Jurassic Park: The Marines have landed



This is my first story and I'll be honest I'm not the best writer so don't go too hard on me.

I published this story two years ago and now I'm giving it a second shot. I first got the idea for this story when I read Jurassic park:Ranger of Isla Sorna. There will be a few similarities between this story and that one. I liked the idea of the survivor fighting back and I also wanted to write a survival story. There will end up being a raptor/human relationship later on in the story although I'm not sure how far I want to take it. Also expect vulgarity

I published this story two years ago and now I'm giving it a second shot. I've changed bits and parts of the story. So if you've read the story before you might want to read it again. Chapter 5 is almost done I've also gone back through it all and made the story legible, So far I've only got the first 2 chapters re-written and Chapter 3 is almost finished. And since my laptop doesn't delete stuff when I save anymore! \(^-^)/ I can actually fix stuff! Which kicks ass. So if you just started to read the story ignore this bit because it doesn't matter for you.

I tried pretty hard to get a good description of Both John and Jason's uniforms but if you are still having trouble visualizing it, just look at my profile picture.

Anyways enjoy.



My name is John Black. I'm a Private First Class in the U.S Marine Corps. I am a combat veteran, I served three tours in Afghanistan. I am 6'1 23 years old and have buzzed black hair, I am relatively muscular and I have a big build. I was dressed in my U.S.M.C combat utility uniform, with the bulletproof kevlar vest,knee pads, elbow pads, fingerless gloves with reinforced knuckles and my helmet. I was equipped with an M16A4 assault rifle with a holographic sight attachment, a M1911A1 pistol and a U.S.M.C KA-BAR combat utility knife.

I was riding in a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter. There were six other Marines there. Next to me was my best friend and practically brother Private First Class Jason Ramirez who was sitting on the door gun.

He was 5'11 small frame, black hair a little longer than mine. He was dressed like me and was also equipped like me as well. Jason and me had been raised together, trained together and we even fought together. We had both grown up in the same neighborhood, Gone to the same high school. We've known each other our whole lives.

Long story short he always had my back and I always had his.

We were heading to a S.O.S call and our troop ship was nearby. My unit was ordered to investigate.

I was looking out the window watching the twenty foot waves as the wind and rain battered the helicopter. Chit chat was low and ride seemed to be dragging on.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I then heard Jason ask "Want some gum?" I looked at him "No thanks bud." A flash of lightning caught my eye as the helicopter shook violently. A horrible screeching that sounded like metal scraping against metal pierced my ears. Then all hell broke loose as the helicopter started spinning out of control.

Everything blurred together. I heard the emergency beeping coming from the cockpit and the pilot yelling "MAYDAY,MAYDAY!" I heard the other Marines screaming and yelling. I couldn't understand what they were saying. My heart was racing. I was terrified, and the only thought going through my mind was "I'm going to die!"

My life started flashing before my eyes.,I saw a blur of motion then blackness as the helicopter hit the ground.

End Prologue.

When I awoke the first thing I was aware of was an annoying constant beeping noise and my head and neck were killing me. When I opened my eyes I could hardly see. When it cleared and I could see again, I looked around at all the carnage, the ordeal from last night coming back to me now. The helicopter was in wreckage and bodies were strewn all over the area."Holy shit." I grunted in shock at all the blood everywhere as I used my knife to cut my self out of the safety straps that were holding me to the seat.

I soon as I stood up I fell back to the floor smashing my head."Ow..fuck" I muttered and rubbed my forehead, feeling something warm and wet,I looked at my gloved hand as it was covered in blood."Great" I shakily got to my feet and looked to where Jason was supposed to be sitting but he wasn't there. I looked through the dead bodies trying to find him and any survivors. Sadly I found neither.

I looked back at his seat and noticed that his safety straps had been cut by a knife.

That gave me hope that he may have survived the crash.

I grabbed the other dead Marines dogtags and set them in my pack. I Looked around and found my rifle. Then I preceded to make sure it was still in working condition. I checked my pistol as well. I Scavenged some of the other Marines ammo.

