The tenth generation guardians had left the kids back at the Vongola mansion (asleep as they were tired from their flight around the world) with the female mist guardian and the Poison Scorpion to take care of them. After making sure things will go relatively alright there, they had made their way to the Bovino mansion for last minute check-ups. Better safe than sorry, as people have said.
They were currently inside a spacious room with only a twin set of sofas present at the center. They gathered around and watched a mechanic (earlier introduced as Caesar) of the Bovino sit down and handle the bazooka with utmost care. Yamamoto and Ryohei had settled down on the opposite sofa, Reborn sitting on the shoulder of the former. Hibari decided against crowding and distanced himself a couple of meters, with trusty little Hibird perched on his dark head. But he continued to observe the said mechanic with his sharp eyes. Gokudera just stood beside the sofa.
"You see here," Caesar started to say, "this bazooka is very tricky. Yes, very tricky. It is tricky, indeed. You want to know why it's so tricky? Do you? Oh, yes you do. You see, the man who made this was also very tricky."
Yamamoto was close to laughing his head off from the way the man spoke, Gokudera was starting to get irritated as tick marks appeared on his forehead, and Ryohei's mouth was threatening to spill a "YOU TALK EXTREMELY ODD, OSSAN!" And simply put, Hibari needed an herbivore to bite now.
"Oh well, enough with the chitchat!" Caesar exclaimed. He was chuckling to himself as though he had heard a good joke. "So, this bazooka, as you have all heard from Reborn-san, will transport you to another dimension, unlike the ten-year bazooka which will only transport you ten years into the future of the same dimension! This one is quite different! I am quite sure you've heard from your elders, eh? Did you? Did you not? Such a tricky invention, eh? I know for my father has passed this technology down to me, as did his father! And so I am quite sure you will enjoy your stay there. Wouldn't it be fun to meet your elders? Hoho, indeed, it will be. Do you have any questions? Any question, anyone?"
Yamamoto looked thoughtful for a moment. "How are we going to get back here, Caesar-san?"
Caesar grinned somewhat evilly. "Hoho, you'll find out when you get there, kid." He looked around questioningly to the others, silently asking for more questions.
"Do we get to know where we land there, or something?" Gokudera asked as he glared at the man slightly. He really was getting annoyed.
"Hoho," Caesar's evil grin came back. "Unfortunately, you don't! Hoho! That's why you must be equipped with everything! You might land inside a volcano cave, or on top of an iceberg, and nobody would know! Hoho, but don't worry. We can somehow adjust the settings so that you'll be sure to land on a civilized place. Hoho, lucky kids."
Everybody sweatdropped as they listened to the odd man, with the exception of the ever stoic people such as Reborn and Hibari, of course. The man seemed content with the questions and stood up.
"Hoho, then let's going, kids. May I ask you to stand over there in the corner so that I can shoot you with the bazooka? Hoho, don't worry. It would feel just the same when you get hit by the ten-year bazooka. Hoho… Are you all ready?"
They all scurried to the corner he pointed to, and then nodded an affirmative.
"In the count of three," Caesar muttered. "One… two… three!"
Yamamoto's head swirled as he felt himself land on a rock-hard surface. He staggered for a few moments before he could finally tell which was left or right.
"Guess I'm dizzy since I'm not used to this teleportation thing," Yamamoto laughed to himself. He took a look at his surroundings and saw a huge white building. It looked like a mixture of Roman and Gothic architectures in his vocabulary, from the number of pillars on the façade and the angular ends of the towers. On each side of the front steps, stood a statue of a hooded figure; Yamamoto raised a brow at this.
Figuring he would not be getting anywhere if he doesn't ask for directions, he started to walk towards the building, staring at the grandiosity of the place. It looked marble to his eyes. When he came to the front doors, he heard voices coming from the inside. Yamamoto quickly took cover behind a wide pillar as the doors opened.
"—just gotten back," the voice exclaimed rather angrily, "and they're starting to be a headache again. Such incompetent fools!"
"Calm down, Org-san," another voice said, comparably younger and calmer in nature. Yamamoto risked a glance and saw a man, indeed visibly younger than the other, with a noticeable scar on the left side of his face. The old man had a balding spot and a long beard. Yamamoto noticed they were wearing some kind of multi-layered uniform.
"Might be some kind of council with that long beard and all…" Yamamoto quickly swerved to his left as something sharp was pushed to his face. He met eyes with a strangely dressed man (presumably a soldier).
