing Scenes and Before the Drama so..Yeah...No more of this series...

I feel bad...Like...I dunno! I feel as if I'm letting you all down now because I've finsihed...

I am sorry...I am soo sorry...I really, really am...

Wow...November 6th is when I started this series...That was the date in which I wrote the very first chapter...Wow...That is EXACTLY 42 weeks...=O! Wow...42 weeks ago today I started this...Well...I never thought it was that much...Wow...That's ten weeks off one year...10 weeks off one year! Wow...I do wish I could have kept it going for a year...That would have been nice...

Okay, the ending wasn't too bad...I thought of it last night and...I think it went well :) What do you think?

I know there will be a lot of questions now...So, any questions you have, I will be happy to answer them for you :) I know it may have ended with a lot of unanswered ones here...That is because I was originally going to have another story in which they are all starting to go to college, Jen and Tiger are getting over thier loss and Dallas does have amesia after the enoucnter with Fiona(See above if you missed that ;D)

Oh! GOOD IDEA TIME! If I get enough questions submitted about ANYTHING! I will add an extra chapter onto here, answer the questions and I will also put in what I think has been the funniest things from YOU! I want you guys to know exactly HOW MUCH each and every single one of you has made me laugh over the past 42 weeks of my life...


Sooo...Yeah...It would have been a rambly story and wouldn't have gone anywhere...This one is the one which finsihes the series off...I'm sorry!


I'm still feeling sooo bad...

MOVING ON! I wanna make this just like any other AN I write...RAMBLY! hehehe...

I'm not actually home right now...I'm about 45 minutes away in a place called Ystragunlise where my mother's work friend Mandy lives...I mentioned her before...You know...CHOCOLATE! hehehe! Haven't had any chocolate yet though...But I have had a fruit shoot ;) LOL!

A curly-wirly, I had a chip butty and a sausage and now I am drinking a bottle of diet coke :D hehehe...

I'm with out internet access...But I have me laptop :D I'll have to ask Mandy if I can use her computer in a bit...

Okay, on Mandy's computer now, just ran spellheck, so we should be good with the speling ;) hehehe...LOL! Unfortunatley though, Internet isn't working! So I will need to wait until I get home...That sucks...I know...But maybe I will be able to write more chapters for other stories today also J


Sorry for not getting this out yesterday! I was writing it ALL night! But I finally had to give up and go to bed...So I finsihed today...AND I TOLD YOU IT WAS GONNA BE LONG! And it was ;) hehe!

Okay...I'm going back to the beginning...I am going right back to the first story and I am going to mention EVERYONE who has ever read this story series...Yes...I am...(Sorry if any people are repeated under different names)

Thank you ever so very much to;






Princess Absahail






Devil of Hearts

Duncan Luva


I See Flying Cookies







Arianna Veals





The Dramatic Runner

Pandah N. Reaper




CodyOnTheBounce T.V





LovingTheLazyDays (DUDE! Reading over your oldder reviews, I can't believe how much you liked the stories and how NICE you were to me! =O)

Sakura Blossom Storm



Sadie Love DxC

Writer in Progress

Chibi Tamora-chan


Rosalinda Johnson(BITCH! Sorry...Had to be said...)


Daughter of Nemesis

Desire at Gunpoint




[BLANK! Like seriously...You never used a name]


New york Mike


Total Drama Lover


Oh my...It's just...GAH!

FUCK! I'm crying...='( I don't want this to end...

Wow...I know a lot of you haven't been here from the very first one...From the very first chapter...But you have been here...I may have lost a few of you...But that does not mean that I am ungrateful to ANY of you!

So...Yeah...This is it...

I just...I can't thank any of you enough...Wow...I just...I love you...I love you ever so very much...Each...And every...Single...One of...YOU!

Just think of it this way...Everyone edning is just another beginning...I now get the chance to write a brand new story which I hope that you read :)

'I love you. I loved you all along. And I miss you, you're far away for far too long.' ~NickelBack, Far Away.

That is one of the most saddest and though provoking songs I have ever heard...It makes me realize that I am quite a lucky person to have so many people who do love me all around...All of you guys included!

Thank you ever so very much!

Please, please, PLEASE, for the very final time, REVIEW!

Reviversion...ahahahaha! Did I really think that word up myself? =')

And 'Oh My Scarlatinan Gods' will forever hold a place in my heart also =)

It's been a good run...The best 42 weeks a girl could ask...And that has a lot to do with you...ALL OF YOU! So...Thanks...Thank you ever so very much :) You have made my life a lot more enjoyable :)

Love you ever so very much, ChloeRhiannonX