Heya! so yeah. new story, I haven't forgotten about the others but this one seemed to just flow out of me, okay i hoped that wouldnt sound as weird as it did, but anyway i think you understand :P

This is what happens when i stare at a new blank word document page and then just type and type lol

its a high school AU and written in first person

My so called 'treatment' began two months ago, though in my eyes there was no part of me that needing treating. Despite this I went along with it for my dads sake, even though I didn't hold much hope at all for success, doubted it was even possible. Though my father had hope enough for both of us, well not so much hope more a desperate last resort to make me right, to fix me.

Two months of; one to one psychoanalysis, group theory, a structured gruelling routine and some less fun electroshock theory, and all I could ask myself was; did I disgust father that much? Did I really deserve all this?

Am I evil? No, well at least I don't think so. Am I a pervert? No, though once again that seems to be a matter of opinion. Am I an adult? Can I vote, legally drink? No, I'm seventeen, I'm a school boy, a Christian and I'm gay, I know tell me about.

I never asked to be this way, I never choose to be gay, believe me if I could be straight I probably would, of course that's impossible. But it I could I would, just to make the hate disappear from my fathers eyes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed to like cock, because I do, I love it. Hey I'm seventeen hormones are raging, and with that in mind let me tell you the best part of my life. Twice a week I'm put in a room with this thing attached to my dick with pictures of naked guys in front of me, of course it so happens that if I start to get a boner I get a shock, through my dick. It hurts like a bitch. Though it's given me a hell of a lot self control and a high pain tolerance but I am still as gay as when I entered the establishment. Not that my father knows this.

As far my father and the staff are concerned the programme has 're-established my lack of masculinity'- which I think is complete crap I was plenty man enough before the programme, ask the pool boy. Not that my father will or can ever hear about that, 'replaced preferences in my inefficient and underdeveloped mind to desire a female mate', bullshit. Oh and my favourite they have 'eradiated my sex drive'- on account on my self control, and a tip I learnt from a comrade; if you wank non stop the night before and just before you go into that room, your cock is so tired and spent that it would find it difficult to stand to attention if a naked, chocolate covered Russell Brand came into the room, I know okay I have a thing for unattainable, straight, rebellious men, sue me. In hindsight that, might have explained a few things later on, but right now, I'm about to be released into my fathers care.

Unfortunately on arrival at that institution they did a horrifying strip search so my dad consequently found out about my tattoos. Something I think he has yet to forgive me for. I started to smoke in that place for the stress; there was also something vaguely satisfying about sucking on something long and round, felt like I was getting a one up on the system and now I'm addicted. Not that my dad will ever know of course. Just one more lye to live with.

This is where we begin, me and my dad in his car with all our possessions either in the back seat or the removal van following us to our new home The drive was full of awkward silence, I swear it's been years since we had an honest to god convocation.

We are moving to some small one horse town in Kansas, I wish we could have stayed in L.A. but my dad is convinced that is another reason for my previous 'condition'. He believed this so much he took my mobile and smashed it making it impossible for me to see or talk to my friends, friends that I had had for years since I was in kinder garden.

If I didn't pity my dad so much I would have been angry at him, he seemed so scared of what I was, who I was shaping up to be. He doesn't seem to understand that it's in my blood set in my DNA nothing can change that, of course he doesn't that would just make my life just too easy. Can't have that.

So we're moving to a new town, to a new state that no one knows that I was 'once' gay; I just love how proud my dad is of me.

So this is me, I'm seventeen, about to start a new high school, my dad is a religious freak and as far as the world is concerned I'm straight.

My name is Castiel and welcome to my life.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter :D it will be updated tomorrow :')

please review and tell me what you think xxx