A/N: So...I've been meaning to put this up for a few days (also since I saw the episode of Gokaiger when they get the power of the Gingaman), and here it is! Something that's completely unrelated to Gokaiger AND Gingaman!

Everything that's BOLD will be someone saying something in Japanese
Everything that's NORMAL FONT will be someone saying something in English
Everything in Italics will be either Kotoha talking with Tetomu, Tetomu speaking, a flashback/vision, or telepathy

kanna-chan does not own Super Sentai, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, X-Men, or X-Men: First Class. The only things kanna does own are any original things that she decides to throw in.


"Charles, are you sure about this," Erik asked his friend, as Charles prepared to put Cerebro on his head. Raven and Hank were looking at Charles as he stared at the wired helmet in his hands. "You shouldn't do this. You already put enough strain on your powers as is, and-"

"Erik," Charles replied, "We don't have a choice. We have to recruit more mutants. Shaw may be our greatest foe yet."

"He's our only foe so far."

"Precisely. I sense your hesitation, my friend. Trust me, I'll be fine. We have to do this."

"We already have-"

Raven slammed her fist onto the table that had Hank's Styrofoam coffee cup standing on it, and it fell, causing coffee to get on a variety of important documents. Hank looked at her as if she had gone crazy, but Raven just glared daggers at Erik, before saying, "Erik, shut your yap, and let Charles do it. While I agree with you, you do NOT want to argue with a telepath. You'll never win."

Hank and Erik just stared at Raven, and Charles put Cerebro on his head, and braced himself for the mental and physical impact that would hit him in three...two...one, and...


The impact was so powerful, Charles would have fallen down if it weren't for the metal bar behind him he was using to brace himself. Images of various people rushed through his head. Yet, there was one that caught his eye. It was of a beautiful young woman in a black and white striped turtleneck, jeans, and a pink jumper. She had long, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and was writing in another language on a piece of paper, while sitting next to another girl who was doing the same thing. When the long-haired girl finished writing, the writing on the paper turned into a miniature whirlwind. His eyes widened when he finally realized who it was, but the girl that he knew wasn't the mutant.

The mutant was the girl sitting next to the girl he knew. The unknown girl was a little shorter than the girl that Charles knew, and wore a pair of really short jeans, but her hair was short and curly. The unknown girl also wore a grey shirt with a yellow jacket and knee-high black and white striped socks. She was doing something similar to what the girl he knew was doing. Charles managed to pull himself out of Cerebro, only to find that he felt almost completely drained. He would have fallen down if Raven and Erik weren't there to catch him. Erik let his friend catch his breath, before asking, "What the hell happened?"

Charles took a deep breath before answering, "I just saw someone I knew. Someone I haven't seen or heard from in over ten years."


"My cousin. Mako Shiraishi."

"Your cousin's a-"

"No. She was near someone that was, though, and I was shocked to see that. I have to get in touch with her, fast."

"Where does she live?"


There was a moment of silence, where Charles, Raven, and Hank stared at each other. "Japan," Hank asked, "how is this possible? You're not of Japanese descent...right?"

Charles smiled. "You're right, Hank. I'm not. Before he died, my father insisted that we go to Japan and get in touch with his family. He was adopted into a family of Samurai, and was Mako's mom's adoptive brother. Mako is a descendant of a Samurai family along with four others, all from separate families, who have served as retainers under the feudal lord. These Samurai retainers were known as the Shinkengers. Mako's mother was one of these retainers, serving as ShinkenPink, the Samurai of Sky. This has gone on for seventeen generations...until now. Now it's eighteen generations."

Erik stared at Charles, along with Hank and Raven. Erik, Hank, and Raven then turned to look at each other, and a silent agreement seemed to pass between the three of them. Erik turned back to Charles, before saying, "Fine. Get in touch with her. But, assuming you are right, and she is in the middle of her samurai duties, we're not pestering her any further. Am I clear?"

Charles nodded. "Crystal."

It had been a few months after the death of Mitsuba, and Kotoha would still cry herself to sleep sometimes. Either that, or she'd wake up crying from nightmares. Kotoha would sit outside, play her flute for a few minutes, and walk back inside. Kotoha continued to keep her promise to Elder Orghi of the Ginga Forest, and not once had the subject of the Forest come up in conversation with anyone.

