Thanks for reviewing here's my second chapter I hope you enjoy

-luv and crossbones

My next few classes are a blur Ikuto is in a couple of them. Lunch comes by Tadase walks with me to our favorite area under a tree. Should I tell him about my family "Tadase I n-need to tell you something" I say while tears threaten to fall "what is it Amu what's wrong" he says looking concerned "Tadase they died my families dead, now im stuck with this evil lady as my guardian, its horrible I want them back I keep praying that this is a nightmare and I'll wake up to my parents laughing and Ami singing but I never will this is not a nightmare its reality I miss them so bad Tadase I have no one " I'm sobbing so hard it hurts to breathe "don't cry they were like my family too and Amu you have me always" he say while holding my hand "thanks Tadase"

Ikuto POV

I walk past Amu and that blonde guy I see her crying I want to go over there and ask her why she's crying but right when I was the blonde guy looks up and grabs her hand and gives me a glare so I just walk away. What's his problem the bell rings I head to class determined to make Amu talk to me. When I walk in I see Amu and blondie is not in site. I grab a seat next to her "hey" I say casually she ignores me that's it plan B I lean towards her just close enough to be invading her personal space. "Amu it's not nice to ignore people" I say in her ear she turns her head and now we're face to face.


"Amu its not nice to ignore people" I hear Ikuto's annoying voice so I turn my head and we're face to face I feel my blood rush to my face "Get away from me you pervert" I yell as loud as I can. "Miss. Hinamori no yelling in my class" Mr.R yells "it's Ikuto's fault he's invading my space!" I yell "Miss. Hinamori outside now!" "This is so unfair I did nothing wrong" "out now!" I run outside and go into the bathroom I start to cry I cry till the next bell rings if Ikuto's in my next class I'll kill him. I walk in and see Tadase I run towards him and tell him what happened. Soon enough class is over I ask Tadase if he wants to hang out "you want to go to Neil's café" I ask "cant my dad wants me to help him sorry" he says "fine I'll go by myself see you tomorrow"

I head towards Neil's café, I find my favorite seat next to the window I sit and order a frappe, once I get it Ikuto comes in with Saaya and her friends, Saaya and her friends stop and get a table but Ikuto walks towards me I try to avoid him as good as I can "hey Amu I'm really sorry about today" he says "you know what, its oaky it was all my fault" I say "actually it was my fault not yours" "ya your right it was your fault" I say I start to leave "Amu wait come on im sorry" he

says as I walk away. I see Saaya right in front of me I try to go around her but she stops me "hey Amu how are you, you look a little hot here cool off" she pours her water all over me "what the hell did you do that for" I yell "I don't need a reason for what I do" I run away as fast as I can if I run this will all go away after I think that it feels like a lie.

When I get home Yuki is sitting there waiting "your late" she say emotionless "sorry I went to get coffee" I say "you little bitch don't use that tone with me" she slaps me across the face and I fall to the floor tears coming down my cheeks I stand up and run to my room im so happy I made it through this horrible day I wonder how tomorrow is gonna be.

Well review I'll be adding a third chapter if you like this one and I'll be writing a Pandora hearts story next3