Okay, so once again I apologize for the time it took to write this... but here's the final chapter at last!

Sanji threw a last pinch of salt into the soup before lifting it off from the stove. He was in Zoro's kitchen, or rather Mihawk's kitchen. The Under Grounder had lend his mansion out to Zoro and his friends. They were celebrating the return of Maria, Keimi and Pappagu; and frankly they would need a lot of space to throw a big party for them.

They would arrive at the house within an hour. Zeff was picking them up at the airport right about now. Sanji had made a big dinner, with Zoro's help believe it or not, and everybody else would arrive about half an hour from now. This welcome-back-party had been Luffy's idea from the beginning, and Sanji and the others had liked it.

Right now Zoro was in the living room playing with Joshua, who was very excited to see his mommy again. Sanji thought Mihawk was in there too, but you could never now with the older swordsman. The blonde grabbed a tray with snacks and went to the living room. Mihawk was sitting on the couch, reading a news paper while Zoro and Joshua both was sitting on the floor in front of Mihawk; playing with teddy-bears and other stuffed animals Zoro had played with when he was a kid.

The green haired marimo had been a little embarrassed when Sanji had found them in a forgotten drawer. Apparently Mihawk had showered Zoro in gifts when he first had moved in. Sanji was going to tease the marimo about it, but it could wait until another day. Sanji thought it was kind of sweet of Mihawk to buy so cute things for such an un-cute boy.

"I've brought snacks", Sanji announced and put the plate down on the coffee table.

Mihawk looked up from his paper with slightly raised eyebrows. Zoro and Joshua just grunted and kept playing. Sanji put his hands on his hips and pouted. Zoro rubbed off on Joshua way too fast.

"Leave the kids to their games", Mihawk said with a chuckle. "I don't think I've ever seen Zoro this willing to play with any of the toys I brought him."

Sanji smiled, he could imagine Zoro refusing to play with his toys and instead only practicing with his swords.

"Are you excited to see your sister again?" Mihawk asked and reached over to the table to pick a delicious Herbed Gougere Puff from the tray. "Mm, you really are an excellent cook."

"Yes I am, and thanks", Sanji answered proudly. "But it's a little scary. When Maria is coming back, Joshua will be gone and my place will be awfully quiet now when I've got used to him."

Mihawk let a discrete gaze sweep over the blonde young man. He had opened up much after the incident on the harbor the week before, especially to Mihawk. The swordsman wouldn't let anyone know, but he felt kind of pleased that Sanji thrusted him that much. Of course he could never be as trustable as Zoro, but he didn't try to be it either.

"You know, before Joshua stayed with you, you lived alone. Now when he leaves at least you'll have someone left, even though Zoro is a bad replacement for a sweet, adorable child such as Joshua."

Sanji laughed at the comment. No, Zoro was neither sweet nor adorable.

"But I'm glad I have him", Sanji said mostly to himself but Mihawk nodded in understanding.

They sat in comfortable silence, Sanji watching his nephew and lover play war of some kind while Mihawk kept reading the paper. When the older swordsman was finished and put the paper away Sanji cleared his throat and caught Mihawk's attention.

"Err, Mihawk, there's a thing I've been wondering about since the night at the harbor."

Mihawk eyed the blonde for a few seconds, making Sanji fidget under the hard gaze, before he answered: "And what is that?"

"Well", Sanji started slowly. "Why exactly did Crocodile help out. I doubt it was entirely because he actually likes Doflamingo, he's too proud to admit that."

To Sanji's surprise, Mihawk started to chuckle, looking pleased and very smug.

"You're indeed right. Crocodile would never admit he enjoys Doflamingo's company. You see, when Zoro first mentioned you having problem with Doflamingo I decided to butt in, very discretely of course..."


When Doflamingo was the only one left in the boarding room Mihawk spoke up.

"You look a little down Doflamingo, have you given up hope to ever get Crocodile?"

Doflamingo looked over at the swordsman suspiciously. Mihawk wasn't the most talkative person, and now he seemed to be very interested in Doflamingo's private life. Suspicious much?

"I will never give up on Croc-chan. Why this interest hawk-eye?"

