"Okay, wait… so you're saying that you and Santana had a small talk the other day regarding our relationship and she's okay with it?" Quinn landed on her couch. "And she's not reporting us or anything? You sure that's the same Santana we're talking about?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Yes Quinn! I'm very positive that that's the same Santana, Santana Lopez. Skinny, pretty, top dogger Santana Lopez!" Rachel huffed, throwing her bag to Quinn.

"Ouch baby, that's my crotch…" She frowned.

"QUINN!" The younger girl blushed.

"Hahaha! Oh my god you're so adorable." She pushed Rachel's bag to the end of the couch. "Look, I don't know how she found out about us… but I didn't tell her anything at all."

"I'm not accusing you on anything Quinn, I'm just saying she's not that bad after all." She took a seat right beside her teacher. "She had even stopped the bullying in school, all the ridiculous slushy attacks and even those people who verbally abused me… It's like she's transforming to a good person-"

"Wait! What? You were being bullied and verbally abused in school?" Quinn was seeing red.

"Oh right, you didn't know because no one would do it in front of a teacher right?" Rachel shrugged. "Look Quinn, I'm at the bottom of the food chain in McKinley… but I've learned to ignore all of it and this is the last year of school… so there's nothing to worry about. And like I said, Santana had stopped it for me."

"What the fuck Rachel? Why didn't you tell me before? And what the hell is Finn doing… isn't he like your boyfriend or something?" She asked in disbelief, useless boy.

"Quinn, you have to understand that he has to protect his own reputation in school… I mean it's kinda hurtful knowing that your boyfriend chose popularity over you…" She explained.

"You know what Rach, I will kill him… and I will also kill whoever who touches you or even talk to you in a less than kinder way." Quinn half yelled it out.

"Quinn, you know I'm not a big fan of violence… so let's not hurt anyone okay? It's over… and soon I'll breakup with Finn… finish high school… and you know… we can be together…" She smiled shyly, taking Quinn's hands.

The thought of being with Rachel made her so happy that it almost hurt. Can human die of too much of happiness?

"Yea Rach… but please promise me that you're gonna let me know if anyone bullies you… I'll take care of it…" She smiled and pulled the shorter girl in to a hug. "I wanna take care of you Rach… and I don't need Santana Lopez to do it."

Quinn isn't going to lie, she was jealous. Not only Rachel had complimented the Latina indirectly, but now the Latina had somehow become Rachel's knight in shiny armor. Bitch stole my spot.

"I love you Quinn." Rachel connected their lips.

"Hmm Rach…" She moaned. "I think I might just get diabetes from kissing you."

Rachel giggled, "You're so lame Quinn."

Rachel rolled over and sat on top of Quinn's lap without breaking the kiss, she love how gentle Quinn is when they're just alone. They way Quinn kisses can't be compared with Finn, Puck and not even Jesse. It's not that boys are sloppier, it's just that Quinn knew how to kiss perfectly. She moaned as she felt Quinn getting harder by seconds right below her, she had quickly made herself a new hobby when she found out that a left alone turned on Quinn is sexy as hell.

"Baby, please don't tease me…" Quinn said as she pushed her hips up attempting to grind, but she was only met with Rachel's hand, pushing her back down.

"Quinn, as much as my body wants to have sex with you right now, like really badly… I'm still opposing it." Rachel broke the kiss and looked at her.

"Why?" Quinn looked confused. "But we've done it before and you're just so hot…"

Rachel giggled.

"Why don't we save it for my graduation day?" She winked. "And to reward you for being patient, you can do whatever you want with me." Rachel then stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Holy shit.


"Hi Santana!" Rachel greeted cheerfully.

"Um hi Berry." She scowled, not quite sure what the smaller brunette wants from her.

"You should seriously consider calling me by the name Rachel, since we have come to-"

"Yea sure, whatever Berry." She loses her scowl. "Okay I mean Rachel…"

She smiled.

"So how are things with Brittany?" She asked, like their relationship was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Uhh… like friends?" She replied, putting her famous scowl back on. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm just saying that, you're both obviously in love with each other… and you should seriously consider coming out with her… you know, as a couple." She leaned back to the locker.

"I'm not in love with Brittany!" Santana looked around when she realized she was saying it out too loud. "We're just best friends… with benefits… whatever you want to call it, but not in love."

"You are in love with her Santana, I can see it." She smiled widely. "I know that look, and I've seen how she looked at you… You deserve a real relationship Santana, you're not a bad person… and with Brittany, she can give you that."

I'm in love with you, Berry.

"Yea maybe." She shrugged.

"Maybe? MAYBE? Santana, you're beautiful and smart. You don't need random hook ups." Rachel held both of Santana arms, shaking them dramatically.

Yea I wants some berries.

