Here we are! Some outtakes and then I'll start all the other stuff! Wow this is short…feels kinda weird. Oh well! I don't own anything!
Outtake 1-the day
"You nervous?" Paul asked as he watched his scarred friend pace back and forth in his nicely cut black two piece suit, his inky black hair slightly jelled to look spiked and controlled. Embry froze and glared at him. Not just a normal glare- a glare that said 'I'm going crazy and you're not helping.'
"No, I'm drilling a hole in the ground because I'm relaxed!" He quipped. Paul held his hands up in defense. He had never seen Embry so high strung. But hey, that's what a wedding day did to you. Embry adjusted his already perfect tie in attempt to get some stress out of his body. Alice would kill him if he sweated in this thing. He unconsciously traced his thin scar-it had shrunk at such a shocking rate Embry grew a habit of checking it every day in hopes of catching it shrink. Paul sighed after about ten minutes of this. He stood up and tightly gripped his friend's shoulders.
"Em, stop. We both know today is going to be a great day." He smiled at Embry with a brotherly look in his eyes. It seemed like only yesterday he was running through the cold streets just to make amends.
"Thanks Paul." Embry murmured.
He swallowed and pulled his friend into a hug. Paul pulled back and patted his friends back.
"C'mon-you gotta meet her at the altar." Embry rolled his eyes at Paul's cheesy joke and turned around to leave the dressing room, Paul following.
Everyone in the pews of the church chatted quietly-all friends and family waiting with glee to see two people join in one. Embry fumbled with his hands in another attempt to calm himself. He stared at the red carpeting of the church as he took deep breaths. The preacher chuckled when he saw how nervous he was. Twenty years in the business and the sick look on the grooms face never got old. Embry rubbed his sweaty hands on his suit pants and bit his lip in fear and also anticipation. Just a little bit longer. As that thought ran through his mind the crowd went into a hush and the pianist began the classic here comes the bride song. First came the grooms men with the brides maids-Leah and Jacob were first as they were the Best man and maid of honor, Paul and Alice, Victoria and Emmett, and then Quil and his girlfriend Claire. Alice gave him a giddy grin when she saw how nervous he was.
Embry's heart rate picked up when he saw Bella in an ice blue strapless dress with elegant floral designs and a clever frill, her arm around her fathers and her big brown eyes complimented by a bit of makeup, Leah and Jacob' daughter Lily trailing behind with a basket of rose pedals.
Embry felt a grin start to spread across his face. Bella blushed and looked down. Charlie smiled at Embry and kissed his daughter as he gave her away…his baby. He hurriedly took a spot next to Renee, who had the video camera. Embry took both of Bella's hand securely into his. He could practically feel his heart stop when he stared into her big brown eyes.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered today to join the souls of this couple, may they have a healthy and wonderful life together from this day on."
"Embry, do you take Bella as you lawfully wedded wife?" the preacher asked as the ring bearer walked up with their simple silver bands.
"I do." Embry whispered in joy. The Preacher smiled and nodded towards Bella.
"Bella, do you take Embry as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." She murmured as tears built up. The preacher nodded towards the ring bearer and he stepped forward so Embry could take the rings. Embry gently slipped Bella's band onto her finger as she did the same. She looked up with watery eyes and smiled at him. He held her hands in his again.
"Very well…you may kiss the bride!" Embry cupped her face in his hands and lovingly pressed his lips against hers, a roar of applause echoing through the church. The preacher stood in front of them and waved a hand towards them.
"I give you Mr. and Mrs. Call!" he cheered through the applause. Embry wrapped and arm around Bella's waist with a hug smile. Mrs. Call…
The reception began with a boom, drinks were handed out as people started to unwind and congratulate the new couple, whipping out video camera as traditional wedding games started. First came the cake; Embry and Bella held the knife together when they first cut into the cake, a mob of flashes from cameras. Bella managed to shove have her cake onto Embry's face in the process. Some people wanted to say some words. Paul went first, nursing a bottle of beer.