I had 10 thirty round mags for my M16 and 13 eight round mags for my M1911. "Rest in peace brothers." I said solemnly and climbed out of the helicopter. I examined my surroundingsā€¦..Jungle every where, the helicopter must've crashed into the only clearing. "Atleast it's not raining anymore." I muttered

I had walked about 20 ft when I heard a scream followed by thunderous roar and some gun shots. "That sounded like Jason!" I thought as I sprinted into the thick jungle. I was about 50 yards into the jungle when I stopped. Looking around I didn't see anything "Jason!" I yelled. Not getting a reply I moved further in. Then I heard Jason scream out in pain. "Jason!" I sprinted towards the sound maneuvering through the trees along the way.

I heard a groan to my left, I hauled ass over that way.

Then I saw him. He was leaned against a tree and was holding his right ankle. I climbed over a log and jogged to his side "Jason you okay?"

I as crouched beside him looking at his leg "John, your alive?" he said weakly.

"Yea so it seems, Apparently it takes more than a helicopter crash to kill me. Now what happened?" I asked concerned

"I was running,and I jumped off that log over there and landed wrong."He grunted out "I think I sprained my ankle." He coughed and grabbed my shoulder "John you gotta get out of here!"

"Why!? What where you running from?" And thats when I heard the same thunderous roar as before behind me. I looked behind me into a small clearing about 100 yards away to see the meanest and scariest thing I have ever seen. It stood about 20 ft tall and was about 60ft long and had crocidilian snout with a sail on its back.

"Jason! What in the fuck is that!"

"I don't fucking know!" It roared again. "Go John! Go just run!".

Every inch of my body wanted to just run and save myself, but I wasn't going to leave him behind. "No. I'm not leaving you behind." I said grunting as I lifted him on my shoulders. The monster started running after us."Oh shit fuck!" I spat as I hauled ass. I got about 30 yards and glanced back, It was gaining and fast I gave my rifle to Jason so that he could start shooting it.
The fully automactic weapon roared as he started shooting at the it.

I looked back and saw to my absolute horror that it had no effect, it didn't even phase it, It seemed to only piss off. My eyes widened in fear "What the hell is this thing!?" I yelled terrified.

"I don't fucking know"Jason yelled. I ran into a thicker part of the jungle hoping to slow it down. The monster just smashed through the trees and through me off balance. I slipped and fell down a small hill and dropped Jason and my pack. "OOOW! Damn it hurts! " Jason yelled in pain. I looked back at the monster it was almost on top of us. The ground was shaking with every footfall. "Shitshitshitshit!"

Leaving behind my pack I scrambled over to Jason lifted him on my back and ran towards a small cave in the bottom of a cliff just big enough for both of us. I ran with all I had to that cave. I ducked in and pressed as far back as I could. The monster tried to stick its head in but to no avail and start clawing the cave entrance. With no luck it roared in frustration and stomped off.

I let out a sigh of relief and set Jason down. "Holy Shit was that scary." I said still shaking from the adrenaline."When you shot it with didn't even fucking phase it.I wasn't expecting to kill it but it didn't even flinch."I said in between breaths."We are definitely staying away from that thing."

"I thought we were finished when you fell. Arrghrgrh! We need to do something with my damn ankle" Jason grunted holding onto his ankle.

"Crap all my medical stuff is in my bag" " Take your boot off, I'll be right back." I crept out of the cave and broke some branches off a nearby tree to cover the entrance and grabbed my bag.

When I got back I put some more branches and leaves over the entrance. I sat down and started to look through my bag I moved some stuff around. I grabbed the medical tape and a flashlight."Here shine this on your ankle." I said handing him the flashlight. I gingerly grabbed Jasons leg trying not to irritate his ankle "Ow! Ow! Ow! OW!" Jason yelped "Sorry" I said as I wrapped the tape around his leg. "There."

"It better heal right or I'm going to kick your ass" He said. I chuckled "It will be fine don't worry."

I went back to my pack and took my helmet off.

"Man what the hell was that thing?" Jason asked

"I have no idea bud. It looked like some kind of dinosaur but not one I've ever heard of." I said spinning my helmet around

"Wait you don't think we crash-landed on that island that they cloned dinosaurs on do you?" Jason asked worriedly

I thought about it for a second. "It would make sense considering the fact we were just chased here by a dinosaur."

"Oh..right" He said Gingerly putting his boot back on incase we had to run.

"Alright man we should get some sleep." I said glancing through the cave opening noticing it was dusk.

"We got a lot of shit to do tomorrow.

