Hi, I know you probably want to read this story, since you clicked on it, but I want to give a little back story on it. I was listening to Monster by Paramore, when the idea for this story hit me. No really, it hit me. I jolted when I got the idea, so the lap top hit me in the face.
Here's the bio for the main character.
Age: 15
Description: Short pixie bob hair, pitch black. Slightly tanned, white skin. Black eyes, not as in a fight black eye, but as in eye color. Has a tattoo of metal wings across her back. (I know you aren't supposed to get tats that young, but she really didn't care.)
Now that you have her description, I should warn you. This story in the first chapter will not be featuring the main character. But she will be mentioned, a lot. That said, she is a smart-alec, and well, this story is going to be a bit interesting.
"That should do it. You're all fixed, Ratch." A small, dark skinned woman, maybe 24, leapt down from the chest of a huge robot. He sat up, giving her a look. She used a fireman's pole (I don't really know what they are called, but it is one of those things you see them slide down.), and landed lightly on the ground, smiling.
"What's got you in such a good mood, Miranda?" He closed his chest, and knelt by her. She grinned even bigger, her green eyes glowing with excitement.
"My sister is coming! It's been years since I last saw her, since I had to move out of the house. She would be about 14 or 15 now, if I do my math correct." She ran out the door, yelling back to him. "I have to ask Prime for permission to head off base for the weekend! Bye Ratch!"
He stood up, watching her dodge Autobot and soldier alike. Ironhide stepped in, looking back at her. "I haven't seen her that happy since we got her the molecular separator. What has her so hyped?" Ironhide looked over to Ratchet, his optics interested.
"Her little sister is coming. I honestly didn't even know she had a sibling. Now why are you here?" Ratchet turned professional as he turned to face Ironhide.
Ironhide grinned evilly, "I want to know how much damage it would cause to poison the twins' energon."
Ratchet tilted his head. "A lot. Which pair?"
"Both." Ironhide was practically laughing manically.
"DO IT."
Miranda spun around the corner, almost colliding with Sideswipe. He steadied her with a finger. "Whoa Mira! Where are you heading in such a hurry?" Mira pushed off his finger, and began to race down the hall, towards Prime's quarters.
"I need to ask him for permission to head off base this weekend. My sister is coming!" Mira jumped in her excitement, and pushed open the human sized door on the side of the Transformer sized one.
Prime looked up from his desk, putting down the piece of something he had been looking at. "Yes, Miranda? What is it?"
Mira took a huge breath and launched into speaking. "I really want to head off base for the weekend, so I can see my sister I haven't seen for 6 years! Oh, please, please, PLEASE Optimus!"
He chuckled, watching her bounce up and down. "Okay, OKAY! Tomorrow is Saturday so I would think of pack if I were you. I'll be sending Sideswipe with you, so hurry up." She squealed, bolting out of there.
He looked after her, smiling slightly. "I didn't even know she had a sister."
Mira was throwing things randomly into a suitcase, when a knock at the door stopped the frenzy. She opened the door, to see a young, blond man standing there. He was wearing a loose red-gold shirt, with black jeans. "Hey, Sideswipe. What's up?"
Sideswipe grinned. "I was to escort you over to Florida, 'member?" Mira stopped and groaned. Sideswipe looked worried. "What's wrong?"
"I forgot it was in FLORIDA! The drive is going to take forever." Sideswipe grinned and Mira looked worried. "I know that look."
"It won't take long, I promise." She eyed him nervously, before sighing.
"Just don't kill me."
"AHHHHHHH! I THOUGHT I SAID NOT TO KILL ME!" Sideswipe shot by the sign for Florida, after only two hours of driving.
Sideswipe laughed, as Mira screamed for her life. The child is just too amusing. He grinned, speeding up, before stopping at a light. "Here's where you wanted." As he said this, her phone rang.
"No funny business, Sides." She lifted her phone to her ear. "Hello?"
"Mira, is that you? You sound scared, like you were in a speeding car. Like the one that just passed me two seconds ago, that I am now standing next to."
"Huh?" Mira looked outside Sides, to see a girl leaning against a light pole.
"Cyan!" She leapt out of the seat and onto her friend. "How?"
Cyan smiled. "You make a lot of noise when you scream." Sides chuckled, making Cyan's eyes slid to the vehicle. Her eyes widened, making Mira look at her in concern.