"Yeah it seems crazy to think of shy Em being married…seems just like yesterday he and I were running away from Jake when we dumped that bucket of nacho cheese one him!" Many people laughed at Jacob, who was scowling while holding Lily. Paul raised his bottle.
"To the bride and groom! Someone finally took Embry's innocence!" Charlie went next.
"God…my baby's married. This is every fathers nightmare-giving his baby girl away to someone…but I just have to say, Embry, you're a good man…take good care of my daughter." Embry nodded and pulled further Bella into his embrace. Emmett, Alice and Edward went together.
"You've come a long way from that skateboarding tomboy you were jelly belly. The days where the four of us would mess around at the park all day and guys were the last thing on your mind…I'm gonna miss them. We love you Bella, and we hope you have a great future." Bella blew a kiss to her brother who smiled lovingly and dragged a teary Alice off stage.
Embry stood up and everyone looked at him with curiosity. He cleared his throat.
"I would like to thank everyone for coming out today. I have to say I've never felt this…light. All guys have their own thoughts when they get married, what they want to say, how they want to describe how they feel to their wives…" his eyes trail to Bella, her eyes sparkling. He took a deep breath to finish.
"And I want to say I can't imagine sharing this day with anyone else. I love you Bella." A chorus of awes went through the room. Embry raised his wine glass.
"To new beginnings!" he bellowed with a huge grin. The guys cheered as the girls clapped. Embry knocked back his wine and pulled Bella up to start the fun.
Everyone was laughing at how red Bella was when Embry removes her garter and flung into the crowd, making sure Paul caught it but ended up hitting Jacob in the face with it.
"Got plans Jake?" Quil shouted while Leah threw her head back and laughed.
Sometimes he sucked at aiming. Bella threw her bouquet into the group of girls afterwards, Victoria catching it.
Bella laughed as her brother's girlfriends face went aflame when Emmett chuckled next to her. Collin, who was the DJ, spoke into his microphone.
"Alright, time for the new couple to share their first dance!" the lights dimmed while Embry lead Bella onto the small wooden stage. 'Stand by me, by Ben E. King slowly started to play. Embry placed his hands on Bella's waist and started swaying to the music.
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
Bella rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his lower back. He kissed the top of her head and just kept swaying, neither of them skillful on the dance floor like the ice.
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
"I love you." Bella whispered in his ears. He gripped her waist just a little tighter and buried his face in her neck, leaving a feather light kiss.
"I love you too." He breathed.
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me, yeah
Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
Darlin', darlin', stand by me, stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
"Are you ready to go?" he asked. She nodded and moved her arms to his neck. He grinned. They said there farewells and ran off to Embry's car so they could go to the airport, off to their honeymoon.
"Em! I can walk!" Bella giggled as they hiked up a hill toward their campsite in Portugal, both of them now dressed in jeans and t-shirts. Embry smirked and adjusted her in his arms-carrying her bridal style when their cottage appeared.
"There's no fun when you do." He murmured as he kicked the wooden door open and walked into a beautiful room, rose petals on the ground. Embry chuckled and scooped Bella back up, making her squeal. He followed the petals until he came to a queen size bed with blood red covers most likely made out of silk and dark wood finish. Bella gasped and looked at him with surprise. He bent down to barely skim his lips of hers, making her purr. He grinned and fell back on the bed, tangling his hand in her hair. She climbed on top of him and they both enjoyed their first night as a married couple…perhaps a little more than they planned.
For three weeks they hiked the beautiful fields with nice lunches, swam in the lakes, tried strange dishes, learned how to maneuver a boat and rode horses. Embry was hesitant to try again after a horse had bit his baseball cap, but in the end he was won over and rode. It was their last day they decided to just lounge by the beach with a few snacks, Embry's head rested comfortably in Bella's lap as she read a book she had brought along while leaning against a shady tree, both of them munching on bread and cheese and other simple foods. It was a sunny day with no clouds and the grass was a fresh green, the blue lake lapping gently by the wind.