"Who are you and what are you doing here?"
Yamamoto gulped as he thought of an excuse, no matter how silly it would seem. "Ano… I seem to be lost. Can you perhaps help me with directions, ossan?"
Well¸ he thought, that's the truth, isn't it?
The soldier glared at him suspiciously. Yamamoto could see he did not believe his reason in the slightest.
"You are lost and just accidentally came onto the front steps of the Magic Council? Preposterous!"
The soldier proceeded to attack Yamamoto with his spear. However, Yamamoto wasn't a guardian of the Vongola for nothing. Yamamoto easily dodged the spear before he attacked the soldier with the sheathed Shigure Kintoki at the nape. Yamamoto sighed as he looked at the unconscious soldier.
"Just got here and I have to fight already?" he mused to himself. His eyes turned serious as he realized what the soldier just told him. "What did he mean by Magic council?"
"Who's there?" Yamamoto heard the man from before shout. He hid immediately behind another pillar. "I know someone's there! Reveal yourself!"
Yamamoto gulped as he heard the marble floor click from the hard soles of the men's shoes.
"If you don't come out, we'll use force, if necessary."
Yamamoto bit his lip. He really shouldn't be getting into fights this early. If he doesn't come out, a fight will be inevitable.
"I'm sorry," he said as he revealed himself, hands raised in submission. "The soldier just attacked me when he didn't believe I was lost."
The younger man looked like he was considering it, but the older looked suspicious more than anything. Yamamoto hoped they would just let him go and be done with it all.
"Do you think we'll believe you, boy?" said the man whom he recalled was called Org-san. Yamamoto groaned inwardly.
"I was hoping you would, sir."
"Well, I don't. Your excuse is too dubious to be accepted."
"Pity the boy, Org-san," the other one said. "If we do not trust him, let us test him then."
"There is no need for that."
The next thing Yamamoto saw was a handcuff coming his way. He avoided it with ease as he gripped his katana, if ever they chose to battle. The two men looked at his katana then back to his face.
"I see," Org said as he stroked his beard. "That katana… It proves everything."
The younger man (Yamamoto still had not known his name) nodded solemnly and proceeded to attack him as a circle of some sort formed around his outstretched hand. Yamamoto took the cue to release Jiro and have him rain his blue flames before they noticed.
The younger man slowed in his actions and the older man looked pensive. Yamamoto still hadn't unsheathed his katana.
"Rain attribute, eh?" Org said. "Now, Doranbolt, I advise you to step aside. His kind is not the easy prey. You do not know their capabilities either, do you? Thank you."
Yamamoto readied himself to whatever the man may be planning to do. It seems that this man knew who he was.
"Excuse me, but how do you—"
"You are a Vongola, aren't you?" Yamamoto felt the old man's glare, even through the shadows cast on his aged face by the pillars. "Brace yourself, boy."
Yamamoto felt a strange shiver down his spine. Then he could remember no more.
The soft harmonica Procne's daughters were playing that high noon soothed the eighteen-year-old as he walked through a town. Fairly big, he could judge, from the height of the stores and the numerous clutters of multicolored brick houses. Noises buzzed around the streets, through the glowing yellow windows, through the lips of random people passing, chatting as they carried their bags full of goods.
He stared impassively at the vibrant colors that twinkled on the river's expanse and watched as a small boat cut through the fabric of the water. A bit tired of his little journey, he settled himself on the bench conveniently placed along the bank and munched on the bread a young lady had gladly provided him earlier. He figured the people who lived here was weird; giving bread to strangers and all. Then he saw a man, looking around his age, taking his clothes off in broad daylight. That's one reason to be added to the list of 'Why These Herbivores are Strange.'
He calmly looked to his right as a loud voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Itte!" a blur of pink, white, and black fell on the pavement with a loud thud. The blur turned out to be human as he sat, and rubbed his head then his behind. He glared as he pointed to a woman emerging from the opened door. "Why the hell did you do that?"
The woman glared back at the man as she put her tattooed hand on her hip. "Shut it, Natsu! I'm not allowing you guys to just come barging in my house anymore!" She looked down on Natsu now that she was only a foot away from him. "Now that there are two of us—girls—who are living here, I'll be stricter. It's also for the sake of I-p— for mercy's sake, Gray!"
