Harley's P.O.V

My entire body was stiff; it was like no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't move it. My mouth was slightly opened, like I was going to say something. But nothing came out; I don't think that anything could at this point in time. Did I hear him correctly? I asked myself in my head over and over again. I was still looking at Grimmjow in shock. He was just standing there nervously, obviously waiting for me to say something.

"Harley, you have to snap out of it. Grimmjow is the enemy, he just admitted that, and he's working for Azien. So stop trying to question it. Stop trying to think that it couldn't be true because it obviously is otherwise he wouldn't have said anything. So snap out of it before he attacks you!" My panther yelled, she sounded angry, like she just wanted to rip his throat out. But I knew, deep down, that she was right. Grimmjow is the enemy, he works for Azien. But does that also mean that Harribel and Ulquiorra work for him as well?

"What about Harribel and Ulquiorra?" I questioned out loud. I didn't even really know why I was asking him about them. If he was working for Azien and was one of the Espada's, that would make Harribel and Ulquiorra one of them as well. Grimmjow shifted. You could easily tell that he was getting more nervous and uncomfortable by the second.

"Tier Harribel, the 3rd Espada. And Ulquiorra Cliffer, the 4th Espada" Grimmjow responded. My body tightened even more. I knew, as soon as Grimmjow told me who he really was, that they were working for Azien was well. But even though I knew, I still didn't want it to be true. I didn't want any of this to be true.

"Well it is true. Harribel, Ulquiorra, and Grimmjow are Espada's and working for Azien. So the question is now, what are you going to do about it Harley?" I didn't know how to respond to what my panther had asked me. At this point in time, I really didn't know how to respond to anything. "Harley, you have to snap out of it! You're in the presence of an enemy. He could attack you at any time. So before he does, you have to strike first!" my panther's anger was quickly risen. She was ready for battle.

"Do you honestly think that Grimmjow would attack me? I mean honestly. If Grimmjow wanted to hurt me, let alone Harribel and Ulquiorra, or anyone for that matter; don't you think they would have done it by now? Don't you think that they would have attacked all of us by now, instead of becoming friends with us? I mean seriously, think about it Sparky." Even though it was the stupidest and most obvious nickname in the world, I gave my panther the nickname Sparky. After all I was only 5 years old when I found out about her, about my Zanpakuto. I could tell that my panther was deep in thought about the questions that I had asked her. I couldn't blame her though; I was still trying to figure out the answers to those questions myself. I mean if Grimmjow really was here to hurt me, or if he wanted to hurt me, he could have by now; especially when I was unconscious for so long. And if Harribel and Ulquiorra wanted to hurt us, they would have by now too. They wouldn't have become friends with us and they sure as hell wouldn't have tried to gain our trust. Unless that was their mission, unless their mission was to get us comfortable with them, gather information on us, and after they got what they needed they would either kill us or report back to Azien immediately.

"What do you think their mission is, Harley? What do think that Azien wanted them to do?" My panther asked. I didn't even hesitate when I responded back to her, because deep down I think that I already knew that answer to her questions.

"If they aren't here to hurt us then that obviously means that they are here to get information on us and to trick us into making us think that they are on our side" I answered. My panther growled in anger. She really didn't like being tricked, nor did she like liars. But I couldn't blame her because honestly I felt the same way she did. And right now I felt really betrayed, played like a fool, and I felt like everything was a lie. Like it was all just some game to them and my friends and I are the pawns.

Grimmjow's P.O.V

The air in the room was thick. My heart was rapidly beating in my chest. My palms were sweaty and shaky. I felt highly uncomfortable. I could tell that Harley and her panther were deep in thought and that made me super nervous. What were they planning, if they were planning anything? What were they talking about? So many questions were running through my head, ones that I really didn't have the answers to right now.

"Grimmjow, I have a feeling that it might be time to pack up and leave" Pantera said. It felt wrong to me, to leave; especially to leave Harley behind like the way things are right now. "We have no other choice, Grimmjow. You told Harley who you really are; you told Harley who Harribel and Ulquiorra really are. The mission has been compromised. And when Harley tells everyone else about the three of you, there will be a fight. You three against everyone that's here: the soul reapers, the vizords, Ichigo and his friends, and more importantly Harley. And I know for a fact that if it comes down to Harley and you that you won't raise your sword against her and that will cost you your life. So we have to go and we have to go now! Plus I have a feeling that Azien has been watching the whole thing." Pantera spoke sternly. But he was right. I do have to pack up and leave no matter how much I didn't want to. I had blown the mission, I screwed up. I told her the truth and now I have to run away like a scared cat with my tail between my legs. I didn't like that. It's pathetic in my eyes to just run away from something and not finishing it. But again, I knew that Pantera was right. I knew that we had to leave. And he was also right about another thing, Azien could be watching right now. And that means that I'm going to be in very big trouble. Fuck, he might even kill me.

