Surprise: this is the LAST chapter.

Second surprise: Longest chapter to date for me...This thing is massive. I worked extremely hard on this one (found myself constantly editing, re-editing, and editing some more) and would appreciate some reviews on it. I don't normally ask for them but for this one it would be great.

Warning: Dangerous amounts of fluff, read with caution...seriously.

Chapter 7: Raw Emotion

As soon as the squad ship landed on Alfea's crisp grounds Timmy rushed out with Tecna still asleep in his arms. He felt the need to protect her from everything and anything at this point.

"Bring her up to her room and head back Timster, Cordatorta and Saladin are waiting for us at Red Fountain," Brandon advised Timmy as he walked with the rest of the Winx girls inside.

"Logically I should stay until she wakes know...just to make sure she's going to be okay?" Timmy bit his lip after he spoke softly; making sure not to wake up his sleeping princess.

"Nurse Ophelia will get Tecna checked out. There's nothing to worry about," Musa led Timmy inside to Tecna's dorm room where Bloom and Nurse Ophelia were already waiting for them nervously. The rest of the winx let Timmy go in alone with Tecna.

"Oh my...looks like she's been through a lot," Nurse Ophelia commented as Timmy laid her down in her soft bed, "Poor girl."

"At least you found her," Bloom frowned, "I was thinking about her the entire time I was on Pyros."

"Thanks Bloom," Timmy replied as he continued to stare at Tecna. "I'm nervous about the scratches...I hope they're not infected. I want her completely healthy..."

Nurse Ophelia pulled out a bottle of medicine, a cloth, and some bandages, "Once I wipe her scars with this and cover them up...she'll be out of bed in no time," she smiled happily. "The poor girl is still just really cold."

Timmy made a huge sigh of relief, "Thank Magix." Timmy and Bloom watched Ophelia go to work in cleaning Tecna's scars and bandaging them up. After she was done Timmy tucked her in and she still kept sleeping quite peacefully.

"So what was it like down there? Was it just as scary and cold as people say it is?" Bloom asked curiously as she sat on the edge of the bed next to Timmy who seemed to be lost in thought.

"It was horrible Bloom," Timmy started to explain, "The convicts there were ruthless to us. I'm guessing her scratches were from them AS WELL. Worse, I found her frozen in an ice cell in a deep dark abyss," Timmy's eyes began to water as he thought about Tecna being lost and cold down there, "After they injured her I'm guessing she tried to escape and accidently fell all the way down off the cliff...too weak to fly back up."

"She's lucky to be alive then..." Bloom trailed off as she stared at Timmy who was staring at Tecna, "I knew somehow Tecna would never leave us for good...She's lucky to have you Timmy. Your determination is what brought Tecna back."

"I appreciate that Bloom," he managed to smile at the red head. "I just feel I should do something special for know?"

"Like a date?" Bloom made a slight wink at Timmy; which made him blush and his glasses fog up slightly.

"Something like that...I mean I've actually never taken her on one before...she deserves one," Timmy explained to Bloom as he took off his glasses and wiped the fog from them carefully, "Although I hope I don't screw it up."

"I'm sure she'll love it," she put a reassuring hand on Timmy's shoulder, "Don't worry about it."


Tecna fully recovered by the following day and was up and about like she normally was.

It had been a long week for Timmy ever since he left Tecna at Alfea to recover. It was especially an even longer week for Tecna because of all the catching up and homework she was piled up to the roof with. Grades were super important to Tecna and every night she buckled down and got a lot done. The one thing that kept nagging her in the back of her mind was Timmy. She really missed him but was forced to keep contact to him through IM-ing and emails. She took a break from the homework and plopped down on her bed with her minicomputer so she could talk to Timmy. He of course was online like always.

Timmy: How's the homework going?

Tecna: It's painfully boring but I'm nearing the end. It's been a lot harder to concentrate because I've well...missed you a lot and I've been thinking about us a lot. Tecna felt her cheeks start blushing. Ever since returning from the Omega Dimension she's been a lot more open and honest with Timmy. Tonight was no exception.

Timmy: Oh really? What have you been thinking?

Tecna: We should go on a date know? Just you and me even just going on a stroll in the park...I mean only if you would want to that is. I've just realized we've never been.

Timmy: That sounds fantastic. In fact...come out onto your balcony, I've got a surprise for you.

Tecna: What are you talking about? What surprise...?

Timmy: Just do it cupcake. (1) Tecna jumped up from her bed and gently put her minicomputer away in her drawer. She swung open her balcony doors to find Timmy shoving his cell phone in his pocket and wearing his all too familiar orange and grey sweater that she thought was very good looking on him.