Embry closed his eyes and sighed. Mrs. Call-he still couldn't get over that. Bella was all his-his wife, his partner, his soul mate. He looked up at Bella, her eyes glazed over meaning she was in her own world. He lifted a hand to move strand of hair out of her face, snapping her out of her book. She smiled at him and yawned.
"Last day." She murmured. Embry sighed and briefly closed his eyes.
"Yeah…kinda sucks. I like it here." Bella chuckled lightly and traced his face with the tips of her fingers with a feathery touch. He grasped her hand and kissed the back of it, looking up at her with his uneven eyes shining. She hummed and leaned down to kiss his nose. He grinned.
"But we have a home to get to…" he whispered and watched as her eyes widen. Yes-before they left he had made sure to find medium sized home for them. A fresh start. He sat up and kissed her head. He moved next to her and placed his arm around her shoulder. She set her head in the crook of his neck and they enjoyed the last few hours they had at their little paradise. They had a lot to do once they left.
Outtake 2; the news
Positive. She was positive. Bella stood absently at the stove, continuously stirring the chicken stew that was for dinner. She swallowed the lump in her throat. She should have known-the sudden urge for peanut butter, the mornings clinging to the toilet…she should have especially known once her period was late but no, she thought she was sick, she thought she was just having a weird month. Well she was far from both. How would she tell Embry? It had only been five months since their wedding. Not even half a year. Her hand started shaking. She couldn't do it-she didn't know how he would react.
She had called Leah for advice on what to do. "First of all, don't freak out. Second of all, this is a great thing. Just tell him." That's easy for her to say, she had already done it. Bella checked on the rolls in the oven and breathed. She had to stay calm. She wasn't going to stay conscious if she kept having mini panic attacks. She placed a few more slices of carrot into the stew and green beans. She jumped when she heard the familiar slamming of the door.
"Bells?" Embry's voice rang through their two bedroom home. Bella closed her eyes and breathed through her nose. Calm.
"In the kitchen." She responded. The rhythmic thump of his work boots got louder, louder, until she was sure he was in the kitchen. She didn't turn around, just kept stirring the now thickening stew.
"How was work?" she asked artificially brightly, hoping he didn't pick up on the hitch in her voice. She felt his hands go to their usual place on her hips and his lips gently press to her cheek.
"Fine. Paul sliced his thumb so I had to finish some of his orders." Bella hummed and put a cover on the stew. She turned in his embrace to smile at him.
"Well at least he owes you one now." She was rewarded with his warm chuckle.
"Yeah I guess your right…I'll be sure to mention that." He removed his hands to walk away and use the bathroom. Bella slumped onto the counter and sighed. She needed to tell him now otherwise she'd never get it out. When he came back she stood in the kitchen with the worried look she had earlier, wringing her hands together. He stopped in front of her, his own worried look across his face. He cupped her face in his hands.
"Bella, what's the matter?" She tried to look down but he held her face firmly, refusing to break eye contact. She rested her pale hands on his chest. She could see her silence was starting to put fear in him, so she took a deep breath and looked him right in the eye while she ran a hand through his shaggy hair. He needed another haircut.
"Em, I…" she struggled to get what she needed out. Embry shifted on his feet, the suspense killing him.
"What?" She could hear the tint of anxiety in his voice. She placed a small kiss on his lips as she built the courage to finally tell him.
"I'm pregnant." She blurted out. She felt his hands fall from her face and looked up to see a completely shocked look on his face. She bit her lip, waiting for an answer. Instead she watched as his eyes rolled in the back of his head and collapse to the kitchen floor. She gasped and kneeled down to look at him, not sure what to do.
"Em?" she squeaked. She gingerly shook him. She sighed in relief when he opened his eyes.
"We're having a baby." He breathed. She let out a small happy sob and nodded, the news brining more tears than they did that morning. He sat up and pulled her into a hug. His hot tears covered her neck as he let out his own sobs.
"A baby." He choked.
"Yes." She whispered. He gripped her tighter.