"So it was all just a lie." I snapped out of my train of thought and locked eyes with Harley. My heart felt like it being torn into a million of pieces. Harley's eyes were filling up with tears. She looked like she really wanted to cry, like she was heartbroken. But you could easily tell that she was holding them back, like no matter how much she wanted to cry she wouldn't allow herself.

"What was all just a lie?" I asked. A very tense and heavy silence filled the air. It seemed like hours before Harley actually answered me back. But I wasn't going to rush her with anything, especially right now. Things right now were awkward, uncomfortable, and tense. The situation, right now, was fucked. Harley's mouth opened slightly, a heavy sigh escaping them. She lifted her right arm, bringing her hand to her eyes and wiping away the tears that were forming. To be honest with you, I was very nervous about what she was going to say next.

"Everything about you, everything from the beginning was just a lie. None of it was true. Every word, every action was planned out and fake; like some kind of game." Harley paused, her hazel colored eyes that were now changing to a dark brown with a hint of red in it lowered; now looking at her feet. "I can't believe it. I can't believe that I trusted you, your actions, and your words." Harley's eyes lifted, again locking with mine. The air around her began to swirl in a very dangerous and threatening manner. Her body began to glow a deep purple and her spiritual pressure began to rise. My body tensed. I knew what was coming; I knew that she was getting ready to attack. But the question is now, if she does attack what will I do? Will I attack back? Or could I even attack her back? I knew the answers to those questions as soon as I asked myself them. If Harley attacked me I wouldn't do anything. I would just stand here and take it. Pantera was right; if Harley and I were to fight I couldn't raise my sword against her. I would rather allow her to kill me than to hurt her. I would be okay with dying by her hands. I slowly closed my eyes and released the tension in my body, I was ready for what was about to come. "What the hell do you think you're doing Grimmjow?" Harley questioned me. Her voice was tense and angry. My lips curved slightly upward, a slight smirk playing across my lips.

"I'm not going to fight you Harley. To be honest with you, I don't think that I could ever bring myself to hurt you. So instead of fighting back, I'm just going to take whatever you bring like a man" I told her. Harley's spiritual pressure slightly rose again. It felt like I was being crushed, like my lungs and my hearts and everything else in my body were being smothered to death. Harley was strong, everyone knew that. But how strong she is, who knows. I honestly think that she's stronger than me.

"It's all lies! Everything about you, every word, everything! It's just a bunch of crap! It's all just a fucking game to you!" Harley yelled. I opened my eyes, my blue orbs locking with her now dark brown ones. My heart fell to my stomach. Harley had tears running down her face. Harley was crying, something that I've only seen once. I knew that Harley wasn't the type of person to really cry unless her emotions were extremely heightened and she couldn't control them no more. And it killed me. It killed me seeing her this way and knowing that I was the reason that she was crying. I hated myself for doing this to her. When I first came here, I could have cared less about everyone and their stupid feelings. But the longer I stayed, the closer I got. Now I can't stand it when Harley's upset or anything. I can't stand to see her anything but happy.

"It's all just a bunch of lies you say? Well, Harley, you're wrong. Nothing about me was a lie. Every word, every action was the truth. It was all me! I'm not going to lie to you Harley, when I first came here, yes I wasn't acting myself. I had to pretend to be someone that I wasn't so that I could get close to the people that Azien saw as a threat. So I could gain their trust. But the longer I stayed here, the more I dropped my façade and began to act like myself. And it wasn't because I was getting comfortable with Ichigo or anyone else. It was because of you!" I yelled back. I could tell that Harley's body tensed. Her spiritual pressure lowered a little bit, it was still crushing me though.

"You're just saying that so I won't kill you" Harley said softly. Both my panther and I growled loudly. I hated being called a liar. Yes, right now, I can understand why she thinks that I am. But I'm not!

"No I'm not Harley! I'm not just going to fucking say something and not fucking mean it!" I yelled. My anger was getting a little bit out of control. I could feel myself control slipping.

"You just fucking admitted that you were pretending to be someone that you weren't!" Harley snapped. Again, my panther and I growled loudly.