It was worse for Kotoha when she was in a room where not a lot of people were talking. It was as if people were, but Kotoha heard their voices inside her head instead of coming out of their mouths. What on earth was going on? First super strong Mojikara, now this? Was she turning into some kind of freak? Even Tetomu didn't know.

It was a Thursday night at the Shiba mansion, and Kotoha stared at the sky as she sat outside on a rock. Tears silently streamed down her face as she thought of the funeral that took place the week before

Kotoha had just finished her eulogy. Rather, she made it halfway through her eulogy before bursting into tears on the spot. She struggled to finish it, but couldn't, and Chiaki came up and finished reading it for her. He escorted her back to her seat, before they both sat down. Chiaki held Kotoha close to him. It pained him to see her like this.

When the funeral finally ended, Kotoha heard something. It sounded like the rustling of a bush. She turned around, looked past her sister's casket, and saw a familiar figure in green from her past. Hayate and the other Gingamen. "Kotoha. Kotoha," Chiaki said, trying to get her attention.

Kotoha shook her head. "S-sorry. What is it?"

"You spaced out for a sec. Was Tetomu speaking to you again?"

"N-no. It's nothing. Can I just have a few minutes alone with my sister? Please?"

"Are you sure?"


Chiaki sighed. "Sure. Take your time. We'll wait for you at the mansion." Kotoha nodded and Chiaki turned around and walked away.

Once everyone from the funeral had left, the Gingamen walked up to Kotoha. "I thought...I thought you wouldn't come," Kotoha cried into Hayate's shoulder.

"You can blame Hayate for that," Ryouma replied.

"Yeah, he's the one who got us all to come here," Saya added.

Hayate just listened to Kotoha cry and cry. It pained him to see his 'little sister' like this, but it also pained him to see Mitsuba lying dead in a casket. When Kotoha's cries quieted down, he whispered to her, "We have flowers from the forest to put in the ground with her. May we?" Kotoha nodded. When they went to the casket, Hayate stayed back the longest to whisper some final farewell words to Mitsuba, before going back to Kotoha.

"We can't stay long," Gouki said.

"We have to get back to the forest," Hikaru added, "that, and we don't want to keep you for too long. You friends could get suspicious. We trust that you've kept your promise, though."

Kotoha nodded as tears silently streamed down her face. "Come visit us when you can," Hayate said, before walking away.

Kotoha's thoughts were interrupted by a shriek of delight coming from the room that she and Mako shared. She ran back inside, wiping her tears, only to find Mako talking to Jii. "Mako-chan, what is it," Kotoha asked.

Mako turned to Kotoha with a big smile on her face. She grabbed Kotoha and ran out into the dining area, where the other Shinkengers were sitting and talking. "Everyone, my cousin in America-"

"ANOTHER cousin? Damn, Nee-san, how many cousins do you have," Chiaki asked.

Mako shrugged off the question, before continuing with, "My cousin in America, Charles Xavier, sent me a letter, inviting us to come and visit! He's offered to pay for our flights and everything."

Takeru sighed. This was sounding all too similar to when they met the Wild Force Rangers. "Jii, PLEASE tell her that we can't go..."

"Takeru, America would be good for you! Besides, I checked the return address, and they're just a few hours outside the city...you know what that means," Jii asked, bouncing up and down.

"Really bad American chefs trying to replicate good sushi," Genta asked.

Ryuunosuke slapped him on the back of the head, and Jii answered with, "No! Broadway!"

All the Shinkengers stared at Jii. "Really, Jii," Ryuunosuke said with exasperation in his voice after a moment of silence, "Broadway? They mock the true theatrical art known as kabuki!"

"Ryuunosuke, it's America. Their theatrical arts are different there. You should know that."

"So, are we going or not," Chiaki asked. Kotoha just stared at the floor.

Takeru sighed, and then turned to Jii. Jii sighed, before saying, "I suppose you'll go. The Gedoushuu haven't been as rampant as usual. If they're still in America, that's currently unknown. The Sukima Sensor can't go that far. Besides, I have a good feeling about this Charles Xavier character. Your flight leaves in two days, so I suggest you start packing tomorrow morning."

