You thought this was over? Ha! Fat chance. Nathan is still running rampant, is he not? And at the end of NWBUD I totally promised an encounter with him.

Disclaimer: Don't own, as always.


Blaine Anderson took a moment to admire his boyfriend as he came out of the bathroom, already fully dressed for class. Blaine was a little saddened by the sight, knowing the reason Kurt took the time to change out of sight. He knew that Hassen had messed him up. He wished he could help. But he had thought about it, and come to the decision that at least for now, Kurt had to help himself.


Kurt nodded. "Yes," He said, taking the hand Blaine offered. Blaine knew they would have to start from scratch, beginning with hand-holding. Their nights in Bora Bora were long gone.

They arrived at Dalton twenty minutes before first bell. They had told no one of their summer, not even Wes and David. It was theirs and theirs alone.

"Kurt, Blaine!" Wes ran toward them, grinning. "How was your summer?"

"It was fine, thank you," Kurt said tersely. "Yours?"

Wes looked thrown off by Kurt's demeanor. "Oh, um, it was great."

"Good." The pair left Wes standing there looking immensely confused.

They walked to their room in silence. Blaine hated it. Well, no. He didn't know what to say. That was what he hated.

"Here we are," He said quietly.

Kurt squeezed his hand and looked at him. "Senior year. Anything and everything can happen this year, Blaine. Let's make the most of it." He took a deep breath and kissed Blaine chastely. Blaine was greatly startled, but not unhappy.

When they broke apart, he spoke. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Kurt looked him in the eyes. "You are not Hassen. You will never be Hassen. Why should that bastard ruin my relationship with you? I love you, Blaine, and I'm sorry I forgot that," He beamed.

Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "I love you too, Kurt."

They entered their room. "It's good to be back," Kurt said, throwing his bag down and falling onto his bed. He didn't notice Blaine grinning.

"I have a surprise for you," He said, reaching into his own duffel bag. Kurt looked at him questioningly as he pulled a stack of sheets out.


"They're queen-sized." At Kurt's confused face, he elaborated. "We can push our beds together. It'll make it a queen."

Kurt gasped and clapped his hands. "You're a genius!" He kissed Blaine's nose. They shoved the beds together and made it.


Nathan scowled. He had hoped Hummel wouldn't come back this year, but there he was, laughing with friends. He would have to do something about him. He was a disgrace to the Warblers and society as a whole. Nathan clutched the cross hung at his neck. (1)


The first Warblers meeting of the year was a success. Wes and David were still on council, and they went over the vague schedule for the semester. They ended with a song. Blaine sang lead and Kurt was not surprised. He had expected as much. He didn't notice the blond boy sitting in the corner, scowling at him the entire time. But the blond didn't see Blaine looking at him, either.

"You go on back to our room, okay?" Blaine smiled softly at Kurt.

"Okay," He agreed with a yawn, and began the trek to their dorm.

Blaine caught Nathan just as he was leaving the choir room. The taller boy scowled at Blaine.

"What do you want, Anderson?" He growled, yanking his arm out of Blaine's grip.

"I want you to stay away from Kurt, hear me?" Blaine demanded.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want," Nathan shot back. He left the choir room with Blaine shouting behind him. He muttered a couple obscenities and trudged back to the dorm. Kurt was on the phone when he got back, and waved at him with a smile.

"Yeah, how'd you know? Oh. Sorry, Mercedes… Yes, I'll try… No! Um, perhaps… Okay, I'm hanging up now," He laughed, ending the call.

"Do you miss them? Your old glee club, I mean," Blaine said out of the blue.

Kurt looked startled. "Well, yes, but it's not like I can go back, really. I wouldn't want to leave you here," He explained quietly.

"Oh, Kurt. I want you to be happy. Go back, if that's what it'll take. Please," Blaine smiled sadly.

Kurt looked unsure. "Well-"

"Go," Blaine said, maybe a little harsher than he wanted. Kurt looked hurt.

"Okay. Thank you, Blaine," He said, standing. He kissed Blaine's cheek and grabbed his phone. "I have to call my dad."

As soon as the door was shut Blaine buried his face in his hands. Sure, he was happy if Kurt was happy, but he didn't know if he could bear to only see him on weekends. Oh. Blaine's eyes widened. He dialed his dad.


Kurt breathed in a huge intake of air as he stood outside the door to his old choir room and old friends. His dad had been a little reluctant to let him back at McKinley because of the football jocks that Kurt was sure would still shove him into lockers and drop him in dumpsters. But Karofsky was gone, and he was the ringleader. Kurt shrugged. Maybe there was hope yet.

Saying goodbye to Blaine had been the hardest part. Kurt had cried, almost inconsolable, and he and Blaine spent the day in their makeshift queen bed.

Kurt opened the door. He supposed it was symbolic, opening one door and closing another, his dorm room at Dalton. Another chapter in his life, however cliché. He was assaulted by frantic shouts as the group realized he was there.

"Kurt!" Mercedes grinned, jumping up and hugging him.

"What are you doing here?" Tina asked, smiling.

"Transferred back. I couldn't stay away any longer," Kurt replied.

"So you're not a Warbler anymore?" Rachel started suspiciously.

Mercedes smacked her, but Kurt laughed. "No, Rachel, I'm not here to spy."

"Okay everyone, settle down. We were just about to hear Tina and Puck's duet," Mr. Shuester said, and Kurt raised an eyebrow at Mercedes.

"Random," She mouthed and grinned. "I got Sam."

Kurt smiled back. He knew about her crush on the fake-blond. He crossed his fingers for her.

After Tina and Puck's decidedly… interesting song, Mr. Shue stepped up again.

"Now, this isn't a duet, but he convinced me to let him do this," He said vaguely. Kurt was confused until he heard the voice coming from just beyond the door.

You think I'm pretty
Without any makeup on.
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punchline wrong.

Kurt brought a hand to cover his mouth as he recognized the song Blaine had sung when he had gone to Dalton to spy. Blaine stepped through the door, singing directly to Kurt. Kurt saw he wasn't wearing his uniform.

I know you get me
So I let my walls come down,

Blaine smiled through his words. He sat down next to Kurt and sang the rest of the song cross-legged, holding his hand. Kurt reached a hand up and wiped away the tears on his cheeks. When the song concluded, Blaine gave Kurt a kiss on the cheek.

"Why aren't you wearing your uniform?" Kurt asked, and immediately wondered why that was the first thing he thought of.

"There's no dress code at this school, and I figured wearing a Dalton blazer every day was sure to get me some attention," He smiled.

"But- oh my god, Blaine!" Kurt gasped.

Blaine just smiled wider.

"Why?" Kurt whispered, too ecstatic to do much more.

"Oh Kurt, how could I say goodbye to you?" Blaine said, and kissed him.


Done! This is the finale of the NWBUD/INSG 'verse.

There will be no sequel. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you like reading it just as much! Thanks to everyone who commented, favorited, and even just the ones who gave it a chance. I'm so grateful to all of you!