Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to Tachibana Higuchi.

Butterfly Smiles


Because he was the source to that

warm, fuzzy feeling she had in her chest

and the butterflies in her stomach.

She hated his smile.

He always had this stupid, impish sort of grin plastered on his face. It was always there – when she screamed at him, when she kicked at him, heck, even that one time when she had been brazen enough to punch him in the face as well. It seemed like he just did it for no apparent reason and, in all honesty, it made her want to puke all over the floor, the table, the sofa, and on his stupid, grinning face as well. She wanted to see if she could wipe that smile off his face.

Yeah no. It never worked.

She couldn't stand those smiles. Butterflies reproduced faster than she could say "Kokoroyomi" in her stomach and it made her feel all funny and warm deep down inside. For goodness sake, it even brought this sort of pinkish tinge to her cheeks as well as made her heart start a rapid break-dance in her chest. It was just downright ridiculous. He was making her feel sick from his smiles. Literally.

No wonder she hated them so much.

She was so damn sure that these feelings she were having weren't resembling anything close to that thing Mikan had been telling her about a few days ago. Sumire had practically poured her soul out to the brunette and all she had managed to come up with was, "Oh Permy, you love him!" Seriously? SERIOUSLY? She was never going to talk to that blithering idiot ever again. "You love him," it just wasn't possible. Sumire hated his smiles. Hell would have to freeze over before the day came when she finally found it in her heart to accept, or better yet, love that fool of a mind-reader.

Which brought her to the next thing she hated about him. His Alice.

He was always poking fun at her with it whenever he got the chance to. Then, quite suddenly, he would burst randomly into that goofy smile of his again, forcing her to shove him angrily into a nearby wall in order to stop the rapid reproduction of butterflies from starting up.

What did he find so funny about her thoughts anyway? That jerk…

This was why she hated his smile. Every single –frikkin- day she was forced to endure through them over and over again. Then, she would be forced to fight off that weird, ticklish feeling she had whenever the butterflies fluttered around in her stomach, and then be forced to take some drastic measures like kicking him in the jewels in order to stop from gagging at the overflow of emotions surging inside.

Rewind. Stop. Repeat said procedure. This daily routine was driving her insane.

She hated, hated, hated everything about him down to his very last pore. Everyone knew that. God knew how many times she had already made it clear to him that she hated his smiles, his jokes, and even his laughter. She hated everything about him to the point that she wanted to strangle him tightly around the torso until he couldn't breathe, pressing her body against his and feeling the distinct musky scent of him filling her nose as she brought her lips up to his and–

–Okay. Who was she kidding?

She loved his goofy smile, she loved his lame jokes; in fact, Sumire knew more than anyone else that she loved every little damned atom of his being, up from his brown messy hair down to his big smelly toes. And the worst part of it was that Koko knew it just as well as she did.

Well, damn.

~ Nemesis of Truth

SumirexKoko forever! Please review!