"Oh, I've just realized a way that I can get what I want from you."

"And what do you want from me?" Doflamingo said and leaned forward, interest caught.

"If I'm not mistaken", Mihawk said with almost a non-existing smirk. "You have the paper that gives you the right to own more than 80% of the Alabasta-region."

"How could you possibly now that?" the flamboyant man asked. "Information about what we Under Grounder's have papers over and not is top-secret information."

"I have my methods", Mihawk said. "So am I mistaken?"

"No, you're not mistaken. I have them", Doflamingo said with a quirked smile, but now the flamboyant man was even more suspicious. "But why do you want them? You've never been interested in owning more ground then what's necessarily."

Mihawk shrugged his shoulders.

"Indeed, but it would give me advantage if I owned them; an advantage that's very appealing to me right now."

"You do realize I'm not just going to give them to you right?"

Now Mihawk's smirk where clear on his face. Oh how this games where fun to play.

"Of course I do. Let's set a deal. If I manage to give you at least a weekend alone with Crocodile, then you'll hand over all the papers you have over the Alabasta-region."

Doflamingo inspected the swordsman in front of him. What did the sneaky hawk-eye have in mind now?

"Sure, whatever makes you feel good", Doflamingo said and shrugged his shoulders. "But don't bother hawk-eye. Crocodile haven't given in on my advances anytime so far. Besides, I've already got a sweet little blonde on my mind. He could very much take Croc-chan's place."

The blonde man stood up from the table and walked over to the door.

"Ciao Hawk-eye, I look forward to see what you have hidden in your sleeve."

**End of Flashback**

Sanji sat quiet after Mihawk was finished with his story, blinking a few times.

"Err, I don't think I've gotten all of this", Sanji said and rubbed his head in confusion. "So the envelope you got from Doflamingo that night was the papers over the Alabasta-region?"

Mihawk nodded his answer.

"Wait, didn't you say to Crocodile that he would get those papers if he helped us out and took Sanji's place?"

The two men sitting in the couch turned their heads to look at Zoro who had spoken up. The green-haired male had stopped playing and listened at the conversation instead.


"You can't be serious", Zoro said and turned back to Mihawk.

"Oh I'm very serious. It's my secret weapon. Now let's go find Doflamingo."

"No, we're not going anywhere until I've got everything cleared", Crocodile growled and stood his ground.

Mihawk sighed at the stubbornness and Zoro just looked confused.

"Okay, let's go through this again", Mihawk finally gave in. "I've told you, I have the papers that will give you more than half ownership of the Alabasta-region. If you help us out I will give you the papers."

"Just like that?" Crocodile said skeptically. "There's something fishy about this."

"Some things are more important than power Crocodile. All I want is having my nephew's friend back, unharmed preferably."

"And how have you planned it? Where do I fit into your plan?" Crocodile kept asking, he had bought the reason at least.

"Oh you'll see. Now come on, we have to hurry."

**End of Flashback**

"You tricked them?" Sanji shouted in surprise.

"I certainly did not", Mihawk said and folded his arms in mock-defense. "In the end I helped them out and it all went well."

"But you got the papers Doflamingo and you'll give them to Crocodile, when they could just have traded with each other if they knew about who had the papers and who wanted them in the first place. Don't you think they will realize that you've tricked them when they get back?"

"Crocodile could have got the papers from Doflamingo without all this, true. But I think Doflamingo will be more pleased with this solution I came up with. Crocodile got what he wanted and more, he'll get over it."

"Oh man, I can't believe this", Sanji said exhausted and leaned back into the cough. "I just don't want anything to do with them ever again."

"Don't worry honey, I'll be there and protect you", Zoro said and sat down beside Sanji, wrapping his arms around the blonde.

"Oh great, now I feel really secure", Sanji snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Hallo guys! Anybody home!" Luffy shouted from the hall.

"In here", Sanji answered and went to pick up Joshua. "Now let's get this part starting."

"Aww, Joshua don't cry", Maria said with a worried expression. "You'll see Sanji again soon."

"It hurts to admit this, but I think Joshua will miss Zoro more than me", Sanji said with a bothered expression.

