
As you might have already guessed, this is a story about the Omega Mission to rescue Tecna in Season 3. I (to be honest) didn't like how the episode played out in the real series for two reasons.

My first reason is because I didn't feel like it was much of a "mission", it played like followed: arrived to the Omega Dimension, boys got captured and winx fell off a cliff (despite the fact they HAVE wings...sigh), Bloom and Sky found Tecna, rescued guys, Bloom and Tecna rescue the girls and that was about it pretty much. Worse is they had no TxT moment...AT ALL.

My second reason is because they made it all about Bloom. A couple examples of this are when Bloom and Tecna go to the cliff base: everyone's like "OMG Bloom is somewhat unconscious...oh hey Tecna." Like seriously... I don't feel like listing all the times Bloom was the main focus (once again like always) but if you just look back on the episode you'll realize how much they shoved Tecna to the side.

But anyway, I think I've made my point that Bloom just should have been left out of an episode for once.

One final note: I've kept some of the plot from the episode the same, and I used some of the script from the RAI English version of the episode for the beginning of this chapter.

Chapter 1: A Distress Signal

Timmy stared groggily into his brightly lit computer screen in his dark dorm room. It was hopeless the night before; he thought his device would have worked within minutes to find the love of his life but turns out it didn't work at all. Timmy was determined to find her; no matter what it took.

He had his suit plugged into his computer as it continued to scan and send out rays looking for Tecna. The quiet beeping and humming noises his computer made changed instead to a couple beeping sounds. His eyes widened and he stared perplexingly at his small screen.

"Hey...a transmission signal from the space pod," he pressed a couple buttons on his computer, "It looks like something is trying to communicate..." He scanned his fingers over his mouse until his computer erupted to a bunch of loud beeps. "I don't believe it..." Timmy's eyes gleamed with happiness.

"This is a transition from the Omega Dimension...can anybody hear me?" Timmy thought his heart would leap out of his chest. That was Tecna's voice, oh how he missed hearing it.

He jumped up from his computer chair, "I found her, I found her! Tecna is alive! That's her voice...Guys, wake up! Tecna is alive!" He proudly shouted throughout the dorm.

"Sh-she's alive?" Brandon cracked his eyes open. Timmy didn't seem to remember that most people were asleep at 4am. Brandon walked over to see what Timmy was doing at his computer. Sky walked in as well. Timmy's commotion failed to even stir Riven or Helia out of their slumber.

"She's transmitting, I can't believe it. She's trying to get in touch with us guys. The space receiver just received her signal," Timmy excitingly told the two specialists who were wide awake now. "Oh she knew we'd never stop searching for her. Now if I don't lose the signal..." Timmy went back to his computer and busily punched and clicked a bunch of buttons. "I should be able to figuring out where she's transmitting from." Suddenly the signal kicked out.

"No." Brandon exclaimed.

"You lost her?" Sky asked Timmy worriedly. No one could even think about what would happen to Timmy if he lost the signal and the only way to track Tecna down.

"Whew, got it just in time," Timmy leaned back in his chair. He had a sense of accomplishment in his eyes for the moment. A bright blue loading bar loaded on his screen and a map of the Omega Dimension popped up. "She's transmitting from Omega's inner quadrant," he explained. "Tecna's not dead, and now we know exactly where she's located." A smile came up on their faces, but it was short lived. Suddenly Timmy's computer began making the beeping noises it made before.

"Is it another signal from Tecna?" Brandon looked at the computer screen.

"I think so," Timmy pressed some more keys on his computer and finally the signal and message came through.

"Timmy, help me!" He heard Tecna yell over the transmitter. His once joyful eyes went into panic, as well as Brandon and Sky's eyes.

"Get over here you pesky fairy," an anonymous male voice yelled at Tecna.

"No! Stop, don't touch me you creeps!" Timmy could hear fear and pain in her voice; she was scared and weak.

"Too late," someone laughed. Suddenly the voices and footsteps seemed to be coming closer to the transmitter

"Don't hurt it," Tecna's voice trembled over his computer.

"Okay, we'll just hurt you instead," the voice replied and laughed slightly.

" don't!" Tecna yelled at the other voices. They could hear Tecna struggling until she fell silent with a small thud on the ground. The signal cut out for good.

"Tecna no!" Timmy yelled at his computer with tears running down his face.

"Timster...Are you okay?" Brandon asked Timmy who buried his face in his hands.

"Do I look like I'm okay?" He shouted back at Brandon, "Tecna's hurt."

"Here," Sky put a reassuring shoulder on Timmy's shoulder, tears still running down his cheeks, "I'll go wake up the rest of the guys and get a squad ready for us, and Brandon will call the girls. We'll leave immediately, there's no time to waste."

Brandon pulled out his cell phone and dialled Stella's number."

"H—hello?" Stella replied half asleep.

"We're on our way. Tecna's in trouble," Brandon replied and hung his phone up.


Within twenty minutes the squad was in flight and soon landed on Alfea, with four sleepy and restless Winx girls waiting for them. They ran towards them once they carefully landed.

"Stella told us you guys called and said Tecna was in trouble?" Musa asked Timmy.

He only nodded in response; he couldn't find it in himself to say anything. He felt choked up every time he went to say something.

"Let's just leave it at she contacted us, and it wasn't good what we heard," Sky explained to the girls who were terrified for her friend.

"We wish you the best of luck on the mission," Riven added in.

Musa's eyes widened, "Wait, you aren't going?"

"Cordatorta is making me and Sky stay behind in case Valtor plans on making a surprise attack on Red Fountain," Riven explained to Musa.

"I'm sure you guys will do fine without us," Sky waved at the group. Timmy, Helia, Brandon, Flora, Musa, Stella, and Layla boarded the ship and left the school grounds.

"Don't worry Tecna, we're on our way," Timmy fought the tears and smashed his palm on the hyper drive button on the ship.