STORY: kono gone

An: aww thanks you guys for the reviews, made my day...sorry for not posting sooner...

Chapter 8: month 6

Three months had passed since everything happened and now they were going to find out the sex of the baby. Of course he really was hoping it was a little girl but would be just as happy if it was a little boy. Through all the pain in his life he finally gets the woman he loves and a little baby out of all this misery which he never thought would happen. He looked down at Kono who was laying on the table and kissed her forehead. She was surprised by this gesture from him but loved it all the same, "Babe, what was that for?"

"Just thank you-thanks for everything even though I'm sometimes a little difficult to get along with."

Before she could respond the doctor came in, "Hello, how's everyone today?"

"We're fine-although a little tired today. Somebody decided to kick the entire night and I kept having to run to the bathroom. I think this kid's gonna be a soccor player."

They all laughed as she turned on the monitor and put the gel down and wond on her stomach. They all heard the heartbeat but then Steve heard something off beat, "Doc, is that another heartbeat I hear?"

She turned to him, "How did you know that?"

"Navy SEAL remember?" Kono replied

"Of course and yes you're right...Congrates you're having twins and it looks like a little boy and a girl-see" She turned the monitor around to show them and there indeed was two little babies inside moving around like they were swimming. Steve had tears in his eyes; he leaned down and kissed Kono passionately, "Thank you for these little miracles."

She smiled up at him, "You're welcome...hey doc why didn't we see the other one earlier?"

"hmm it could've been the position of the baby or it was hiding behind the first baby and their heartbeats were insync. Sometimes this happens, I've seen it happen before but don't worry-they're perfectly healthy. And here's your picture-oh I want to see you again in month 7 to make sure they're developing good."

"Okay sounds good and thanks doctor-Wow, I never thought I would be having twins but here comes SuperSEAL and of course they never do anything normal but I'm so very happy."

"Oh hahaha...I'm laughing my butt off...Look who's talking Mrs. Spiderwoman. Steve responded with a wink and smirk. Kono just rolled her eyes as they left walking hand in hand to the truck. They made their way back to HQ where Chin was trying to show Danny some computer things but it wasn't working out and it was a funny sight to see. Chin and Danny looked up and smiled, "Hey guys how did it go?"

"Great and we have some news!" Steve replied, his voice excuding excitment.

"Well what is it?"

"We're having twins! A boy and girl!" They both said at the same time. Danny just started laughing as they both went over and congraulated them.

"Danny what's so funny?"


"Oh really and why am I funny?"

"Because it just proves you can't do anything normal."

At this everyone started laughing then Kono cleared her throat to get their attention, "Hey why don't you guys come over and Danny if you have Gracie you know she's always welcome at our house."

"Thanks Kono and yes I do have Gracie tonight and for two whole weeks. Stan and Rachel are wanting some alone time so she asked and of course I said yes."

"Where's Charlie going to be?"

"With his parents back in the mainland then they're off to who knows where but I really don't care because I get to spend time with my beautiful daughter."

"That's wonderful Danno"

"You're gonna start with that again?" Danny said with a smile.

"Yes!" Steve shouted. His excitment was all over the place plus he had something else in mind ever since that first visit to the doctor. It just got a little sidetracked with everything that happened but he got through it; thanks to Kono, Chin and Danny and even Gracie helped him sometimes. So tonight was the night to do it.

Steve decided when it hit 4:00 PM to let everyone leave early since they were just catching up on some paperwork, "Hey babe you ready to go?" Kono sauntered in and sat down in the chair.

"Yeah, why don't you go ahead and go on; I'll be there in a minute."


He waited until she left then went over to Chin who was just about to walk out the door; Danny had already ran out to go get Grace, "Hey brah, everything okay?"

"Yeah Chin, uhh there's something I need to ask you."


"I would like your blessing and your family's blessing in asking Kono to marry me."

Chin blinked a couple of times then broke out into a huge smile, "Well it looks like SuperSEAL finally got his head on straight. You know we were all waiting for you to ask her. They told me if you ever did ask they already gave their blessing and I do also."

Steve hugged Chin tightly, "Thanks brah. It really does mean a lot."

"Your welcome, now do you have the ring?"

"Yes" He pulled it out of one of his many pockets and opened it, "It was my mother's ring."

"It's stunning, she's going to love it. I'm very proud of you Steven and I know your parents would be too."

"Yeah" Steve smiled sadly wishing that they were here to meet Kono and his twins but you can't cry over something that happened in the past that you couldn't control.

Later that evening after they had a night filled with grilling stakes and veggies Steve thought it was time. They were sitting out on the lanai and he whistled to get everyone's attention, "First of all I would like to thank everyone for coming. Second Kono and I are having twins-a boy and girl."

"YAY" Gracie shouted.

Steve turned to face Kono; she knew he was up to something but didn't know what it was. He took both of her hands in to his and looked at her, "Kono the first time I saw you deck that guy on the beach I knew you'd be a perfect fit to our team then I got to know you and I began falling for you but I pushed them away because it was so fast and I was afraid but then you kept coming after me, saving my life with it. Then we finally got together and of course our bliss couldn't last and I almost lost you because of my stupid pursit of WoFat. It nearly got you killed and I just couldn't bear the thought of my life without you in it. Kono you've become a part of me and I hope I've become a part of you. Then you gave me two little miracles and I never thought that would happen." Then he got down on a bended knee and held open the box, "Would you do me the honor in spending the rest of your life with me?"

Kono was absolutly speechless then she felt her babies kick as if to speak, "Yes."

The smile on his face was a smile like nobody had ever seen before and he stood back up, placed the ring on her finger then kissed her very passionatly till Danny cleared his throat. Gracie was clapping the entire time then ran over to them in which Steve picked her up and hugged her tight, "Have you thought of names yet?"


This surprised Kono, "Really...what were thinking?"

"I was thinking we could name our little girl Kono Grace McGarrett and our little boy Daniel Steven McGarrett."

"I love it"

Danny was shocked, "You want to use my name and my daughters?"

"Yeah if that's alright with you."

"No, no it's fine that's not what I meant...I'm just surprised and very honored."

"Well Danny you've been a big part of our lives, not that you weren't cuz."

"It's cool."

Danny got up and hugged them both with tears, "Thanks guys."

The rest of the night was spent celebrating then it was time to go home. Steve and Kono practially crashed into bed with her curling up aganist Steve and Steve's hand held protectivly over his twins. She held her hand up admiring it. The ring was a beautiful asher cut mystic fire with little diamonds around it then she put her hand on top of Steve's hand and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I love you"

She smiled just before sleep claimed her, "I love you too."

AN: well i hope you enjoyed this...i wanted this chapter to be light and fluffy