heya :D
Thank you for the reviews! love them all and all of you so much, it's awesome lol :)
This chapter is written a little differently than the others, i tried to cut out a lot of the detail so i could get to the next part of the story.
It was really hard, because i could easily have written at least three chapters from this, but like i said i needed to get to the next part of the story
this chapter carrys on straight from the last
We did something incredibly reckless, stupid and for some reason a little hot, we had sex on my father's bed. We stumbled upstairs lips never leaving each others and hands becoming increasingly needy and urgent. We made our way along the hallway; the entire time switching which one of us was pinning the other to the wall. So this reckless, stupid thing? Well, because all the kissing and groping and quick frankly dry humping felt so damn good, I temporally lost my bearings and we stumbled into what I thought was my room. We were both so distracted I only noticed when we collapsed onto the bed that it was not mine. I looked around the room confused, through my lust filled eyes; my concentration was not helped by Dean's lips tongue and teeth attacking my neck.
"Damn it." I muttered, making Dean faltered slightly, that was not the curse words he was expecting to fall from my lips. He stopped kissing my neck but did not create distance. Being so close his breathe skating over my over sensitive neck making me shiver and lose track of what was so fucking important I stopped my boyfriend doing such wonderful things with his mouth.
"What is it baby?" he breathed out onto my neck before nipping at the reddened skin making my hips buck up.
"We have to leave." I knew I was speaking barley half heartedly, I knew we should leave but fuck, Dean's hands felt so good.
"What?! Why?"
"This is my dad's rooms."
"You've met my dad right?" I tried to joke but I didn't get every far when his fingers dipped under my waist band, he was really teasing me. It felt so good, especially when he started to insert him teeth into the equation again. "God. Why do you have to be so fucking sexy?"
"Fuck, I really want to fuck you. I like the thought of doing it here. It's kind of like a middle finger to your dad." I chocked out a laugh at that.
"Well if you say it like that." I smirked this time making Dean laugh, though all humour dispersed within a few seconds when he began thrusting his hips down to rub us together. All thoughts of our location melted as we lost ourselves to the sensations we were giving each other.
The sex was awesome; the feeling of Dean inside me was the best feeling in the world. Thankfully we finished in time for me to see to dinner. All I wanted was to curl up with my boyfriend and be encased in his warmth, alas we knew it wasn't to be. My dad would be back soon and Dean could not be here when he can home. So we said a rather emotional goodbye, and he left. I physically hurt to watch him leave but I knew it would be okay and I would be him again soon.
I will be eternally grateful that the rest of the day went by without incidence. When dad got back he didn't suspect anything and dinner was finish on time and not burnt. I was getting good at this, I think Dean's right and I will make a good wife. That thought put a smile on my face. Unfortunately it was during dinner and I got a few strange looks from dad, it was the one time I liked our lack of communication because he didn't question it, he merely grunted and tucked back into his turkey.
Unfortunately I managed to get the fucking flu on Boxing Day, the flu! Not even man flu, the full blown heads about to explode; it hurts to move kind of flu. All I wanted was for Dean to come and take care of me. This of course he didn't do because dad was going over some papers in the living room.
Dean shared this view, we texted non-stop, despite it hurting my fingers I was not prepared to stop, and he called in the evenings. I think if it is possible it made me love him even more, he was so incredibly sweet. He wanted to come over and look after me, though I vetoed that idea, I was not willing to risk it with my dad downstairs.
Not that Dean listened of course. He had somehow managed to shimmy himself up to my window and climb inside, all without waking me up. When I did wake from my mid after noon nap, I was surprised to feel strong warm arms around me and my face full on teenage abs and worn out t-shirt, I smiled instantly, I knew that scent. My Dean was here. Some how I snuggled up to him in my sleep, like my unconscious was reaching out to him, seeking him out. He was slowly running his finger tips across my heated skin, it felt incredibly soothing. Our eyes meet and smiles were shared, but neither of us spoke. We didn't have to.
Of course it would be now that my dad decided to care all of a sudden, his knocking, nearly gave Dean and I a heart attack. Within a matter of seconds Dean had made a mad rush to the closet and dad came in. it was like something from a freaking film, only it wasn't it was my fucking life; I was to ill for this shit.
Dad came in and asked how I was, he gave me some soup and left.
Dean emerged from my closet with a stupidly sexy smirk. After that close call I told him in the politest way possible to get out. That was just too close. We shared a tentative chaste kiss, not wanting to get him sick too and he left.
I was feeling better after that, and was almost back to normal in time for New Years Eve. I went to Becki's for her New Years party, everyone was there and it was great to see everyone again. I spent almost the entire time on Dean's lap, only Sam mentioned something about it being sickening, though as Dean's brother I guess he was allowed, everyone else well mainly the girls thought it was sweet and told us this many, many times.
The music was blaring and the drinks were flowing and I was happily drunk and shamelessly straddling Dean's lap as we all sat on the floor in a circle. We were playing some new drinking game Jo taught us but to be honest we were all too drunk to understand how to play properly, it was fun nonetheless.
Me and Dean shared a kiss at midnight, it was different from the heated passionate drunk kisses we had already shared that night. This one was soft and gentle and was so much more than a kiss. It was a promise. A silent promise of love and devotion, I had never felt a kiss like that. We started the year together, we started the year in love and that kiss seemed to say well end it together and start a new one. At that moment I was certain nothing could stop us, nothing could break us.
Of course I was drunkenly optimistic of just how strong I was. But at that moment neither of us could think of anything but how much we love the other.
So what you think? sorry to leave on such an ominous note .
anyway, please review and make my day! :D