It was two days later, and the Shinkengers finally arrived in the Westchester County Airport in New York. Mako re-read the letter, and it said that her cousin would be holding up a sign with her name on it. Mako continued to scan for the sign, as she, Takeru, Genta, and Ryuunosuke lead the way through the airport. Chiaki stayed close to Kotoha, who continued to stare at the ground as she pulled her suitcase along. It was one of those times Chiaki wished he was a mind reader; then he would know how to get Kotoha to feel better.

It had to have been about twenty minutes later or so, when the Shinkengers finally saw the sign with Mako's name on it, being held up by who the Shinkengers assumed was Charles Xavier. He was surrounded by a group of five people; four boys and a girl. Mako ran over to her cousin and hugged him.

Charles was happy to see his cousin, too. It had been over ten years since he had seen or heard from her. Yet, despite how happy he was for the family reunion, he knew what he had to do. "Right," Charles said, pulling out of the hug, "I suppose introductions are in order. I'm Charles. This is Raven," he pointed to the girl, "Alex," he pointed to one of the boys, but this one had blonde hair and was fairly muscular, "Sean," he pointed to the second boy, who had red hair, "Hank," he pointed to the third boy, who wore glasses, "and Erik," Charles finished with, pointing to the last boy, who was the tallest out of the entire group. "So, who are your friends?"

"This is Takeru," Mako replied, pointing to each person in question, "Ryuunosuke, Chiaki, Kotoha, and Genta. It's so great to see you after all this time, Charles!"

Everyone else mumbled their "nice to meet you's," and walked up to someone. All except for Kotoha. She continued to stare at the ground. Alex seemed to notice this, and said, "Professor, we really should be going. We don't want to be late for dinner, now, do we?" Charles looked over at where Alex was looking, and saw what he was getting at. Charles nodded, and gestured towards everyone to head to the cars.

Meanwhile, Kotoha was alienated from everything going on, because she heard her teammates' voices in her head again, and the voices of the group that Charles Xavier was with. Everyone was thinking stuff along the lines of, "Why is she staring at the ground," or, "Damn, she's staring at the ground again. What the hell is her problem?"

"Hey, you all right," a voice asked. Kotoha was pulled out of her thoughts by this new voice, and looked to see the blonde, muscular boy, with a concerned expression on his face.

"Wh-what?" Kotoha asked.

"Just asking if you're all right. I'm Alex, by the way."

"Kotoha. I'm fine. Just a headache. Nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure? Because-"

"I'm fine, but thank you." She walked away, and Alex couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was, and how he had to help her with...well, whatever it was that she was going through.

Charles was hiding something. Clearly, Mako didn't notice, and none of the other Shinkengers noticed either. The moment that they walked in the door to his mansion (which was met by several oohs and aahs by the Shinkengers), Kotoha heard a voice in her head that sounded a lot like Charles thinking, "We can't tell them about the true purpose for their coming here. That one of them is a mutant. We can't afford to tell them."

Mutants? That was a new word for Kotoha. She politely excused herself from the conversation and asked where the library was. She had to figure out what that word meant. When she walked into the library, though, it was HUGE. How on earth was Kotoha going to find a dictionary?

It had to have been at least an hour later when she finally found a dictionary. Now if only she knew how to spell the word. It had to have been about twenty minutes later when she finally stumbled upon the definition: "(n.) an organism (usually otherwise human) who possesses a genetic trait called an X-gene that allows the mutant to naturally develop superhuman powers and abilities. Human mutants are considered to be of the subspecies homo sapiens superior, an evolutionary progeny of homo sapiens, and are considered the next stage in human evolution."

Kotoha stared at the definition. "Surprised, I see," a voice said. Kotoha slammed the dictionary shut, and whipped her head around, only to see a man with brown hair in a blue sweater and khaki pants. Yet, what stood out about him was his voice and his ocean blue eyes.

"Who are you," Kotoha asked.

"Charles Xavier. And you?"

Kotoha was just about to respond when the door to the library burst open, revealing Genta and Takeru running in. "Kotoha! There's an Ayakashi right outside the mansion," Genta yelled.

"Got it. Let's go," Kotoha replied, standing up and running out of the library with Takeru and Genta. Charles had no idea what anyone said right then and there, but the moment he looked out the window, he saw Alex, Raven, Sean, and Erik writhing in agony on the ground. Charles couldn't help but ask himself what the cause was.