"Wow okay Berry… let's not get too carried away." She shook Rachel's hand off of her arms. "Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do. You might be right, maybe I should just get with Brittany… things would be easier…"

Easier, so I don't need to fight my teacher over a midget.

"You're a good person at heart Santana…" She said. "and thank you for stopping all the bullying."

"Uhh yea whatever, it's our last six months in high school… you deserve some respect… you know… for being talented… and other shit." She quickly corrected herself when she realized she was complimenting Rachel.

Rachel smiled but winced a bit at the end.

"Thank you… I think. Well, you should really go talk to Brittany soon… I have to go now, I need to go breakup with Finn. See you later Santana."

"Well yea bye heartbreaker."


That was the right thing to do, putting your feelings aside. That's what Santana thought. She didn't want to win Rachel over or anything, she knew that she didn't deserve any of her love. All she had done to the Jewish girl was making her life a living hell in the past years. Ms Fabray is probably treating her better since she's never been happier. Damn you Brittany, for bringing me to senses.


Six months later

"Oh my god San! I'm so excited for our graduation… We're going to New York in two month time… and we'll be having our own place to stay… oh my god I'm just so excited San!" She tall blonde half yelled to her girlfriend.

"Yes Britt. And the first thing we'll be doing when we reaches our very own apartment… is getting our macks on." The Latina smiled smugly. "and we's been claiming each other... On the floor, on the table, on the kitchen counter, on our couch and every other single corner in the apartment… like freaking lions."

"Oh my god Santana, can you please keep your dirty thoughts to yourself?" Mercedes threw her arms out.

"Okay shut up Aretha… Berry's gonna start with her singing." She watched as Rachel started singing their graduation song on stage. Her voice's beautiful as it has always been, she'll never forget the one girl that has such angelic voice. The girl she loved during her whole high school experience, but what a shame that she couldn't get with her. Giving up Rachel was a wise decision, she knew she has big dreams. She didn't want to be an obstacle to her success, she knew that she's a selfish lover, she can't stand the thought of fan boys or fan girls swooning over her girl. Maybe she could love Brittany, it'll take some time but Brittany's a good person and most importantly Brittany loves her. She held on to her girlfriend's hand tightly, squeezing them time to time, earning herself some dopey yet adorable looks from Brittany.

Yup, I can definitely love her.


Knock, knock, knock.

"Just a second!" Quinn said as she threw her remote on to the couch and rush over to the door.

Rachel launched herself to Quinn as soon as the door was opened. "I'm done with high school Quinn! It's not illegal anymore!" She said as she planted kisses all around Quinn's face.

"Hahaha yea baby… I'm not your teacher anymore." She laughed at the overexcited brunette. "We should seriously get in and close the door."

"Oh yea. I'm sorry baby." Rachel apologized as she lowered herself from Quinn. "Oh my god I'm so excited for New York!"

"I can see that Rach baby." She was still having hard time with refraining herself from laughing.

"We can so stay together in New York! I mean you have already got your new teaching job there, and I'll be in school… everything's perfect now Quinn!" She practically sang that out.

"Hahaha Rach you need to calm down!" She laughed some more. "My neighbors are probably wondering if the Tsunami is coming to get us."

"Quinn! That's mean!" She pouted. "Fine then, you won't be getting any later then."

"Hahah- Wait! What?" She stopped laughing immediately remembering what their agreement was. "Oh my god Rach! You can't do this, I've been good for six months… I mean… I haven't gotten laid for half a year!"

"Hahaha! Gotcha!" It was Rachel's turn to laugh, Quinn looked so serious when Rachel was canceling on their date.

"Hey… that wasn't very nice…" Quinn said as she cuddled the smaller girl on her couch. "I almost died baby… do you want to know what have I been doing?"


"I've been jerking off by thinking of you baby… every single time… I picture you naked, kneeling down right in front of me… sucking my dick like a fucking popsicle." She whispered to her ear. "Then some time I would just picture fucking you senselessly until you see stars." Rachel's now sitting on top on Quinn's lap, her back pressed against Quinn's front.

She can feel Rachel breathing heavily when she cupped her breasts with her hands, squeezing them gently over her clothes.

"Someone's thinking naughty today… not even wearing a bra I see?" Quinn smirked when she felt Rachel's nipples hardened.

She slipped both of her hands under Rachel's clothes, palming her bare breasts. "Do you like it when I touch you like this Rach?" She pinched her nipples, making them hard as rocks.

"Hmmm Quinn…." She moaned.

Quinn slowly lowered her right hand down to her thigh, pushing her school girl skirt up, rubbing her inner thigh. "Are you wet Rach? Do you miss how I fucked you?"