The next morning woke up I checked the ammo for my M16, I had 7 full magazines left and one half empty. I took my hat out of my pack and walked over to Jason tapping him with my foot "What?" he asked groggily as he sat up being careful not to irritate his ankle.

"I'm goin to look around the you have a pistol?"I asked

"Yeah that and my knife." He said rubbing his eyes

"Good I should be back in a few hours. I'll find some food too." I then walked,out of the cave. I looked around the area outside of the cave. There was was a shallow stream to the right,to the left there was a small clearing leading to the deeper part of the jungle and directly in front of that was the small hill that I had fallen down the night before. "Alright, at least we have a water supply."

I decided to scope out the surrounding area, I filled my canteen with water from the stream and went back left through the clearing. I had only walked a little ways when I heard something moving in the bushes to my right.

I crouched and raised my rifle aimed at the bush I tensed up put my finger on the trigger and waited. The bushes shook a little more then a small lizard walked out. It was a Compsognathus. I remembered them from the dinosaur books I used to read.

lowering my rifle I looked at it. "You look like a harmless little guy." I stuck my hand out to it. A stupid idea as I came to find out it sniffed my hand,It chirped,then it bit my hand. "OW! you little bastard!"
BANG! "Bite that." as I shot it .

A bunch of little chirps erupted from the bush. I Backed away and raised my rifleā€¦.. one came out, then a second and then like fifty of them came out and leaped towards me. I immediately opened fire.

BANG,BANG,BANG,BANG, I took four of them swarmed me "Ahh! What the hell" I said as I kicked one sending it flying.

They scattered and I took my chance and ran. I looked behind me and saw them chasing me. I turned around and ran backwards while shooting them. BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANG! The fully auto weapon roared at them. Then CLICK! "Fuck!" I needed to reload but didn't have the time to stop.I ran to the top of a small hill. Looking down I saw a jeep that had crashed into a tree about 90 yards away. I sprinted for it.

I was about fifty yards away when I tripped "Oof!Crap!"
I scrambled back my feet and almost fell again,I got to the Jeep finally.I tried opening the door,it wouldn't open "Oh fuck me!" I turned around and noticed that the compys had stopped chasing me.

"Oh." I breathed out breathlessly. Turning back to the jeep, I tried to open the door again it didn't budge. It was jammed shut.
I climbed over the side into the back. Rooting around I found a first aid kit. Inside it there were some alchahol patches,medical tape, bandaids and strangely duck-tape.

I took all of them.I then rooted through the glove compartment and saw a was a manual for all of the dinosuars on this Island which was called Isla Sorna "Atleast I'll know what we are up against." as I looked through the booklet.

I kept reading for a while till I heard a roar in the distance.
I put the book in my bag then reloaded my M16. I jumped out of the Jeep which was way beyond repair and had literally only taken 5 steps when I heard a hissing behind me.

Instinctively I crouched down with my rifle raised looking around. A twig snapped to my right. I whipped around just in time to duck as something white flashed over me.

Whipping around my jaw dropped at what stood before me. There in front of me was a full grown female Velociraptor. Before I could react she pounced again "Shit!" I grunted out as she knocked me to the ground. My rifle flew out of my hands and landed out of reach.

She stood over me with her right foot on my chest her killing claw raised as if to strike.

I wasn't positive if the killing claw could penetrate the bulletproof vest or not, But I wasn't willing to risk it. I reached for my pistol but She growled and I froze.

I watched as he slowly lowered her head and bit down on my pistol and pulled it out of the holster and threw it out of reach."What the..." I started to say but she growled again silencing me.

I was scared stiff now as she started to smell me sniffing my face then my neck ,I gulped slighty all I could think about was dozens of those razor sharp teeth only centimeters from my neck and head. She cocked her head at the sound I made. She then took her foot off my chest but was still sniffing me.
She looked up for a second and sniffed at the breeze. Then she sniffed my head and knocking my hat off.

I noticed a scar under her left eye. We made eye contact for about 3 seconds then she got off me and backed up. She just kept staring at me. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce into my soul. She was just as tall as me maybe an inch or to taller. I gulped a little and slowly got up looking at her reaction. Seeing as she did nothing I stood up. She was still standing there looking at me as if in deep thought

"Creepy."I whispered under my breath.

She snorted then she started moving towards me. I stood there terrified as She walked around me and headed towards the jungle.