They held each other until the smell of something burning sent both into a rush to the oven where they saved the rolls in time. The sat on the couch after dinner, Embry holding Bella tenderly like he always did, his hand resting on her flat stomach. She was going to be a mother; he was going to be a father. They both felt like crying with joy.
Outtake 3- welcome to the family
She felt like a whale! Harboring a life wasn't exactly peachy! Bella groaned as she stood in the shower, her abdomen hurting more than usual. She felt the baby move around like crazy. She placed a hand on her stomach with a smile, remembering Embry's reaction the first time he felt the baby kicking.
Bella was sitting on the couch with a book when she suddenly felt movement in her whom. She gasped and placed a hand on her stomach. Embry rushed in with a look of worry, his mouth full with leftover pizza.
"What? What is it?" he asked, struggling to swallow the crust. She grinned and motioned him towards her with a finger. He hurriedly sat next to her and she grasped his hand to set it on her stomach, the baby going crazy from the new touch. His uneven eyes widened at the same time a huge grin came on his face. He looked at her with absolute glee. She giggled as he gently rested his head on her stomach.
"Holy crap." He muttered.
He let out a slight laugh, running his hands across her swollen stomach.
"God he's moving alright." Bella smiled and ran a hand through her husband's hair while he cooed at her stomach. He was going to be a great father.
End of flashback
Bella winced as a stronger wave of pain struck through her. She wrapped a towel around her body and padded out of the bathroom into the kitchen to use her cellphone. "c'mon, pick up." She muttered. She sighed in relief when she hear Victoria voice.
"Hi Victoria. I hate to bother you but could you come by?" she asked sheepishly.
"Oh you're not a bother! I would love to! I'll be there in five minutes." Victoria assured.
"Thanks." Bella breathed. She groaned again and went into her and Embry's bedroom to change in sweat pants and one of Embry's shirts. She turned on the stove to make tea when she heard a quick knock. She shuffled to the door to greet a smiling Victoria, her hair cut short for a change.
"There's the lovely mother! Look at you, you look wonderful!" Bella blushed and let Victoria.
"I feel like a whale." She muttered. Victoria laughed and gave her a small hug. The kettle whistled so Bella shuffled off to pour some water into cups and put tea packet in it. She was putting in the second packet when an enormous amount of pain struck her and the then a disturbing splash.
"Oh dear god!" she breathed. "Victoria!" she called. Victoria ran in and gasped. She grabbed Bella and they hurried off to her car.
"Just a little to the right." Embry grunted half his body in the hood of a huge Chevrolet truck, Paul underneath him trying to move tubes around for Embry to find the problem. The jerked his arms and sighed in annoyance when he didn't hear the click he needed. Paul's cellphone went off.
"Hello?" he grunted, Embry still jerking his arms, trying to get that click.
"Victoria? Why are you calling me?" Paul asked.
"Tell her we're elbow deep in tubes!" Embry grunted, jerking one more time and getting pissed off when he didn't hear the click.
"What about her…oh…OH! Uhhh, Em, Victoria needs to talk to you." Embry groaned and jerked.
"Put it on speaker!" he growled.
"Embry are you there?" Victoria practically screamed.
"What is it? I'm kinda busy." He muttered and shook a thick black tube.
"It's time!" Victoria shrieked before she hung up. It's time? What the hell did she…
"CRAP!" Embry bellowed and whipped his head up, colliding with the hood of the truck. He removed his arms from the truck and pulled Paul off the dolly, their boss stomping in from all the commotion.
"Boys what is going on?" Embry ran passed him, tripping over some car parts in the process. Paul jogged after him.
"Bella's having her baby!" he shouted passed his shoulder. Embry jumped into his car, waiting only long enough for Paul to get in too before he slammed on the gas.
Ten minutes later
"I know where I'm going!" Embry defended as he swerved through traffic.
"I'm not saying you don't, I'm saying I know a shortcut!" Paul chastised. "Take a left!" Embry obeyed and sure enough they could see the hospital just ahead. Embry stopped the car with a screech and flew out of the driver's side to enter the hospital. Paul followed. Embry stopped at the front desk where a woman most likely in her forties stared at them with an annoyed expression.
