Disclaimer: I don't own Mystic Knights.


The snow had fallen hours ago, but already the snow was quickly melting away to a thin layer of snow. Angus left behind him muddy foot prints as he traveled to an old place he used to go as a kid. It had been a long time since he had been there. For some strange reason Angus felt the need to go and see the place. He wondered if the wall was still holding up. The wall he would sit and watch for his father who had never returned. It was this day that his father had left him when he was about seven years old. Now he was a Mystic Knight.

It still puzzled Angus why his father had left him. He had believed that he had done nothing wrong, but what ever Angus had tried to do never seemed to satisfy his father. His father always seemed unhappy with him. Angus never knew his mother. It was his father that he looked up to and respected. His father was a wonderful knight and a good friend of the king. Angus had hoped to be just like his father.

Well Angus was a knight, not just any ordinary knight, but a Mystic Knight. Still he wasn't the legendary knight his father was or like Rohan. It was something. He wondered what his father would think about this.

Angus soon found the special place. The wall was still there, although it was falling apart. Angus smiled, as he remembered the conversations he and Rohan had when they were kids as they sat upon the wall. He wiped some of the snow and sat down on the wall. Silently he gazed about him taking in the snow-covered scenery.


"Where's Angus?" Deirdre asked as she entered the courtyard. "My father requests that all Mystic Knights must be present."

"What's this special occasion?" Ivar asked after he barely managed to pin Rohan's arm down upon the barrel in a heated arm wrestling match. Ivar smiled at his victory.

"You only won because Deirdre distracted me," Rohan replied.

"Doesn't she always distract you?" Ivar teased.

Rohan could only sputter at the reply. Deirdre laughed. "Looks like he got you twice, Draganta."

"So what's the problem?" Rohan questioned as he tried to desperately chance the conversation.

"There's no problem, but a celebration," Deirdre answered. "A friend of my father's is finally returning from a battle that has taken place many years ago. He has been fighting a foreign land to add to Kell's list of allies."

"That is wonderful news," Ivar happily commented. "One can never have too many allies. Who is this knight that you speak of?"

"I only remember him vaguely. His name is Morgan. I do know he was a kind person, one whom was always willing to lend a hand to those who need it. He was an excellent warrior whom had fought besides my father's side many times. He had disappeared on the quest when I was a young girl," Deirdre explained.

"I would like to meet this warrior," Rohan replied.

"Once we find Angus we all shall meet this warrior," Deirdre stated.

"Angus had gone off somewhere," Rohan simply replied.

"And where would that be?" Deirdre asked.

"It's to a place that Angus always go on this day. Usually he likes to be left on alone," Rohan replied.

"That's unlike Angus," Deirdre commented with concern. "Angus is usually one to seek company not solitude."

"Well Angus has always been that way when it comes to today. I asked him about it once, but he quickly changed the subject. I didn't bother to delve into it, respecting his wish not to speak of it," Rohan answered.

"Well do you think that you can get Angus to join us? My father won't be pleased if Angus is not here," Deirdre said.

"I can try, but I can't guarantee anything."

"Want me to come with you, Rohan?" Ivar asked.

Rohan shook his head no. "I'm sorry, Ivar, but Angus isn't usually in a good mood and I'm usually the only one he will listen to."

"That is understandable," Ivar replied.

Silently Ivar and Deirdre watched as Rohan left the courtyard in search of their mischievous friend. "So what do you think could be bothering, Angus?" Ivar asked.

"I'm not sure. It must be something important for I've seen Angus frustrated many a times, but never this frustrated. Come to think of it I don't know much of Angus's past. Rohan is the one who knew him the best."

"I suggest that we prepare ourselves while Rohan retrieves Angus," Ivar suggested.
Deirdre nodded and followed Ivar back into the castle.


"I figured I would find you there," Rohan greeted as he approached the wall that Angus was sitting on.

Angus smiled his usual smile. "I was wondering when you were going to come."

"I wanted to leave you alone, knowing that you like to have solitude on this day, but Deirdre announced that we were needed this legendary warrior whom shall be arriving," Rohan stated.

Angus snorted. "Who is this legendary warrior? We would have heard about this character."

"From what Deirdre explained he was this famous warrior named Morgan whom was good friends with her father. This was a warrior whom the people of Kells respected. He had gone off on a quest to obtain more land for Kells. Now he is returning."

Angus's face faltered. "Morgan?" he asked in a whisper.

"Yes, do you know him?" Rohan asked, his face filled with concern.

"That warrior, is my father," Angus softly replied, avoiding Rohan's eyes.

"Your father? You know I never heard you speak of your family before," Rohan commented.

"I usually tried to avoid it. I never knew my mother. I only knew my father. He was the one person whom I respected and wished to be like, yet he wanted nothing to do. Are you sure that this is the same guy that Deirdre described?" Angus asked bitterly, his eyes blazing.

"Quit joking around, Angus. From what Deirdre described Morgan would have done nothing like that," Rohan, answered in disbelief.

"Never judge a book by its cover," Angus shot back. "I should have never mentioned this at all. I knew that you wouldn't believe me. Yet, I thought that since you were my best friend that you might. Go and greet your legendary warrior. I'm not going."

Angrily Angus stalked off into the forest. Rohan sighed. He wanted to believe Angus, but this story seemed too strange. Deirdre wasn't going to be happy when she finds out that Angus wasn't going to come.