I watched her as she left when she reached the tree line she looked back at me then ran off.

I let out a huge sigh of relief and took a deep breath. I leaned against the jeep and slowly slid down to the ground and sat there for a couple minutes replaying what just happened in my head.

"Well that was fucked." Grunting as I got up I grabbed my pack, the M16 and my pistol. On the way back to the cave I grabbed two Compys that I had shot and kept going.

When I got to the cave I noticed the makeshift door that I had created was torn apart. My heart started racing. I placed the compys on the ground and crouched down. I moved in an arch toward the entrance of the cave Hiding behind bushes.

I aimed at the entrance and chucked a rock at it. Seeing nothing happen I slowly approached the cave.
I looked around the perimeter and listened. The birds where chirping and the insects where buzzing or whatever they do I heard a few dinosaurs roar in the distance. It seemed normal I kept moving towards the entrance gun raised.

"Jason? Is every alright?" I asked

"What?"I heard his reply

"I said is everything alright"I asked again

"Yea. My leg hurts a little."He said

I sighed in relief and picked up the compys then entered the cave. "What the hell happened to the door?" I asked

"I had to get out."He said looking up at me

"And you didn't think to fix the branches and shit so the entrance was covered" I asked as I fixed the makeshift door.

"Do you have anything to start a fire becuase I don't" I asked Jason

"No bro I don't. I knew I should have brought my lighter on that training thing." He muttered

"We have to eat these things raw then." I said as I tossed one over to Jason. I cut a little slice out of the compy and ate it."Wow, this tastes like really slimy chicken." I said rubbing the blood on my pant leg. Jason raised an eyebrow and cut a piece off as well "Whoa your right, it does taste like slimy chicken. Thats fucked up."

I laid down near my bag. Remembering the booklet I reached into my bag and handed it to Jason

"Read that. It has every dinosuar on Isla Sorna and all the facts about them."

"Isla Sorna? Great. Awesome." He said sarcastically looking through the book.
"Thats wonderful." He muttered " Yup isn't great!" I said sarcastically.


Over the weeks Jason's ankle had almost healed and he was able to somewhat run for short periods of time. I also I kept seeing that raptor over and over mostly when I was hunting. The most recent time this happened was when I was tracking an injured young triceratops. I tracked it to a clearing. It was feeding and I shot it in the back of the head (dumb idea) several times.

It turned and roared and charged at me, I had tripped, trying to get back up I heard the animal roar in pain and I looked back. The raptor was ripping in to its back taking it down. The creature slid to my feet dead and when I looked up she was gone.

It was weird as hell but helpful. The Spinosuarus on the other hand had been a royal pain in the ass. The damn thing chased me and Jason out of the cave.Forcing me and him to find a new place to take shelter. We had left in such a hurry that some of our things got behind in the cave such as our bullet proof vest's, helmets and Jason's combat pack.

I was mid after noon and Jason and I had just entered a small field. I heard alot of snapping and crashing in the trees "Jason get down!" I whispered as I went prone waiting for the source of the noise to show itself.

I saw the dorsal fins first as an adult stegosaurus came hobbling out of the jungle about twenty yards ahead of me. I soon saw why it was hobbling, it had a nasty gash on it's left rear leg. I had just focused the holographic sight on it when I saw a raptor pounce on it. Wait! Thats the female raptor I had been seeing over and over again.

She was rather sluggish and ungraceful sinking her killing claws into the stego.

The stego though wounded managed to knock the female raptor off its back. She tried to get up and out of the way but wasn't quick enough as the stego hit her with its tail spikes just barely grazing her left leg, sending her flying. She hit the ground and skidded to a stop. "Why is there only one raptor, where's the pack?" I said under my breath watching as she tried to stand up but failed.

Noticing the stegosaurus turing back around, going for the killing blow on the raptor, I fired in three-round burst into the stegos head, and right front knees. Trying to force the stegosaurus to collapse. My plan worked as the stegosaurus bellowed in pain, its right knee buckling. I watched as it collapsed and fell to the ground laying on it's left side.

I sat there for a moment waiting. Checking to see if the stego was dead. I watched it's chest rise and fall

I jumped up "Oohra motherfucker!"I cheered as I jogged up to the stegosaurus which it quickly became apparent to me that it was down but not out as it swung it's tail at me. I dove under it just in time. I felt the whoosh of air as the tail swung over my head. I rolled out of the way just as the stego slammed it's spiked tail down where I had just been milliseconds before, Impaling the ground with those huge spikes.