"Quinn… please…"

"No Rach… I want you to say it…" She stopped her movement immediately, forcing Rachel to answer her.

"Yes Quinn, I'm so wet for you now… please just fuck me…" She used her own hands to guide Quinn's to her panty and another to her breast. "Quinn I want to feel you… please…"

"You're such a naughty girl Rach…" She slowly slid one finger into to her while her panty's still on.

"Ahhh… Quinn…."

"You're so shameless Ms Berry, all wet and horny for your teacher…" She started pumping her finger in and out of her.

"More Ms Fabray…" She begged. "Fuck me with your dick."

Quinn can feel her cock twitch at her words. She quickly flipped Rachel over and dropped her on the couch. She took off Rachel's cardigan but decided to tear her button up blouse off, Rachel was getting wetter by Quinn's aggressiveness. She licked all over Rachel's neck before moving down to her hardened nipples, licking and sucking them. Rachel swore that Quinn makes the sexiest sound when she sucks, it even felt like heaven when Quinn bite her nipples softly.

"Hmm Quinn… take it off…" She said while trying to get Quinn off of her boxer shorts. Quinn took it off and freed her large dick, which still shocks Rachel.

Quinn giggled at her reaction.

"Someone looked shocked?" She continued fingering her girlfriend with triple digits.

"Ahhh Quinn... It's just that you're so big… I've forgotten… how much… it hurts…" She said between moans.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you'll remember it this time…" Quinn smirked, knowing that Rachel had promised her that she could do whatever she wants. "It might just hurt a bit okay."

Rachel nodded. She swallowed hard when Quinn removed her panty, throwing it a side. She knew that she was really wet and she was more than ready to feel Quinn inside of her again, she missed it. She have had always thought about the naughty things she could do with Quinn, role play was one of it. She whimpered as she felt the tip of Quinn's dick rubbing against her folds, it's going to be painful but she needed to feel her. She arched her back a bit so that it was applying pressure on to Quinn. She smirked at her girlfriend's eagerness.

"Someone's eager?" She continued rubbing her thick length against her folds, remembering what it felt like when she first fuck her. So fucking tight. She lowered her head to join their lips, when she realized Rachel wasn't paying attention at all, she pushed her dick in to her.

"Ughhh…" Rachel cried out when she's feeling like she's being stretched open. Quinn had only put in three inches of herself into her but she was already feeling like she could come any second, her dick fit in so nicely. She opened her eyes without breaking their kiss, making sure Rachel wasn't hurting as much as it was before resuming.

Rachel opened her eyes and nodded.

"Ready?" Quinn asked.

"Just fuck me." She smiled.

That's all Quinn needed to hear, she slammed into her girlfriend roughly. She asked for it. Pulling out slowly from the first entrance, but quickly slam right into the smaller girl again, not stopping or slowing down this time. Quinn went out of control when Rachel released chains of 'ahh' and 'faster'.

"Faster Quinn… faster…" She moaned.

Quinn didn't show any mercy at all, she held one of Rachel's legs up to her shoulder to get a better entry. She continued pounding into her girlfriend, making the room filled with the slapping sound of her balls hitting Rachel.

"I'm so close Quinn…"

"No… you can't… not… yet…" Quinn panted out. She quickly pulled herself out, leaving a very confused and whiny brunette. She quickly flipped Rachel over, "on your knees slut." Rachel was more turned on than ever, doggie style. She quickly settled on her fours, bending over and spreading her legs wider for a better excess for Quinn. Quinn slapped her ass a few times before spreading more of her wetness around her pussy, she used one of her hands to hold onto Rachel's shoulder as she slides her dick into her with another.

"Fuck Quinn…" Quinn started slow just to warm up, but she changed to a wild pace as she felt Rachel's getting wetter. "You're such a slut for me Rach…" She kept pounding in, hands roaming around Rachel's breasts, squeezing them roughly and pinching her nipples.

"Quinn… I'm coming…" She knew the brunette was near, her walls were tightening.

"Come for me Rach… Scream my name…" She moved her hands to Rachel's shoulders, pulling her back as she slams into her with more force.

"Oh my god….QUINN!" Rachel screamed.

It didn't took long for Quinn to come too, Rachel was being filled up by Quinn. She could feel it, Quinn then slowly rode out of their high.

Both of them dropped onto the couch and smiled.

"That was amazing." Rachel exclaimed.

"No, that was perfect." Quinn gave her a lazy smile, obviously still trying to recover from her orgasm.

Rachel slid over and hugged her girlfriend. "I love you."

"I love you too." She wrapped her arms around her waist.


"Yes baby?"

"Did you use protection?"

"Uhhh…." Holy shit.


The End... I guess?

Thank you for reading people.

hope this is not too bad, wanted more but my semester is starting soon.

so... reviews please.