**Alright, so I was bored. Haha. I do not own any of the characters, obviously. Enjoy! R&R please :) **

Belle just read the most wonderful book. I couldn't put it down!

Gaston added Wooing Belle to his list of favorite things to do.

Maurice is attending the event Inventor's Fair.

Gaston created the event "My Wedding to Belle"

Gaston Now that the wedding is all set up, I suppose I should go propose to the girl ;).

Belle has deleted Gaston from her friends list.

Belle Did he honestly think I would marry him?

Maurice where am I?

Maurice is now friends with Lumiere and 2 others.

Prince Adam "Beast" There's a stranger here…

Cogsworth- - Lumiere

You just HAD to let him in!

Belle what happened to Papa? I have to find him!

Chip A girl is in the castle! :D

Lumiere likes Chip's status.

Mrs. Potts "Chip! Stop spreading lies on Facebook!" on Chip's status.

Prince Adam "Beast" Another one? How many intruders will I have tonight?

Belle has joined the cause "Replace my father in prison"

Prince Adam "Beast" She's beautiful….

Belle I've lost my father, my dreams…everything :'(

Gaston Who does she think she is? No one rejects me!

The Villagers joined the event "cheer up Gaston by boosting his ego!"

Maurice I WILL save Belle! Even if I have to go by myself!

Cogsworth She's not coming to dinner? Oh dear, the master won't like this…

Prince Adam "Beast" I asked nicely! What does she want me to do…beg?

Belle ignored a friend request from Prince Adam "Beast".

Prince Adam "Beast" It's hopeless…

Mrs. Potts Thank the Lord, it's a guest! :D

Cogsworth, Lumiere, and 3 others are now friends with Belle.

Belle I wonder what's in the west wing…?

Prince Adam "Beast" NO! She's going to destroy the rose! What is she doing in here?

Belle I'm leaving! I can't stay here another minute!

Prince Adam "Beast" Crap…I blew it. I need to get her back, before it's too late!

The Wolves joined the event "Gang up on Belle"

Belle Wow, That was unexpected. I can't believe he saved me…

Belle is now friends with Prince Adam "Beast"

Lumiere and 4 others like this.

Prince Adam "Beast" I've never felt this way about anyone…I need to do something for her, but what? Suggestions anyone?

Cogsworth "flowers...chocolates…promises you don't intend to keep…" on Prince Adam "Beast"'s status.

Lumiere "I know!" on Prince Adam "Beast"'s status.

Belle A library? He gave me a library? :D

Prince Adam "Beast" She likes it! :D

Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and 2 others like this.

Chip Will someone PLEASE tell me what's going on?

Gaston I'm plotting against crazy old Maurice. Belle would do anything to keep him from being locked up!

Lefou "ya..even marry you!" on Gaston's status.

Belle He's so unsure and sweet…This can't be the same beast that locked my father up and took away my freedom…

Prince Adam "Beast" It's hard to ignore the way I feel about her when she looks at me like that…

Prince Adam "Beast" added Romeo and Juliet to his list of favorite books.

Cogsworth created the event, "Clean up the castle!"

Prince Adam "Beast" …Nervous. I need to tell her that I care about her though. But I feel ridiculous in this outfit :/.

Belle He looks so handsome! It amazes me how much he has changed.

Prince Adam "Beast" Holding her in my arms…I can't imagine anything better. If I were human I would try to kiss her :/.

Belle I'm happy with the beast…But I just wish I knew how my father is doing.

Prince Adam "Beast" "there is a way…" on Belle's status.

Belle Papa! He's dying! The beast has let me go…I need to save him!

Prince Adam "Beast" She's gone….I let her go. I love her.

Chip Belle is leaving? I'll fix that.

Maurice Belle! She's here, and alive!

Belle They're taking Papa to the asylum! He's not crazy, and I can prove it!

Gaston and The Villagers are attending the event, "Kill the Beast!"

Mrs. Potts We're under attack!

Prince Adam "Beast" I hear the attackers downstairs. There's no point…just let them come. Nothing matters without Belle.

Gaston this is no beast! He won't even get up! He's too "kind and gentle" LOL!

Belle Gaston! No!

Prince Adam "Beast" …Belle?

Gaston Belle is mine!

Prince Adam "Beast" Belle! She's here! She came back! I tried to reach for her, but something sharp stabbed me in my side. Blood is flowing from my body…the pain, make it stop!

Belle - -Prince Adam "Beast"

"Please don't leave me! I love you."

Prince Adam "Beast" I'm human again!

Lumiere and 5 other people like this.

Prince Adam "Beast" changed his relationship status to Married to Belle.