His two-year-old nephew was clinging to each of the two males leg, refusing to let go and crying to his heart's content.

"Naa, I think he is going to miss us both", Zoro said and picked the little crying package up. "But you know Josh, you can't miss us if we're still here."

Sanji rolled his eyes at the green-haired man's attempt to comfort the baby. Wasn't that line the oldest trick in the book?

"I don't wanna miss you!" Joshua wailed and grabbed a tight hold of Zoro.

Sanji did manage not to roll his eyes again when Zoro looked over at him with pleading eyes, asking for help.

"No one likes a cry-baby Joshua", Sanji said with calm but stern voice.

Zoro opened his mouth to protest at the harsh words Sanji was speaking, but decided to shut up when he saw the warning gaze he got from his boyfriend.

"Zoro and I won't disappear. Right now me and Zoro will visit you, or mommy will take you along to visit us; but when you get older you can come visit us on your own anytime you want. Now show us what a good boy you are and go home with mommy. She has missed you a lot you know."

Sanji finished his short speech with a warm smile and a loving pat on the blonde locks.

Apparently Sanji knew exactly which buttons to push when it came to his nephew, cause indeed Joshua did stop his crying and finally nodded in resignation.

Zoro let the boy down in astonishment and the kid trotted over to his mother's open arms.

"You're going to be a good mother someday Sanji", Maria said with a proud grin.

"Well, I have spend my whole life looking after you, big sister", Sanji said with a snort.

"Touché", Maria laughed and opened the front door. "Thanks for this wonderful party Sanji, I'm sorry I have to go early."

"No problem sis", Sanji answered and walked up to his family, giving them both a hug. "Taking care of Joshua must come first."

"Yeah, you do tell me that very often", Maria said and rolled her eyes. "Still, thank you for everything. You're always there for me."

"Of course, you're family."

It was quiet for a while before the two siblings started to laugh.

"Man, being serious sure is cheesy", Maria laughed and placed Joshua higher on her hip, the baby almost asleep on her shoulder.

"Yupp", Sanji said with a grin. "See you around Maria.

"Yeah, bye Zoro; thanks for helping Sanji out."

Zoro lifted a hand in farewell, and the two lovers watched the woman walk outside with her son in her arms.

"And he's gone", Sanji said with a little sad sigh and leaned back against Zoro's chest.

"Don't worry ero-cook", Zoro said and wrapped his arms around the blonde's thin waist. "I'm sure we'll see him much anyway."

"No more breakfast-cuddling in the morning", Sanji said, more to himself than to Zoro

"No more getting up earlier than necessary", Zoro mumbled, also more to himself

"No more happy laughter at your ugly mug."

"No more getting my knees sore from playing on the floor."

"No more tiny footsteps tripping over the floor",

"No more being quiet during sex... ouch, what!" Zoro asked and rubbed his chest were Sanji had hit him.

"How can you say that?" Sanji hissed, cheeks tinted with embarrassment. "Joshua is gone and all you think about is fooling around."

Now it was Zoro's turn to roll his eyes.

"Come on curly-brow, he's mother came back. It's not like he moved to the other side of the world. I think you need to relax."

"Whatever", Sanji muttered and stepped out of Zoro's arms. "Let's get back to the other's already."

Sanji walked in front of Zoro, leading them both back to where the party was in full swing. Sanji was completely unaware of the hungry stares the young swordsman gave him.

Just as Sanji was about to walk inside the living room, Zoro grabbed his waist and pushed him against the wall.

"Zoro wha-" Sanji started but Zoro shut him up with his forceful lips.

"Hey, let's get upstairs", Zoro muttered between the kisses. "We haven't had some fun in a while."

"We did it two days ago", Sanji moaned.

"You know that's not what I meant", Zoro kept going, pinning Sanji harder against the wall. "It would be nice if we could be relaxed while doing it at least once."

