I laid out on the couch/bed with Amy while we had one of our tri-monthly girls only sleepovers "I invited Jasmine" I sighed "But I don't know if she'll show up" Amy and I had taken every blanket from almost every room and closet and put it on the bed. We were trying to make it softer with quilts and comforters, but it only midly worked most of the time. "Remember when we took ballet?" I pointed to the Black Swan movie, "What if that had happen to us?"
"Not funny" She looked at her phone "My dad 1 is being crazy"
"Via who?" I raised an eyebrow at her phone. It was going offf, someone was sending her a book about her dad I guess.
"Via Dad 2" Nodding I pushed myself off the couch, and to the food. Popcorn, snacks, and drinks covered my counter along with a stack of money for take-out. My mom had taken advantage of me being with Amy leaving Amy a set of rules for me, my mom was going off on a vacation with Frank for the weekend. That gave me the house to myself and I hadn't dared to tell Alek or Paul- they'd think that would be an invite. I looked at the money, and then felt the money in my pockets, either we could live off of snacks and go on a serious shopping spree with my pay check and the food money or we could pig out all weekend. "We need music" Amy announced pulling out her iPod, I wanted to laugh at her. Her music was per say interesting when it came to sleepovers. "Where's your protector?"
"I don't want to know" I gave her a look "He's like effin' Voldemort he hears his name and all of a sudden. BAM he knows where you are"
"More like super man listening out for you to whisper his name when you sleep"
"More like an effin' stalker waiting for you to walk out of work" I mumbled "Don't say his name... I haven't gotten the bell yet" I laughed at a bit of an inside joke.
"The bell?" She asked "I thought we were talking about Alek, not your cat"
"NO!" I yelled in defeat "You said his name!"
"What's going on Chloe?" Not even recognizing Amy, that makes her mad. Alek was wearing a tight blue shirt and tan cargo pants, not black for once. Aha. I prefer white and light colors on him in the first place. Not that I really cared what he wore, It's just an opinion.
"Waiting for my mom to get home" I lied and smiled, he believed me until Amy started to speak.
"You're mom's not coming home" Amy's eyes widened "UNTIL TONIGHT" she said in the most obvious way, Alek raised his eye brow at me.
"I think I'm staying tonight" He fell on the bed "Go find some other guys to come over" Amy pressed number 2 on her speed dial and started talking to the exact person Alek was probably not talking about.
"YES PAUL! Alek is here..." She bribed him "I think he says we're going to play twenty questions"
"Not EVEN" Alek tried to get out of it but with my seductive skills, and good looks I told him we would have fun. "You lie"
"No I don't, We're going to play a game" I wasn't as good as this game as Alek, the game of teasing someone. It was working though! "A fun game" I got beside him on the mattress.
"Fine, I'll answer his questions" Alek said trying to kiss me as he pulled me down on his chest.
"O.K." I pulled away from him and he growled "and just so you know, I did that on purpose"
"Well, I think since it's two guys, two girls we should figure this out" She pointed to the sleepover "Sorry Chloe but if my boyfriends coming over I declare we have your guest room"
"That's nasty" Alek looked green.."I mean I didn't want to know that, but if you get the guest room I want this couch right here"
"AMY! NO! We have to sleep in the living room those are the rules" I pointed to the book of rules that followed with every single sleepover, Paul (boys) or not. "So How about you sleep on the floor with Paul"
"And you and Alek are on the mattress? You aren't even dating why should you get the mattress?"
"Let's pretend Alek and I are madly in love, we get this bed" Amy's eyes squinted as I blushed, I felt Alek sit up as I looked at Amy. She smiled and winked at me, like what the hell? I don't care... I don't care if I sleep in a bed with Alek- it's Alek.
"If we're pretending, then we're making this real come here baby" I rolled my eyes and hit him in the face with my pillow, he grabbed the other one and hit me with it. I dropped my pillow and tackled his ass, pinning him below me "Gosh, this is very comfortable"
"Don't get use to it" Jasmine's voice echoed through our little moment "Sorry I'm late"
"You invited her, but not me?" Alek seemed midly hurt. "After all this, you didn't tell me?"
"All of what- you pretending your madly in looove to have the bed!" Amy went into the closet down the hall and pulled down the Air Mattress "Fine. I get the air mattress"
"Not as comfortable as this bed..." Alek taunted Amy, she shot him the bird behind his back and Jasmine said she was going to sleep on the love seat. "Now what are we doing?"
"We're watching movies, eating, probably going to get food later, anything else Amy?" I looked at her, she mouthed something I couldn't read.
"We're playing some pretty fun games..." Just so she could make out with Paul...
"I hope you mean scrabble" I groaned, at least Alek's playful smile didn't vanish.
"You said we'd play a game Chloe"
"O.K. truth or dare- CHLOE!" Jasmine said suddenly, I barely ever heard her yell.
"Dare?" I wasn't a truth kind of person.
"I dare you to go in the bathroom with Alek and stay there for an hour" Easy enough that's dumb. Alek picked me up and I didn't kick or scream I just let him carry me. I heard Jasmine sigh "I couldn't take it anymore" then they started a movie. When were in the bathroom.
"I'm going to take a shower" Alek said, jokingly.
"Only if I have a blindfold" I commented, "What are we suppose to do up here for an hour?"
"I can think of a few things" I let him get closer to me, as he leaned down and took my face in his my lips touched his bottom lip. "You want me?" He asked before he full on kissed me. I just nodded like an idiot until he kissed me, It was nice until he picked me up and put my on the counter... Thank god for huge counters I guess because I would have fallen in the sink if not, his hands roamed every where from my hips to my waist to my neck. For awhile I had my hands tangled up in his hair making sure we stayed like that for awhile. His breathing, and mine were a little out of the question. The only time we broke apart was to fix the angle to a better position. I let one of my hands fall grabbing his, just holding it because I wanted to.
knock, knock.
"I have to pee" Paul whispered through the door. Alek pulled away from me, looking at the door. "Realllllly reallly bad" Alek opened the door, Paul was practically dancing as I slid of the counter and after Alek. He opened my bedroom door and walked in, I didn't. I stayed right at the threshold.
"I can't go in there" I said reciting one of the rules "only during a crisis can I go in my room or any other bedroom in the house" Alek shrugged and then I was against the hall wall being pinned willingly by his warm body. I kissed his neck before he could kiss my lips. His hands were pulling me closer to him, his grip on my waist wasn't too tight but it was clearly there. I waited for Paul to come out but he hadn't yet. He was talking on his phone.
"Chloe, kiss me" I continued to kiss his neck making his head go back "This isn't fair"
"It's very fair, you wanted to play a game" I pushed his head forward so his mouth would connect with mine, I felt his claws sort of poking me.
"COOL" Paul ruined the moment once more, "Dude your claws are awesome" He touched Alek's hand. Don't kill him
"Let's go downstairs, Alek.. I think we should order some food"