AN: This is my second fanfic and I it kinda just popped into my head, Hope you like please read my other fanfics and review. Also there is a pitifully lacking amount of information involving the force and realm of the Green, this in somewhat a means for me to explore this idea.

Disclaimer: Welt Beherrschunger does not own the Buffyverse or the DC comics Multiverse, so says the Word.

Xander of the Green

Brazil, Deep Amazon Forest

Swamp Thing was tired. But that wasn't the word for how he felt, no weary was better. Weary in that after everything he'd done he'd begun to make the same mistake his predecessors did. The Parliament of Trees, they were everything that he sought. The natural at its purest. But they made a mistake they saw the world as us and them. Plants and Animals. Many have made that mistake but as the human say… no not human he couldn't separate himself, as the saying goes the bigger they are the harder they would fall. The Parliament sought to destroy humanity, they had forgotten, they forgot that humanity was a piece of the natural world, that the Green was only a facet. Swamp Thing saw himself following this path, slowly but surely, the line between the man and the plant in him was growing ever clearer…

Swamp Thing had made his choice, he would join the Green permanently now, and he planned on finding a suitable candidate to become the avatar of the Green.

Swamp Thing's body twisted away into organic ooze that was soon soaked up by the plants surrounding it. They grew and flourished in a way that no one could deny its beauty, The greens deepened and flowers bloomed and uniquely two new plants grew that the Brazilian forests had never seen before. A dogwood that grew to massive proportions to compete with the other canopy trees and skirting it a full grown and blooming Magnolia bush.

This would forever mark the long forgotten place of the Parliament of Trees and Alec Holland's last mark on earth.

In a Place unfathomable by mortal minds(IPUMM)

"So Young Alec has hung up his mantle for another to lead, This is a most welcome choice, and saves me from stopping the Green again." A Voice spoke.

"I believe I have just the one in mind to take the mantle of the Green, and it will even disturb those horrid Powers that monger over the supposed mouth of Hell, like I'd be stupid enough to create a direct line to my oldest prison. He's got just the right mentality too, everything is necessary."

"Alec, I will handle your successor if you don't mind," and the Voice was heard.

Sunnydale, California

It was two weeks till graduation. Xander was stressed, heck everyone was, even those who didn't know what was going to happen on that oh-so-awaited day. So Xander was doing something he hadn't in a long, long time.

He was gardening. He hadn't done hardly anything with his garden besides upkeep, well probably since Buffy appeared in his and Willow's lives. It was then that he learned something that didn't fit in his world view. Vampires.

His world view was simple everything fit in the system, the ecosystem, the lifecycle or whatever you wanted to call it. Everything took what was needed and gave back into the system; nature didn't or at least not naturally overindulged itself. Vampires however, took and took and took and barely gave back, they needed blood, yes but did they have to kill their victims for it? No, many people have survived vampire bites and didn't even get turned. Plus they could survive off of any mammal blood! But they killed, some killed not to feed but for their own sick entertainment! They crossed every line of nature even most demons were better that those scum!

Simply put he hated them.

Xander loved gardening, he loved plants, he loved nature, that was just him. Willow had school and her computer. And Jesse had had his superheroes, of course Xander occasionally joined him for that.

While he gardened he thought a lot, it calmed him helped him think, on his face was an expression of peace and good humor, not like his usual outrageous self, if Willow had seen his face now she likely would be worried but she didn't know his truth, the truth that Xander hid, his intelligence his confidence, his peace, because he knew that wasn't what Willow needed, she needed a fellow in the bottom, to know her pain. He took that role because that was what nature did: adapt. But while he was thinking a sinister act a being taken under, even as the day slipped away not that Xander noticed much due to the lighting from his house and his own concentration.

The Mayor had ordered another attack on the Scoobies. However, this time he decided that separate they could be defeated, and even the loss of one would inevitably destroy them. With this they hired some rather unsavory fellows to assist them one such was a man by the name of Hendrix, a freelance vampiric assassin, was the assassin assigned to one Alexander Harris.

This hit was coincidentally to be done tonight, little the teenaged gardener's knowledge. Hendrix moved into the back yard silently to see the young boy tending away. Hendrix had long ago learned the skills of moving silently, even enough to fool a master vampire. The child before him was no challenge. He pulled out a long dagger curved to slit the throat with minimal effort but maximum effect.

Xander was lost in his thoughts of his life, and friends when he felt a sharp pain and cold. He looked down and saw his blood pooling under him and reached up to his throat. He felt what he feared, his own blood.

Hendrix leaned forward to whisper in the boys ear, "Boy, this is a present from the Mayor to kept you out of his plans, my friends are already killing yours so it's of little matter, hehe." Hendrix loved to torment his kills in those last seconds of life as it slipped away.

Then Xander heard a new voice strong and ancient speak to him, "Boy, Do you seek life? Do you want to live? Do you want to power to protect the good and the true balance?"

Xander thought as the coldness continued to grow in him, He did not want to die it wasn't his way and it wasn't the way of nature, so he'd grasp at any straw to survive, he said, "Yes." Though it came out as a whisper due to his cut vocal cords.

The Voice responded, "Good, Avatar of the Green."

Hendrix was standing over the dying boy and heard his whisper the word, couldn't understand why as he was startled beyond all belief to see the young boy's skin darken as opposed to flush and then it tinted green then his blood followed in the change even outside his body. He saw the blood soak in the ground as the plants began to move, then grow, he saw this and backed up only to fall as a new vine wrapped around his ankle and continued up, more vines following it until he was almost covered on vegetation, only his supreme will kept him silent, well that and the vine in his mouth. He could lift his head to see the vines moving as one rose above his heart a whole foot dangling directly above it, then saw the vine darken into a wood and his eyes widened with fear. Only to see the vine plunge itself into his chest and feel himself being dusted.

The body of the boy forgotten as he melts into organic ooze and speeds to growth of his backyard into a jungle, his garden blooming beautifully despite the lack of sunlight

In the Green

Xander Harris awoke to see a middle-aged man with blonde hair standing next to a tree waiting for him to wake up.

"So you're my successor now" The man says.

HAHAHA Okay that's a pretty good first chapter I think but let me spread some info. The Green is the connecting force of all plant-life in the DC universe. But I changed it a little, first the Green and the Gray are now the same. The Bolding for that whole setting was the Presence speaking(DC version of God) he's kinda important so I treat him good. That all I can think of now because I'm sleep deprived. Please review, or do you want me to sic the entirety of the planet's plant-life after you all danke schon, Aufwiedersehen!