Yes, Sanji knew what Zoro meant by having fun. They had plenty of sex, tender and sweet. But Sanji knew what Zoro wanted. The marimo was rough and insolent by nature, and Zoro loved to have sex just that way too. Living in an apartment and having to take care of a baby meant being quiet at night. Sanji preferred the love making, because he was the only one who could see that side of Zoro. The swordsman was always so sweet to him during those times. He guessed he could put out for Zoro once in a while at least. Too bad Sanji felt embarrassed about being loud.

"So you think we can relax when most of our friends are downstairs?"

"Their partying. It's not like they're going to hear us over the load music or come looking for us. Luffy and the others know how to have a good time on their own."

The cook didn't really want to argue, how much he loved the tender sex with Zoro; rough sex was exciting and it would maybe get Zoro to stop being so horny all the time.

"Fine", Sanji whispered and nibbled his lover's ear. "Take me upstairs and fuck me, hard."

Zoro groaned with arouse and grounded their crotch together. A brief moment Sanji thought the swordsman wouldn't bother to take him to the bedroom, but after a few more kisses Zoro dragged the blonde upstairs.

Sanji wouldn't say that Zoro's room was messy. It wasn't clean, but it wasn't messy either. Sanji guessed it just looked unused since Zoro had stayed with Sanji for most of the time these two months. A few dust bunnies in the corners and on the desk. The room was modern and decorated in brown, beige and white. Sanji refused to believe Zoro had done this himself and decided it must have been Mihawk or some professional that had decorated the room.

Sanji was pulled out from his inspection of Zoro's room when a calloused hand rubbed against his semi-hard crotch. Zoro had sneaked up behind him, the other large hand that caressing his chest kept him in place. Sanji's breath hitched and the blonde relaxed, leaning into the muscled body that was behind him. Zoro succeeded to button up Sanji's shirt with only one hand, the other still rubbing against Sanji's heated hard-on. When Zoro started to rub his clothed erection against Sanji's ass and a hand found his nipple, the stimulation almost got too much for Sanji.

"Zoro please", Sanji croaked and held the hand on his erection still. "No more teasing."

Sanji felt the marimo's grin against his neck as Zoro kissed him before taking a step back. When Sanji turned around to face his lover, Zoro's tee was already gone and the bigger male was about to unbutton his jeans. Sanji followed his example and was only in his boxers, about to push them down, when Zoro was behind him again. The swordsman's hands grabbed Sanji's wrist and stopped him.

"Let me", Zoro breathed into his ear, making Sanji shiver with excitement.

Zoro slid the dark blue boxers down slowly, thumbs rubbing over newly exposed skin. Sanji's breath hitched when his cock sprang free and he lifted his arms to bury his hands in the green locks. His grip got tighter when Zoro's fingers wrapped around his arousal.

"Down on all four", Zoro growled and bit Sanji's shoulder.

If Sanji wasn't so horny he would have rolled his eyes at the dominate tone Zoro used, but the blonde had promised himself to let Zoro have this night. He would suck it up and just enjoy this hell of a ride.

Smooth like a cat, Sanji bent down over the bed and crawled over the covers. He stopped in the middle of it, turning his head back to look over at Zoro. The swordsman's usually dark green eyes was black as coal from arouse, and he didn't look away from the blonde one second. Sanji grinned and folded his arms in front of him and tilted his head down so it rested on his arms, tilting his behind even more.

"Gonna stand there the whole night?" Sanji said with a sultry, teasing voice; swaying his bum back and forth seductively.

A groan was all Sanji got before he felt Zoro's weight over his body. The green-haired male kissed his way down from Sanji's neck to his pelvis. A lubed finger prodded against the blonde's entrance and it slipped in easily, making Sanji groan. He could never get used to that feeling, but at least it didn't hurt anymore. When the third finger was added Zoro started to stroke over Sanji's prostate, making the blonde moan deliciously.

"M-more", Sanji breathed and met Zoro's thrusting fingers with rolling hips.

"Sure", Zoro whispered and positioned his hard, lubed cock against Sanji's entrance.

Zoro pushed in slow but determent. When he was fully inside Sanji he leaned forward and started to kiss the pale neck, waiting for Sanji to adjust to the size.

"Move", Sanji finally breathed out, voice calm but short.