"Obviously you didn't fucking hear me correctly. So get the shit out of your fucking ears and listen!" I yelled back. The room fell quite. The air around Harley was still swirling around her, but it wasn't as threatening or dangerous. After many moments of silence, I figured that Harley was going to listen. After all if she wasn't going to listen she would have either snapped back or attacked me by now. My lips parted slightly, a heavy sigh escaping them. "As I was saying, I was pretending to be someone that I wasn't when I first came here. But we started hanging out more and more, and we started getting closer. I was starting to get more comfortable around you, so I dropped the façade and stated acting like myself. After all I didn't want you to like me for who I wasn't; I wanted you to like you for who I really am. I actually started cared about what you thought about me, which is something that I would have never done before. I don't care about people and their fucking feelings, but I care about yours. It's strange to be honest with you. Harley lis-"

"Grimmjow, please stop" Harley interrupted. I stopped what I was going to say; even though it really aggravated me that she interrupted me. I hate being interrupted honestly and I listened to what she had to say. The tears began to flow down Harley's cheek again. I was confused. Why would she be crying again? "I can't believe I actually allowed you to try and explain yourself." Harley chuckled. My confusion grew. What the hell was she saying? Does she not believe anything that I had just said? By the look on her face, I don't think that she did.

"You really don't believe me" I said with a slight chuckle. Harley's eyes slightly narrowed into slits.

"Why in the hell would I believe anything that you say? You're a liar. You have been a lair from the beginning" Harley said. Her tone was one of anger. I mean I understood why she would be angry and upset. She was right, I did lie. And not only that I was the enemy as well. But she still doesn't understand that I had only lied in the beginning, that I stopped lying because of her; because I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't lie to Harley anymore because I knew that she would be upset. Too late for that I guess I thought.

"What's going to happen now?" I questioned, even though I had a feeling that I already knew the answer.

"Now, I'm going to kill you." Harley paused; a lightening coated whirlwind swirled around her hand, her Zanpakuto reveling itself. Harley unsheathed her Zanpakuto, one hand holding the actually sword and the other holding its holster. My entire body tensed. I knew that if I didn't get out of this stupid giga and unsheathe my Zanpakuto, she would kill me; literally. "I'm going to kill you for betraying me and the people that I care about. You're a threat to us" Harley spoke as she got into fighting position. I couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle.

"If I was a threat to you, a true threat, don't you think that I would have done something by now instead of getting comfortable with you guys?" I asked her. Harley didn't answer me and to be honest, I don't think that she wanted to. I could tell by the look on her face and the way that she was standing ready to fight that it was no longer time for talking. The talking was done and over with. Now it's time for the fighting, the part that I never wanted to happen.

"I didn't want it to be like this, Harley" I spoke. My giga lit up, my real body and the fake body beginning to separate itself until I was completely out of the fake body and into my real one.

Harley's P.O.V

So that's what he really looks like I thought to myself as I observed the real Grimmjow. He was the same height, the same weight, and had the same body type. The only difference was his eyes had blue markings by them, there was a hole in his stomach, and the right side of his cheek had a hollow mask in the shape of jaws. He also was wearing a white jacket with long white pants, and he had a Zanpakuto. I guess this is it. I guess it's time for us to fight against each other I thought. I sighed deeply. I really didn't want this. I didn't want to fight Grimmjow. To be honest with you, I don't think that I could really kill him let alone hurt him. I mean how could I hurt the guy that I was in love with? I'm not really sure.

"Harley, I know that you don't want to fight him anymore than I do. But he's the enemy. And he's here for you and your friends, to hurt them. So we have no other choice" my panther said. Her tone was laced with a heavy sadness. I knew that she didn't want to do this anymore than I did. And I knew that she couldn't hurt Grimmjow either, even if she wanted too. After all, she cares for Grimmjow just like I do. We are the same, two different spirits put into one.

"I know that he's the enemy now and I know that he is here for my friends and me. But it still doesn't change the way that I feel about him. I still love him. How can I honestly hurt the person that I love?" I questioned. My panther grew silent, like she was in deep thought. It felt like a lifetime before she finally answered.

"I honestly don't know, Harley. It's going to be hard, maybe almost near impossible. But like I said before, we have no other choice now. He is the enemy. We have to do something before he hurts someone that you care about, let alone you" my panther responded. I let out another heavy sigh. She was right. He was the enemy. He was here to get rid of the people that Azien saw as a threat. I can't allow him to do that, I can't allow him to hurt anyone that I care about. But I knew, deep down, that he would never hurt me. I don't know how Grimmjow really feels about me, but the look on his face right now says that he really doesn't want to do this. That he really doesn't want to fight me, let alone hurt me.

