"That's a tall order…" the King said to Layla, looking slightly uncomfortable. "And not one I think I can fill."
The Courier felt her face fall. She'd come at Ambassador Crocker's request to try and end the attacks on NCR citizens in Freeside. Layla knew it wasn't an easy request she was making of the gang leader, but she really hadn't expected him to flat out refuse her. She glanced behind her and found Raul and Boone were both giving her neutral looks.
Turning back to the King, it seemed like he'd picked up on her distress, but didn't offer any further explanation.
"Well," Layla said, starting to hate the awkward silence that had stretched between them, "I guess I'll be on my way then."
The King nodded, looking troubled as well. Her companions joined her side as they left the stage room. Continuing for the main entrance, she found Boone was looking at her curiously.
"Doesn't he owe you a favor?" he murmured.
"Yeah, but I don't know about asking for this…" Layla chewed her lip. This was supposed to be the first step in talks about the NCR takeover. If the King wasn't on board, it could cause trouble. "Maybe Crocker's got an idea. I'd like to see the Kings get something out of this. Freeside could use any help they can get."
"I don't know how much the NCR is going to want to help, since the first time the tried the Kings nearly beat their guy to death," Raul said casually.
Layla frowned as they headed for the exit. Just as they reached the door, she heard barking. Rex nearly barreled into her, yapping happily.
"Hey buddy." Layla knelt down and vigorously rubbed the parts of the cyber dog's neck that were still flesh and fur as he happily licked her face. She stood, wiping the slobber off.
"There's got to be a solution to this," she said as Boone scratched Rex behind his ear. "Right, boy?" she said to the dog. Rex barked what she could only assume was an affirmative.
"I was ordered to refer you to Colonel Moore about this…" Crocker sounded hesitant. Something Layla had never heard from the man before. She fingered the label on the sarsaparilla bottle he'd offered her.
"You don't sound happy about that," she said.
"Oh, the colonel is an excellent soldier," the Ambassador answered, "but her diplomatic approach is usually showing force, then using it."
Layla bit her lip. That definitely was not what they wanted for the Kings. It would end up a blood bath.
"Do you have another suggestion?" she asked. Crocker looked torn for a moment and leaned back in his chair. A moment later, he finally spoke.
"Have you met Colonel Hsu at Camp McCarran?" he asked.
"Met him?" Layla laughed. "He lost fifty caps to me at poker a couple weeks ago."
Crocker smiled, looking unsurprised. "Good. Go see him about this. It's Colonel Moore's jurisdiction, but Hsu is more level-headed about these things."
"Won't that get you in trouble, ignoring the chain of command?" she asked.
"I might catch a little flak, but it's worth it to keep this from becoming a massacre."
Colonel Hsu settled in his desk chair as Layla sat across from him.
"How are things going?" he asked. "Have there been any attempts made on that bounty?"
Layla frowned, keeping herself from glancing at Boone. "There have been a few clumsy attempts. Nothing to write home about. And a couple frumentarii getting fresh, nothing new."
The colonel gave her an appraising look. Going by the raised eyebrow, he wasn't buying her nonchalance.
"You must be doing well if frumentarii are nothing to write home about."
Layla felt her cheeks start to burn and quickly changed the subject. "Anyway, we came to ask for help."
"What do you need?" the Colonel asked.
"We're still having trouble from the locals harassing NCR citizens in Freeside," she explained. The colonel looked unsurprised. "We were hoping you might be able to help. Ambassador Crocker suggested we talk to you."
"Ah." He sat back in his chair. "Freeside isn't part of my jurisdiction, but I think I understand what he's getting at. Colonel Moore can be a little… harsh."
"What is she like?" Layla asked. "All I ever hear is that everyone walks on eggshells around her."
"They're right to do so," Hsu said. "She was a ranger. She survived four tours against the Brotherhood, and was in charge of the missions that broke up the Vipers and the Jackals."
"Well, what happened?" Layla asked. "Why is she a colonel and not still a ranger?"
"She was forced off the front lines after getting wounded," Hsu said thoughtfully. "Since then, she's been in command. I think she resents it."
Layla frowned. She could understand that, she supposed. The colonel sat up, reaching into his desk for paperwork.