And then he saw it: a monster with a giant blue head that had multiple mouths on it, and red eyes. His main mouth looked like the nose of an elephant. His body was red, and he was holding some kind of sword that looked like it was made out of stone or something. Charles hid behind a wall just as Takeru, Genta, and Kotoha ran out. Nobody noticed him. All he could do was just watch how the fight played out. Still, he couldn't help but ask himself; were these the other samurai? How? There were only five warriors; not six.

Takeru, Genta, and Kotoha finally arrived on the scene about five minutes later; only to see maids writhing in agony on the ground, complaining for food and drink. "It's about time you got here," Chiaki exclaimed, fighting off some Nanashi Renjyuu. He was currently transformed into ShinkenGreen, and Mako and Ryuunosuke were also fighting in their respective colors.

Kotoha and Takeru got out their Shodophones and shouted, "Shodophone! Ippitsu Soujo!" They each drew their respective kanji for 'Earth' and 'Fire' as they henshined into ShinkenYellow and ShinkenRed respectively.

Genta got out his sushichanger, and shouted, "Sushichanger! Ikkan Kenjou!" The kanji for 'Light' appeared in front of Genta, which caused him to henshin into ShinkenGold. Unknown to the Shinkengers, Charles was watching the whole thing from his hiding place.

Screw the role call; Takeru, Kotoha, and Genta had to help out their fellow Samurai! The fight with the Nanashi Renjyuu definitely took some time, and by the time it was over, Mako and Ryuunosuke were already on the ground in their civilian forms. Chiaki looked, and saw some black sand on their backs, as Mako and Ryuunosuke were in a situation similar to the maids and the Americans. He glared at the Ayakashi through his helmet's visor, and yelled, "What the hell did you do to them?"

The Ayakashi laughed, and shouted back, "I am the Ayakashi known as Sunasusuri! Those that bathe in my sand suffer from a hunger and thirst as bad as death! Eat and drink all you want, you'll just hunger for more!"

"How cruel," Kotoha whispered. The rest of her teammates were quickly caught up fighting the Nanashi Renjyuu, but it wasn't too long before the Nanashi Renjyuu were taken out. Now all that was left was the Ayakashi. Takeru, Kotoha, Genta, and Chiaki faced Sunasusuri with their Shinkenmaru out.

"You really think you can beat me," the Ayakashi asked. "I've turned this into a gaki hell!" He shot off some fireballs at the four of them, but Kotoha didn't get out of the way in time and was quickly knocked to the ground. More fireballs were aimed at her, and she got hit three more times, causing her to switch back into her civilian form.

Charles could only look on from his hiding place. He struggled to get into the demon's mind, but he couldn't. All there was there was darkness and shadow. Charles had so many questions: what was the yellow samurai's power? What was gaki hell? How come there was a sixth samurai warrior? Why wasn't any of this mentioned in his books?

"Your efforts are futile," Sunasusuri laughed, "and now you shall suffer a hunger and thirst as bad as death itself!" He fired off three rounds of his sand at Kotoha, and just when she thought she was a goner, she heard the sand hit something. Rather, somethings.

It was Takeru, Genta, and Chiaki. They took the hit for her.

"Tono-sama! Gen-san! Chiaki," Kotoha cried. Tears were slowly going down the girl's face as she struggled to get up and fell back on the ground. Takeru, Genta, and Chiaki wound up in a position similar to the others on the ground.

The Ayakashi laughed, before gasping and realizing aloud, "Looks like I'm out of water! I'd better get out of here!" The Ayakashi disappeared into a crack in the ground.

When Charles thought it was safe, he ran over to Kotoha to make sure she was okay. He tried to read her mind, but for whatever reason, he couldn't. It's almost as if there was something, or someone, blocking it. He had to investigate further, but now wasn't the time. All he could do was put a hand on her shoulder, and ask, "Are you all right?"

All Kotoha could do was nod and whisper, "It's all my fault."

Charles sighed. She appeared to be in shock. "Kotoha," he started, "I understand the situation you're in right now, but you have to help me. We have to bring everyone into the mansion and tie them up so they don't go nuts over the refrigerator." He held out a hand, which Kotoha took. She drew the kanji for 'rope' with her Shodophone, and Charles grabbed the rope and tied it around the other Shinkengers, mutants, and maids.

It was nighttime, and Charles was in his study with several Japanese history books and notebooks open on his desk. He had taken over ten pages of notes, and had four giant books on his desk. He learned that a gaki was in fact a demon that lived in thin bodies that beat the stomach. He shuddered at the thought, which made his stomach turn.

