Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the story :)

A/N: Now that Mr. Evil Disclaimer is out of the way, welcome to yet another X-2 fic! That's right, I'm taking the plunge into an X-2 high school fanfic. This was more or less, a mutual idea from a friend of mine, and so, here we are! First and foremost: This is a high school fanfic set in our favorite world, Spira. If you don't like them, turn around now. However, my goal is to be somewhat unique with all the other high school fanfics out there, so if you're looking at this and scowling, give it a shot. If you don't like what you see, nobody is forcing you to stay. So, without further rambling, I'll let you guys decide for yourselves :)

What Are Best Friends For?

Chapter One: The Things We Never Say

The first rays of sun peeked through the open bay door, and the breeze swayed the curtains gracefully. Tugging his blanket further up to his chin, a young man snored slightly as he shivered from the cool morning air. Shimmying further down into the mattress, he snored a little heavier.


"Great," he moaned from under the pillow.

Without thinking, a hand slipped from under the covers, smashing the snooze button on the alarm clock. Turning over in an annoyed manner, he attempted to get comfortable for a second time.

"Psst," a tiny voice echoed from outside the window.

Ignoring it, the man pulled the pillow further over his face.

"Hey," the voice called out again, "Wake up!"

"Go. Away."

After a minute or two of silence, a slight grin crossed the mans face, and he flipped over on his stomach. As sleep tugged at his eyelids once more, something thumped against the pillow. Thinking it was all a dream, the man decided to just lay there and sleep. That was...until something smacked him right in the back of the head.

"Dammit," he groaned, leaning up and picking up the object that had been hurled at him, "What's the big idea?"

"You're going to be late if you don't get up." the voice giggled from outside the window.

Rubbing his eyes groggily, he stood up and walked over to the window. Staring at the object in his hands, he grinned as his eyes looked up to find the culprit. On the balcony just a few feet away, she stood giggling and waving.

"A hair clip?"

"It was all I could find that wouldn't cause too much damage."

"What am I going to do with you?" he asked, chucking it back at her.

"Give me a ride to school?" she asked, folding her hands behind her back and swaying back and forth innocently.

"You coulda just called my cell, Yuna. You didn't have to throw something at me."

"But this is more fun," she giggled again, "So, does the famous Tidus feel like giving me a ride?"

Tidus shook his head and grinned, "Sure. I'll meet you in a few minutes."

"Great," Yuna smiled, "I owe you one!"

"Yeah, yeah," Tidus scoffed playfully as he waved and went back inside.

Yuna stood leaning against the car as she checked the time on her cell phone – Tidus was already ten minutes late. At this rate, they'd barely make it in time before the first bell.

"Sorry," he called out to her, jogging down the steps running his hands through his hair, "You ready?"

"Aren't I always?" she sighed, reaching out to the handle of the passenger side door.

Before she could, Tidus jumped in front of her, opening it and gesturing her to get in. Quirking her eyebrow at his sudden display of gentlemen ship, she grinned and sat down as he closed the door. A few seconds later, he crawled in and cranked the car.

"What was that all about?" Yuna asked, trying to stifle a laugh.

Tidus peered over to her as he backed out of the drive way, "What was what about?"

"Opening the door for me?"

"You make it seem like I've never done it before," he chuckled, occasionally sneaking glances at her.

"Uh...you haven't."

"Yes, I have."

"No, you haven't."

The two of them sat at a red light and looked at the other. After a few seconds, they both smiled and started laughing.

"So, why didn't lover boy drive you like he normally does?" Tidus asked as the light turned green.

Yuna sifted through her notebook, looking for her report and sighed, "He has a name, you know."

"Yeah. Lover boy."

"Tidus," Yuna glared.

"Alright, alright. Why didn't Baralai drive you?"

Yuna decided to ignore the way his name rolled off of Tidus' tongue and stared out the window, "He's attending the 'Future Maesters of Spira' meeting this morning – so he's going to be late getting to school."

At this, Tidus couldn't help but to snicker. He tried hiding the smile, but he just couldn't. Yuna caught him and she folded her arms across her chest.