"What are you doing? It's late and you're breaking curfew..." Tecna whispered to him as she shut her balcony door behind her very slowly and quietly. She got a better look at Timmy and noticed he wasn't wearing glasses, "And where are your glasses?" She began giggling at the fact he wasn't wearing them; it was a cute change on him.

"Contacts," he pointed at his eyes happily. After all these years he finally let Brandon convince him to wear them(2)...but only for tonight he remembered telling him before he left. "I'm here to take you on that date you just mentioned," Timmy wrapped his hands around his girlfriend tightly. He then pulled away so "The only decent time we've gotten for each other recently was on the ship heading back from Omega...until you passed out in my arms. Please come with me to Magix," he moved aside to show a Levi Bike right beside the balcony.

"Maybe if I got a little persuasion," Tecna looked at him bashfully; her eyes gleaming brightly in the moonlight. For once, Timmy actually understood what a girl was trying to hint at. He felt a tingle go up his spine as Tecna said this to him and his hazel eyes lit up instantly. He felt his heart was about to leap out of his chest with excitement.

He found himself pressing Tecna gently up against the wall behind her as they exchanged soft and passionate kisses with each other. Tecna wrapped her arms tightly around Timmy's neck and he managed to wrap his tightly around her waist. They kept their eyes closed as they continued to get closer with each other.

"I hope this is what she meant by persuade...(3)" Timmy thought nervously to himself. He suddenly felt Tecna wiggle her hips slightly against his, "She's so cute when she's like this." Finally after a few moments they broke free from each other. Both were swoon with all the raw emotion they just felt.

If anyone were to pass the couple after they kissed, one would surely think the two were slightly drunk by the way they looked at each other in such a daze afterwards. The only thing these two were drunk on was love and romance...neither of them had ever been filled with so much of it ever before.

"I'm persuaded," Tecna giggled as they stared deeply at each other with the slight confusion at what they just did, "We're both being so illogical tonight..."

"Is that a bad thing?" He led her over to the bike and handed her a helmet. He sat down and she sat behind him with her arms wrapped around him tightly.

"Not at all," she sighed happily as Timmy sped off toward Magix. If this was what their date was going to start like, she couldn't wait for the rest; especially if Timmy was going to keep sweeping her off her feet.


Like what Tecna mentioned earlier; he was bringing her for a stroll through the park. Stella would call this a date-being-a-cheapskate; but Tecna thought this was perfect. Just herself and Timmy...that's all she could ever ask for. Both of them walked along the water's edge in the middle of Magix Park, hand in hand with each other.

"Thank you for bringing me here," she replied as they continued to walk in the moonlight. "I'm having a wonderful time...but this is unlike you. The Timmy I remember loved to work on gadgets and loved to IM all day from the safety of his bedroom."

Timmy took a deep breath, "I want to treat everyday like it could be our last...Because that's what you deserve." He brought her to sit on a nearby bench.

"This is because of the Omega Dimension thing...isn't it? This is why you're so full of emotion nowadays..." She closed her eyes as she said this. She couldn't believe her disappearance could change someone so much.

"Maybe..." there was a long pause between the two, "Don't be upset at me...It's all to make you happy."

"I'm not upset...I just can't believe how much you care about me. It makes me happy," Tecna smiled back at him. "You're too sweet to me."

Timmy leaned in and cupper her head in his hands, "I finally realized I could lose the most important thing in the world to me. You're my cupcake," he kissed her softly while she blushed bright red. Hearing this it made her giggle quietly...she wasn't used to Timmy calling her that; but she very much enjoyed it immensely.

"Wait...repeat what you just said."

" to continue on our walk?" Timmy asked her in a panic as he tried to change the subject off of what he just told her.

"Of course," she replied without hesitation. After a long time walking they stopped in a small clearing where other couples like themselves were having a small dance to soft slow music.

"Do you want to...?" Timmy gulped and trailed off nervously as he stared at other specialists twirling their girlfriends around gracefully. He would never be able to do that with his beau. She nodded and led him to the middle of the clearing with the other couples. "I'm not good at this Tecna," he stared down at his feet sadly.

Tecna normally would have agreed with him on that; but eventually learned a few techniques on dancing and rhythm from Musa and Layla. She felt confident that she could help Timmy out. "Here," she grabbed one of Timmy's hands and placed it on around her waist and took his remaining hand and held it in her hand. She placed her other hand around his neck. They began to dance and twirl very slowly.

"Are you nervous Timmy?" She could feel he was tensed up and could faintly hear his heart beating rapidly.