"If you want to smooth things over in Freeside, tell the Kings we can offer them more food and water in exchange for their cooperation. That is something I can do directly."
Nodding, the Courier smiled. "I think that will work nicely. The King is reasonable when it comes to these things."
"Overt aggression isn't going to solve this problem," Hsu agreed. "I'll send an envoy later today. Meet them there and hopefully this can all be solved peaceably."
"We'd better talk to the Followers sooner or later about all this rhubarb too…" Layla said, then let out a loud sigh as she, Boone and Raul were winding their way through Freeside's cracked, dirty streets.
"I need to start writing this stuff down. There's so much to remember."
"With your keen wit, I'm sure you'll be fine, boss," Raul said.
"Uh huh," Layla answered, looking over her shoulder to give him a raised eyebrow. Looking back toward the road ahead, she suddenly stopped.
"Is that guy waving at us?" she asked, looking down a nearby alley. There was a man waving his arms to get their attention. Raul shook his head. These Freeside thugs weren't very clever. No one in their right mind would follow some stranger in the middle of this demilitarized zone down a dark alley.
"…What do you think he wants?"
Except maybe Layla. Raul sighed as the girl started walking in the man's direction. The ghoul noticed Boone already had his rifle in hand as they followed.
"You know this is a trap, right?" the Raul asked. Layla laughed.
"You don't really think someone would try something this lame, do you?" she said as the man led her further into the alley. The girl looked at behind the dumpster the man had indicated, then looked up at him, eyebrows raised.
"That guy's dead." The Freesider was giving her a sinister look as Raul noticed a few other men enter the alley behind him and Boone. The mechanic caught the glint of a knife in one's hand.
"Yeah, and you're gonna join hi-" The man was cut off as Boone shot a round through his face. Raul quickly dispatched the two men who'd joined them. Once it was all over, Layla looked back at Raul and Boone. She bit her lip and smiled sheepishly at them, then left the alley quickly, before anyone could speak. Raul shook his head as he and Boone followed her.
"I don't know why the Legion's having so much trouble catching you, boss," the ghoul said. "All they need to do is tape a sign that says 'mystery' to the inside of a cage."
Boone snorted loudly. Layla stopped in her tracks and turned to face both men. Raul knew that look: high indignity.
"You're both banished from New Vegas," she said, sounding offended. "As acting ruler, I am banishing you, forever. Never come back."
Raul sighed. "Have we heard an update on how much she's worth?" he asked Boone. The sniper shook his head.
"No, but a million for each of us is a pretty good deal."
"Agreed. Let's get her."
Layla opened her mouth to respond, but instead let out a shriek as Boone turned her way, grabbing her.
"Easy money," he said casually as he tossed her over his shoulder.
"Let me down, you shaved gorilla!" she laughed.
Raul shook his head at them, then looked around, a little surprised no Kings had come by to see what the commotion was about. Peeking his head around the corner toward the impersonation school, he discovered the reason. There were two NCR soldiers posted at the doors, rifles in hand.
"Uh, boss? You might want to see this," he said, looking back to the others. Layla stopped laughing, and Boone set her down. She stepped around the corner to see what he was talking about.
"That can't be good." She rushed toward the entrance, the others following.
"Sorry, Ma'am, it's too dangerous to let you in yet," said a young-looking soldier with 'Hodgkin' stenciled on his dusty fatigues as he and the other guard blocked the door.
"What? Why is it dangerous?" Layla furrowed her eyebrows in concern.
"The Kings put up resistance. We're still trying to get them under control."
Going by the Courier's face, she hadn't been expecting violence from the NCR arrival. Looking horrified, she spoke to the soldier again.
"You have to let me in. People are going to get hurt," she said.
"We are to prevent you from getting injured in the process," Hodgkin answered. "Colonel Hsu made that clear."
"Oh for the love of…" She bit her lip, thinking. Before she was able to speak again, Boone stepped forward.
"She's the diplomat in charge of this operation," he said, keeping his voice just above a growl. The two men at the door looked at each other for a moment. Raul stifled a laugh; if it had been anyone else besides NCR troopers, the sniper probably would have just barreled through them.
"Well… the shooting's already stopped…" the other soldier said, looking nervously at the sniper. Layla gasped.