"So where's Dona?" she challenged, "She's usually clinging to your arm all day, right?"

Tidus cleared his throat as he made a right turn with the school coming into view, "She's riding with Leblanc today. Guess she stayed over there last night."

"Surprise, surprise," Yuna mumbled.

"What?" Tidus shrugged, "So she stayed the night with a friend. What of it?"

"Nothing," Yuna unbuckled her seat belt as they pulled into the parking lot, "It's none of my business."

As she went to open the door, Tidus reached over and grabbed her hand. Snapping her head toward him, she gave him this look.

"What's your problem with Dona?" Tidus asked bluntly.

"I could ask you the same that about Baralai," Yuna replied, looking away.

"I don't necessarily have a problem with him," Tidus responded slowly, "I just...think you could do better, that's all."

"And Dona is the best you could do? Look...he's good to me, Tidus. He's given me no reason to feel otherwise."

"Neither has Dona. In fact, aren't you guys in a couple of classes together? She's always had nothing but good things to say about you."

"Again," Yuna reached for the door, "It's none of my business."

Tidus stopped her again, "Yes it is! You're my best friend, and as my best friend, you have that right."

"You don't need my approval, Tidus. You're old enough to make your own decisions, and so am I." Yuna smiled, "Now we're going to be late. You can't afford that with the big game coming up."

"Always have to be the voice of reason, don't you?" Tidus chuckled as he reached in the back seat to get his bag.

Yuna giggled and slipped out of the car. She shifted her bag further up her back and started making her way to the school. That was, until she felt a slight tug on her arm.

"We'll talk about this later, ok?" Tidus smiled widely and winked.

"Get to class," Yuna laughed as she waved him off.

Yuna checked her phone again, seeing she only had five minutes to make it to her locker, and then to class before the tardy bell rang. Breaking out into a jog, she quickly turned the knob on the lock.

"There you are," an excited shrill echoed through the throng of voices in the hall, "I've been looking all over for you!"

Grabbing her books, Yuna smiled and shut the locker door just in time to see her cousin pushing through the other students.

"Hey, Rikku."

"Did you get my text last night?" Rikku asked, snatching her phone from her hands.

"Oh, yeah," Yuna nodded, prying her phone from Rikku's grasp, "I must have fallen asleep before I replied."

"What's more important that me?"

"I was reviewing my report. You know, the one due today?" Yuna asked while she side-stepped someone who almost ran into her.

"Oh, yeah!" Rikku snapped her fingers, "I forgot to do mine."

"Rikku," Yuna sighed, "I reminded you three times last week alone."

"You know she never remembers," a third voice chimed in, "She'll learn when we get our report spheres."

"Hey, Lulu." Yuna smiled, "Cid's not going to be pleased, that much is certain."

"Pops is all talk, Yunie – you know that." Rikku giggled, "I'll just turn it in later than everyone else."

As the three girls laughed, the warning bell screeched.

"Well, gotta go. See you next period," Yuna smiled as she pulled away.

Jogging further down, Yuna was just about to dip into the class room when she bumped into someone else who was also trying to enter. Both girls ended up sandwhiched in the doorway as their books scattered to the floor.

"Dona," Yuna grunted.

Dona smiled briefly, "Yuna,"

Yuna stopped, letting Dona make her way out first and proceeded to pick up her belongings as the rest of the room stared, giggling. Taking her seat – which happened to be beside Dona – she pulled out her pencil and laid her phone down on the desk.

"If we're all finished wasting time," a gruff voice resounded, "Get ready to present your reports."

Professor Auron sat at his desk, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Sifting through some papers on his desk, he looked over the rim of his glasses and watched his students carefully. His eyes landed on one in particular.



"Care to go first?"

She looked down, fidgeting with her nails. After a few seconds, she nodded and walked to the front of the room. Yuna sat with her legs crossed and her head down. However, peering secretly through her brunette bangs, she couldn't help but to wrinkle her nose in disgust.

What does he see in her?