"Shh, just relax and take it slow. You're doing great," Tecna reassured his and Timmy finally felt the need to relax. Tecna rested her hand on his chest as he got more adjusted to the slow dancing. The dancing soon became as easy and natural as breathing to him.


"Thank you...a million times thank you," Tecna said as Timmy helped her off the bike and onto her balcony. The rest of the night they had was filled with romance, giggles, and everything else that they never experienced ever before. The two lovers just sat there and breathed in the night fresh air until Timmy used his arms and hands to bring her into a dip.

"You know...I should be leaving soon..." Timmy sighed as he stared down at Tecna who stared back up at him with excitement and passion, "I love you."

Tecna sighed heavenly, "I love you too...I've never felt so illogical in my life," she giggled as Timmy still held her in a dip.

"You don't always have to be. This is the only time I would say to forget about anything logical," he replied sweetly. Tecna felt so swoon that everything Timmy was telling her felt faint and dream like. He pulled her up back to her feet as she happily stared at him. She suddenly raised herself to be just centimetres from Timmy's lips. "You know...I have to leave soon..."

"I know," she gave Timmy the same bashful look she gave him earlier, "I might need a little persuasion for me to let you go though."


"Tecna...where have you been?" Flora asked as Tecna walked into the winx common room. They stared at her like she was crazy. "We thought you went missing."

"I was out on a date," she sighed dreamingly and spun around, "With Timmy." The girls seemed to gasp with excitement as she said this.

"Well that explains your messed up hair," Stella giggled and handed her a mirror. Tecna stared in the mirror to see her cheeks were bright red and her hair was incredibly messy.

"He was playing with my hair," she explained innocently to her friends, "We had fun."

"Well spare us no details," Layla replied, "You come in here all giddy and so out of it...something must have happened." By the end of Tecna's story her friends were in awe and full of questions and comments.

"Are you sure that was Timmy?" Musa winked.

"I didn't think Timmy knew how to dance..." Layla pondered for a moment.

"No wonder you're so out of it," Flora cooed.

"A park date isn't where I would normally go..." Stella replied, "But I can't believe Brandon finally got Timmy to wear contacts."

"Well he defiantly showed you a night you deserved," Bloom commented.

"I used to dream of Timmy doing something like this but now its reality," Tecna sighed happily, "I'm in love with him you guys."


"So how'd your date go?" Sky asked Timmy as soon as he walked into their dorm common room. Riven, Brandon, and Helia had themselves all sitting around in the common room as well.

"Did Tecna hit you or something? Because your hair is messed up big time," Riven held in his laugher as he said this. Everyone gave him a glare except Timmy who was too out of it to be bothered. He plunked himself in the remaining chair in the room.

"She was playing with it," Timmy sighed innocently.

"And...Are you wearing lip gloss?" Riven began to laugh. Timmy was too happy to even care what Riven had to say.

"Tecna's? Oh yeah..." he gave his friends a proud smirk. Timmy definitely went out of his normal comfort zone for once. He thought it was the best decision he'd ever made. "I swept her off her feet like you wouldn't believe." He explained how his night went to his roommates. No one could believe how much their geek friend had manned up that night and showed his girl the night she deserved.

"I need to go out on dates more often," he admitted to his friends. They all agreed with him; seeing how easy going and happy he was afterwards. He was glowing with bliss and excitement it felt like.

"You're so out of it," Riven remarked.

"Maybe because I'm in love with her..." He sighed deeply, "I almost lost her for good last week and I'm doing all this so in case something does happen to either of us...I know I treated her right all the way to the very end. Before this, we were so shy around each other...and now I'm showing her all the emotions and feeling I really do have for her and was too shy to even mention before. She's my everything."

The End.


Now get ready for a huge authors note.

Timmy actually starts calling her cupcake in the Winx Club Magical Adventure's movie.

From Season 2 episode 11 (RAI English)... Timmy was having some Tecna troubles and Brandon recommended him to use hair gel and contacts (damn, why couldn't he use contacts in the actual show...?)

Poor Timmy...letting them nerves get to him!

I would like to thank EVERYONE for your reviews...I very much enjoyed writing this story and it makes me enjoy it even more when I can read how much people have.

Hmm...well after I finish writing my other story Who I've become (which by the way is also nearing an end) I was MAYBE thinking about writing Season 2 or 3 through Timmy's perspective...but I only want to do this if I have interest from people who would enjoy reading this (send in a review or private message if you would like to see this as a fanfiction). Of course if I do end up doing that it will be a painfully long time before I post it.