"Dammit!" exclaimed the man with a horrified look at his bare chest (perhaps shocked that he wasn't wearing anything at all); whom Hibari had seen stripping on the streets. "I swear I was wearing my clothes when I left the guild!"
Hibari continued to watch the scene rolling, having finished his bread moments earlier.
"That's the pervert for ya!"
"What did you say, you pink-haired freak?"
"You said something, ice str—"
"Stop it, you two! You're disturbing the neighbors!"
"Can't care less!" both said at the same time. Hibari reckoned this name-calling was a common occurrence. Finding himself starting to get bored, he busied himself with the thought of where his bird had gotten itself into, until he heard a somewhat familiar voice
"A-Ano… Please don't fight."
Hibari glanced at the direction of the voice and indeed, there stood that young Chinese assassin Fon was constantly talking about. He never admitted it, but he did have a soft spot for that little girl. So tiny and cute like his Hibird and Roll…
But Hibari couldn't care less. It seemed the girl is content with whatever she is in now. He was about to engage himself with another matter when he remembered what had always happened in the occasions that the little brat had seen him.
Lucy watched as I-pin looked at Natsu and Gray fighting (again) over some random reason or another. She was plainly shocked when she noticed I-pin staring at this guy (a rather handsome one, at that), who was simply sitting down on a bench a neighbor had put on the street. She realized (with widened eyes) that I-pin's usually tightly closed eyes suspiciously became heart-shaped.
Lucy glanced between the young man and the much younger girl, trying to get the reason of the apparent love struck face. Then, something ticked, ominously sounding like a time bomb. The unidentified ticking object chimed again, then again. She looked down at the young girl, noticing markings on her head, one of which coincidentally disappears as another of the chime strikes.
"W-Wait a minute!"
Natsu and Gray both paused at their wrestling-kickboxing fight as they looked at her, heads tilted in confusion. She frantically pointed at the 'bomb' girl as the markings were reduced by one again.
"I swear there's something like a bomb on her!"
She spotted the (magnificent) young man stand up and walk to them, rather hastily. The markings were down to five.
"Move," the hot, silver-blue-eyed man said, his eyes watching the markings on I-pin's forehead.
"W-What're you going to do to I-pin-chan?"
"Hey, you bastard! You trying to pick a fight?" Natsu and Gray glared darkly at the unknown man, clearly thinking he was oppressing their teammate.
The man glared back at them as he looked beyond his shoulders. He looked at I-pin again as the markings were down to three.
"Excuse me, I-pin, but the peace cannot be disturbed."
Lucy stared in horror as she saw the man throw I-pin high to the sky, the ticking of the bomb faintly heard.
A loud BOOM was heard as the windows of the high-rise buildings of Magnolia broke into pieces, sending the bystanders on the streets to run for cover, holding their arms above their heads. The four Fairy Tail members (Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy) watched with half awe and astonishment at the explosion that had seemingly come out of the little girl they saved. They looked back at the man who had evidently saved them just now, looking utterly bored as he looked at the sky.
"Just what the hell was that?"
"Did I-pin just explode?"
"H-Hey! What did you just do?"
The man only looked at them coldly like he did earlier, but answered, nonetheless. "I did not do anything."
"Then what was that just now?"
"I believe that was called Pinzu-Timed Super Explosion."
"Just what the hell is that?"
"Ask her."
He directed his gaze to the girl who just fell on the river with a soft splash. Gray hurriedly jumped to the water and took the tiny girl in his arms. A small yellow bird fluttered nearby, then chirped as it softly pecked I-pin's cheek before flying onto the nameless man's hand.
"Hibari! Hibari!" the bird chirped.
They watched as he petted the bird as it settled itself on his hand before letting it fly off and sit comfortably on his head.
"W-Wait!" Lucy said hurriedly. "T-Thank you, mister..?"
"I do not feel the need to tell herbivores my name."
Natsu growled as he felt himself redden with anger. "What did you say?"
It was almost noon when the train puffed out a cloud of smoke as it left the station, Tsuna staring at it absentmindedly. He looked at the sign hanging above their heads which read, "Magnolia Station," and sighed as Ryo beamed toothily at him and patted his shoulder in encouragement.
"Nervous, kiddo?" he said as he hoisted his brown leather bag up his shoulder. Junko glanced at him also with her cool emerald eyes. She'd decided to come with them on the last minute. It was a pretty good decision as Tsuna later discovered that Ryo was no good with money transactions. Tsuna also discovered that the money they used was not yen. He groaned when he realized how totally screwed he was.