Taking my chance I jumped to my feet and rushed to the stego's head. The stego was frantic as this point, as it desperately tried to get up. I rushed over and as it swung it's head around wildly, I managed to stab it in the base of the jaw. The frantic movement of it's head worsened the damage as it yanked it's head sideways ripping the blade sideways effectively slicing it's throat wide open.

The stego went limp, the weight its head ripping the blade out of my hands. Its head made a loud thump on the ground. Blood pored out of the wound and onto the grass staining it red. "Holy fuck john!" I heard Jason exclaim behind me as I bent down. The blade making a sickening crunch as I yanked it out of the stegos head. "Yea I know. That was pretty gruesome." I said wiping the blood off on my pant legs.

I attention turned to the raptor who was still lying on the ground trying to stand up. "Should I kill her or help her?" I thought to myself. I took a step towards her and she growled warningly. I froze and stepped back "She must think I'm a threat." Then I got an idea "Jason come here."

"What?" he asked as he moved next to me. Noticing the raptor he drew his pistol, I waved him down "Just cover me." I said walking over to the dead stego.
I cut a slab of meat the size of my arm out of it's thigh. I then approached the raptor again. This time she growled louder and more menacingly.

I froze, crouched down and tossed the slab of meat in front of her. She glanced down at the slab of meat, as if thinking about eating it or not. Never taking her eyes off me she slowly took the slab of meat.I smiled and cut some more meat out for her."Hey! What the hell are you doing man!?." Jason asked agitated I looked at him then to the raptor.

"She needs it more than us right now. She's the raptor I've been telling you about. You know the one that attacked me at the jeep. She could have killed me but she spared me, I'm just returning the favor."

"She!? Do you know how fucking stupid you sound right now. A stupid goddamned dinosaur needs food more than us. You don't even know if that is the same raptor." Jason argued

"Yes actually I do know it's her. Because of that scar under her right eye." I said getting agitated.

"Yeah whatever. Do what ever the fuck you want."He said walking off. I just rolled my eyes at him. It had been two weeks we've been stuck on this island and already our tempers were wearing thin.

Now turning my attention back to the raptor. I walked slowly to her she growled but not as loudly before. I gently tossed the pieces of meat to her which she gladly accepted them.

"The booklet said that these raptors have been genetically fucked with to be almost or as smart as humans. Sounds like a dumb idea to me."I said

"Wow,cool, interesting." I heard Jason say as he cut into the stego.

Ignoring him I checked the wound. Not only did she have a nasty gash on her leg but it was also popped out of its socket. "Oh this is gonna be fun to fix" I thought sarcastically.

(A.N: I don't know anything about medical Veterinarian stuff so just bear with me)

"Ok your leg is bleeding and your leg is popped out of joint."I said to the raptor in a shaky voice hoping she would understand me.

"Oh great now your talking to dinosuars. We haven't been here a month and you've already gone crazy."I heard Jason say.

"Shut up! I'm trying to focus." I yelled

"I can fix it but it's going to hurt a little." She glanced at me and snorted. Taking that as an okay I touched her wound gently. She flinched when I touched her leg.

I took my camo overshirt off for more flexibility.

I opened my pack and grabbed the medical tape. I wrapped the medical tape around her leg four times then I cut it with my knife and the end of it taped on to the fabric. I prepared to pop her leg back into place. "This will hurt." I warned her.

I counted to three then I popped it back into place. She snarled in pain. I wiped the sweat off my brow and put the medical tape back. I put my overshirt back on and stood up and stepped back. I watched her try to get up and fall back down over and over again.

Feeling bad I started to walk up beside her. She growled stopping me in my tracks. "I wasn't going hurt you. I was simply going to help you up." I said backing away.

She snorted still trying to stand up by herself.

"What are you, some kind of dinosaur whisperer or something?" Jason asked biting into some stego meat. I watched as blood darted trickling down his chin. It looked creepy as fuck really.

"I don't know, but she seems to understand me fine."I said looking at her.

Then she started barking. "What the hell?"

