Ok Guys so while I'm on a role I decided to keep updating as soon as each chapter is done and proof read :) Loving all the feed back and reviews :) Please keep it up and let me know what you think :)

Clary P.O.V

It turned out that we had no trouble getting into the club, like Isabelle said. The group in front of us had been turned away and I began to worry I'd get us all sent packing. I only barely looked seventeen as it was. But Jace, seemed to know what I was thinking and gave me one of his trademark grins and draped his arm round my shoulder. I raised my eyebrows at him, but he just winked at me.

As we moved up in line I seen Alec do the same thing to Isabelle and all four of us got in no questions asked. Ah the key is to walk up and look like you own the place…That's where me and Ellie had been going wrong… At the thought of Ellie and the current state of our friendship I could feel my good mood start to slip away…

Come on Clary snap out of it! You're out with your friends and you have without a doubt the hottest guy in the place with his arm around you, chill out…

Isabelle and Alec both disappeared which left me on my own with Jace. Sensing I wasn't fully paying attention, Jace grabbed my hand and led me to one of the booths that lined the wall to sit down. I gave him a timid smile, acutely aware that unless people really looked properly, they'd never see who was sitting over here.

"Clary I never got a chance to tell you how amazing you looked…Isabelle done a good job, not that she needed to do anything with you in the first place…"

I gave him a bigger grin then before, but said nothing…

"So did you…um…did you tell her about me and you? I'm sure she told you all sorts, but Clary I swear I don't want to hurt you…" He trailed off and looked at me expectantly…

Ok there's no going back now…Time to just take the risk and see where this goes…I can't always be afraid of getting hurt…I took a deep breath before I answered him…

"Yeah Jace I did. And although she warned me that you may break my heart, I decided…well I decided I'm going to take a chance anyway…"

I smiled up at him and was rewarded with the most breathtaking smile I had ever seen anyone give me.

Jace leaned across and kissed me. At first I was aware of the fact that we were in a very public place, but after a few seconds that thought left my head as I twined my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. There was nothing better, I was quickly realising then kissing Jace…

After a few minutes Jace pulled away and grinned at me…

"I'll um…I'll go get us some drinks…" His voice seemed deeper and he seemed to be having almost as hard a time slowing his breathing as I was…He turned and headed for the bar.

I sat back and took a proper look around the club for the first time. In the centre was the dance floor full of bodies dancing in time to the pumping music. Around the dance floor was booths like the one I was sat in and three bars, both with massive queues of people waiting to order their drinks. I looked for Jace's blonde head in the sea of bodies, but couldn't see him. My searching for Jace meant that I didn't see the scantly clad girl heading straight for me until she stood right in front of me. I recognised her straight away

Aww crap what does Nikki want? I thought to myself praying she had not just seen me and Jace sat here in the booth moments before. One look at her face though told me she had…

"Who the HELL do you think you are? Swaning into my school and taking my boyfriend from me? Acting all innocent to gain his attention? Let me tell you something girl, Jace only goes for real women not little girls who try too hard to look older…"

At first I simply stared at her before I regained control of my mouth…

"Excuse me? I took your boyfriend? That's not what I've heard people call you and Jace round school? Everyone just told me you were a bit of skirt for him to have fun with…Looks like he got bored with that and wants a something real…"

I was almost as surprised as Nikki at what I had just said. She was momentarily stunned, but she quickly snapped out of it and took a step closer to me and leaned down until she was right in my face…

"What did you say? Did you actually just call me a slut?"

"Well…yeah I did…sorry…" Although I wasn't a bit sorry…

Before I could say anything more, her hand flashed up and connected with the side of my cheek. I barely had time to register that before Jace appeared with a look on his face that meant he had clearly seen our exchange…

"What the hell Nikki! Who the hell do you think you are coming over here and hitting Clary!"

Before he could say anymore a bouncer came over to see what all the fuss was about…Jace told him what had just happened and the bouncer took Nikki by the arm and kicked her out. Before she turned to leave she leaned around the bouncer and giving both Jace and I a sinister look smiled sweetly and said

"You two better watch your backs…No one gets the better of me, or calls me a slut and gets away with it…"

Way to go Clary! You've just made an enemy of the queen bitch of the school…I groaned and put my hand up to my cheek which was stinging from where Nikki had slapped me.

Jace sat back beside me and glanced at me worriedly…

"Are you ok Clary? I didn't even think she'd be here, let alone see us over here…"

"Yeah I'm fine I just…I need a drink…is this one mine?" I reached out and took the glass that looked like it contained 7up. However after one mouthful I realised it in fact was not just 7up but contained what was more then likely vodka or something similar…

"Jace Wayland are you trying to get me drunk…" I teased him, quickly regaining the good mood I had been in before Nikki appeared…

Jace pretended to look horrified "Why Ms Fray why would you ever think such a thing?" I saw a cheeky glint in his eye and laughed out loud as I sipped my drink

After a few more drinks I began to feel the inhibition lowering effect of the alcohol. Isabelle had come over to sit beside us with Simon, one of the boys from our group in school. One of my favourite songs came on and I grabbed Isabelle's hand and dragged her to the dance floor to dance.

