This plot bunny is really, as in, REALLY REALLY REALLY bothering me. Why won't anyone/anything leave me alone? DX So... here it is! There are a couple of OCs, but hopefully nothing too major.

Disclaimer: If I owned D. Gray-Man, then all of my wishes will come true. But apparently, since all of my wishes have not come true, I do not own D. Gray-Man. People may say disclaimers are pointless, though if I'm the author of something, I would make a fanfiction anyway XP I dunno why I just would. But anyway, I won't be repeating the disclaimer cause you guys all of a brain to know I will never in my life own this. If you guys don't have a brain, then I wonder how did you access the internet when some people don't know how to go to google. xP Wow, long disclaimer... and I just added more to the long disclaimer! Yay! XD

Btw, first time using First Person POV. Be nice, k? This prologue is pretty short, yeah I know, but still... Anyhow, I was about to use a plot similar to this, but I decided against it, removed about 2000 words of my rare hard work, and made this short prologue! Woot! xD

Lucas' POV:

To learn things people don't know...
That's why I wanted to become a Bookman.

"Hey! Lucas! You're going to play with us, will you?" asked a girl with sparkling blue eyes and short blonde hair.

"Sorry, Ava. I'm busy. But I will next time!" I answered. I have red hair and emerald green eyes, but my right eye is covered with an eye patch.

"Lucas! You're always busy! Why can't you take a break?" asked a boy with shaggy black hair and soft brown eyes.

"Sorry Jim. I'm just that busy." I apologized once more, acting as if I was guilty.

"But you're leaving this afternoon!" complained Ava.

"Yeah, I know." I answered her. That's the whole reason I'm busy. I'm actually leaving way earlier than this afternoon.

"It's going to be lonely without you!" added Jim.

"I bet you could manage. Anyhow, gotta go. Gramps is calling me. Bye!" I exclaimed as I ran off. In truth, that was just an excuse. Ava began to cry and Jim was comforting her. I didn't felt sorry for those humans at all. So what if I'm also a human and what I'm thinking is just plain heartless? I don't need friends. It'll just interrupt my business as a bookman-in-training. The only purpose I need 'friends' for is information. Other than that, they're all useless. In the future, they'll just get involved in the war just like their parents, and will fight non-stop. They won't stop fighting...

I stopped running as I saw Bookman in the distance.

"Ready?" asked Bookman. I nodded. We then both left to Britain.

The reason we went here is because of the war and because there are some strange lights that are appearing. But every time someone approaches the lights, it'll shock them. Me and Gramps are staying in an inn, but I decided to go around and explore.

While exploring around, I spotted a colorful tent. Must be a circus. It's getting quite dark, and there are no one around... Except for this little boy. He has muddy brown hair and dull silver eyes. He was smiling a bit as a dog was licking his fingers. The boy then pet the dog.

"Allen! Hey, Allen!" shouted an unfamiliar voice. The dog perked up and ran away, leaving the boy alone. The boy seemed lonely, so I decided to talk to him.

"Hey there! What's your name?" I asked in a friendly manner. He glared at me.

"Why should I tell you?" he asked.

"My name is Andy! See? I told you my name." I implied, using my new alias. The boy huffed.

"I don't have a name. People just call me Red." said the boy.

"Red? Why?" I asked, curiosity taking over.

"Cause I'm cursed. Now you better run away like all of the other people or else you'll get cursed too and think I'm some sort of monster." said Red, hiding his left arm. I laughed.

"Monster? You're kidding me, right? I don't think you're a monster. People who say you're a monster are just out of their minds." I grinned. In all actuality, I don't care at all about Red and whether or not he's a monster. I'm just using him for information. Red seemed to be thinking about my answer.

"Okay, but don't say I warned ya." said Red as his arm came in view. I nearly showed expressions of flinching. I don't want to back down from my 'info helpers'. His arm is blood red. The nails are pure black. What's most surprising, though, is the green gem on embedded onto his hand. Is that innocence? Veins would be shown around it. I laughed again, pretending I am not creeped out by his arm. Red looked surprised at my reaction.

"THAT'S the so-called curse you're talking about? It looks more like an arm to me." I commented, stiffling my laughter.

"You're not scared of my arm?" Red asked, obviously surprised.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Red!" I grinned. He smiled a bit.

"Thank you... Andy..." he muttered. People generally can't hear that mutter, but I have trained ears. I smirked. Looks like I gotten some trust. Next step; info.

"So... Have you heard of the mysterious lights?" I asked casually. Red turned towards the woods.

"They come from there, near my campsite. Ever since people saw it, they would try to touch it. Of course, they would get shocked. Then, they would blame me for them getting shocked when I have no part of it." explained Red. I nodded.

"Can you lead me to there?" I asked. There was silence... Before Red started to leave. I assumed he's going to lead me to there so I followed him into the woods. We then reached a place where there's a blanket full of holes acting as shelter and sticks creating a fire. Red stopped walking.

"This... is my campsite. The lights appear at about 10:30 PM... At least that's what I heard from the others." explained Red. Red then pointed towards a a large rock a tiny bit further in the distance.

"That's the light source." explained Red. I checked my watch. 5 minutes before 10:30. I better use that five minutes to check out the rock.

I moaned. It's just an ordinary rock. But how about the things inside the rock..? I then checked the time.

"It's soon 10:30." I said to myself with a sigh.

"What are you doing? Do you want to shock yourself?" asked Red, startling me greatly.

"It's my job to investigate this rock." I explained. Red was about to reply until a wave of light blinded us. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I thought we're suppose to get shocked, NOT this. My vision grew blurry. Curses... I'm feeling faint...

Normal POV... Somewhere else...:

LAVI moaned as light interrupted the peaceful darkness in his room. Everybody is starting to wake up for daylight is creeping in. But that light is oddly not coming from the window in his room. Unwillingly opening one eye, he winced a bit a the bright light until the bright light faded away. Replacing the bright light were two children. One looking eerily like himself and another with silver eyes and muddy brown hair. He looked at the one that looks like himself. The chibi-Lavi stared back at him.

"MINI-ME!" shouted Lavi as he hugged his chibi-self, much to the chibi-self's comfort and his companion's weird expression.

Author's ending note:

Yay! New story! *Dances* I actually love the last line where Lavi shouted "MINI-ME!". Since I haven't thought of a title, I'm going to put that as my title ^^
For people who are looking forward to my other fanfics, I am really sorry. This one just won't bother me :( So... Yeah, I made it just so the plot bunny won't haunt me forever. Woah... that just gave me a new idea for another fanfic-

Maddie (OC based off my angry/strict side!): NO MORE NEW FANFICS!
Vault: B-B-B-B-But!
Maddie: I said NO!
Vault: It's just a one-shot... I never made a one-shot before. Gimme a chance!
Maddie: WHEN YOU FINISH A STORY! NOT NOW! You have too much fanfics to complete!
Vault: *whimpers* Fine... Not...