The terrible screams Elder Price hears from Elder McKinley's room are the most horrifying thing he's heard in his life. And he knows exactly what's causing them: The Hell Dream. He knows what that feels like, and it kills him to hear another person suffering from it, too.

For the first time in years, he seriously considers breaking the rules, seriously considers running into Elder McKinley's room and comforting him, reminding him that the dream isn't real.

He doesn't, of course, just puts a pillow over his head and pretends he doesn't hear the screams, just like the other Elders.

But the next morning, he can't resist going up to Elder McKinley, asking "Hey, are you okay?"

It takes Elder McKinley a second to figure out what he's talking about, but then he nods and shows a tight, fake smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." They both know it's a lie.

"Okay, just making sure. I don't want a crazy person in charge of me or anything." His attempt at making a joke fails.

Elder McKinley reaches out, lets his hand touch Elder Price's for a second, then pulls it back like it hurts to touch him. "Thank you, Elder Price."