"Can I help you?" she sighed.
"Where is Isabella Calls room? She's in labor!" Embry panted, the woman typed on her computer.
"She's in room 515. But first I need to know what your connection to her is."
"I'm her husband." Embry replied quickly. She nodded and Embry ran off without another word. Paul stayed in the waiting room, too tired to run after Embry anymore.
Embry busted through the doors where Bella was breathing in and out just like they had practiced a couple times. He took one of her hands in his.
"It's okay Bells." He murmured. She smiled. This was going to take a while. He doctor stood in front of Bella and patted he knee.
"Okay Mrs. Call, I need you to push." Bella nodded and took a shaky breath.
Embry winced twenty minutes in as Bella gripped his hand with surprising strength. He could see it in her face that she was pushing with all her might. She had tears running down her face and Embry murmured loving words. Though he knew he could do only so much.
"Oh, he's crowning!" the doctor cheered. "Push a little longer Mrs. Call!" she groaned but obeyed and puffed her cheeks as she pushed with everything she had. She screamed and pushed one last time, going limp when a shrill cry filled the room. Bella laughed and cried at the same time while Embry just stared at the child in the doctors hands.
"It's a boy! He looks healthy as a horse." the doctor murmured. The group of nurses cleaned the baby off and wrapped him in dark blue blanket and gently handed him to Bella. Bella made some sort of noise and cradled the baby in her arms, Embry leaning against the hospital bed, gazing at the beautiful sight of Bella holding their child. The baby made a gurgling noise and moved its tiny hands for a moment before it moved towards Bella's warmth. Embry felt tears well up in his eyes. He traced the baby's small nose, its ears, and its eyelids.
"What should we name him?" Bella whispered. Embry looked at her with a small smile. She was bound to pass out any moment. He moved his fingers down to his son tiny hands, surprised when he gripped his finger.
"Preston." He declared. Bella looked at him with curiosity. "Preston Ethan Call." Bella smiled and looked at Preston with motherly love.
"I like it…our tiny Preston." She mumbled before her eyes closed and her breathing slowed. Embry chuckled. He knew Bella would fall asleep. He gingerly took Preston from her arms and cradled him just like he had learned from Leah. He breathed a sigh as he looked at his sons face.
"Hey buddy." He whispered. "I'm your daddy. Your mommy and I have been so excited to meet you…welcome to the family." He slowly lifted the baby closer and kissed his small forehead. A few minutes later Paul, Alice, Victoria, Charlie, Renee, Emmett, Alice, Edward and Quil rushed in to see Embry cradling a little blue bundle. He looked up and grinned. They all carefully passed Preston around, each one commenting on how small or adorable he was. By the end though, the little bundle was back in his father's arms. Later that night Embry skyped Leah and Jacob to show Preston to them. Leah got all teary-eyed and said he was a spitting image of Embry and Jacob said the same thing everyone did. "He's so tiny."
Embry had chuckled and said that he would have a freaky growth spurt soon. A nurse came in hours later to find Embry struggling to stay awake. She had sweetly said that it was time for his feeding and sleep, so Embry regretfully let the nurse take Preston from his arms. He groaned when he stood up, his lower back feeling sore. He kissed his wife's head before he dropped back down in the chair and passed out with a smile on his face.
Outtake 4- surprise
"Are you sure Em?" Bella asked skeptically, dressed in a black sweater and skinny jeans. Alice and Victoria insisted on taking her out for day on the birthday and they wouldn't take no for an answer. Bella had tried her hardest to avoid it but in the end the scary perky women won. Embry leaned on the door frame, holding a two year old Preston.
"I'm sure. Go enjoy yourself! The little guy and I will be fine!" Embry assured his wife. Bella sighed and set her hands on her hips. This would be the first time she would leave Embry and Preston alone longer than an hour. She wasn't coming home until seven. A car horn honked impatiently. Bella rolled her eyes and shouted out the door.