"What the hells it doing John!?" Jason asked frightened as he drew his pistol. "I don't have have a clue!" I yelled, the hair on the back of my neck raising. At that moment I chirped and barks coming from the jungle. Then it dawned on me "She's calling for help!" I yelled terrified "Get your gun out, We wouldn't stand a chance if we tried to run." I yelled to Jason

I turned around unbuttoned my holster for my pistol checked my ammo for my M16A4 and backed up against a tree. I heard the calls of the other pack members responding to her call for help.

I glanced over at the raptor that I had helped, she was still trying to get up on her feet.
I heard a snap in the bushes in front of me.

I aimed my rifle over there "Come on you fucks." I Muttered through gritted teeth. A twig snapped to my left, I whipped around gun raised finger on the trigger. I heard another twig snap behind me, before I could even react I was smashed against the ground. The wind knocked out of me I gasped of air as I felt razor sharp teeth on the back of my neck. The warmth of the raptors breath sending chills down my spine.

"This is it" thinking for certain I was about to die. Though for some odd reason the raptor wasn't pressing down hard enough to draw blood. I heard a gunshot and Jason yell out in pain as he was forced to the ground by a raptor.

"Jason!" I yelled and tried to move but the raptor bit down harder stopping me. I heard some angry hissing and chirping coming from one of the raptors, suddenly the weight on my back and the teeth on my neck were gone. Both me and Jason who was right next to me gasped in amazement. The female I helped was standing between us and the rest of the pack chirping and and hissing angrily at them.

I got a good look at the pack, there were about 12 all together. 7 males and 5 females. I watched in amazement as they all backed down from her.

"She must be the alpha" I thought as Jason crept up next to me. She stopped reaming them out and watched as her pack basically sulked away and started eating the Stegosaurus and then soon joined in. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves.

I fingers gripped my rifle anxiously as I watched the pack eat. "John, what the hell's going on?" Jason whispered clutching his pistol. "I have no idea. But for now stay put and keep your gun ready." I said looking down at my M16. Twenty tension filled minutes later the pack had finished eating and looked at the alpha.

She chirped and they started waking towards the jungle. The alpha then looked over to me and Jason and chirped again. Bewildered I looked at Jason "I think she wants us to follow them." I said slowly standing up. "This is so fucked up." Jason muttered as I helped him up.

We followed the female and the rest of the pack through the jungle for maybe an hour or so. The sun had set, darkness falling on the jungle. They had taken us to their nest which surprised me. "Why would they take us here?" I thought looking around. The whole nest was surrounded by trees except for one side. The only easy way to enter the nest was to walk in between two massive trees. On the right side about sixty yards down a small banking was a stream. In the main area of the nest there where about 7 empty nest. There were also two other raptors in the nest already. One male and another female. I watched as they chirped a greeting at the pack as it retuned.

However when they noticed us they growled. A quick chirp from the alpha silenced them.

Jason and I watched as the females lied down in their own nest and the males lied down together a few feet away. This puzzled us. "Alright lets go over here." I said pointing to a hollowed out log at the base of tree at the far side of the nest away from the raptors. Setting my rifle down against the log, I took off my backpack and sat down leaning against the log. Jason did the same. "So what do we do now?" Jason asked with his arms on his knees. I sighed and replied " We'll just sit here for now and tomorrow we'll figure something out." I said unbuttoning my pistol holster and my knife sheath. There was no way I was letting my guard down.

I tried to think of reasons why the raptors brought us here. The only seemingly legit reason was that somehow we had become a part of the pack. But the very idea was to me completely ludicrous.

I sighed as I decided not worry about it until tomorrow. Checking the ammo for my M16, I came to find I was running dangerously low on ammo. I only had one full magazine and a quarter of a magazine left "Awesome." I muttered quietly and lied down.

Leaves crunching drew my attention as the alpha came over and laid down only a few feet from us. She laid down curled up like a cat in way so that she could see us. Her blue eyes met mine with a gentle ferocity. It was then I decided to name her Angel.

In a way she was like my guardian angel, she had helped me hunt and had saved my life three times. It was pretty crazy how I owed my life 3 times over to a dinosaur.

"Why?" I asked under my breath. To which she only looked at me and closed her eyes. "Huh?" Jason asked throwing me out of my stupor. "Nothing I didn't say anything." I said stretching. We both sat there easing slowly into sleep.

So there's a revised chapter one I hoped you liked it. Please review tell me what you think.