She thought, eying her clothes. Dona stood at the podium, reading word for word from the paper smashed up to her face. She practially stood exposed to the whole classroom as her chest was pushed vulgarly against a criss-crossed, body length vest. Her bare back...well...it was bare. Her ebony hair pulled tightly into a pony-tail cascaded dangerously low, and she had curves that went on forever.

Yuna sighed inwardly as she let her eyes wander elsewhere. It was unfair of her to judge a person without getting to know them – something Tidus did with Baralai. Suddenly feeling guilty about her thoughts, she sank lower in her seat. Out of nowhere, her phone lit up and vibrated on her desk. Grabbing it before Auron could notice, she tapped the face and read the new text.

"What'cha up to?"

Yuna giggled softly and looked up to see if Auron was looking. Once she felt it was safe, she hid the phone under her desk and typed her response.

Tidus shook his leg under his desk, while letting his eyes roam the room. Anything would be better than being in here. If he had his way, he'd only come for one class and one class only – Blitzball. Sighing, he hung his head down and drummed his fingers on the top of the desk.

"Tidus," a woman called out from the front of the room, "Do you need to excuse yourself?"

"Sorry, Professor Shelinda." he blushed as he ceased the rapping of his fingers.

She nodded and continued on with the lesson. What on earth possessed him to take history? It's not like any of it would accelerate his career in Blitz. Just when he thought he would explode from boredom, his pocket vibrated. A grin slid across his face as he pulled out his phone and read the greatly anticipated reply.

"I was trying to pay attention – something you should be doing, lol."

Tidus chuckled a bit before replying back.

"I've decided that if you don't take my mind off of this, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die this slow, painful death and you wouldn't want that on your conscious, would you?"

As he tapped the send button, the door opened and another student entered the room. Professor Shelinda stopped her lesson and looked to see who it was. Tidus couldn't help but to scowl as the man stood there.

"My apologies, Professor Shelina," he bowed before making his way to his seat.

"Try to not make a habit of it, Baralai," she nodded before resuming her speech to the class for a second time.

Tidus followed him with his eyes, trying desperately not to show his distaste for the man as Baralai smiled and nodded in his direction as he sat down beside him. Tidus smiled back, clutching his phone tightly in his hand as it vibrated.

"Hey," Baralai leaned over and whispered, "Were you the one that escorted Yuna to school this morning?"

Tidus quirked an eyebrow.

Who talks like that these days?

"Yeah I did, actually," he nodded.

"Thank you," he smiled with relief, "Yuna said you wouldn't mind, but I hate to impose."

"No problem, man." Tidus nodded as he flipped his phone open finally.

"If you directed the energy you thought about dying to actually listening to the lesson, I think you'd be able to manage, lol. By the way, play nice!"

Tidus concealed his smirk with his free hand as he glanced over at Baralai who had been looking at him the whole time.

"I'll get to the rest of you tomorrow," Auron rose from his seat, sighing, "I just hope, for your sakes, someone actually read the text that the report is based on."

Everyone groaned, except Yuna – she had read the entire book prior to signing up for the advanced english course. When the others thought only about how good it would look on their college resume's, Yuna seen it as an opportunity to put her creativeness to the test.

The bell rang, and Yuna reached down to grab her bag and make her way to her next class. As she waited on the other students to filter out, she felt a tap to the shoulder.


She turned to see Dona standing behind her, smiling.

"Hello, Dona."

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure," Yuna nodded, "Can we walk while we talk? I don't want to be late for my next class."

"Oh yeah, of course," she smiled, "I was actually wondering if you could kinda help me out with my report. I know it seems a bit..."

"Late?" Yuna tilted her head, "Didn't you turn yours in already?"

"Actually," Dona lowered her head, "Professor Auron is making me do it all over. I can't let my grade drop anymore than it already has."

Yuna bit her lip and brought her books closer to her chest. Only then did she start to doubt her own report.

"How long of an extension did he give you?" she asked Dona.

"I've got the whole week and weekend to work on it. It's due Monday."

"Oh," Yuna nodded, "Well, are you doing anything this weekend?"

