Please read this before you read the story. None of the characters belong to me and neither does the books or TV series. They belong to their rightful owners. This is purely for fun. Each of the chapters are named after a song which my friend chose to suit the chapter. So Please look it up and listen whilst you read as I find you will enjoy it review this I would much appreciate it! :]

My Fairweather Friend - Emilie Autumn

The only love that Pam Ravenscroft had ever really had was from Eric Northman. Not even in her human life had she experienced such love. No her family never did show her any real love. All they showed was love they had to and personally, Pam never believed they even wanted to. Not even from any of the men she had been set up to marry. None of them had treated her the way she wanted to be treated. Not loved right like she had been by Eric Northman.

Pam truly believed that Eric was the one and only man who had honestly even shown her love in such a way. He was the one who had helped her change her life forever. She had never been happy in her human life and Eric saved her from the life she would have hated. Just marrying a man and being a possesion, having children and fucking and cleaning some house for the rest of her life. Pam had always wanted to do excting things and really live life and do risky things. Really get out there and do things without people telling her not to and judging her for it. Really there was still people in her vampire life who hated her for what she was but Pam did personally did not give two fucks about that. She may be hated but there was others like her and she had Eric and that would be all that mattered.

In the past Pam and Eric really had that loving relationship together with a lot of passionate sex. Of course the pair had stopped having so much sex after time but they never really faded apart. They had always traveled the world but had then both decided to stop in Louisiana and start their own buisness after finding out of all of the vampires around so this way people would not be suspicious of the pair never getting older. They had called it Fangtasia, which was rather ironic as they were vampires. Eric was owner, Pam was the co made sense really as he was her maker and she was his progeny.

Yes, Pam and Eric had been close always and had been together for over 100 years. Eric was really all she had and without him she did not really have anything or anyone. She would be nothing. And at this particular moment in time, this was exactly how she felt. Maybe to feel like nothing was a big thing but this was how she felt. Everything she had in her life was gone. She still had the club of course but that was not what she meant by had lost things. Her reason to live was Eric and he did not seem to be hers any longer.

Ever since Sookie Stackhouse had arrived in their lives things were different. Pam blamed Bill for it. Fucking bastard. If he had never set eyes on her and not gone to Sam Merlotte's bar... Then none of this would have happened. Eric had a serious interest in Sookie. She was not just a normal human. She was different. She was a fairy and had special fey blood. At first Eric's interest with her had been mild but as time went by it had simply gotten a lot stronger, which worried Pam. The last thing Pam wanted was to to be replaced. Especially by a 'fairy princess.'

Oh and it indeed was worse than just interest. For now Eric and Sookie seemed to be an item of some sort. They were incredibly close. Surely the next step was sex and becoming a couple. Bill was out of the picture now that him and Sookie had felt hurt by it. Especially now he lived with her. She felt unwanted and if Eric did not want her, what did she have to live for? Pam had always been Eric's number 1 girl but now Sookie seemed to have taken that place.

All these thoughts repeated themselves in Pam's mind, along with all the images of Eric, Sookie and herself. She could not get the images out of her head of seeing them together cuddling and kissing. Neither could she get the images out of her head seeing Eric stood along with Sookie by an alter or even those of little vampire fairy's along with them. She also pictured herself all gone. No longer in the club... Just gone. Invisible.

Why would Eric care if I was gone? She told herself. He has his new favorite. He has Sookie and now I am nothing but a normal vampire to him. Eric had been so distant from her these past few weeks. Pam hated it. Why was he never there for her anymore? Why was he always so preoccupied with Sookie? He had never been like this before. Never ever. Sookie was the woman Eric wanted, lusted over and loved and she could do nothing about it.

As she walked along out in the street, far away from the club and most other people. She wanted to desperatly get away from everyone. The last thing she wanted to do was to be caught for what she was planning to do. That would rather ruin her plan. She couldn't have that. Oh no. That just wouldn't do.

What was it she was going to do? Well, Pam believed there was only one thing to do. Let the sun take her life. It was the only way out. Where she could just dissapear. Nobody would have noticed her disapearance anyways. They were all far too busy wrapped in their own lives. She stood out in the street just awaiting for the sun to raise to take her from this life.