"Woah Clary how much have you had to drink?" She had to shout in my ear over the music for me to hear her…

"Haha only like three drinks. I don't know what they were, but oh my god I love this song!"

Isabelle just laughed at me and began throwing some serious moves which caused people to give us both a wide berth for fear of getting in our way. We spent what felt like forever dancing, shouting "Oh this is my favourite song!" as every song came on…

After a few minutes the DJ decided to do a slow set. Simon came over and took Isabelle by the hand, and I was about to go and sit back down when Jace appeared and took me in his arms…

"You look like you're having a good time tonight." Jace didn't have to shout as loud as Isabelle had as the music wasn't quite as loud anymore.

"I'm having the best time ever, but it's just got even better…" I smiled up at him as we swayed to the music.

"Oh yeah and why would that be? Would it be because you are currently dancing with the hottest guy in the club?" Jace gave me a smirk as he finished the sentence…

"Hot guy? Where?" I laughed as Jace gave me a mock offended look and leaned down to kiss me gently. I stretched up on my tip toes to kiss him back. I gave up my attempt to sway to the music and turned my attention to kissing Jace. After a few minutes Isabelle came over and cleared her throat. I chose to pretend I hadn't heard her and continued kissing Jace.

"Clary, Jace! Hello have you guys ever heard of the term get a room? Besides it's two-thirty and everyone else has left and if you don't come on right now I'm leaving without you!"

With a sigh Jace pulled away from me and went to wait outside while I went with Isabelle to get her jacket. Isabelle stood in the queue in stony silence.

"Aww Iz come on I'm sooo sorry. Please say you'll forgive me?"

I giggled and hiccupped slightly at the end of the sentence. The few drinks I had, had gone straight to my head…

Isabelle tried to stay mad at me but failed and by the time she had gotten her jacket we were walking arm in arm out of the club in the middle of a fit of giggles. However whatever we had just been laughing at was quickly forgotten when we seen the commotion outside…There were tonnes of people gathered in a circle all watching something in the centre. As Isabelle and I pushed our way through I caught sight of a glint of golden hair…

"Oh my god Iz that's Jace!" I screamed and pushed my way through the crowd to the front. There in the centre of the crowd was Jace trying his best to fight off some guy who was just as well built as him. I saw red and ran into the middle of the fight. Ignoring the protests from people around me…

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I screamed as I attempted to break them up. However the stranger trying to beat Jace up didn't even look at me as he went to pull his fist back and hit Jace again. Without thinking I jumped in between him and Jace and received the blunt of the blow meant for Jace and fell to the ground…Everyone including Jace and this stranger froze as dazed I lifted my hand to my face to see if there was any blood. Jace was the first to recover and threw himself down beside me with a look of pure horror on his face…

"Jesus Clary…Are you ok? Let me have a look…"

He tenderly reached out to touch my face and examine the damage. Behind him the stranger who had just hit me laughed before bending down to both of us and sneering before saying

"That's just a taster of what you'll get Jace Wayland if I hear one word about you messing my sister around again. And as for your little girlfriend here, be grateful it was an accidental hit…next time you might not be so lucky sweetheart." With that he turned on his heel and stalked away…

Jace helped me up off the ground and by the time I looked up Isabelle and Alec were standing by a taxi door waiting for us to get in. The taxi ride home was a silent one. Jace insisted on sliding in beside me meaning Isabelle had to sit in the front. I laid my head on his shoulder and sank into him as his arms came around me…When we got back to the house, Jace led me straight to the kitchen so he could examine my face…

"Well it doesn't look too bad now. But I think we need to put an ice pack on it and hopefully you shouldn't end up with a black eye." I could tell beneath his calm exterior, Jace was furious and would not meet my gaze as I spoke to him…

"Jace I'm ok…hey look at me! I am fine. It wasn't even that hard of a blow. The only reason I fell was because I had heels on and had had a bit to drink…"

I tried to convince him I was ok, but one look at his face showed me that nothing I said would make him feel less guilty. I didn't even have the energy to ask him how the fight had started, but I had a fairly good idea about who it was over…

Isabelle came into the kitchen to get a glass of water and to make sure I was ok. I told her I was fine and would be up to bed in a few minutes. Once she left the room and Jace's back was turned I leaned heavily against the kitchen counter, suddenly dizzy. I thought I hid it from Jace but he rushed around to my side…

"Clary are you ok? Come on let's go into the living room and sit down for a few minutes and you can take two painkillers and drink this water…"

Without waiting for my reply he led me into their massive living room and to one of the corner sofas. I happily sank down and rested my head on Jace's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. The last thing I remembered as I fell asleep was Jace pulling the blanket off the back of the sofa and placing it over me as he settled down for the night with me lying across his chest…

Anndd another chapter down :) So what did you guys think? gave you that little twist and beginning of a complication some of you where after ;) But what a sweet way to end the chapter :) Anyways until next time :) As always, Read and review :D xx