"I-I guess a bit…" Tsuna looked down at his sweaty palms and thought that what he said was a bit too much of an understatement. He drew a deep breath and followed his two elders out the station. The two walked around as though they've lived in the town all their lives, and took some shortcuts here and there. Tsuna blinked in confusion when the two slowed down their pace.
Ryo looked behind him and onto Tsuna. He cleared his throat. "You want to eat lunch first? Or d'you want to get to Fairy Tail first?"
Tsuna's guts screamed for the latter option. "I think I want to go to Fairy Tail first."
Ryo nodded. "Then let's go!"
Tsuna smiled awkwardly when Junko pulled him near her and positioned him between her and Ryo. Junko remained her arm over Tsuna's shoulder.
"So," she started to say when they turned a left, "what're you going to do now that we're getting to Fairy Tail?"
"I-I'm not sure."
"Oh? I'd say get a job first. Didn't Ryo ever tell you you'd need money to have someone do a mission? Teleportation Magic isn't that much common nowadays, you know. Prob'ly because all the young ones are thinking is battle, and battle, and battle. It's kind of saddening, actually."
His eyebrows scrunched up, both in confusion and in thinking. Maybe he should, but what would he do? He was just a hapless, no-good boy. Well, he may be the tenth boss of an infamous family back in Italy, but in this world, there's no such thing as Vongola, right? And even if there was, which was probably not the case, it would do him no good since it is mafia, for mercy's sake. Why would the government here hire underworld bosses, instead of putting them behind the bars? Tsuna rubbed his temple. All this thinking was making his head spin.
"You alright, kid? Maybe we should grab some lunch first. You look like you're getting sick."
"N-No, I'm alright. Let's get going, should we?"
Ryo and Junko just nodded and reassured him that they were really near now. True to their word, up a stout hill, a humble building stood atop, a sign yelling out their guild. The exterior looked far from lavish, but Tsuna knew better than to judge things from outer looks now. Summer Ember was more than proof. The two (Tsuna was really doubting if these two were really just friends) looked at him and Junko sighed.
"I've told they aren't pretty to look at right now, but they're strong. I'd give it that. And don't let their apparent idiocy discourage you."
Tsuna nodded and followed them to the doors, which they rapped on to be polite. Tsuna can hear muffled noises through the door. It did seem that this guild was a rowdy one as Ryo had told him earlier on the train.
After a few moments of silence, assuming they were not heard, they just let themselves in. A mug of beer greeted him on the face—Tsuna, to be specific, being the one positioned right in the middle of the door. Well, almost. Tsuna ducked just in time, hands covering his head protectively. Tsuna groaned. This was just so much like home.
A silver-haired teen brushed off the dirt on his dark pants and cleaned his spectacles before putting them on again. He grumbled under his breath about a certain annoying mechanic and how he would've loved to blow him up to the afterlife. He rolled his eyes and turned his gaze to a rather weird building in front of him. Pink bricks? Wings on the building's sides? Is the owner insane?
Shrugging, he was about to turn around the corner when a voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Hey!" The voice sounded girly. Gokudera decided to ignore it and continued walking away.
"HEY! That was rude of you!" And a rock was thrown, directed at his head. It hurt much, seeing that it was around four fists big. Gokudera growled when he turned around and looked for the owner of the voice.
"Who threw that? Damn it..," he said and rubbed the back of his head. His brow rose when he saw a girl, around the age of 15 with electric green hair, jump down from the rooftop and in front of him. Gokudera scowled. "Just some annoying brat, then."
The 'brat' scowled back at him and another rock hit his head, almost effectively knocking off his glasses. Gokudera noticed her hands were behind her.
"Hey you, stinky brat," he glowered as he loomed over her (she was a bit short) and adjusted his glasses so he'd look more intimidating, "just what do you think you're doing, huh?"
"Making you see me, what else?" She put a hand on her hip as the other pushed him away. She looked at him with her electric blue eyes and continued, "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to be careful around here. There are a lot of... let's just say rabid people who'd take any excuse to get a pretty boy like you."
Gokudera couldn't tell if he was scowling from the thought of these 'rabid' people, or blushing from the compliment. He chose the former. "The hell, kid. I can take care of myself."
