Chapter Six

When she jerked awake, she found that she was in a puddle of cold sweat in the middle of her bed.

The next thing that she noticed was the hot jolts of pain that was running up and down both of her arms and legs.

Bella quickly reached over to the bed side table and turned on the light so she could see in her pitch black room.

She looked at the clock on her wall across from her bed and found out that she had only been sleeping for maybe four hours as it was three o'clock in the morning.

Bella decided that she wasn't going to be getting any more sleep after the nightmare that she just had, so got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower and clean the sweat off of her body.

She turned the water on and got it to the right temperature for her.

Bella got undressed out of her night-clothes and stepped under the spray all the while not once taking a glace in the bathroom mirror.

If she had, she would have seen not her own reflection, but the image of the one who had sent her that dream.

She washed as best she could and being under the spray of warm water helped to calm her down some.

When she was red and pruny, she exited the shower and dried off.

Bella knew that it was about the time that the others would be waking up and decided that she would make a hearty breakfast before they were to set out on their mission.

She went down the stairs to the kitchen and started to get all the things she would need.

Eggs, bacon and potatoes all scrambled together 30 minutes later and the guys were wandering into the dining room and sitting groggily down at the table.

"Eat up. We'll need the energy." Was her abrupt response to their confused stares?

They ate in silence to the sound of the silverware clicking on the plates.

When they were done, Sam cleaned off the table and they went over their plan of action.

An hour later they were out the door and on their way to what felt like their doom to Bella.

God only knows what was waiting for them at the end of the line.

Sorry this chapter is so short.

I just wanted to get the show on the road for these guys and the next chapter will be action packed.

I am also sorry that it has taken me this long to update everything and I hope that at least most of you are still with me despite my long absence from updating.

See you on the next chapter!