Yay! So this is a special chapter, extra-long. If you like it, I will make the other chapters like this as well.

So it's time to announce the winner!

The winner is…

Drum roll please…


With a correct guess of…

Drum roll please…


Congrats to all who guessed that amber did it!(so almost all uv u haha)

Here we go…

NINA'S POV(no I am not giving it away.)

I woke up this morning with a spring in my step. I am ready for my first day back to England. School starts in an hour, and Amber was already awake, her pink eye sleeping mask lay on her pillow.

Fabian! I get to see Fabian! I slipped into some clothes and skipped down every other step.

"Morning Nina!" Fabian met me at the bottom step. "You're cheery today."

"Well I get to see you this morning!" I blushed. Yet another cheesy line, but this morning, who cares. Fabian walked me to the breakfast table where we sat down. "Joy! Your back?" I asked. I certainly don't want to get off on the wrong foot.

"Only for today. I came to visit Trish last night." She explained, not looking up from her pancakes.

"Oh, well… Nice to meet you then?" I asked. She didn't reply. The table erupted in small chat, and the usual 'welcome back' food fight.

Soon it was time to leave for School. "Will you walk me Fabian?" I asked. A wide smile spread across his face, ear to ear.

"I would love nothing more." Out of my peripheral vision, I could see Joy mimic barfing by pointing to her mouth. Patricia giggled a bit and playfully swatted her arm away. I giggled. Fabian offered me his elbow, so I took it in both hands and we walked along the pathway to school.

"So, you ready for the first day of school?" I giggled. I saw a pretty flower along the path, so I bent down and picked it. Then I twirled the ruby red flower between my fingers. I noticed that Fabian had stopped walking.

"No, darn. I forgot my Maths book on my desk. Just go ahead, I'll meet you there." Before I could reply, he ran off. I watched him run back to the house, and disappear through the looming front doors. I shrugged, and skipped to class. I waited for Fabes in Maths, I even saved him a seat. But he never showed…

Its after school now and he is still nowhere to be found. Patricia says I am worrying myself too much. Jerome tuned me out. The only person who paid any mind to me was Mick. I ran/jogged back to the house with Mick following close behind.

"You should join the Futball team Nina." He panted behind me. I paid him no mind, an continued on my way. I ran through that house so fast, I may have knocked over a tray of Trudys muffins on the way. I slammed open Fabians door. That's odd… all his stuff is gone. Nothing. Just his maths book laying on the middle of the floor with a piece of paper taped to the front with a symbol drawn on the front. It looked like… a flower? No wait. its like a wheel.

"Congrats Nina, you are now apart of my guessing game." I read from the note. I looked at mick and he just shrugged. "This is a game. Ill give you little hints to who I am, little details. If you don't find him by midnight, wednsday, youll never see your boyfriend again. (insert evil laugh here)Signed, im not gonna tell you."

"Woah." Mick stated. I looked around the room. Not even his guitar was left. I ran up to my room and slammed the door behind me. I found another note on my bed.

"HE, H, O. is your first clue Nina. Your first clue will always be about me. Here is your second clue, Beyond the house is yet another. Good luck, you now have 56 hours."

Okay so each chapter will add on to this story. What do you think? Ill give out random shout outs. Now for the review…

ksoftball06 wrote this SERIOUSLY great Fanfic called 'What one mistake can do' I love it and I read every chapter as soon as it comes out!

Its so hard to summarize it in just 100 words, so PLEASE read it! Its too awesome to explain, you just have to read it yourself!

Kirjoita voit myöhemmin!

(Write you later!)