"Five minutes!" Embry smiled at his wife and kissed her forehead. Preston giggled and buried his little head in the crook of his father's neck. Bella slowly walked away, looking back once before she jogged to Victoria car. Embry watched the black Monte Carlo speed off before he went back into the house, Preston speaking toddler jibber jabber. Embry gently set him on his play mat and then sat in front of him, watching the toddler pick up a toy train and toss it back down.
"Just you and me buddy…" he muttered and moved a strand of inky black hair out of his sons face. He could do this.
"Daddy!" the little boy crowed, making his father jump.
"Yes Preston?" Preston pushed himself up until he was on his little feet and stumbled into his father's arms. Embry placed him in his lap.
"I wuv you." He giggled. Embry chuckled softly and stood up, taking his son with him onto the couch. He flipped on the TV and instinctively turned it to SpongeBob for Preston. That's what they did for the first hour of their first time being alone, just watched that yellow sponge be weird. Preston's doe brown eyes drooped closed and he snuggled into his father's chest, his little hand gripping some of the fabric of his shirt. Embry bit his lip and studied his sons face. He had the usual toddler features-chubby cheeks and round face. He rubbed Preston's back and changed the channel to the news.
Embry stood at the stove, stirring some chicken soup Bella had left instructions of out for dinner. He whistled while he added the chopped chicken, Preston in the other room with his teddy bear. Bella would be home soon and Embry felt she would have most likely eaten. He had just put in some chopped celery when he heard Preston start to cry. He cursed under his breath and left the soup on simmer while he rushed into the living room. He lifted Preston up to comfort him.
"Aw buddy what happened?" the toddler hiccupped with tears still rolling down his face. He pointed to his know scratched knee.
"I got a boo-boo!" Embry chuckled and carried Preston into the kitchen to set him on the counter.
"I can fix that." He murmured as he ran a wash cloth under warm water. He wrung it out before he placed it on his sons' knee. He dabbed it gently until the phone rang. He caressed his sons face.
"Stay there for a few minutes." He answered the phone on the third ring.
"Hello?" he got pre occupied and started picking up Prestons' toys.
"Hey, it's Paul."
"Oh hey Paul. Listen I can't talk right now-I have Preston sitting on the counter with a hurt knee and dinner on the stove, I'll give you a call back." Embry carried on and placed the toys in their bucket.
"I just thought I'd tell you we got a new order for some fancy doctor and Drew's expecting a couple extra work hours." Embry sighed and turned around back to the kitchen, but froze mouth agape. Preston was holding the kitchen house with the water still running! Embry's mind went into to overdrive.
"Aw too bad gotta go!" he hung up and rushed into the kitchen.
"Preston put-"he was cut off by a stream of water hitting him in the face, Preston giggling. He tried to put his hands in front of his face but that didn't help. He managed to find his voice and tell Preston to stop. The toddler obeyed and stopped spraying his father with water, his entire body soaked. He blew water out of his mouth and gawked at his son, who was laughing so hard his body was shaking. Embry took a step forward to get his son off the counter, but found his feet fly out from under him and his back slammed into the kitchen floor. He let out a groan.
"Okay, floors wet too!" he muttered. He slowly and carefully got up off the floor, being sure not to move too fast. He grabbed his son's waist and lifted him off the counter. It would take a while but he could easily clean up the water…until he heard an all too familiar gasp.
"Uh oh…" Preston whispered. Embry slowly turned around and smiled sheepishly at his wife, who stood in the kitchen entrance with her mouth agape. She frowned and firmly placed her hands on her hips.
"What on earth is going on?" Embry bit the inside of his cheek and shuffled his feet a little, his clothes still sopping wet.
"It was bath time…?" he said innocently. Bella stared at her husband for a moment before she started to giggle, which turned into full out laughing. Embry relaxed and chuckled himself. Bella shook her head and carefully walked into the kitchen. She kissed her husband lightly and took their son into her arms.
"Embry Call, you are ridiculous!"
"I love you too!" he laughed. They cleaned up the mess and Bella finished making the soup, smiling the entire time at her clumsy husband.
You know the drill!