The kid just continued to stare at him, probably thinking what to say next. A naughty grin suddenly made its way to her lips when she looked beyond Gokudera's shoulder.
"If you say so, mister," she said which made him look behind him and see a balding fat man, with some kind of failed clown makeup. "Though I'd guess you'd pretty much take back what you just said." She proceeded to laugh silently. Gokudera's scowl deepened as he could feel the man walk towards them.
"Oh my," a voice said from behind, presumably that weird guy. "Aren't you such a cute boy? Mind going inside the guild and have some coffee? I'm sure the girls would love to have a chat with you."
Gokudera inched away from the man. This was worse than Lussuria! That guy may be a pain in the ass but at least he's a strong fighter. But with this man… he can't be too sure.
The man seemed to notice the petite green-haired girl. "Oh, Cessaline! There you are! So you saw him first, huh? I'm sorry. Do you mind if we invite him in?"
The now-named Cessaline smiled sweetly, too sweetly if Gokudera was to decide, and nodded. She grinned even more sweetly at Gokudera as he was grabbed by the wrist and dragged to the conspicuous pink building.
Gokudera frowned deformedly when he saw her mouth, "Didn't I tell you?" and chuckled at his demise.
A booming voice echoed through the streets, suspiciously sounding like a, "WHERE AM I TO THE EXTREME?" The powerhouse it was heard from looked sharply around his left and right, trying to come up with some kind of idea where to go. Scratching his head in extreme confusion, he set off to a random direction and whistled a happy tune.
Ryohei found himself at the foot of a mountain after several minutes of mindless wandering. Thinking with his usual extremely boxing-oriented brain, he immediately thought it was a good spot for self-training, forgetting for that moment that he was supposed to be on a 'mission' to find his boss and the mother.
Humming again happily, he jogged, aiming to get to the peak before sundown. It was still around noon. He'd paused for some minutes under the shade of a big tree to eat some fruits he picked, before trotting down again on the leaf-covered ground. Looking up, he could estimate that he was getting there in an hour, more or less. Then he heard something from the vicinity.
Squirting his eyes in concentration, it wasn't hard to find the source of the sound. Out of the green cloud of trees, something glistening and icy blue protruded, blinding him for a moment when a ray of the sun reflected on his eyes.
The instant he recovered, he quickly changed his mind and ran to where that thing was. It looked shiny, and cool, and real good for a punching bag. He could have been running on adrenaline, or maybe just because it was downhill, but he arrived there faster than he was jogging towards the top.
Now he stood with his jaw hanging open, inviting hungry flies inside, as he watched at the sculpture before his eyes. No, it wasn't just a sculpture. It was a chunk of the historical age of ice, complete with the frozen bodies of people who lived in the era, perfectly incased and mummified with transparent cold. Something clicked in his mind.
"I think I've extremely seen this before..," he muttered to himself, looking down at the tiny shards of ice that broke off the glacier. Accidentally stepping on a large chunk of ice and sending an unpleasant screech of rubber against ice, he remembered that time when Tsuna fought against…
"Who's there?" a voice echoed through the pillars of ice, undeniably calmer than someone else who could have asked the same question. Ryohei searched around (rather exaggeratedly) for the source of the sound when a cold hand touched his shoulder.
Reborn stretched out on the couch and stared at the cream-painted ceiling. The small chandelier above him twinkled, reflecting the high noon sun, and the light-hearted laughs of children playing outside. Everything seemed so peaceful in the mansion. But Reborn knew better than to rejoice before the end. There were still some bad scents hanging in the air.
Oops for the late update… the constant malfunctioning of the system wasn't helping, either.
I sure do hope I didn't disappoint anybody. I'm trying not to be cliché or something, but I don't know if it's working. Tell me anything you want. I also take flames. Don't worry to tell me something bad or anything. I like receiving feedbacks of all sorts. Anything helps.
I'd also like to say that I'm sorry if this chapter has a lot of chops or something like that. I'll try minimizing them next time.
I'd like to state that the OCs involved in this story will not take any major part at all. They're there for the sake of the KHR people who are not used to the world. I mean I just can't make them meet in one place when no one even knows where there are, right? But I guess have to warn you. Ryo, Junko, and Cessaline will have some kind of an important part. But don't worry, they even don't get to fight. Ahem, that was a spoiler…
Anyway… and Yamamoto's predicament is all a part of the plan *winkwink*