However, it still didn't answer all his questions. What were Kotoha's powers? She definitely had some; even if she didn't realize it yet. The silence was so peaceful; he was so glad he decided to soundproof the room Sean decided to train in and put the people who were hit with the sand in there instead. Charles smiled to himself.

It was a few minutes later when Charles heard something. It was a sharp but sweet sound coming from outside. Charles got up from his desk and was then hit with a massive headache. He looked at the clock, and saw that it was nearly midnight. The only person-apart from himself-that hadn't been hit with the sand was Kotoha.

He quietly walked outside and followed the sound to the back of the house. Charles then saw Kotoha sitting on the grass playing what looked like a flute. He slowly walked closer to her, but she must have sensed him coming, because she stopped playing and put her flute down, before looking behind her. "Sorry," she said, wiping the fresh tears that were on her face. Charles looked confused, before Kotoha realized that she was speaking the wrong language. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you."

Charles shook his head as he walked up to Kotoha and sat next to her. "You didn't wake me at all. I was up. Couldn't sleep, so I did some research," he replied.

Kotoha turned her head so she was facing forward and just stared off into space. Suddenly, her appearance changed into a Japanese woman wearing a white dress with a gold collar. "You're worried about her, aren't you," the woman said.

"Who are you," Charles asked. "I can tell you're not Kotoha."

"I am Tetomu. The-"

"The priestess of Sky Island from over three thousand years ago."

"So you've done your research." Tetomu smiled.

Charles nodded. "Your English is very good for someone who doesn't speak it that much."

"Kotoha has been helping me."

"Kotoha? How?"

"It's a long story."

"Well, we have time." Tetomu sighed, and told him everything that happened months ago. Everything from the trip to America to Kotoha being Tetomu's reincarnation, and then some. There was a moment of silence, before Charles said, "So you're basically inhabiting Kotoha's body."

"In a nutshell, yes." Tetomu suddenly felt a drain, and could tell that she held control of Kotoha's body for too long. "It appears I have to go. Taking control of Kotoha's body like this takes a toll on her."

"Wait. I have one question. Have you noticed anything...strange about Kotoha?"

"Strange? In what way?"

"Has she been...hearing things? Seeing things? Is her-what was the word? Mojikara?-stronger than usual?"

Tetomu sighed, and could feel Kotoha struggling under the strain. "I'm afraid that's something even I cannot answer. At least, not right now. She hasn't been talking to me as much. Ever since her sister died, she's been...well, not really the same. I have to go." There was a small light, before Kotoha came back, and she was sweating and gasping for breath.

All Charles could do was struggle to process the information he was given. "You were just talking to Tetomu, weren't you," Kotoha asked, as she tried to catch her breath.

Charles sighed. "Yes," he replied, "I was. Did you hear-"

"Everything? Yes." Kotoha looked at the ground. "I really wish she wouldn't do that. I've told her so many times to warn me before taking over, but she still doesn't." Kotoha fidgeted with her flute. She could tell it had been almost an hour and a half, but she couldn't bring herself to find a room to sleep in. "It's all my fault."

"What is?"

"What's happening to my friends. And yours. If only I was stronger, I could've-"

"There's no way you could have-"

"No, there was. How do you know, anyway? You're not even a samurai." Kotoha sighed, as fresh tears began to make their way down her face. "I wasn't even supposed to be a samurai."

"What happened?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"I don't want to force the answer out of you. I'm a-"

"Telepath." Charles gasped. How did she know? "I know," Kotoha continued, "You're the one who's been trying to hide the fact that you and those friends of yours are mutants."

Charles looked at her. "What else do you know?"

Kotoha wondered if she should tell him that she also knew that one of the Shinkengers was a mutant. She decided against it, before saying, "That's it."

Charles could tell that she was lying, but decided not to pry any further. What he did ask, however, was, "How did you know that I'm a telepath?"

"Because...I think I'm one, too. I think I'm the mutant that you're looking for."

A/N: Holy crap! Kotoha is a mutant! Dang...where is this going to go? How will the others react when/if they get out of their hunger/thirst? Why am I asking you all these questions? Reviews are love! See you in the next chapter (or in another one of my stories)!

Song: Save Tonight
Artist: Eagle Eye Cherry