"Is everything okay, Cyan?" Cyan looked back at her, eyes narrowing.
"Yeah, I'm just wondering who you stole the car from." Mira glared at her. "WHAT? You hate driving over thirty! No way this is your car."
Mira sighed, quickly making up a lie. "Yeah, I borrowed it so I could come."
Cyan smirked. "Then you better make sure it comes back scratched, and muddy! Army guys love that." Sides shuddered at the pure evil in that small statement.
"Huh, but I want to live!" Mira looked horrified, and Cyan laughed manically. "Oh you!" Mira raced after Cyan who was running down the street.
"Don't forget your car! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Cyan yelled as she disappeared around the corner. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, COFFEE!" Mira face palmed.
"What time is it?" Mira turned to Sides.
"Hmmmmmm, about 2:00 am." Sides seemed almost amused at the hyper young girl.
"No wonder….. She must have had regular. I fear for the person who mugs her tonight." A sudden scream emanated from the night. A man ran around the corner, hiding behind Mira.
"I tried to mug this girl, and she tried to eat me! WAHHHHHHHH!" He ran off into the night. Cyan walked back around the corner.
"Where'd that dude go? I want to apologize for freaking him out."
"You said you were going to eat him!"
Cyan shrugged, pulling a chicken drumstick out from behind her. "I was talking about this." Mira face palmed, tears coming out of her eyes.
"Why….Why are you so strange?" Cyan smirked, before sitting on Sides' hood. Sides was shocked.
I have a human femme's aft on my chassis! This is soo awkward! Mira looked scared for her life, as Sides shuddered.
"Is something wrong?" She slid her butt down his hood, making him shudder again. "Something's wrong with the engine, huh? I knew that you should have rented." An evil smirk was on her face, and Sides was beginning to see how his twin got to practically fear human contact.
Mira hung her head. "You know for a sister, you scare me. Let's just head home. Where are you staying?"
"Oh, at my villa here!" Mira looked startled, then scared.
"Oh, I am famous, you know." They slid into Sides, Cyan in the drivers seat.
"No, I didn't know. How on earth did you become famous?"
"Look up CYN DREAM some day." Mira's phone rang.
"Hold that thought. I have to answer this." She lifted the phone up to her ear, Sides turning up his sensors so to hear. "Hello?"
"Hey, it's Bee and Jazz. Why didn't you tell us you were related to the CYN DREAM!" Mira looked over at Cyan who looked smug as she drove up past a gate guard.
"I just found out my little sister is famous. Wait, how do you two know about her?"
"She's only the best rapper, singer, break dancer, dj, author, film star, roller coaster designer, technical producer, medal of honor holder, and owner of Mechania Technology!" Jazz practically screamed.
Mira looked over at her sister in disbelief. "You've been busy." Cyan chuckled, turning onto a drive up a mountain.
"Sh—she's in the car with you?" Bee stuttered out in pure shock.
"Yyyyyeeeeesssss….?" Mira drawled it out nervously. "Do you want me to put it on speaker?"
"YYYYYYYEEEEESSSSS!" They both screamed in her ear. Mira winced, before setting the phone down, and switching it to speaker.
"Hello? Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" Cyan questioned in a calm, if very amused voice.
Two squeals of happiness echoed through the interior of Sides, followed by two clangs. Cyan looked startled. "What happened?"
Two new voices came over the phone. "They fainted. And who is on the phone that made them faint?"
"Ummmm, that's new…. But I'm Cyan. You can call me CYN DREAM." Two more screams of happiness came over, and two more clangs. "Really? Who were they anyway?"
Mira smiled. "The first two were James and Ben, nicknames Jazz and Bee. The other two were Jake and Mike, nicknames Skids and Mudflaps."
"…DO I even want to know about the nicknames?"
"No, no you don't." Cyan pulled up in a garage, parking Sides in a small slot. They stepped out, grabbing her things.
As Cyan pushed Mira through the garage double doors, she stopped by a console. "Computer, Slot three. The whole works, hot wax, under-carriage scrub, everything."
Sides would have opened his optics wide, if they were there. "Yes ma'am." The computers cold unfeeling voice echoed through the garage.
Yes! First chapter done. Now if you haven't guessed, this is fun to annoy people. Also anyone who currently hates Micheal Bay, please include the number one in your review.