"Nope," she smiled, "Can I maybe meet you at your place?"

"I...guess so," Yuna agreed reluctantly, "You want my-"

"I've got your cell number already," Dona interrupted, "Tidus, remember?"


"See, ya!"

And with that, Dona took off, leaving a very confused Yuna standing in the hall. Trying to comprehend what had just happened, she slowly turned around and made her way to the next class. Usually, this class was her favorite of the day for many reasons – yet, something wouldn't let her enjoy the thought. Her phone started vibrating again.

"You better hurry it up. Lover boy looks like he's about to keel over from not seeing you."

Groaning suddenly, Yuna slowly made her way down the hall. The whole Dona situation aside, something entirely different started picking away at her insides.

"Tidy!" a shrill voice protruded is thoughts.

Jumping slightly, Tidus looked over to his right, just as Dona rushed into the classroom. She flung herself into the already cramped desk, planting a particularly wet kiss on his lips.

"For the love of god," Lulu snorted, "Get a room."

Tidus cracked open an eye and shrugged apologetically to her. Before he had the chance to remove a squirming Dona off his lap, Yuna came into view as Lulu took her seat. Baralai smiled as he watched her glide over to the empty seat between him and Tidus.

"Dona," Tidus mumbled, still trying to pry her off of him, "Come on, class is starting."

Leaning up, she wiped the sides of her lips, half-way trying to fix the mess, "Sorry, baby. You know I can't resist."

Please, try harder.

Yuna thought to herself as Baralai hugged her before letting her sit. She gently pulled away, giving her best thoughtful smile as she sat down, purposely avoiding both of their gazes. Dona, however, never stopped sizing up Tidus. Whenever she was around, Yuna couldn't shake the feeling of being suffocated.

"Yunie," Rikku called out to her as she entered the room, "Did you think about it?"

Yuna gave a puzzled expression, "Think about what?"

Slumping to her seat in front of Yuna, Rikku groaned, "The class?"

Tidus shot his head up and looked to Yuna, who sat to the left of him, "What class?"

Yuna noticed everyone staring at her. Baralai, Tidus, Rikku and Lulu.

"I asked Yuna to join me in the new Dancer class they've opened up certain days of the week." Rikku grinned, poking at her cousin.

"Dance class?" Baralai asked as he stifled a chuckled, "I didn't pin you as the dancer type, Yuna."

Yuna jerked her head around to look at Baralai with a hint of anger evident on her face.

"It's not a dance class, you dote!" Rikku pressed her lips together as she folded her arms, "It's a job class!"


Tidus just eyed them silently, choosing to keep his thoughts to himself. Yuna wouldn't have liked what he had to say, anyway.

"I don't know if I'm cut out for that type of thing, Rikku."

"Sure you are," she replied confidently, "You should at least give it a shot – you'll never know unless you do."

"I suppose," Yuna nodded slowly.

"Great! We start this afternoon. Meet me in the gym after school!"

"Well," Dona nudged Tidus, "That ought to be a sight to watch."

Tidus glared over at her, letting her know he was less than pleased. Yuna over heard it as well, but kept silent. As she watched the professor take her stance in front of the class, she crossed her legs and directed her thoughts elsewhere.

"Today, I'm going to be asking two volunteers to the front for the lesson," Professor Belgemine spoke, "Lulu? Yuna? If you wouldn't mind.

Lulu looked over to Yuna and smiled. As they both approached the front, Belgemine had explained which magic spells they would be covering for the duration of today's lesson. This was the one subject she had no doubts in, and for the second time that day, she gave a genuine smile. What she didn't see, was that Tidus had been stealing glances at her, smiling as well.

A/N: And we arrive at the end of chapter one. Just one thing before I conclude it. The class Rikku refers to, is an actual job class in Final Fantasy XI Online. If you've never played it, I highly suggest you look it up, because it's going to be talked about in future chapters. If you don't, then quite simply, it's a melee job consisting of dances such as samba's, jig's and waltzes to help fellow players in battle. Quite a powerful job, I would know :)

Reviews are always welcome!