"Are you ready, Spark?" I questioned. I wasn't ready, but I have no other choice. I have to do something before things get a lot worse. I'm going to hate myself for having to do what I have to do. I honestly don't think that I'm going to be able to live with myself after this.

"Honestly, no. But we have to be whether we want to be or not" she responded.

"I know" I said sadly. I snapped out of my conversation with my panther and stared at Grimmjow seriously. He was still standing there, now in his true form, waiting for me. He was hotter than usual, I have to admit. He had a dangerous and catlike appearance to him, more than he ever had. I felt myself becoming more attracted to him. But I shook that feeling off as soon as it came. I can't be attracted to the enemy, especially now. "Are you ready, Grimmjow Jaggerjacks?" I questioned using his full name. Grimmjow's blue orbs softened along with his face. He looked sad.

"No, I'm not. I don't want to do this. But I see that I have no other choice." Grimmjow paused, unsheathing his Zanpakuto and getting into fighting position. "Just so you know, Harley. I never wanted it to come down to this. I never wanted this to happen. It wasn't supposed to happen. You may see me as the enemy in your eyes right now, but I'm not. I may have come here because I got ordered to take care of the people that Azien saw as a threat, but honestly the mission no longer mattered to me once we got closer; once I got more and more comfortable with you. Nothing mattered anymore once I fell in love with you" Grimmjow finished. My entire body froze. Did he really just say that? Did he really just say that he was in love with me?

"Harley, he's just saying that to distract you. Remember everything about him, his words and his actions, are a lie. Don't listen to him" my panther spoke sternly. I couldn't speak, let alone move. My heart was rapidly pounding in my chest. I knew that I was going to end up crying again. I really hate crying too.

"What if it's not a lie though? What if he really feels that way?" I asked her. My panther may think that he's lying, but I don't; especially with the way he is looking at me right now and the way he has been looking at me for a while now. What if Grimmjow really does love me and care about me, like the way I care about him? My panther growled lowly and dangerously.

"It is. Like I said before, don't believe anything that he's saying. He's just trying to distract you. If Grimmjow really loved you and really cared about you, he wouldn't have been doing the things that he has. He would have told Azien to fuck off by now" my panther spoke. I could tell that her anger had risen. But I could also feel that deep down she did believe him. That she was feeling the same way that I was right now. Things were getting more and more complicated by the second.

"There's something that I have to tell you first before one of us gets killed by the other one" Grimmjow spoke, interrupting mine and my panther's argument. I shook my head slightly and focused on Grimmjow.

"What, Grimmjow? This isn't really the time for anymore talking you know" I said. Grimmjow sighed heavily.

"I know that there isn't any more room to talk, Harley. But I think that you should know this" Grimmjow said seriously. I just stood there, not moving and not saying anything. I was waiting for him to say what he wanted to say. "I see that you're not really going to say anything, so I'll just say what I have to say because either way I'm going to end up dead."

"What do you mean either way you're going to end up dead?" I questioned. I was very curious what he meant by that. Who else, besides me, was going to kill Grimmjow? If I even could kill him that is. Grimmjow's lips slightly curved upward; a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"I would rather die by your hands honestly. But since I'm going to tell you what I was told not to, if you don't kill me he will" Grimmjow responded. My curiosity heightened.

"Who is he?" I questioned. Grimmjow's smirk grew a little bit.

"You're father" Grimmjow paused. My entire body went stiff. My heart fell to my stomach. Grimmjow's eyes sharpened and his face got serious. "You asked me before about how I knew you're father. Well, I'm going to tell you. Even though he doesn't want me to tell you and threatened to kill me if I did. When Azien came to Hueco Mundo and became the leader of it along with the Espada's and Fraccion, well later on we found out that Azien wasn't the true leader of Hueco Mundo. Your father is the true leader of Hueco Mundo. Azien is working for him. I don't exactly know what you're father's plans are, the only thing that I do know for a fact is that his plans involve you. He wants something from you and then after he gets it he's going to kill both you and your mother" Grimmjow explained. My body felt like rubber. I slowly fell to my knees. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that my real mother was alive. Kisuke had told me that she had died when my father betrayed both of the clans and slaughtering all of them. I guess Kisuke had some more secrets that he wasn't telling me. But I don't think that's true. I think that Kisuke told me all that he knew. I don't think that he knew that my real mother was alive.