Zoro complied relieved, feeling the wonderful pleasure rippling through his body at every new thrust he made. When his cock stroked over Sanji's prostate the blonde let out a slow, lengthy moan that made the swordsman twitch.

"I'm close", Sanji whispered and gritted his teeth.

"I know", Zoro answered, just as out of breath as Sanji was. "I'm the same."

Zoro moved his hand from Sanji's waist and circled his fingers around Sanji's dripping cock. It made a throaty moan leave Sanji and Zoro squeezed harder.

"Z-Zoro!" Sanji moaned as he came, dirtying both his lover's hand and the bedspread.

Zoro made a few more thrusts before grunting Sanji's name and coming deep inside his blonde.

They stayed in the same position for a while, catching their breaths. Finally Zoro pulled out of Sanji and they both collapsed on the bed.

Zoro rose and left the room, just to come back one minute later with a wet towel. He slowly dragged it over Sanji's skin, cleaning up the worst mess from the pale body. He then threw both the towel and his bedspread into the laundry basket. He crawled back to Sanji and pulled the blanket over them both.

"Man, I'm spent", Zoro muttered with a satisfied grin plastered on his face.

Sanji rolled his eyes and cuddled closer to his boyfriend.

"Shouldn't we go back down to the party?" Sanji asked and sat up in the bed with a sigh.

"No", Zoro whined like a child. "They can take care of themselves. Mihawk will kick them out when he's tired of them. Now get back here."

Zoro yanked the blond back against him and wrapped his arm around the slim waist, keeping him still.

"You're such a baby", Sanji teased and hit the marimo playfully. "And a bad host."

"Whatever", Zoro said with a snort and grinned. "I haven't have you cuddled up against me for a while now."

Sanji smiled and snuggled closer, using Zoro's chest as a pillow. They stayed quiet for a while, just stroking each other lazily and listened to the dull noise from downstairs. Sanji thought Zoro had fallen asleep, but the tanned male grabbed his chin and tilted his head up so their gaze met.

"You know, I've been thinking", Zoro started, and Sanji had to muster all his willpower not to blurt out some stupid comment that would ruin the intimate moment. "I've been practically living at your place these two months when you took care of Joshua. Now when the kid is gone you're going to feel really alone, so... I'm going to move in."

Sanji arched an eyebrow at the marimo. Did Zoro look a little nervous? It couldn't be that the marimo thought Sanji would refuse to let him move in?

"I thought you had already moved in", Sanji said and grinned. "Don't tell me you've been quiet for fifteen minutes just so you could get enough confidence to ask something that's already quite obvious?"

The nervous look in Zoro's face disappeared and he frowned instead.

"You always think I'm some uncivilized brute. So I thought I would ask before I act , for once", Zoro muttered and turned in the bed, showing his back to Sanji.

The blonde was quite surprised with the sudden mood swing, and he understood with a pang of guilt that Zoro had just tried to be nice and polite. Sanji snuggled up so he spooned Zoro and buried his chin in the junction between Zoro's neck and shoulder.

"Oi, I'm sorry. I appreciate you asked, I really do."

No reaction.

"Come on Zoro, I was just teasing. I would love it if you moved in with me."

After a few moment Zoro responded by rolling around, their eyes meeting.

"I like you Sanji, I realized that night at the harbor that I wouldn't let something happen to you. I couldn't let something happen to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

There was more quiet moments and Zoro started to turn nervous again.

"Okay, okay; I know it was cheesy but-"

"Maybe, but it was romantic", Sanji interrupted in a whisper, leaning in to kiss Zoro lovingly. "I really like you too."

"Not love then?" Zoro asked playfully, but still a tiny bit of hope in his voice.

"Not yet, but give me another two months", Sanji said with a fond smile.

"Man Sanji, you're such a tease."


So... how did you like my little twist in the end? You can't write ZoSan without any arguing, no matter who sweet they are to each other, you just can't.

I'm also happy to announce that I will write a one-shot sequel with Doflamingo and Crocodile, since it's been asked for and I just adore that pairing! Okay, so I adore almost every yaoi-pairing... I'm proud of it!

I've already got a few ideas for my next story, so until next story my darlings! /Love Milow