"Shooting?" She wedged herself between the two men, elbowing her way past them into the building. Boone and Raul followed in her wake. The entry room was deserted, and she rushed through the open door into the stage room.
"What is going on in here?" the Courier cried. There were nearly a dozen NCR soldiers in the room, all with guns drawn. Nearly the same number of Kings stood with their hands in the air. Another two on the ground, one bleeding.
The Courier knelt next to the closest injured man, pulling medical equipment from her pack. Judging by the items she brought out, Raul guessed the man had only been grazed.
"I need an explanation," The King's voice rung out in the room. "These soldier boys just barged in and said they were keeping us here until you arrived."
"What?" Layla cried as she finished bandaging the wounded man. She stood, looking furious.
"Who's in charge here?" One of the soldiers stepped forward.
"Sergeant Cheng, Ma'am." The man looked nervous as he approached her.
"Why are you holding everyone at gun point? This is a peaceful negotiation!"
"One of their members pulled a gun, Ma'am," Cheng answered.
Layla groaned. "Tell them to lower their weapons."
"Ma'am it's-"
The sergeant looked like he was going to protest, but eventually nodded to his men. As both they and the Kings lowered their arms, Layla made her way to The King. Boone and Raul followed her, and the ghoul noticed the younger man taking careful note of the placement of the gang members around him. He understood why: everyone in the room looked like they were ready to start shooting.
"I'm sorry, this isn't how this was supposed to go…" Layla sounded sick as she spoke to the gang leader.
"What is this all about?" he asked, and she sighed.
"The NCR wants to offer more food, water and power to Freeside in exchange for an active approach to stopping aggressions against NCR citizens."
The man nodded slowly. "And they want me to oversee it… Makes sense." He looked at the Kings gathered, then back at the girl. "I can do it, but this kind of mess had better not happen again."
"I agree," Layla answered. The King's dour look faded as he held out his hand to her, and the Courier smiled as she moved to shake it.
"Don't do this," Pacer cried before they'd reached each other. "You'll ruin everything!" The King turned his way.
"This isn't the time for this argument," he said, sounding irritated. Pacer motioned to the NCR troopers.
"This is exactly the time for this." he said angrily as he drew his gun.
"Don't do this, Pace," The King said. "I won't stand with you." Pacer faltered for just a moment before his resolve seemed to harden. Raul pulled his gun from its holster and noticed not only had Boone done the same, but so had Cheng and his men.
"I'm going to stop you from making a huge mistake," Pacer said as he aimed his pistol in Layla's direction. Before he could fire, a shot rang out, and the man fell dead. Raul didn't see whether it had been Boone or one of the NCR soldiers who'd shot him before some of the other Kings opened fire.
The room exploded into a chaos of gunfire. The attacking gang members were put down quickly, but Cheng and his men looked ready to move against the remaining Kings.
"STAND DOWN." Boone barked loudly, and the room froze to a halt. Usually at this point, Layla would throw in a comment to smooth everything over and calm everyone down. Looking her way, Raul found her staring wide-eyed. She caught his eye and he raised an eyebrow at her. She blinked, shaking away her shock as she finally spoke.
"It's over." She looked at the King, who was staring down at Pacer's body. "The fight's over."
The whole thing had happened before Raul could raise his gun. The ghoul suddenly felt old and tired.
"It's regrettable that there was bloodshed, but based on our intel, Pacer had been causing trouble for us for some time," Crocker said.
Layla frowned, not answering. She agreed with him. In the past, she'd tried to talk to the King about Pacer, but he'd dismissed her concerns. In the end, Pacer had shown his true colors, something the gang leader would have to come to terms with.
"Colonel Moore has asked for you to meet her at the dam." The ambassador said after giving her a moment to gather her thoughts. His tone was business-like, something she hadn't heard from him since they'd first met. "You are not under the employ of the New California Republic in an official capacity. It's just a request that you meet her, and I can't order you to do so." The familiar smile was back on his face as he continued. "I wouldn't keep her waiting though; she's got a bit of a temper."
"That's what I hear," Layla responded. "We'll head over now."
I've listened to so much David Bowie and Iron Maiden in the last week.